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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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15 hours ago, kiwinanday said:

I mean, I have tweakscale installed, but I only use it to balance landing gear size for leveling, or for resizing the odd air intake or the structural boom up to 2.5m. Other than that, I like the challenge of the parts given.



Besides, tweakscaling prop engines seems like cheating. They're the size they are for a reason. An NK-12 would be awfully complex at 0.625m

I tweakscale engines depending on what I'm building, but I usually limit speed in the BDAc AI to prevent it from being OP

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@TMasterson5 The mod's kept on a "to be used with stock" theme for a long while. Though I don't intend to enforce it to people. So people who want to use it with other mods are free to patch. If people use other mods with APP, they can download people's patches then. Not all people use other plugins, but all people play with vanilla KSP.

@kiwinanday It sounds interesting. Though I'd like to stick to squad sizes. I'll look for a way to implement if I can.

@MD5Ray01 I am a hundred percent sure prop animation issues are caused by firespitter. Install the firespitter packed on the zip and make sure you have the right KSP version. Else, there's something that is rendering the plugin useless.

Also, somebody requested for a junior sized cargo bay door. So here is a teaser. Take note, it's still not meant to be a passenger door. It's a cargo bay door. I still tried to make the collider fit a kerbal though. Same with cargo bay door.


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hey i was thinking... what you did with the older versions was make older prop engines and then move onto turboprops... maybe something similar could be done with jet engines. like maybe advance backwards or something; i.e turbofans first (CFM56, GE90) and then back to older types like turbojets (Heinkel Hes-011, VK-1, J47)

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@blackheart612 Ran into a major problem today, on at least one of your cockpits, if you leave the ship and return to it, the point of control rotates away from the cockpit's true direction. have a spaceplane in orbit, going to have trouble landing, because when I tell the ship to point prograde or retrograde, it points straight down or straight up:

EDIT: I'm making a big assumption here, as I've never seen this behavior with any other cockpits, and this is the only one of the cockpits from your mod that's done this.

EDIT 2: After entering and leaving the cockpit a few times, the control orientation returned to normal, but it took several panic'd attempts to get that to reset.


Edited by vardicd
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@vardicd: Double check that your cockpit is the one that is actually controlling the aircraft (aka click "Control From Here" on your right-click menu's). If bychance the docking coupler is the one that is selected then the NAVBALL would show this.

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Just now, GDJ said:

@vardicd: Double check that your cockpit is the one that is actually controlling the aircraft (aka click "Control From Here" on your right-click menu's). If bychance the docking coupler is the one that is selected then the NAVBALL would show this.

I did indeed check that, multiple times. Thank you for the suggestion. sometimes I am that dumb. :)

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On 19/1/2017 at 2:25 PM, FlyHighAviator said:

I found another bug, the F-16 cockpit doesnt have IntakeAir...


On 19/1/2017 at 3:35 PM, SkyKaptn said:

Add this code to your gamedata/AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/falconcockpit/parts.cfg

  Reveal hidden contents

        name = ModuleResourceIntake
        resourceName = IntakeAir
        checkForOxygen = true
        area = 0.0031
        intakeSpeed = 15
        intakeTransformName = Intake
            key = 1 1 0 0
            key = 1.5 0.9 -0.4312553 -0.4312553
            key = 2.5 0.45 -0.5275364 -0.5275364
            key = 3.5 0.1 0 0
        name = IntakeAir
        amount = 2
        maxAmount = 2


I was looking for the very same problem, but the model lacks of a proper "intake" transform to be actual functioning as a proper intake.
Adding just the code above does nothing at all...


... as a side request, then:
could it be possible to add a 4 bladed Spitfire engine, to create the Merlin powered variant (the proper WW2 Spitfire) and not only the 5 bladed, post-war, Griffon ones?

Maybe, rather than a new engine, just a switchable mesh for Firespitter (like those other engine that have more variants)

Edited by Araym
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1 hour ago, Araym said:

the model lacks of a proper "intake" transform to be actual functioning as a proper intake.


On 1/21/2017 at 11:20 PM, blackheart612 said:

It's my fault, I misreleased a model without intake transforms.

Regarding the spitfire Merlin. This was discussed back somewhere already. Wherever it's put as a mesh switch, I don't think it will fit the design unless I change most of its model. Which might do something about moving thrustTransforms around and changing the location of the nosecone. It might be possible but it's kind of far. The main problem would be if it should be on the mustang engine. Maybe you already knew before you requested that there is already a Merlin engine. And if there was a mesh switch, it should be there. Which will double the spitfire engines. It's not a big issue. I'm not saying it's impossible, just a bit more complicated for a simple engine which is a double of a plane's engine which already has the alternative (Griffon). Maybe I'll see if it's worth it in the future and if there's no issues about moving stuff around with meshswitch but as of now, not gonna prioritize it, not even sure if it's gonna happen.

@halowraith1 That's a great idea. Though I've gone past that point so I can probably just release anything I'm fascinated by :P So if there's a spectacular jet engine that's possible to work in KSP with only FS as plugin, I'll do it.

@kiwinanday It would be easy to just dump all the parts. But I'm thinking of a way where it's not just used for one design alone. Though, what other use would you have for a floaty part, right? I'm just overthinking stuff.

@OrbitalBuzzsaw Isn't the half of the wing connector B makable? By stacking 2 wing connectors of some kind? I made the half of the smaller ones because it couldn't be made by any smaller pieces. But I think if you can stack same connectors to make it, I won't be crowding the aero tab for now. As I might add more wings.

@vardicd So it was really just a docking port problem? Because there's still this running issue that when reverted, the cockpits would flip the navball orientation. So avoid reverting flights to launch for now. Will be fixed at next release.

I'm itching to release a new one because I want all the issues to be gone. So I'm debating whether I should release with the current engines or include a cockpit first then release. Anyway, I've added the tail rotor of the Mi-8 which is the biggest one so far. Blurs are also done now.



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1 hour ago, blackheart612 said:

@vardicd So it was really just a docking port problem? Because there's still this running issue that when reverted, the cockpits would flip the navball orientation. So avoid reverting flights to launch for now. Will be fixed at next release.



It did not seem to be related to the docking port, and I did not use the revert flight option. What happened was, I have that Mk I space shuttle I was using to rescue a few Kerbals stuck in orbit, but it didn't have enough fuel to make all of them. I had launched an autonomous refueling craft, into an orbit to meet and refuel the shuttle. when I shifted to the drone to adjust its orbit and meet up with the shuttle, and then switched back to the shuttle, the problem showed up. I have updated the design to include a correctly oriented probe core I can use to control the shuttle if the cockpit orientation messes up again, but I wanted to let you know it was going on, just in case.

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2 hours ago, blackheart612 said:


Regarding the spitfire Merlin. This was discussed back somewhere already. Wherever it's put as a mesh switch, I don't think it will fit the design unless I change most of its model. Which might do something about moving thrustTransforms around and changing the location of the nosecone. It might be possible but it's kind of far. The main problem would be if it should be on the mustang engine. Maybe you already knew before you requested that there is already a Merlin engine. And if there was a mesh switch, it should be there. Which will double the spitfire engines. It's not a big issue. I'm not saying it's impossible, just a bit more complicated for a simple engine which is a double of a plane's engine which already has the alternative (Griffon). Maybe I'll see if it's worth it in the future and if there's no issues about moving stuff around with meshswitch but as of now, not gonna prioritize it, not even sure if it's gonna happen.

@halowraith1 That's a great idea. Though I've gone past that point so I can probably just release anything I'm fascinated by :P So if there's a spectacular jet engine that's possible to work in KSP with only FS as plugin, I'll do it.

@kiwinanday It would be easy to just dump all the parts. But I'm thinking of a way where it's not just used for one design alone. Though, what other use would you have for a floaty part, right? I'm just overthinking stuff.

@OrbitalBuzzsaw Isn't the half of the wing connector B makable? By stacking 2 wing connectors of some kind? I made the half of the smaller ones because it couldn't be made by any smaller pieces. But I think if you can stack same connectors to make it, I won't be crowding the aero tab for now. As I might add more wings.

@vardicd So it was really just a docking port problem? Because there's still this running issue that when reverted, the cockpits would flip the navball orientation. So avoid reverting flights to launch for now. Will be fixed at next release.

I'm itching to release a new one because I want all the issues to be gone. So I'm debating whether I should release with the current engines or include a cockpit first then release. Anyway, I've added the tail rotor of the Mi-8 which is the biggest one so far. Blurs are also done now.



You can make it, but you can't attach things to it.

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@vardicd Unity imports are wonky and I knew that lately. I won't be surprised if it's actually the problem. But the next patch will guarantee a fix and it won't be APP causing re orientations anymore. I assure you that.

@OrbitalBuzzsaw Isn't the half of WC B equivalent of WC D or E stacked together? I think you can attach things to both of them? Or I just don't understand things here?

@Bill the Kerbal Props engines are automatically feathered to their lowest at stationary. Still capable of dragging the plane, but not while braking mostly. It's an intended feature because it's the closest way to model Engine RPM with stock modules. Otherwise, the planes will shoot off the runway the moment it starts.

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16 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

@vardicd Unity imports are wonky and I knew that lately. I won't be surprised if it's actually the problem. But the next patch will guarantee a fix and it won't be APP causing re orientations anymore. I assure you that.

Okay, no worries. As I mentioned, I was able to create a work-around for it in game, so it didn't become a game-breaking, or at least mod breaking thing. Just reporting it here so you'd be aware of it. :) 

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1 hour ago, blackheart612 said:

Props engines are automatically feathered to their lowest at stationary. Still capable of dragging the plane, but not while braking mostly. It's an intended feature because it's the closest way to model Engine RPM with stock modules. Otherwise, the planes will shoot off the runway the moment it starts.

No they lose thrust while moving.

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On 1/24/2017 at 5:01 AM, blackheart612 said:

@TMasterson5 The mod's kept on a "to be used with stock" theme for a long while. Though I don't intend to enforce it to people. So people who want to use it with other mods are free to patch. If people use other mods with APP, they can download people's patches then. Not all people use other plugins, but all people play with vanilla KSP.

@kiwinanday It sounds interesting. Though I'd like to stick to squad sizes. I'll look for a way to implement if I can.

@MD5Ray01 I am a hundred percent sure prop animation issues are caused by firespitter. Install the firespitter packed on the zip and make sure you have the right KSP version. Else, there's something that is rendering the plugin useless.

Also, somebody requested for a junior sized cargo bay door. So here is a teaser. Take note, it's still not meant to be a passenger door. It's a cargo bay door. I still tried to make the collider fit a kerbal though. Same with cargo bay door.


Thank you so much! I was the one who requested the junior cargo bay and it looks amazing!!!!!! Thanks again! I can't wait for it to be released :D

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@Bill the Kerbal Can you specify this prop? There are a lot of props and if it's not the stationary thrust that's the problem, it must be a specific prop. This is the first time I've heard of this. Do note that all props bleed speed at lower altitudes and lower speeds than turbine engines, if ever you're referring to that.

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I've got some of coffee industries old airliner parts that he never really finished, I was wondering If you would want to get your hands on them there's more than a few parts  I figured they're worth atleast taking a look at. especially the wings and the b29 style cockpit.

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@blackheart612, I have a problem. First off, your mod is amazing; I love your work. But My problem is this: I'm writing a war story, and I'm using 1.1.3 to do so. I need 1.1.3 to use the KerbinSide mod, and also BDArmory. I'm thinking about using Airplane Plus, but it's incompatible with the version :/ Is there a version of the mod that works with 1.1.3?

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54 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:

@blackheart612, I have a problem. First off, your mod is amazing; I love your work. But My problem is this: I'm writing a war story, and I'm using 1.1.3 to do so. I need 1.1.3 to use the KerbinSide mod, and also BDArmory. I'm thinking about using Airplane Plus, but it's incompatible with the version :/ Is there a version of the mod that works with 1.1.3?

Kax has been around here for a long time, check github.

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57 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:

@blackheart612, I have a problem. First off, your mod is amazing; I love your work. But My problem is this: I'm writing a war story, and I'm using 1.1.3 to do so. I need 1.1.3 to use the KerbinSide mod, and also BDArmory. I'm thinking about using Airplane Plus, but it's incompatible with the version :/ Is there a version of the mod that works with 1.1.3?

KerbinSide should work fine with 1.2.2 as long as you have the 1.2.2 version of Kerbal Konstructs, and BDA is being kept by LinuxGuruGamer and works fine with 1.2.2(BDArmoryContinued). Even if all of your BDA expansions are 1.1.3 they'll works fine with BDAContinued. I wholeheartedly suggest you update to 1.2.2; it crashes practically none and it runs a little bit better in my experience. 

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