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Time to switch to pc?

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@UomoCapra @Badie I know you guys are in a tough spot and likely only allowed to say so much but worth asking. Long time lurker created an account just for this question.

Is it worth the wait for a console update or do I need to switch to PC? I would roughly consider within the next 60 days to be worth the wait. Huge fan of the game but at a spot where I can only play between 10-45 min before encountering the save corruption bug. This is occurring 100% of the time. I have found workarounds for most other issues but cannot find a way to get past the save corruption. I know this isn't an option for everybody but I am honestly debating purchasing a gaming PC just because of KSP.

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I agree with @OrbitalBuzzsaw.

It's not a solution for everyone, and console players should (and will, soon, lets hope!) have an equally enjoyable experience... but if you're already considering buying the PC version because of the console bugs, then having the ability to install mods and a proper interface (A keyboard and mouse, man!) should tip the balance in that favour.

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It is a sort of "Rock and a hard place" situation.

What I can say is that, to me at least, a gaming PC is incredibly worth it. You may buy the computer for KSP, but I'd imagine you'd find many more games to play on it, and in the end PCs are incredibly versatile in their uses.

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Thanks for the responses everybody.

@Badie thanks for the response. All good sometimes bad things happen. I hope you guys are able to resolve the issues reasonably soon to help the more "pitchforky" crowd. I know nothing about development/programming but if there is anyway I could be of assistance (recreating bugs, testing, giving FTE a stern talking to haha, anything you guys can come up with) please let me know.

@V7 Aerospace I think you are spot on. I will probably keep the console limited to sports games or console exclusives and then use the PC for larger more content heavy games.

@OrbitalBuzzsaw @monstahunfortunately that is exactly why I got out of PC gaming, I can't stand using a keyboard and mouse for most games. However in doing some research it looks as if you can now connect a PS4 controller to a PC. I will probably do that for most games. For KSP I'm hoping a blend would be possible. I'd like to use the controller for most flight & camera controls and then keep other items such as staging, translational rcs, and others to the keyboard. Does anyone know if that is possible?

@Dman979 no save corruption would be glorious!

Edited by Bulldog88
Left out someone I wanted to tag
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4 minutes ago, Bulldog88 said:

I'd like to use the controller for most flight & camera controls and then keep other items such as staging, translational rcs, and others to the keyboard. Does anyone know if that is possible?

It should be possible to configure the setup that way, yes. I don't know for certain, though.

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8 hours ago, Bulldog88 said:

For KSP I'm hoping a blend would be possible. I'd like to use the controller for most flight & camera controls and then keep other items such as staging, translational rcs, and others to the keyboard. Does anyone know if that is possible?

KSP will consider a controller (if it's USB and PC-compatible) just like a joystick, and you can bind its buttons and axes in the settings as usual. Plus, you can have more than one input for the same command. :)

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I have been playing this buggy PS4 version for several months now and I just finally downloaded the PC version.  I kept thinking my 2008 PC wouldn't play it well after seeing how the demo ran on it, but turns out it runs fine after I turned down the graphics.

It would be hard to go back for me even at this point to the PS4 until a lot is fixed.  There are things I didn't even realize are broken that make all the difference.  Like being able to not disengage the autopilot anytime I need to click on a part.  Or the way the autopilot finds the correct direction without turning so fast that it overshoots it and you have to wait for the ship to rotate back (like if you tell it to point to the maneuver for example).  So many small things that make it a more enjoyable experience, and I haven't even gotten into all of the mods available.

I do really miss the joystick for flying.  But as many have pointed out you can attach a controller to your PC if you wish.

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I don't know if this will fix your bug, but it has seemed to have fixed mine.

Anytime I quit I do the following steps.  I understand they are probably not all needed, however why change a winning thing.

1. Quick save.

2. Back out all the way to the main menu.

3. Hit the x button (The glowing one)

4. Hit the Start burropn (they changed the name of this button from the 360, to the ONE.  Its the small button on the right of the glowing button)

5.  Select quit.  Wait 20 seconds. (This exits the game, the way it is supposed to be exited)

6. Turn off the xbox. (Wait for the light to quit flashing)

7.  Then I can kill the power to the console if I wish to.

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On 12/8/2016 at 3:37 PM, Justin_Kerbal said:

Or the way the autopilot finds the correct direction without turning so fast that it overshoots it and you have to wait for the ship to rotate back (like if you tell it to point to the maneuver for example).

For what it's worth, the PC version also overshot wildly until fairly recently. It was a longstanding issue with the core game, as opposed to something that Flying Tiger Entertainment broke in the port.

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13 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

For what it's worth, the PC version also overshot wildly until fairly recently. It was a longstanding issue with the core game, as opposed to something that Flying Tiger Entertainment broke in the port.

Wow it did?  That's awful.  For crafts with higher mass you could waste a good minute waiting for it to get it right and sometimes it simply couldn't.  I am kinda glad I'm relatively late to the KSP experience!

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