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  On 10/5/2016 at 11:53 PM, cantab said:

KSP also remains limited in some ways by the Unity engine. To really improve the game requires a fresh start, a KSP sequel.


Sometimes i dream about KSP 2 in Outerra engine.

"An integrated flight dynamics model library (JSBSim) provides fully configurable physics and math model defining the movement of aircraft or rocket under various natural or applied forces and moments."

"The engine also handles complex vehicle physics and its interactions with the terrain. It makes an ideal platform for integrating the ground and aerial vehicle simulation into one solution."

I think people will throw more money than Star Citizen.

One can dream..

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All I hope is that now there might be a stable version that means a set of mods can be built up, refined and made stable also.

Soontm there will be possibly a paid expansion with all the things we were told would be free. For me they will be free as I bought my copy before the cutoff date for free everything.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 10:58 AM, John FX said:

All I hope is that now there might be a stable version that means a set of mods can be built up, refined and made stable also.

Soontm there will be possibly a paid expansion with all the things we were told would be free. For me they will be free as I bought my copy before the cutoff date for free everything.


I bought mine after, and if reasonable, I will still be happy to buy paid expansions, to support the further development of one of my alltime favourite games!

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Seeing so many good people that have contributed a lot to KSP and this nice 1.2 update leaving the team is sad. But they have their reasons to depart and I respect that and wish all the best to them and I am really grateful for all their love, passion and all the work and time dedicated to this game. I hope some of them can still contribute to KSP through mods (and I will donate or already have donated) or they can contribute to or develop new games as KSP still the one that consumes most of my time allocated to gaming, but it is not the only one.

Surely, since HarvesteR and other important people have departed from the team, KSP has not fell apart (credits in part to the member of the team that have now departed :( ) and it is in its best shape with this 1.2 release awaiting for many ours of fun. And I am pretty optimistic to think that Squad and the new devs and those who stayed will keep KSP development as they said for many years to come. :prograde:

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  On 10/6/2016 at 2:34 AM, Laguna said:

One small bit of optimism for KSP's future came from @RoverDude, who on his stream last night said he was looking forward to the future KSP development.  NDA and all, so no details of course, but he did sound positive about the outlook for KSP.  May not be much, but he IS still there, so it's keeping me from falling completely to the dark side.  In fact, maybe even Expect Good Things...like maybe we finally get something like Kerbal Engineer into the stock game.  It could be that the group who left was tasked with simply cleaning up/fixing/finishing 1.0 into what it should have been, and once done the decks were cleared to make way for the real goodies that we've longed wanted. :)




I just hope he doesn't make the stock game start enforcing his rules Re: part-clipping

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KSP has been the best game I've ever played. Not just because of the amazing things that can be learned from flying little green aliens into outer space, or teach you that failure is not always "game over", but because of the modding community. I've spent probably upwards of 2000 hours playing the game and just as many hours researching aerodynamics so I can build awesome things in FAR, or learning every nook and cranny of 3d-modelling, texturing, baking, Unity etc.

In my opinion the modding community and the community at large has been the single most successful part of KSP, and KSP has taught me more than any other game I can think of. To see things changing drastically makes me a little uneasy, but I hope the community continues to back (and mod) this great game for the foreseeable future just as I plan on doing.

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  On 10/5/2016 at 12:19 AM, lajoswinkler said:

Let me just add that I'm disgusted and annoyed by the fact this was announced on Reddit first. Reddit, the idea-bashing pile of bloated trolls.

This forum is the core of your community, Squad. Not Reddit, not YouTube, not 4chan or CNN. The forum. It has the best collection of great people, namely modders, who are actually the ones that kept this game going on, and your actions are continuously mocking this place. Rant over.



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I dont know the mexico's laws, but, maybe their work contract is only for a predefined time. Here, in Brazil, a company can contract someone with a predefined period, generally for 3 or 6 months (it often happens before christmas or Easter, due to sales increase in this periods). 

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  On 10/6/2016 at 5:02 PM, Freds said:

I dont know the mexico's laws, but, maybe their work contract is only for a predefined time. Here, in Brazil, a company can contract someone with a predefined period, generally for 3 or 6 months (it often happens before christmas or Easter, due to sales increase in this periods). 


Almost every jurisdiction allows arrangements like that, and at first that's what I thought had been the case, but I've gotten the vibe it might have been a mass resignation or even mass redundancy or sacking instead. Not least because if it had been a simple matter of contracts coming to their pre-arranged end, surely Squad would have said so?

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  On 10/6/2016 at 5:27 PM, cantab said:

Not least because if it had been a simple matter of contracts coming to their pre-arranged end, surely Squad would have said so?


Without claiming it is like that or not, assuming that the communications policy of Squad makes sense is a highly speculative assumption. And that's not against Kasper or Uomo; they just have to execute whatever that strategy is.

But we've seen many occasions in the past where a bit of pre-emptive communications by Squad could have nipped unrest in the bud. They don't do it, they don't care, or so it seems.

Sensible? Yes. Surely? Not at all!

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Farewell, all ye SQUAD members,

With your help under the leadership of (the unfortunately gone) Felipe, you've all created and supported a game that has inspired millions, and helped spark a new interest in Space travel for kids and elders of this generation. So spread out, explore, and find new opportunities. Discover. And we will hope you find your new place in the world, no matter whether you continue your work in the game industry or not.


We won't forget you, we know you all poured your hearts and love into this amazing project and through the fruits of your labour, we (the community) have all rediscovered our creative spark.

So thank you, thank you, thank you, for creating Kerbal Space Program. No doubt that you have created a masterpiece that will forever be in our hearts.


God bless you all. I wish you all a good future.


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  On 10/6/2016 at 7:02 PM, monstah said:

Hasn't that conclusion come and gone already? Things have looked up. Skies are clear.


No. It has not. Here's why.

1. They make these announcements in other locations first. This forum is 100% dedicated to KSP. Reddit is not. 4chan is not. Neither is CNN or Fox News. THIS FORUM. 

2. Take @sarbian a recent addition to Squad, and now has quit?!? When a NEW HIRE jumps ship THAT fast, its not an indication of a healthy company, its an indication of a company that is getting sick.

3. Take the rocket parts beauty pass. SQUAD released them as an asset package to be made into a MOD. They do this knowing that they are actively excluding people who for what ever reason cannot or will not mod KSP.

I can go on, but, this is NOT a good sign. Period. Bad things for KSP this way come.

Excuse me, I have a doomsday bunker to fuel, stock and hide in.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 8:43 PM, Higgs said:

2. Take @sarbian a recent addition to Squad, and now has quit?!? When a NEW HIRE jumps ship THAT fast, its not an indication of a healthy company, its an indication of a company that is getting sick.


Sarbian was a short-term hire specifically for the 1.2 release.  Of course he is leaving, 1.2 is being released.

  On 10/6/2016 at 5:27 PM, cantab said:

Almost every jurisdiction allows arrangements like that, and at first that's what I thought had been the case, but I've gotten the vibe it might have been a mass resignation or even mass redundancy or sacking instead. Not least because if it had been a simple matter of contracts coming to their pre-arranged end, surely Squad would have said so?


No, due to legal reasons.  If, for example, they say that this group left because of contracts ending, but another person leaves and they don't say anything, that can imply something.  By not saying anything, they are protecting both themselves AND the employees who have left.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 8:43 PM, Higgs said:

2. Take @sarbian a recent addition to Squad, and now has quit?!? When a NEW HIRE jumps ship THAT fast, its not an indication of a healthy company, its an indication of a company that is getting sick.


There's nothing of the sort going on. Take a look at this post from Nestor, that was posted on THIS FORUM. 


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  On 10/4/2016 at 11:28 PM, MaxPeck said:

Here's the thing that bothers me... in the past when Devs leave, they don't rejoin the community.  They disappear completely.  I'm not aware of any devs who left Squad and then continued to participate on here.  That's problematic now, because this particular crop of individuals ran some pretty pivotal mods (Mechjeb, RSS)... what will happen with those?  Are these guys unpersoned like previous departures, or is development of MJ and RSS going to continue?

@sarbian @NathanKell @taniwha??



This is my greatest concern.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 10:12 PM, mcirish3 said:

This is my greatest concern.


sarbian and taniwah have been active on the forum today, so I don't think they're going anywhere yet. NathanKell posted Monday, but not since. Wouldn't start worrying yet though. Even under the best of circumstances, they all are going to be somewhat busy with the whole "career shift" thing.

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