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Ultimate Steve

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On 12/6/2018 at 10:34 PM, cubinator said:

I've seen drivers do black magic like that...

Apparently I dont think its a driver issue. Loose connection on the speaker, specifically the volume knob.

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26 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

A nice site with shuttle pictures.

For any French speaking person, Capcom was one of the greatest sources of information for a long time (excepted for the orthographic faults...)

One of their best contribution was to give an early access to the final inquiry of VA88 failure in 96.

Their pages contain a lot of pictures hard to find, even on the most common search engine.

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Sooooo..... State Police Trooper just dropped me off at my house.

Went out on a first date with a girl.   Went well.   Had a few drinks. 

Driving home trooper pulls me over.    Light over my license plate is out.    He smells alcohol on me, which I freely admit to having a couple few drinks with dinner.

He gives the field sobriety test.   Can't see his finger without my glasses on, so I have trouble focusing on it.    And then I stumbled when doing the walk cause I'm an uncoordinated fool.    Places me under arrest for DUI.    Cuffs and everything. 

Get to the barracks to do the breathalyzer.   His attitude to me has changed the more realizes I am in no way intoxicated.   Blow a .015.   Limit is .08. 

He then realizes he really dropped the ball on this one, and says he wont give me a ticket since the impound fees will be a bit of their own (They had to tow the car). 

He then gives me a ride home.   Gives me my stuff back, after handcuffing me again, this time in front, so I'm trying to hold onto my keys and phone at the same time.   

Got a great selfie in the back of the cop car, cuffs included.

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2 hours ago, Delay said:

Can anyone confirm that there are no Pythagorean triples where one of the legs is equal to half the hypotenuse?

Because if that's correct I accidentally just proved that.

Shouldn't work.....


A2 + B2 = C2 given that its a right triangle and what not. C = 2B (from what you were saying). Therefore, A2 + B2 = 4B2 . From that, A2  = 3B2 . Taking the square root of it, you get A=(sqrt 3)B which also is the same as saying (A/B) = sqrt 3. Square root three cannot be rational so there's a contradiction meaning that there cannot be any Pythagorean triple with that property.

At least if the math is correct.

Curious to see your proof.....

Edited by qzgy
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2 hours ago, Delay said:

Can anyone confirm that there are no Pythagorean triples where one of the legs is equal to half the hypotenuse?

Because if that's correct I accidentally just proved that.

Not for integers, it seems. The other leg has to be sqrt(3)/2 of the hypotenuse to be a right triangle.

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My afternoon snack involved a giant water bug, among other assorted crispy critters, as part of the activity in my entomology class. An unusual flavor to end the semester's classes on, certainly. :D Almost spicy? Ultimately quite palatable, but god help you if you try to chew the tough wings to swallowable bits in a reasonable amount of time.

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12 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

Do you get to look at it beforehand? Or can you smell the colors of the stickers?

I essentially memorize the cube beforehand, and then when I am not observing it I can swap the quantum superposition of the pieces.

7 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

He applies the product of mass and acceleration. ;)

A little bit of that too!



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Did you glue the poor cat to the shelf ? :/:cool:


Watched the hike through the depths of Moria and the bridge of Khazad Dhum (or whatever it is called) with a spider. The spider (one of these hunting spiders, maybe 5cm with legs) took its time crawling through the projector field from lower right to upper left (i spent some time trying to calculate OpenGL coordinates) and even a "Fly, you fools !" couldn't accelerate it.

I was too lazy (and a cat was sleeping on my lap) and the family visitors who were watching were so amused, we let it live.


Edited by Green Baron
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Not putting up a tree this year.   Too much of a hassle.    When I was married and owned my home (The dissoultion of the former resulted in the loss of the latter), we had put the tree up in a corner of a room we barely used.    It stayed up for 9 years.   After each thanksgiving we'd shake it to get the dust and spiders out. 

@RealKerbal3x and @CyberBullyPolice, over the top trees are just a function of the room size vs the size of the tree. 

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