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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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Put my grandmother in a care home. Moved some of her fantastic stuff into my pace. Blew out my lower back. Drank a six pack of beer. Told an semi available woman I loved her. Am about to eat some pizza. I don’t know if life is good or bad, but it certainly IS.

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25 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Mockingbirds have built a nest right outside my bedroom window... this could get interesting

Talk to them about Flash Gordon and KSP, if there's enough of them they will practically write The Princess of Duna for you.

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Maidened my 2nd ever scratch built rc airplane today (the first we dont talk about). Crashed of course cause I dont reeeaallly know how to fly one. And the design needs tweaking.

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This has absolutely nothing to do with me, but @adsii1970 might like this... Just some interesting thing I came across.


Something else that does have something to do with me: Yesterday I finally took the time to watch the first episode of TOS! Back from when stardates made no sense as far as the episodes/seasons were concerned (the first one episode takes place in 15-something, the third in 13-something) and visual effects were still rather... primitive.
Still, very enjoyable and I can already imagine myself binge-watching this in the upcoming summer vacation, when I actually have lots of time to watch all three seasons. It'll be fun!

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2 hours ago, GearsNSuch said:

Or are you going for a record?

Pretty much this.

Years ago, I did mark all as read, and then it turned out it only marked the first few hundred as read, and had to load the next few hundred from the server.  And the web portal for the biggest offender does the same, so it's not worth the hassle to me. 

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7 hours ago, GearsNSuch said:

Or are you going for a record?


4 hours ago, Gargamel said:

Pretty much this.

Don’t bother, because...

2 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

you're on another level :0.0:

I can personally attest that my dear ol’ mum’s computer has well over 127,000 unread emails, and is approaching exponential growth since she doesn’t know how to sanitize forwards and won’t delete anything without reading it first. And then forwarding it to everyoneSo you’re fighting a losing battle there, G. :wink:

So please do my OCD a favor and hit that “mark all read” button as many times as you need to. :confused:

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2 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

So please do my OCD a favor and hit that “mark all read” button as many times as you need to. :confused:

It's an even 50,000.... how much more perfection does your OCD need?  :D

And no, I tried it once, not gonna try again :P  It's far easier to just ignore what I don't care to read.  I have my 'business' account which deals mainly with the online vendors I deal with, that's the one with the most emails, and so it's ended up on many many peoples mailing lists.   But unlike junk snail mail, I have no mind letting it pile up, occasionally I will find a good deal in one of the emails.  And since I've done business with those companies, I don't mind the mail at all.   Now if it's unsolicited junk mail, then that goes straight to the spam bin.   Then on top of that email, there's the email I use for gaming sites (like this one), my personal Email address, the one I used for moving money around offshore when I was playing a lot of poker, and a couple other email addys I've used for a couple etsy style craft businesses I've run.    So yeah, it tends to build up, but to which email account it gets sent to tells my how important it really is.

I went from like 20k to 50k in the last 3-4 years? (Maybe longer) But I do know it's accelerating.   So tell your mum I'm coming for her :P

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Funny and interesting: After 2 days of forum breaking, only showing in HTML format, on the last day of term, it's working again. When it loaded for me I just laughed at the coincidence, and it's interesting that it just decided to work again. However the avatars are still broken and so are the emotes, but that won't stop me



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