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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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  On 4/11/2017 at 4:37 AM, Galileo said:

so what im hearing is you would have been happy with GPP if it was JUST Gael, Iota and Ceti? Go melt your boots on Icarus!


Getting beyond Gael is kicking my butt at the moment. I finally got the rocket equation end figured out, but something seems to have changed with the last couple updates. RAM use went way up and I'm constantly hitting 12+GB, which my 16GB capacity doesn't take kindly to. :confused:

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  On 4/11/2017 at 4:47 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Getting beyond Gael is kicking my butt at the moment. I finally got the rocket equation end figured out, but something seems to have changed with the last couple updates. RAM use went way up and I'm constantly hitting 12+GB, which my 16GB capacity doesn't take kindly to. :confused:


probably scatterer tbh. its prone to leakage. i would try without it and see is it gets any better

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  On 4/11/2017 at 4:48 AM, Galileo said:

probably scatterer tbh. its prone to leakage. i would try without it and see is it gets any better


Hmm. Will keep that in mind, don't know if I could live without Scatterer at this point. However, I did go with just low-res clouds when I did the x.2 update just now. With a quick test that does seem to have made an improvement, even when not in a flight scene.

And also, even in just a 5 minute whirl around my test game... those ring shadows on Tellumo. Just... damn. ^_^

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  On 4/11/2017 at 5:40 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

On a related note... what's the best way to go about adjusting the position of Rald? I've been messing about with meanAnomalyAtEpoch, I thought that's how I did it before, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect?


What do you mean? Do you want to move it away from Gael? If that's the case just edit the semiMajorAxis and make it a bigger number until you get what you want

Edited by Galileo
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  On 4/11/2017 at 5:43 AM, Galileo said:

What do you mean? Do you want to move it away from Gael? If that's the case just edit the semiMajorAxis and make it a bigger number until you get what you want


Naw, I'm trying to get it in the western horizon of the space center, like in most of my pics.

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  On 4/11/2017 at 4:09 AM, Galileo said:

@Norcalplanner @CatastrophicFailure @Tynrael

Anyone who wants a little extra EVA time on Icarus or Thalia, try THIS patch. It just raises the max temperature a kerbal can withstand from 800 to 1400.

Im working on a side project currently that will allow you to upgrade EVA suits as you progress in a career. What Im hoping to achieve is simple: Upgrade the Astronaut Complex to level 2 and it increases the maxTemp by 400. Upgrade the complex to level three and it will increase the maxTemp by another 400. Anything over 1600 is a bit overkill and unrealistic i feel. Retreating to the vessel to cool down should be required at some point.




Thank you so much for this.  I look forward to trying it, although it may be a little while - I just finalized my 10.6257x install and kicked off my new career.  Nothing has made it past high Gael orbit at the moment.


Having a lot of fun with the new mod set, particularly BDB and Ven's Stock Revamp (which has its own SMURFF configs - yay!).  I should probably call this save Titan space program at the moment.

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  On 4/11/2017 at 10:03 AM, The Game Colonel said:



You're asking specifically how to install the update in-place over an older version of GPP, right?  This is what's worked for me:

Delete all the folders inside the gamedata folder installed by your previous GPP, and then install the latest GPP.  If your previous GPP is old enough so that it had manual patches to some other other mods, also delete those mods' folders inside gamedata and reinstall the those mods.  Exactly which folders you need to delete will vary depending on which of the optional mods you chose to install originally. 

If your existing version of GPP is v1.1, be especially careful to remove all the old folders.  1.1 had a lot of manual modifications to other mods.  Galileo has done a superb job of simplifying the install since then, which not only makes installing GPP easier, but also makes uninstalling GPP (when upgrading) easier as well.

I find it helps to be looking at the old GPP's zip file when uninstalling to make sure I'm deleting all of the necessary folders.

So far I've done the 1.1 to 1.2.0, 1.2.0 to 1.2.1, and 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 updates using this procedure without incident.


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I got a contract to put a class E asteroid in orbit of Icarus. 

Challenge Accepted, proceeded to build a 100-ton tug with 100km/s of Delta-V (ion engines with K RnD FTW), nuclear powered with waste reprocessor, full mining rig...

and KSP crashes because my 8 GB of RAM is insufficient for such an awesome vessel (or FASA just added too many new parts - I wanted that Hermes reactor). 

I wonder how heavy a class E asteroid is in 10x? 

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  On 4/11/2017 at 4:23 PM, MaxL_1023 said:

and KSP crashes because my 8 GB of RAM is insufficient for such an awesome vessel (or FASA just added too many new parts - I wanted that Hermes reactor). 


I'm usually at 6 or 7 GB by the time I get to the menu.  That prompted a few clicks on Amazon and a box to appear at my front door with a 16 GB upgrade. :)

There are some memory leaks either in KSP, some mods, or likely both.  I fell asleep one night night with KSP running in the VAB editor and when I woke up it was using 33 GB of virtual memory (on a system with 24 GB of real memory.)  If you can, spring for another 8GB (or more).  It's well worth the money.  You'll see a tremendous speedup since a lot less virtual memory swapping will be needed, even with an SSD.  I shudder to think what GPP would be like running on 8GB and a hard disk.

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  On 4/11/2017 at 4:45 PM, AG5BPilot said:

I'm usually at 6 or 7 GB by the time I get to the menu.  That prompted a few clicks on Amazon and a box to appear at my front door with a 16 GB upgrade. :)

There are some memory leaks either in KSP, some mods, or likely both.  I fell asleep one night night with KSP running in the VAB editor and when I woke up it was using 33 GB of virtual memory (on a system with 24 GB of real memory.)  If you can, spring for another 8GB (or more).  It's well worth the money.  You'll see a tremendous speedup since a lot less virtual memory swapping will be needed, even with an SSD.  I shudder to think what GPP would be like running on 8GB and a hard disk.


That's what I have - think 4 frames per second, with my larger launches working at 4x time acceleration and looking slightly slower than real time. My world record launcher (3000 tons to LEO in Realism Overhaul) took about 20 minutes to load on the pad, and an hour to get into orbit.

Better than my laptop though - that would overheat playing the stock game to the point that the entire thing shut down.  


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  On 4/11/2017 at 4:55 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

I'll stop posting screenshots then.


Not sure

Is he on GPP team

Or is supported by Hardware sellers


Please make somebody a meme from it

Funny Kabooms 


PS: don't do it! (Where from i have to "steal" your models?:wink:)

Edited by Urses
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  On 4/11/2017 at 9:41 PM, Tynrael said:

You can dynamically reposition planets!? :0.0:


yes with HyperEdit you can, you can save a temporary setting that saves the position of the planet but it is only persistent if you use the same hyperedit each time when playing

OR you can use hyperedit to move the planet to where you want it, and write down the values you like and plug them into the planet cfg for it to be a permanent position

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  On 4/10/2017 at 4:56 AM, MaxL_1023 said:

I am assuming that Grannus is supposed to be an actual star - I am not 100% of its mass. 


Grannus is supposed to be a type M2 main sequence star.  The numbers for its properties came from this page:  http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~emamajek/EEM_dwarf_UBVIJHK_colors_Teff.txt.

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  On 4/11/2017 at 9:47 PM, Galileo said:

yes with HyperEdit you can, you can save a temporary setting that saves the position of the planet but it is only persistent if you use the same hyperedit each time when playing

OR you can use hyperedit to move the planet to where you want it, and write down the values you like and plug them into the planet cfg for it to be a permanent position


And on this note (also @JadeOfMaar) thanks for the tip, that worked quite nicely. :D

tho it a bit surreal sitting on the surface and watching an entire planet jump around in the sky. :wacko:

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  On 4/11/2017 at 9:58 PM, Steven Mading said:

I currently am in the latter stages of a career using GPP 1.1.2.

Can I update to GPP 1.2.2 and use that same saved game or will it mess things up and I should only update if I want to start a new saved game with it?


yes you can just be sure to drop the CareerSaver cfg into your gamedata. That will allow you to continue your career from an older version

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  On 4/11/2017 at 4:47 PM, Mipe said:

Just a heads up for those staring at 0 missions at fresh career start: CleverSats contract pack seems to be causing it.


If you have the combination of Contract Configurator with a ContractPack + ResearchBodies you have mostly a problem too. Only the 4 start contrakts and after it Survives with reroll and clean off. But as you reach a second body it stabilizes and you have "normal" progression. Try out to send a Probe to Iota.


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