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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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5 minutes ago, eddiew said:

Does anyone know why this happens when I turn on d3d11?


...only the textures at KSC seem affected. Other planets are fine.

(My game is tending to crash when memory use exceeds 9.8gb, d3d11 knocks it down by about 30-40% so I'd really like to use it if possible.)

In other news, I'm eyeballing 3.2x again. Don't think the upscaled system is playing to my strengths, i.e. sending weirdass stuff to weirdass places. Everythings very utilitarian out of necessity... I'll see what comes back from the Gratian probes, and maybe do a flyby of the nearest gas giant, but if I can't manage a kermanned Niven landing and return after that then I'll be bringing it down to 1x for my sanity.

thats a known issue/limitation with DX11 and DDS textures. you can convert them to PNG but that makes using DX11 pointless. its even worse with OpenGl

Edited by Galileo
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1 minute ago, eddiew said:

My game is tending to crash when memory use exceeds 9.8gb, d3d11 knocks it down by about 30-40% so I'd really like to use it if possible.


My game is running fine, my 16 gigs of RAM would be overkill.

(Like I build my rockets, overengineered. But better overengineered, then stuck in Ceti orbit, eh?)

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Just now, Galileo said:

thats a known issue with DX11 and DDS textures. you can convert them to PNG but that makes using DX11 pointless

cheeks :/  That said, all the rest are fine, I'd only have to convert the ones for Gael...

Is it as simple as saving as <samename>.png from Photoshop?

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Just now, eddiew said:

cheeks :/  That said, all the rest are fine, I'd only have to convert the ones for Gael...

Is it as simple as saving as <samename>.png from Photoshop?

you can do that, but know that Gael shares textures will all bodies.

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1 hour ago, eddiew said:

Watching Tellumo rise over the southern edge of Rald :)


...at this point I noticed that this vessel has absolutely no mapping scanners on it :blush:  I am not doing well with my probes of late...


That's why you should look at EVERYTHING in the VAB before you launch. :D  (make a checklist, etc.)

I can do better pictures. (In a few days when I'm done cras.... flying planes on Gael :) 


And tomorrow I can look into Rald and tinker it so Tellumo and Rald are a binary planet system :D 

Edited by DarkFighter
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10 minutes ago, DarkFighter said:

And tomorrow I can look into Rald and tinker it so Tellumo and Rald are a binary planet system :D 

To be fair, I think the largest @KerikBalm ever had Rald was a 0.5g planet about twice the diameter of Duna. It would be nowhere near a binary for Tellumo ^^;

But it does make a wonderful companion body, especially when you set it to it's stats for being a moon of Kerbin! 0.3g and an oxygen atmosphere, even in 3.2x it's got a bit less orbital velocity than stock Kerbin, so send out an SSTO tanker and you're set for mining. Great foothold to the outer solar system! Meanwhile you have big momma Tellumo hanging in the sky reminding you that you ain't gonna be coming back from her until you've maxed out your tech tree and then some :)

...and yes, I've cracked on the 10% science income because it was far too tiny. I am now at 15%. 

(Also, that probe isn't a total failure - I just haven't unleashed the lander in the pod because the contract system hasn't given me one to land on Rald yet :) )

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10 minutes ago, eddiew said:

To be fair, I think the largest @KerikBalm ever had Rald was a 0.5g planet about twice the diameter of Duna. It would be nowhere near a binary for Tellumo ^^;

But it does make a wonderful companion body, especially when you set it to it's stats for being a moon of Kerbin! 0.3g and an oxygen atmosphere, even in 3.2x it's got a bit less orbital velocity than stock Kerbin, so send out an SSTO tanker and you're set for mining. Great foothold to the outer solar system! Meanwhile you have big momma Tellumo hanging in the sky reminding you that you ain't gonna be coming back from her until you've maxed out your tech tree and then some :)

...and yes, I've cracked on the 10% science income because it was far too tiny. I am now at 15%. 

(Also, that probe isn't a total failure - I just haven't unleashed the lander in the pod because the contract system hasn't given me one to land on Rald yet :) )


So my idea was that Rald would be a moon of Gael/Tellumo or a planet between those with some moon mod.

I'm tending to moon of Gael, the strategic position is great! (Station around Rald with mining lander incoming)

Edited by DarkFighter
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3 hours ago, DarkFighter said:

My game is running fine, my 16 gigs of RAM would be overkill.

I have 32, it's not changing the fact that the game itself predictably crashes at 10gb in use by KSP... if I can, I want to reduce the footprint so's I get a bit more play time between kapows :/ 

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4 hours ago, eddiew said:

Does anyone know why this happens when I turn on d3d11?


...only the textures at KSC seem affected. Other planets are fine.

I think it might be Z-fighting (geometry existing in the same exact place with different textures popping back and forth) because the KSC is placed on top of the ground. In the beta a lot of people using directx11 also had a lot of this in the VAB.

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1 hour ago, eddiew said:

I have 32, it's not changing the fact that the game itself predictably crashes at 10gb in use by KSP... if I can, I want to reduce the footprint so's I get a bit more play time between kapows :/ 

Have you tried MemGraph? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139128-12x-memgraph-1103-with-stutter-reduction/

By default my game runs at about 11.75GB and 13.5-14GB with a large vessel. If I play a few hours it does creep up but I don't crash until I get around 21GB usage. So many mods some of them are running away with my RAM.

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10 minutes ago, Tynrael said:

Downloading now, thanks for the tip :)

I had been wondering whether the 10gb is something inherent to KSP... guess not. I will investigate and see if I can work out what's going on. Maybe it's a specific mod (though fat chance of me finding out which, tbh...)

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I'd advise against setting up a binary system while anything is in orbit of the main body or its partner. I've met with a few... @CatastrophicFailure 's :sticktongue: Not to mention, the binaries' mass ratio (forget their gravity ratio) needs to be 5:1 / 1:5 or better or there's no real point to it.

@DarkFighter Depending on the kind of game you want: Just want to have more fun within Gael' SOI, put Rald in Mun's orbit. Want to make it more practical to do a lot of stuff around but not on Tellumo, put Rald there. The latter is surely at least a good part of why @eddiew did so...that and Tellumo sings a siren's song in his general direction. :) There's no point putting that tiny world in its own orbit far from any of the already many and various parent worlds in GPP.

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9 hours ago, eddiew said:

To be fair, I think the largest @KerikBalm ever had Rald was a 0.5g planet about twice the diameter of Duna. It would be nowhere near a binary for Tellumo ^^;

But it does make a wonderful companion body, especially when you set it to it's stats for being a moon of Kerbin! 0.3g and an oxygen atmosphere, even in 3.2x it's got a bit less orbital velocity than stock Kerbin, so send out an SSTO tanker and you're set for mining. Great foothold to the outer solar system! Meanwhile you have big momma Tellumo hanging in the sky reminding you that you ain't gonna be coming back from her until you've maxed out your tech tree and then some :)

...and yes, I've cracked on the 10% science income because it was far too tiny. I am now at 15%. 

(Also, that probe isn't a total failure - I just haven't unleashed the lander in the pod because the contract system hasn't given me one to land on Rald yet :) )

not twice the diameter of duna... that would be larger than kerbin. Duna is has a radius of 320 km, while Kerbin is 600km in radius. The largest I set it to is 450 km -> 40% larger than Duna.

Mars was too small to hold on to its atmosphere over a long time span - I wanted Rald to be intermediate in mass between Kerbin and Duna (as Earth and Mars analogues) to explain its retention of an atmosphere, even if its significantly thinner than Kerbin's.

That was my logic anyway - and of course, its all relative to the rest of the system, the real mars has a radius of ~3,400 km.

My version that displaces duna doesn't quite feel the same as the earlier versions of Rald. Its atmosphere is significantly thicker, but that is off set by the higher gravity so that the landing speeds are basically the same (50% higher than on Kerbin) - however mass is mass and the inertia doesn't change. Wings generate more lift at the same speed, engines generate more thrust in the thicker atmosphere, and as a result planes track and turn significantly better on the larger version.

I'm now working on a resource config for it for the community resource pack/ life support mods-> to set the chance of water in the crust to 100% at the poles, the greenish-lowlands biome, and the shore biomes. Additionally I'm going to add the CO2/O2 resources to the atmosphere, the water resource to the oceans... and I was thinking a little water(very low concentration) to the atmosphere (water vapor) - so that in theory with TAC-LS and greenhouses from:

One could create a self sufficient base with just an ore drill and a bunch of air filters extracting CO2, O2, and Water vapor. (or less air filters, and a water drill in the green areas/poles).

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On 29/01/2017 at 11:44 AM, OhioBob said:

The only difference between the regular config and the alternate one is a single setting that changes the color of the sun flare.  I can see no reason why one would work and the other doesn't.  Are you sure you placed the alternate config in the right place?  It should go in GameDate/GPP/Ciro/ and should replace the existing Ciro.cfg.

I replaced the original Ciro config with the alternate one but instead of it loading Gale and the other planet's It loads the stock system. 

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This could be of interest. I have described exactly how I get my Spaceplane from Tellumo back into the Orbirt. Here is a link to the corresponding post.

How to get in Orbit from Tellumo

It is supposed to be a whole report, but that is probably the really interesting part.

It would be very interesting to me how you got back from Tellumo. Since I can certainly learn something else.

Edited by astroheiko
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2 hours ago, Zaccy200 said:

I replaced the original Ciro config with the alternate one but instead of it loading Gale and the other planet's It loads the stock system. 

The Alternate Ciro cfg applies the tiniest of changes and cannot break anyone's game. It did not for me. Perhaps something interfered with Kopernicus or ModularFlightIntegrator within GameData.

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