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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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i made a helicopter


it work,s but just had some questions:

what is "wheel mode"/cycle wheel mode? (or is that reaction wheels mode?)

and what IS RW? (or is that to turn on the reaction wheel?)

also when in a hover how to do i go up or down? i tried adjusting the throttle but this did not seem to work? =/

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i made a helicopter


it work,s but just had some questions:

what is "wheel mode"/cycle wheel mode? (or is that reaction wheels mode?)

and what IS RW? (or is that to turn on the reaction wheel?)

also when in a hover how to do i go up or down? i tried adjusting the throttle but this did not seem to work? =/


  On 5/19/2017 at 4:18 PM, ethanwdp said:

So I've gotten Firespitter's CoT marker working, and I've decided to test my hand with helicopters (again.) I can do perfectly balanced single-prop helicopters just fine, but I can't figure out how to get a Kitty osprey to fly.


I have the CoT perfectly aligned with the CoM, and yet for some reason the left engine is the one providing most of the thrust while the other one is inverted for some reason which results in the aircraft flipping instantly. I have to invert the right engine just to get it to take off, and then it spins uncontrollably for no discernible reason when I pitch forwards.

I've also tried using elevons to get the CoL to be more of a "plane" configuration; the CoL is behind the CoM and is on the same Y axis, but that results in the exact same issue.





did you ever get the vtol to work? and if so what engines were those?


sorry for double posting, and now i can't figure out how to delete my first post =/

Edited by Hs.Panda
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@memeconnoiseur I did say I wouldn't like dependencies before so it's not that it's completely impossible but it's the least of my priorities. If ever, it would be an optional config but packed with the release. But it's a possibility at this point. Probably not before, but I'm willing to try new things provided I polished the mod through and through.

@Hs.Panda RW is indeed reaction wheels. As well as cycle wheel mode. It's from KSP and the twinblade has it due to the fact that it's meant to not have tail rotors. But if you are hovering, simply throttle up or down to go their respective directions. If you happen to be losing power or can't take off, your craft is too heavy. The recommended weight (which is not stated but are in the configs) as I suggested for the twinblade is ~6.0t

And for people who were asking about Thr State and Thr Key:

Thr State (default) means that the rotors will refer to the throttle in your navball and will copy it. 100% is to +15 collective, and 0% is to 0 collective.
Thr Key starts from 0 collective and the effect of your throttle key is permanent and will not return to 0 unless on hover. If you keep pressing increase throttle, it will go up to +15 collective and will stay there unless changed. Keep pressing decrease and it will go to -15 as maximum.

Since Thr Key starts from 0 collective everytime you are in hover, it is best used with hover to avoid losing power from translation of hover to increase of collective.


Further tests had me fix some more issues with the cockpit. Issues before which are persistent with new cockpits as well as the missing airlock for the MiG 1.44 Cockpit. I'd release soon but I'm trying to make more landing gears. The problem is I'm going again this December 8 until 10. Back in action as soon as I can and going from there, a guaranteed release. Hopefully in time for a two month late supersonic anniversary release.

I made a test craft to test the new parts, released the Machbuster ~7000m and achieved Mach ~1.06. But only got up to ~9,900m compared to Chuck Yeager's 13000m. But I concluded that pretty good.


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  On 12/6/2017 at 1:04 PM, blackheart612 said:


@Hs.Panda RW is indeed reaction wheels. As well as cycle wheel mode. It's from KSP and the twinblade has it due to the fact that it's meant to not have tail rotors. But if you are hovering, simply throttle up or down to go their respective directions. If you happen to be losing power or can't take off, your craft is too heavy. The recommended weight (which is not stated but are in the configs) as I suggested for the twinblade is ~6.0t

And for people who were asking about Thr State and Thr Key:

Thr State (default) means that the rotors will refer to the throttle in your navball and will copy it. 100% is to +15 collective, and 0% is to 0 collective.
Thr Key starts from 0 collective and the effect of your throttle key is permanent and will not return to 0 unless on hover. If you keep pressing increase throttle, it will go up to +15 collective and will stay there unless changed. Keep pressing decrease and it will go to -15 as maximum.

Since Thr Key starts from 0 collective everytime you are in hover, it is best used with hover to avoid losing power from translation of hover to increase of collective.


thx for the help, i notice i can go up while hovering, allbeit signifigantly slower then when not hovering, (which has resulted in some crashing into hills) but it might be my THR state/key selection or i just might be too fat, i'll look into it more, thx

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Release 19

So I decided I'd release before I go instead of make a landing gear which will probably take a lot of time. The update took long enough as it is and if I make new parts, it's going to take longer to test them as well. The newer parts are well tested at this point and there is no rush so it's the perfect time as I go again. Then I'll work on new parts as I get back. Feel free to post here if you got issues. Here's the changelog also on the OP:


Added Size 2 Viewer's Cockpit II based on B-29 Superfortress

Added MK1 Supersonic Cockpit based on Bell X-1

Added K-3350 "Tempest" Radial Engine based on the Duplex-Cyclone of B-29

Added Tail Connector Size 2A and 2B, upsized Tail Connectors which connect to Size 2

Added Short Tail Connector Size 2A and 2B, also connecting textures with Size 2


Increased deployment speed of S.P.O.I.L.E.R to closely match real deployment speed


Fixed Mk2/Object 1.44 Non-Commercial Cockpit having no hatch

Fixed Mk2/Object 1.44 Non-Commercial Cockpit reorienting on revert to launch




Videos also on OP:

  Reveal hidden contents


Also, one new craft on OP. It's the Airbus. :) 






Edited by blackheart612
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  On 12/7/2017 at 11:56 AM, blackheart612 said:

Release 19

So I decided I'd release before I go instead of make a landing gear which will probably take a lot of time. The update took long enough as it is and if I make new parts, it's going to take longer to test them as well. The newer parts are well tested at this point and there is no rush so it's the perfect time as I go again. Then I'll work on new parts as I get back. Feel free to post here if you got issues. Here's the changelog also on the OP:


Added Size 2 Viewer's Cockpit II based on B-29 Superfortress

Added MK1 Supersonic Cockpit based on Bell X-1

Added K-3350 "Tempest" Radial Engine based on the Duplex-Cyclone of B-29

Added Tail Connector Size 2A and 2B, upsized Tail Connectors which connect to Size 2

Added Short Tail Connector Size 2A and 2B, also connecting textures with Size 2


Increased deployment speed of S.P.O.I.L.E.R to closely match real deployment speed


Fixed Mk2/Object 1.44 Non-Commercial Cockpit having no hatch

Fixed Mk2/Object 1.44 Non-Commercial Cockpit reorienting on revert to launch




Videos also on OP:

  Reveal hidden contents


Also, one new craft on OP. It's the Airbus. :) 







ooh, finally!


what are your plans for R.20 (if you have any at all at this point)?

Edited by memeconnoiseur
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Thanks for the update my man, quality of new engine and cockpit is top notch.

My f4u-1 is f4u-4 now :Dunknown.png


Anyway, i was wondering something about new size2a parts. Why did you make them in standar cone shape instead of curved like actual airliner rear?


I dont want to sound like im complaining and i have no right to do so, it's just that we have cone shaped tail in both your mod and stock, it's really easy to have them resized. but we dont have curved tail section in neither your mod or stock (not in other mods i have either) It'd be nice and different if you had done like this but eh screw it :) not a big deal.

Thanks for the update again, long live the ap+ )))

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  On 12/4/2017 at 9:57 AM, blackheart612 said:


@Cratzz I'd like to focus on the mod itself for now. It's one of the biggest reasons why I am not doing any mod compatibility patches of my own for now. I'm easily distracted and like I said, takes my focus off the things that I need to put in. Not to mention I think some more useful patches would be better done first If I do so. You're free to take it off the real plume, I don't mind. :)


Makes perfect sense, i just got the feeling that it was pretty much completed already. :)

Easily the nicest pack of cockpit's there is, and with RPM i never want to land! Thank you, for giving me what i want and more. :wink:

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As an airline / aircraft enthusiast i very much appreciate this mod. Thank you for your continued work on it. Would love to see another variant of the passenger door part that has the passenger door on both sides as well as some heavy landing gear options that do not have an overly long strut. This mostly being useful for aircraft similar to a Boeing 777 or an Airbus A350/380 without creating an overly tall gear assembly.

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@qromodynmc Did it ever have Duplex-Cyclones? o.O Anyway, it's simpler that way so it's modeled like that. I can make a curvier one and have an alternative model if it's actually possible, though.

@Polestar The DC-3 Cockpit is pretty much the same as the Size 2 Cockpit in terms of design so it's very unlikely I'll make one, but I'll look into the landing gears and we'll see.

@Deszeraeth Definitely agree with the landing gears, I want short landing gears with larger wheels for KSP and I'm going to make it happen. I might just focus on that most for the next update.

So there's my plan. @memeconnoiseur Also going to look at the things I'll say I'll look into and jam in some more parts, background fixes and patches, all the usual stuff.

@commanderbunbun There are threads around the Add-on Development to help you in the configs. atmcurves are a bit complicated but simple too. Usually helps if you have a curve editor in unity.

This is mainly how it is inside the curve: key = (atm value) (thrust multiplier). atm value states the pressure of atmosphere, related to altitude and thinness of air. Thrust multiplier, well, multiplies the base thrust, decreasing and increasing it. x1 means it is as it is.

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  On 12/10/2017 at 1:35 PM, blackheart612 said:

@qromodynmc Did it ever have Duplex-Cyclones? o.O Anyway, it's simpler that way so it's modeled like that. I can make a curvier one and have an alternative model if it's actually possible, though.

@Polestar The DC-3 Cockpit is pretty much the same as the Size 2 Cockpit in terms of design so it's very unlikely I'll make one, but I'll look into the landing gears and we'll see.

@Deszeraeth Definitely agree with the landing gears, I want short landing gears with larger wheels for KSP and I'm going to make it happen. I might just focus on that most for the next update.

So there's my plan. @memeconnoiseur Also going to look at the things I'll say I'll look into and jam in some more parts, background fixes and patches, all the usual stuff.

@commanderbunbun There are threads around the Add-on Development to help you in the configs. atmcurves are a bit complicated but simple too. Usually helps if you have a curve editor in unity.

This is mainly how it is inside the curve: key = (atm value) (thrust multiplier). atm value states the pressure of atmosphere, related to altitude and thinness of air. Thrust multiplier, well, multiplies the base thrust, decreasing and increasing it. x1 means it is as it is.


cool and good

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  On 12/10/2017 at 1:35 PM, blackheart612 said:

@qromodynmc Did it ever have Duplex-Cyclones? o.O Anyway, it's simpler that way so it's modeled like that. I can make a curvier one and have an alternative model if it's actually possible, though.

@Polestar The DC-3 Cockpit is pretty much the same as the Size 2 Cockpit in terms of design so it's very unlikely I'll make one, but I'll look into the landing gears and we'll see.

@Deszeraeth Definitely agree with the landing gears, I want short landing gears with larger wheels for KSP and I'm going to make it happen. I might just focus on that most for the next update.

So there's my plan. @memeconnoiseur Also going to look at the things I'll say I'll look into and jam in some more parts, background fixes and patches, all the usual stuff.

@commanderbunbun There are threads around the Add-on Development to help you in the configs. atmcurves are a bit complicated but simple too. Usually helps if you have a curve editor in unity.

This is mainly how it is inside the curve: key = (atm value) (thrust multiplier). atm value states the pressure of atmosphere, related to altitude and thinness of air. Thrust multiplier, well, multiplies the base thrust, decreasing and increasing it. x1 means it is as it is.


Thanks for the tips, I will work on it over the weekend.

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@sashan I'll look into it. Thanks.

@Horus I couldn't replicate this, I just tested right now with the same version, helicopter rotors are upright. Is this the only mod you have? Probably not Airplane Plus.

@skyesfox Either you didn't extract all of the files, or you deleted firespitter. It's with every  package I have and a dependency of the mod.

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  On 12/11/2017 at 4:28 AM, blackheart612 said:


@Horus I couldn't replicate this, I just tested right now with the same version, helicopter rotors are upright. Is this the only mod you have? Probably not Airplane Plus.


Checked on clean install. Airplane Plus v19.0 only mod. Still all helicopters are upside down.

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  On 12/11/2017 at 9:22 AM, blackheart612 said:

You mean existing crafts are upside down? Might be the craft file.


There are no existing crafts in my clean new save.

Here's a brief video of what I mean:

As you can see:

1. All helicopter rotators are upside down in parts menu (not really THAT important)

2. You cannot snap attach them to other parts attachment nodes properly. While, they are easily attached upside down.

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@Horus Oh, so you meant that the nodes are upside down (and also on the part catalog).

They're upside down on the catalog as they are, as I remember, the 'right' orientation for everything else to function. I'll relate the nodes here. The rotors were mostly, if not only, made for surface attach and the nodes are I think relics of the firespitter parts as I was trying to make it look like the configs of FS. The nodes can be fixed by removing the negative (-) sign on the node configs but the upside down issue will persist. It's upside down because if I reverse it, the surface attachment will be upside down, which is what it is actually made for. With surface attach, it will always be right side up. 

So unless you really want to attach it to that node for some reason, use surface attach. Also it's made for the SPH, not VAB but who am I to dictate, I'll reverse the nodes on the next release for you. That's the most I can do with that.

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