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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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On 11/30/2016 at 9:26 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

There's a wide selection of "Galileo's Sunflares" (click his signature) to choose from if you want to change that part about it. The sun itself is smaller and dimmer and will cast a slight orange hue on things in space.

JadeOfMaar What is that vehicle? Could I get the craft file? It looks sweet

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Galileo's Planet Pack. Now, making Kerbal Sea Programs more fun. Tag islands that are barely or partially underwater and invent activities for them with the aid of the new Reefs biome.


Valleys have been replaced with Reefs as they've all become Inland Water, and overall Gael's biome map has been redone from scratch and fixed. Mountains and Lowlands are where you expect them to be. This might break science archives but is quite worth it.

@The-Doctor This vehicle? Okay.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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@JadeOfMaar, I have just looked at the new Gael biome map on the Git repo and it is pretty stunning I have to say. It is very well done. Big props! :D 

Also, if you wanted to take it that extra mile, since 1.2 was released, RoverDude improved the biome detection code so that it lerps more intelligently between pixel edges to define what biome you're in/over... basically eradicating the rogue biome areas at the edges of two biomes. As a result, you can now colour biomes somewhat realistically to mimic the actual terrain colour as the colours you use in the map do not necessarily need to be very different colours anymore.

Take a look at the maps that RoverDude did for 1.2 as part of the new changes: 


Unfortunately this wasn't really possible when we started doing all this work but its the way forward (at some point) I guess.

Remember I have a RGB <---> Float value converter sheet to help with any biome config writing here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LmJwZPdJi2w5wdIY-KMVbwMeO5mxManG0pNPIPjWJ-Q/

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12 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

@JadeOfMaar, I have just looked at the new Gael biome map on the Git repo and it is pretty stunning I have to say. It is very well done. Big props! :D 

Also, if you wanted to take it that extra mile, since 1.2 was released, RoverDude improved the biome detection code so that it lerps more intelligently between pixel edges to define what biome you're in/over... basically eradicating the rogue biome areas at the edges of two biomes. As a result, you can now colour biomes somewhat realistically to mimic the actual terrain colour as the colours you use in the map do not necessarily need to be very different colours anymore.

Take a look at the maps that RoverDude did for 1.2 as part of the new changes: 


Unfortunately this wasn't really possible when we started doing all this work but its the way forward (at some point) I guess.

Remember I have a RGB <---> Float value converter sheet to help with any biome config writing here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LmJwZPdJi2w5wdIY-KMVbwMeO5mxManG0pNPIPjWJ-Q/

You don't happen to have a copy of that Icarus heightmap you fixed a while back do you?  While mine works,  I feel yours was better and would be more precise on the surface

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@Poodmund I wondered when you'd get to see it. :) I'm glad you like. I don't know a thing about lerping, sadly-- haven't a clue where to begin to look for documentation on that, but it would be quite handy for dealing with rogue pixels/rogue biomes. I know I can make biome maps with nearby hues and shades like Eve's own, but so far I've simply kept the colors going through the rainbow-- no particular reason behind that.

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5 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Poodmund I wondered when you'd get to see it. :) I'm glad you like. I don't know a thing about lerping, sadly-- haven't a clue where to begin to look for documentation on that, but it would be quite handy for dealing with rogue pixels/rogue biomes. I know I can make biome maps with nearby hues and shades like Eve's own, but so far I've simply kept the colors going through the rainbow-- no particular reason behind that.

Oh its not something to do in the biome map creation process, its just KSP's biome detection is more intelligent now as any linear interpolation (lerping) between pixel colour differences at biome edges is not as much of an issue as KSP "scans" the local area around the position to see nearby biome points to "decide" which biome you are most likely to be in.

Plainly, if you had a biome edge between a blue and yellow pixels, pre-1.2 it may detect the area as green as the area would blue between the blue and yellow and if an exisiting biome had a green colour assigned, it may well say you were in that green biome by mistake. This is the issue that is no longer a big issue.

EDIT: Galileo, here is the Icarus heightmap in question: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nph4xtu4xvfra5p/Icarus_heightmap.png?dl=0

Edited by Poodmund
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2 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Galileo's Planet Pack. Now, making Kerbal Sea Programs more fun. Tag islands that are barely or partially underwater and invent activities for them with the aid of the new Reefs biome.


Valleys have been replaced with Reefs as they've all become Inland Water, and overall Gael's biome map has been redone from scratch and fixed. Mountains and Lowlands are where you expect them to be. This might break science archives but is quite worth it.

@The-Doctor This vehicle? Okay.

no no


On 11/28/2016 at 0:38 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

Incoming Waypoint Manager support. :)


this craft

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On 11/23/2016 at 0:44 AM, Dwarfy said:

The fact that it was only the 2 of them had me confused as well. I figured if it was an installation issue it would have been all of them. 

I also knew they had worked, as when I first installed the mod, I went and had a look at all the planets with the highest possible display settings, then when I turned the settings down to make the game playable on my slow old PC, they were gone.

Didn't put 2 and 2 together that this had caused to issue until after 2 further attempts at installing the mod, and trying each of my other mods 1 by 1 on a clean install of KSP!!


Currently have the following settings and it works fine

Terrain Detail :- HIGH

Terrain Scatters :- Enabled

Scatter Density :- 50%

Render Quality Level :- Fastest

Texture Quality :- Half Res


Every setting other than Texture Quality seems to have no effect on the planets or moons textures being displayed

I tried your setting, the game runs smoothly, but I don't seem to see any objects on the planet, no terrain scatters are visible, I have it just as you

10 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Then which? I didn't see any screenshots of my own on the page you quoted me from.

I sent it again, it merged with my initial comment, directly above yours

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On 27/11/2016 at 4:29 PM, Poodmund said:

This planet pack starts of by deleting every body in the stock system and all the bodies are created anew. Gael is currently assigned the GFI number of 64 so i guess there are no Ground Stations assigned upon start and therefore RT is wigging out something rotten.


I recently started playing Galileo.

One issue is with Research Bodies. I installed the normal Research Bodies mod, then copied in the GPP specific cfg file overwriting the vanilla one. No matter what I try though the game does not recognize any planets/moons. I tried two different telescopes (the standard research bodies one and the Tarsier one with Research Bodies integration) for neither the Research Bodies UI recognizes any planet in the GPP system for tracking. I can make pictures and get science from them.

I really like complete system reworks. I am not very far into the new system yet but I like the mod so far. Thanks for your work in this.


Edited by Therlun
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@Therlun We've worked out potentially all RemoteTech issues and your satellites will all be happy again with 7 ground stations to connect to when the next release comes. :)

The install instructions are in my first post under the OP, in purple text.

As for ResearchBodies I suspect that the Kopernicus 1.2.1-3 update has caused a conflict with that mod. If I had detected this problem in my science game test, we would not have recommended the use of that mod to begin with. However, there's a dev version on its github that hopefully is unaffected by this. I'll announce my findings soon™

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1 hour ago, Therlun said:


I recently started playing Galileo and had two issues with it.

The first is was remotetech not locating the KSC on Gael. It was mentioned several times in this thread that it's an ID issue. Poodmund is correct, in the version currently in the first post you have to change it to 64. I just thought it was worth reiterating for people having the same problem with the current version, as changing the ID to 5 (from 1) does not currently work.

The second issue is with Research Bodies. I installed the normal Research Bodies mod, then copied in the GPP specific cfg file overwriting the vanilla one. No matter what I try though the game does not recognize any planets/moons. I tried two different telescopes (the standard research bodies one and the Tarsier one with Research Bodies integration) for neither the Research Bodies UI recognizes any planet in the GPP system for tracking. I can make pictures and get science from them.

I really like complete system reworks. I am not very far into the new system yet but I like the mod so far. Thanks for your work in this.


Setting the ID to 5 does work as that is exactly what I have done with the remote tech settings that will be released with the next update. GPP system starts with Icarus=ID 1 Thalia=ID 2 Eta=ID 3 Niven=ID 4 Gael=ID 5 etc....  All the way to Leto= ID 27. 

FlightGlobalsIndex starts at 60(Icarus) and ends at 86(Leto) this is why Gael is 64. It's the 5th celestial body from Ciro.  So ID= 5 is correct and does work, unless something in remotetech has changed. 

Research bodies seems to be working for me with the latest version of kopernicus so I don't know what the issue could be

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5 minutes ago, Sebi99p said:

Hello. It appears that after installing GPP, kopernicus is messing up other stuff for my save, For example I cannot see my funds in VAB/SPH ... or linuxgurugamer`s janitor mod starts out like in the screenshot.



have you tried running without any mods and only GPP and Janitors Closet? First step in troubleshooting is to try to pin point which mod is causing the issue and the quickest way to do it is to remove all of your mods and run the 2 mods you think are causing the conflict. You have so many mods installed it could be anything. I doubt its Kopernicus because it doesnt touch anything inside the vab or funds for that matter. Try running only GPP and Janitors Closet. If the problem goes away start adding your mods back bit by bit until the problem occurs again


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Just now, Sebi99p said:

well the log file points to kopernicus ... linux also sugested reporting this on their thread ... so ... 

i dont care what the log points to to be honest. any conflict can have the output log point at many different things. It could be any one of your MANY mods causing kopernicus to mess up. If you dont want to follow my suggestion for figuring out the issue, I guess asking me is pointless. I dont have the time to go through a log thats that long, im sorry. You have to break it down to figure out the issue. Im willing to bet they will tell you the same thing on the kopernicus thread.

So my suggestion is to move all of your mods to another folder, just install GPP and Janitors closet. run the game. if the issue goes away you know its not Kopernicus or Janitors Closet. then just start adding your mods back little by little until the issues happens again.. if you dont feel like doing that, dont bother inundating someone else with these issues.. they will probably give you the same answer i did. Sorry if i come off as a little edgy but this kind of thing  just gets under my skin

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20 minutes ago, Sebi99p said:

Hello. It appears that after installing GPP, kopernicus is messing up other stuff for my save


Are you trying to switch an active career from the stock system to GPP? We strongly advise against that. It's the first thing you should see in writing anywhere that concerns this planet pack.

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well it seems to be working but this output_log.txt still throws the same exceptions.

25 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Are you trying to switch an active career from the stock system to GPP? We strongly advise against that. It's the first thing you should see in writing anywhere that concerns this planet pack.

no ... it`s a new career

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