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Your Windows 10 impressions?


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Hello guys,

I've just installed Windows 10 with all its telemetry and for some reason I love it! It's fast. Also, I now installed x64 version, and it is just fine, unlike 7, which lagged and was just a dog on 64.

Finally I can play 1.1 without crashes! Beam.NG drive (geez it's a stupid name) now works fine. Some other games stopped working however. For benchmarking reasons, I tried to launch Alien: Isolation and I couldn't. I already beat it, so don't pay attention.

Also, no problems on Windows/Ubuntu dual boot except when I installed Windows it flushed GRUB in the toilet.


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Really the only two things about Windows 10 are the fact that I have to disable the update service lest it potentially download a huge patch when I'm tethered to my cell phone, and the mere existence of whatever they call that monstrosity of a screen that has all the icons and a few ads for junk I don't want.

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i really didnt like it. i didnt like that it sneak updates. do i need to kill every service that makes it different from windows 7, probibly. i tend to think a lot of operating systems grossly overstep their boundries as to what an operating system should be and windows 10 is definitely no exception. i didnt think it would happen but they finally made a windows i do not want.

good thing i only installed it on one demo computer, and i am so going to uninstall that and put 7 back on there. or reactos 0.4, if i can get my 3d printer drivers to work on it. .

Edited by Nuke
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  On 5/28/2016 at 4:23 PM, SpaceKraken said:

They already released Windows 10?!


Yeah, my Windows 7 computer just will not shut up about it.  Really, really, really wants me to update to 10.  Supremely irritating that there's no button for "No, never, will not do under any circumstances, not if my face was on fire and windows 10 had an extinguisher app in it, do not want to update now or ever, will you kindly please SHUT UP FOREVER ABOUT IT."


(It's not just that I don't like the idea of Windows 10.  It's also the case that I will never, ever take a computer that's working perfectly fine that has all my stuff on it, and then upgrade to a new OS-- no matter what the OS is-- and try to keep using it.  I simply don't trust the upgrade process to be able to pull it off without horking everything.  If I want a new OS, I will either buy a new computer, or I'll wipe my hard drive and install it fresh.)

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I got a new computer recently, and it came with Windows 10 installed, so I didn't have much choice.  Other than it being a big change from Win7, and taking a little getting used to, I haven't really had any problems.  But honestly, I haven't really seen anything that would make me want to run out and buy the upgrade from Win7, either.

As for KSP, I'm running it in x64 and it's amazing!  But I can't really tell if it's because of Windows 10, or the new computer and graphics card, or a mixture of both.  Most likely both.

Edited by Just Jim
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My impression is that Microsoft really really really want to push people to use it. Why? I assume Microsoft have some ulterior motive, and its at the users' expense.

I'd say that bothers me more than any criticism I might have of the user interface or technical aspects. It bothers me more than the forced-updates within Windows 10, though such forced-updates do seriously irritate me. It bothers me even more than the snooping.

After all, it's a "free" upgrade. If you're not paying for a commercial product or service, it's often because you're not the customer, you're the product.

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As a lifelong Windows user, I was building a new computer about a year+ ago. I figured I would upgrade from Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 10. However, I highly value my privacy...and I'm sure you can guess where this is going (not a rant, promise). Anyway, I spent a couple months researching stuff for my computer and reading on Win10, but it promised the latest and greatest for gaming, and because I never got the option to upgrade on my Windows 7 machine, I.....bought.....Windows 10. I spent a week untangling various things I didn't like and disabling various privacy "features", installing firewalls and such, before even connecting to the Internet. I never intended to spend so much time doing this - I did this initially just out of habit, then it became a game of "find all the hidden Microsoft tricks," then "dear God, how is this legal." It's really really bad.

Anyway, I finally connected to the Internet and everything went better than expected. The operating system seemed fine. For a few days. Then Microsoft came knocking. Apparently all the reading and work I had done wasn't enough, as Windows Update launched with fury and vengeance and installed everything I didn't want and reset everything. I couldn't cancel it, or shut it down, so I physically ripped the Internet cable from computer, which corrupted the Windows 10 installation.

That's Windows 10.

I use Linux now.


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Likes: Decent for games, runs fast, looks nice, and this:

Dislikes: Broken wifi drivers, broken sound drivers, and... well, this:

@Snark Be advised, our family computer got updated because my daughter closed the update prompt.

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  On 5/29/2016 at 12:58 AM, Andem said:

@Snark Be advised, our family computer got updated because my daughter closed the update prompt.


Please tell me that a Windows 7 computer won't (can't) update to Windows 10 unless the person initiating that has administrative privilege?

i.e. regular users shouldn't be able to do that.  Can they?

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Microsoft recently changed the way it works and now it can install without your explicit consent. Indeed I wouldn't be surprised if a Windows 7 computer now won't not upgrade to Windows 10 unless the user has admin privileges.

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  On 5/28/2016 at 9:01 PM, cantab said:

My impression is that Microsoft really really really want to push people to use it. Why? I assume Microsoft have some ulterior motive, and its at the users' expense.


Yeah, that. I don't use Windows at all if I can help it, and TBH the post 7 UI changes infuriate me after about 30 seconds... but it's the obnoxious upgrade nags that are properly disturbing. I've been around MS products long enough to recognise the odour of rodent, and I certainly smell a rat here. IMO MS has an agenda all right.
Computing-as-a-service here we come.


  On 5/29/2016 at 2:40 AM, cantab said:

Indeed I wouldn't be surprised if a Windows 7 computer now won't not upgrade to Windows 10 unless the user has admin privileges.


I blocked all known Microsoft addresses at my firewall some time ago... so I wouldn't know. But I wouldn't be surprised either.

Edited by steve_v
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  On 5/28/2016 at 9:01 PM, cantab said:

My impression is that Microsoft really really really want to push people to use it. Why? I assume Microsoft have some ulterior motive, and its at the users' expense.


By the way:  there's a perfectly legitimate reason for them to want to push people to use Windows 10.  Support.  It is a royal pain in the posterior to have to provide technical support, updates, etc. to multiple operating systems out there.  It's a major convenience to Microsoft if people are all running the same thing.  And it's better in the long run for customers, too:  if Microsoft has N engineers doing support, then they do a better job on operating system X if they're all on that OS, rather than smeared across umpteen different ones.

And of course, Microsoft's in a battle to stay relevant in a world that's increasingly moving away from desktop computing, so convincing people to use their latest sexiest thing, is a thing.

That's not to say there couldn't be an ulterior motive lurking in there.  Simply that there are pretty good non-nefarious reasons, too.

(Of course, that's also a moot point.  They'll have to drag me kicking and screaming away from Windows 7.)

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  On 5/29/2016 at 2:32 AM, Snark said:

Please tell me that a Windows 7 computer won't (can't) update to Windows 10 unless the person initiating that has administrative privilege?

i.e. regular users shouldn't be able to do that.  Can they?


Unfortunately, you apparently have to go through a few dialogs to stop it from auto updating upon closing the prompt. I think the youtuber in my original post has a video giving some instructions on how to do it.

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I left Windows for Mac a few years ago, but last year I tried out the beta with Boot Camp.  At first I liked it (I even ran what, at the time, was the most popular DMP server on it) and didn't boot into OS X for about 6 weeks.  Cue the auto-update...  What happened to my internet settings?  Why don't I have admin privileges anymore?  Cue BSOD.  Back to OS X I go.

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 I got it and it is better than Vista and 8 but you do have to disable all the tracking crap. And as others have mentioned they are trying to force it on people if you have another version of windows. I have had friends who are not computer savvy get on their machines. Hint do not install optional updates in win 7 or you can Google keeping win 10 off your machine. One of the war gaming forums I visit mentioned apps to keep it off and remove the install files that are apart of the "optional updates" you can get with win 7.

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  On 5/29/2016 at 2:56 AM, Snark said:

By the way:  there's a perfectly legitimate reason for them to want to push people to use Windows 10.  Support.  It is a royal pain in the posterior to have to provide technical support, updates, etc. to multiple operating systems out there.  It's a major convenience to Microsoft if people are all running the same thing.  And it's better in the long run for customers, too:  if Microsoft has N engineers doing support, then they do a better job on operating system X if they're all on that OS, rather than smeared across umpteen different ones.

And of course, Microsoft's in a battle to stay relevant in a world that's increasingly moving away from desktop computing, so convincing people to use their latest sexiest thing, is a thing.

That's not to say there couldn't be an ulterior motive lurking in there.  Simply that there are pretty good non-nefarious reasons, too.

(Of course, that's also a moot point.  They'll have to drag me kicking and screaming away from Windows 7.)


Sort of in line with what you were saying, but with a conspiracy theory twist:

There was a "news report" a little bit ago about Microsoft pushing Windows 10 content/updates onto Windows 7 PCs to the tune of a few hundred mb, to "facilitate the transition" to Win10 or something along those lines, whether you opt'd in or not. (I should probably try to cite a source like a responsible conspiracy theorist but we're on the internet and I have KSP alt-tabbed, so...:sticktongue:).

However, I will say something no other crazy paranoid nut has said though: I can see the legitimacy of MS's point of view, and from a business/technical perspective I even rather agree with it. It's just personally, I find it disagreeable.

I do think though, for the average user, Windows is probably the way to go. Most people, for whatever reason, don't care that Cortana does double duty, only that she works.

Having used Linux Mint (which is a very user friendly iteration of Linux) for the past year, it's completely different in many many ways. On the one hand, it's very refreshing, but on the other hand also incredibly frustrating. Especially considering I've purchased hundreds of hundreds of games on Steam that are only for Windows that I will probably never play again.

I suppose one could always go the Mac route, but I think I'll hold my tongue on that subject:sealed:.

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tinfoil hats aside there are other things i dont like. for example the interface is horrible. it seems there is a windows style interface and a more tablet oriented interface and the system cant decide which to use. start menu still broke. i shouldn't have to install a 3rd party utility to get basic functionality.

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  On 5/28/2016 at 4:57 AM, 5thHorseman said:

Really the only two things about Windows 10 are the fact that I have to disable the update service lest it potentially download a huge patch when I'm tethered to my cell phone, and the mere existence of whatever they call that monstrosity of a screen that has all the icons and a few ads for junk I don't want.


Windows should not update itself while on a metered connection (like tethering) if it's not you can turn this on in settings.

  On 5/28/2016 at 7:19 PM, Snark said:

Yeah, my Windows 7 computer just will not shut up about it.  Really, really, really wants me to update to 10.  Supremely irritating that there's no button for "No, never, will not do under any circumstances, not if my face was on fire and windows 10 had an extinguisher app in it, do not want to update now or ever, will you kindly please SHUT UP FOREVER ABOUT IT."


This will change on 29 July when the free upgrade ends. I agree with you though, the sneaky tricks they are using to try and get people to upgrade is a little... aggravating. I like 10, but I don't believe that people should be forced to upgrade against their will.

There are good reasons for not upgrading to 10. For instance, certain really old apps won't work because of the sandboxing without a lot of fiddling, and I would rather not have average Joe user poking around to fix this sort of thing. This is the way it's always been though, anyone remember when Vista dropped and nothing worked?

Personally, I like the version of Windows 10 that I am using, but I'm 6 months worth of builds ahead of most people (I am using the Insider build, so what I have now, is basically what the rest of you will get in July). It's getting better. I like the new model of rolling feature updates, rather than "ah well, live with it for 4 years".

The price is a little steep, at £199 for the Pro Version, and £120 for the home version, but if MS come through with their promise that this is the last version, I should never have to buy Windows again.

Microsoft are also trying to screw me over on my upgrade rights. Long story short - I claimed my free upgrade from a retail (transferrable) version of Windows 8, and Microsoft are trying to tell me that my free upgrade does not have transfer rights (although the EULA specifically states that if I upgraded from a transferrable version, it retains those rights, no caveat of "unless you got it for free" - I'm ready to fight them on that one when I get my new PC....

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  On 5/29/2016 at 10:38 AM, severedsolo said:

Windows should not update itself while on a metered connection (like tethering) if it's not you can turn this on in settings.


This is untrue.Windows 10 only counts Wi-Fi as metered which, ironically, is the only time my laptop is NOT on a metered connection. Unless that's changed in the past 6 months or so.

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  On 5/29/2016 at 10:44 AM, 5thHorseman said:

This is untrue.Windows 10 only counts Wi-Fi as metered which, ironically, is the only time my laptop is NOT on a metered connection. Unless that's changed in the past 6 months or so.


Huh, did not know that. Sounds like a bug. I've put something on the feedback tracker for you (can't promise anything obviously, but you never know)

Edit: seems like it's already been reported, but I've upvoted it.

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  On 5/29/2016 at 10:49 AM, severedsolo said:

Huh, did not know that. Sounds like a bug. I've put something on the feedback tracker for you (can't promise anything obviously, but you never know)

Edit: seems like it's already been reported, but I've upvoted it.


Thanks. I'm pretty sure I either opened or upvoted that same bug. I don't have any expectations that they'll fix it. They seem to have added the metered thing begrudgingly. I understand their point, anything that doesn't force auto update on the 99% of their user base that doesn't understand what's going on stop them from opening support tickets due to not updating. See every mod thread in this forum for examples of that. And the 1% that DOES understand how it works isn't likely to open a dumb support ticket when it screws up their day. AND, that ticket won't take a long time to close with "Works as intended."

What we need is thousands of people to open dumb tickets like "Windows did something bad." and then drag that ticket out for multiple question/answer responses until the support tech drags out of us what the actual problem is, so their metrics tell them (after years, probably) that it's affecting their bottom line. Then they'll change it.

And of course that'll never happen because even as the one who proposes this, I'd never bother actually doing it.

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