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KSP movie


KSP movie?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. do you think it would be cool to have a KSP movie?

    • Just no
    • maybe
    • ok
    • YEAH MAN!

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1 hour ago, severedsolo said:

Then JJ Abrams can "reboot it" and throw all the canon out of the window and ruin the franchise. No I'm not bitter goddammit.

Or he could make a sequel that's basically a string of lazily-conceived references to the original and renders the events of the original ultimately pointless by stating that thirty years after the heroes had apparently won things are basically in the same state that they were at the beginning of the whole mess.

No, I'm not bitter goddammit.

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3 hours ago, Whisky Tango Foxtrot said:

Or he could make a sequel that's basically a string of lazily-conceived references to the original and renders the events of the original ultimately pointless by stating that thirty years after the heroes had apparently won things are basically in the same state that they were at the beginning of the whole mess.

No, I'm not bitter goddammit.

OR he could just decide that it's not worthy of him.

Yes, I am VERY bitter.

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I think a lot of the YouTube fan videos are very good, and great for what they are, as fan made 'hobbyist' short films.  But a 'proper' KSP movie for cinema and or TV general release would have to be done like any other mainstream animated movie (Toy Story, Finding Nemo etc.) to stand up and be counted.  It would be neat to see one someday, there is no doubt the talent is out there in the industry, but whether or not it would be any good as a film would be purely down to the story and script.

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I would be tempted to trot out all the kerbal cliches, starting with the on-pad checklist revealing no chutes, followed by an in-flight abort when strap-on separation triggers a RUD, then a kraken attack, followed by the usual rescue mission for the rescue mission. At the end they have to "get out and push" to get home 

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Having skimmed the previous replies, I think people are forgetting one thing, in particular. KSP is hardly mainstream. 99% of people have no idea what the game is, and 99% of the player base is mildly interested at best. The very interested, dedicated players are very much in the minority. If such a film were made, no sane person would release it to cinema, which would essentially relegate it to the same category as any other $1.00 'bargain bin' movie. Let alone the fact that budgeting, casting and publicity would all be abysmally bad, if it existed at all. Yes, KSP is awesome. But a movie? I don't know about that.

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Honestly one of the few, good video game based realization I had to see was Metal Gear Solid - Philanthropy. Non-perfect of course but still when the work was aligned with their means the artwork resulting was more than good.


Now as someone who make four years of college studies in "Cinema-Audio" (as they love to call it), I think that now it will not be possible to realize an adaptation (I insist on the term adaptation) without ruining the KSP atmosphere and story we know... simply because KSP is one of these exceptions where we strictly have no proper story in a cinema as a literary world. The three main parts of the storyline, introduction, development and conclusion, these three boring stages (that we are forced to respect in this industry...) can't be aligned with KSP as, even in a career campaign, the scenario can change between each player, we are free to do what we want.

Or... the idea of an adaptation could be flushed and give its place to an inspiration. But this is absolutely dangerous as most inspired realization just take a solid base on the original artwork then use to literary rub-out what the "Team" (with a major T...) don't want in their artwork. Do it, add some peripeteia and other stuff to make it more drinkable.

Why not establishing a weak-relationship between Valentina and Bob, of course Jeb' is behind 'cause he always was jealous of Bob who got better result at the astronauts school while he was a boss at all the physic exercise  test and he got the guts to be a test pilot?! But Val' never care for him, whyyyyy....? And during this time Linux, who was abandoned at birth is slowly discovering that... Wernher IS his genitor! The father he was looking since the beginning!

Of course lets put more cake, yogourt and fluffy stuff in and we could even realize just a Part I of KSP the Movie like this, and maybe could we expected to see at least one or even two launches during this film.


More seriously if it has to happen, then I would prefer to see it in a "medium" realization, between 30 and 60 minutes. Even if it's probably the most difficult sector to work in, between the short and the long, like a hybrid of the cinema, the medium can ensure enough time to a short but good introduction, a nice development and basically some time to not trash the conclusion.

But as a personal choice I think about Maybe leaning to No.

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1 hour ago, ottothesilent said:

Having skimmed the previous replies, I think people are forgetting one thing, in particular. KSP is hardly mainstream. 99% of people have no idea what the game is, and 99% of the player base is mildly interested at best. The very interested, dedicated players are very much in the minority. If such a film were made, no sane person would release it to cinema, which would essentially relegate it to the same category as any other $1.00 'bargain bin' movie. Let alone the fact that budgeting, casting and publicity would all be abysmally bad, if it existed at all. Yes, KSP is awesome. But a movie? I don't know about that.

I've thought this as well when people ask about getting my Emiko Station published.... just who would read it, besides some dedicated fans? The sad truth is KSP is not like WOW or the Sims, which have almost become household words. Very few people know it exists, so I doubt many would be interested.

I would love to see KSP be a movie... and honestly, I would love to write it.
But realistically, besides for us on the forum, who would actually go see it?

This is why I don't think either will happen.

Edited by Just Jim
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Actually, I don't see any insurmountable barriers to making a good KSP inspired film. No - it can't be an adaptation because as @XB-70A rightly points out, there's no real storyline to KSP but I regard that as a strength rather than a weakness because it gives the film maker an essentially blank canvas to work with. It's the same reason why KSP is such a fertile source of fan-fiction. I don't think there's any need to worry about making a film for a small fanbase - make a good film and if anything, it'll probably help bring the game to a wider audience.

That 'making a good film' part is the real trick of course but consider what the filmmaker has to work with:

  • Plucky amateurs pushing the bounds of the possible.
  • A fairly hard science-fiction setting. This is cutting edge technology with real risks of failure.
  • An early days space program, the thrill of the unknown and the wonder of exploration.
  • All of the above seen through the eyes of cute, slightly daffy aliens who are still human enough to be relatable to. 

Each and every one of those has made for good films in the past. Hard sci-fi spaceflight has become increasingly popular - see Gravity or The Martian for example. Or, going back a few years, Apollo 13. For a film about the beginning of a space program (and all the risks and danger that goes with it), look no further than The Right Stuff. If you want plucky amateurs, there's The Astronaut Farmer, or the real life story of Copenhagen Suborbitals. Heck 'amateur space program' is a venerable sci-fi trope going all the way back to Jules Verne and his Baltimore Gun Club. Finally, for the appeal of daffy aliens, look no further than (naturally), The Minions.

It would need a good quality script but KSP has more than enough classic sci-fi elements to base an excellent film on.

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I'm gonna say "No" on this one. 

Squaresoft made a few movies based on the Final Fantasy games. Visually fantastic, but the movies themselves.....well....they stunk.

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Well if its going to be a movie by a mainstream company like dreamworks


Then its going to follow the standard game movie genre


1. Kerbals will be red not green..and not come from Duna kerbin..but have been buried underground for millions of years..choosing to surface after a thunderstorm and the presence of Tom Kerman ... contrary to source material

2. KSC will be an american town..not Kerbal Space Center..contrary to source material

3. Kerbals themselves will sound like electric bass guitars and turn everyone to ash..a plane will crash for no reason and humans fleeing the kerbal onslaught will choose a brightly lit ferry glowing with more light than the sun

contrary to source material :)

4. A train will be on fire.. Actually the entire movie will be ABOUT trains..everything trains..kerbal train program!!! Land trains with kerbinov cockpits numbered after NSW railway locomotives.. Thousands will die fleeing the kerbal fighting machines.... 

Because trains kill (alot)

based on a true story


5. Matt Kermon will need to be rescued..again in some situation




What? It doesnt sound like kerbal space program the movie?

Of course it does!! Just like streetfighter was EXACTLY like the game and mario brothers was about 2 italian plumbers stomping on turtles happily



Edited by Overland
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If I was better at making vids, I'd put one together based on a Vall challenge/RP mission I did awhile back:

A space telescope catches a glimpse of a strange structure on the south side of Vall. KSC is tasked with putting together a mission to explore the anomaly. En route to Vall, one of the crew is exposed as a zealot from a fringe group called "Tylotologists", a group that believes all life on Kerbin was "seeded" in the distant past by another race. The zealot sabotages the mission, but thanks to the heroic crew they still manage to land at the Vall anomaly. The science teams on Vall start making discoveries that suggest the Tylotology theories may actually be correct, but the truth is hidden from the general Kerbin population. While in orbit of Vall, the zealot manages to steal one of the spacecraft and heads to Tylo, sacrificing his life to try and prove Tylotology is correct and to expose the cover-up. After the mission, which resulted in more questions than answers, the discoveries on Vall are swept under the carpet by unknown forces. Only the crew and several key players at KSC know the real truth..

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Unlikely a full-length movie can be created (because of absolutely no storyline in the game itself, just scenery), but if so, they would greatly save on actors, using just one. Like in Orphan Black series, but more totally.
(At the same time this actor would be paid for all roles. And an actress, too.)

More likely if, say, Nuka-Zooka makes a KSP things like they do with other games.


On 03.01.2017 at 3:11 PM, worir4 said:

Isn't there a general rule that any film that is based of a game is a bad film?

Why? But Uwe Boll?

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On 1/3/2017 at 5:11 AM, worir4 said:

Isn't there a general rule that any film that is based of a game is a bad film? :wink:

I would like to see more of those 5 minutes animations that they have on Youtube. Those are great to watch.

There was a general rule about that. Then Prince of Persia came out and broke the cursed chain.  The last good movie based on a game before PoP was Clue, and that was a long time ago.

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I kind of want a KSP movie. There's a lot of good stories we can tell in the Kerbalverse, mostly because of how much of a blank slate it is.

First Flight could make a good KSP movie. There would have to be a lot less emphasis on the Kermol though. The KIS is the A-plot of First Flight, while the Kermol make up the B-plot. However, the C-plot of Rockomax is far more connected to the A-plot, and it's likely the B-plot would have to be dropped.

Of course, I'm not that far in, so it's possible I don't know what I'm talking about.

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9 hours ago, samstarman5 said:

@XB-70A  Did you know Uwe Boll got very upset when he was told people didn't like his movies?

Oh yes... I can't really describe why, but the first time I saw the video of him fighting his online critics I was mixed between despair and admiration.

Still the fact is that he realized a lot of bombs, on the artistic as economic points. For the last maybe it could be the result of the traditional impossibility of some prods to run their budget and it just rise like it should never. As an example it's still imcomprehensible to me that the terrible Far Cry movie got about 30 millions of funds (!). But it turns to be so bad that it starts to be enjoyable,

So for B and Z-movies lovers like some of us are, Uwe Boll is a kind of master.



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12 hours ago, Icarus_Vice said:

I kind of want a KSP movie. There's a lot of good stories we can tell in the Kerbalverse, mostly because of how much of a blank slate it is.

First Flight could make a good KSP movie. There would have to be a lot less emphasis on the Kermol though. The KIS is the A-plot of First Flight, while the Kermol make up the B-plot. However, the C-plot of Rockomax is far more connected to the A-plot, and it's likely the B-plot would have to be dropped.

Of course, I'm not that far in, so it's possible I don't know what I'm talking about.

It's very kind of you to say so and you're absolutely right. First Flight would need a lot of reworking to turn it into a screenplay, mainly because it has quite a few plot lines happening at the same time and they do (eventually :) ) all become important to the story. I think it would probably make a better TV series than a film.

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5 hours ago, KSK said:

It's very kind of you to say so and you're absolutely right. First Flight would need a lot of reworking to turn it into a screenplay, mainly because it has quite a few plot lines happening at the same time and they do (eventually :) ) all become important to the story. I think it would probably make a better TV series than a film.


IMHO, First flight would indeed work very well as a serie. I'd say, if one was to do it as such, then S1E1 would be the Kerbal 1, and S1E10 would be the first manned orbit. Then S2 would probably end with the first manned mun orbit, woth S3 being a Mun and Minmus arc.

This way, it would be possible to include the large amount of worldbuilding it came packaged with, since you can't really drop the kermol plot as it becomes important in part II, because


as of what happens in part I, Kerbalkind understands it will soon face a very dangerous, and possibly world-ending problem: space is running out for the Kerm, with disastrous outcomes.

Also, FF has, well, loads and loads of characters, so it would probably feel compressed if it was just in a feature-length film.

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