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[1.8.x] Kerbal Foundries -- Continued - Tracks, Wheels, and Gear


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Would it be possible to get a version of the small adjustable gear with the tire down the centerline, as opposed to one side or the other? I ask mainly for aesthetic- and authenticity-related reasons. For instance, the nose gear on the MiG-15 (among many other aircraft) has the tire behind the strut, versus the small gear in-game where it sits directly to the left or right.

While on the topic of authentic-looking gear, would it also be possible to get a version of the gear with a bigger tire compared to the size of the strut? The very long strut on the current gear is helpful for spaceplanes and other high-ground-clearance applications, but results in having to clip the gear into the fuselage of more historically-oriented vehicles.

In any case, love the mod, been using it for years and it's never let me down. Cheers!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Now that Parallax collisions are out, I did some testing on  fresh 1.11 install with Parallax, Kopernicus, and KSP Foundries. The good news is, that most of the rover wheels perform as expected out of the box, even the Screw drive!

The tracks are a different story, it looks like only one or two wheels are colliding with the terrain, but the rest are not:




Feels like on parts with multiple KSPWheel modules, only a single one actually registers, which also shows up in these tiny dual wheels:


The inverted track doesnt collide at all:


Also none of the deployable airplane wheels collide at all (hard to see in the picture, but they sink into the parallax terrain, and do not traverse when moving):




Parallax has some documentation on how to make wheel modules compatible, so if you ever plan to update this awesome mod to support Parallax collisions, I hope the above helps!


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I was specifically testing Parallax interaction, so haven't tested in a plain 1.11, but the Parallax collision planes are drawn just "above" the ground.  The tracks are behaving like they are appropriately colliding with the regular terrain underneath these collision planes, as well as functioning as expected on the runway, so there may not be any significant issues with 1.11 without parallax. 

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  • 2 months later...
  On 4/2/2021 at 1:25 PM, alf said:

Hi.   Does Kerbal Foundries work in KSP 1.11.2 and if yes where can I get the latest version of it?   This used to be one of my favorite mods.


It was most recently updated up to 1.8* compatibility (which is still relatively current). The big unity engine update was 1.8, so I'm guessing KF / KSP Wheel would work fine in 1.11.2.

You can grab it from CKAN if you set your compatible game versions to include 1.8 mods.

Edited by Beetlecat
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I have had the latest version ( installed and loading without errors in 1.11.2.

I can't verify every part b/c I just started a new JNSQ career game but what parts I have unlocked and used all work fine.

BTW, if you use Kiwi Tech Tree, I have created MM patches for Kerbal Foundries and posted them over in the KTT topic.

And, if you don't use KTT but are a fan of the probes before kerbals type tech trees I would definitely recommended it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Everything seems to work fine with this mod except when i connect a tank track vehicle to something else (via docking ports etc.). Physics fail and the vehicles start jittering until they explode. Anyone else getting this ? it might be a mod interaction.

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  On 4/12/2021 at 9:23 AM, ikarus said:

Everything seems to work fine with this mod except when i connect a tank track vehicle to something else (via docking ports etc.). Physics fail and the vehicles start jittering until they explode. Anyone else getting this ? it might be a mod interaction.


I've had similar behavior too, not sure though if it happened in docking. And I'm playing in 1.9.x so I may not be updated on this information and some things may have been corrected between that compatibility and now. But apart from what Shadow can clarify, here are the observations I have from what's happened to me:

  • The jittering--my craft hopping from one track to another--also happens when the vehicle is heavily loaded (IOW, a heavy vehicle). This is even if the total load is below the weight limit for all the tracks on board (a.k.a. the ground pressure is low). 
  • This will also happen under physics warp, especially 4x. Physics warp has the effect of increasing (not sure if it's multiplying with the same factor as the listed speed, e.g. 4x), but there is that noticeable effect. It will also happen to the KF wheels on a heavy vehicle, too, but not as dramatic. 
  • The tracks  (not sure if all of them, certainly the RBI one, and I think the long track?) have the same effect on a Kerbal as the stock TR-something used to have until an update: Kerbals on EVA will bounce off of it. Unpredictably. Often to lethal velocities. I've avoided close EVA around tracks as a consequence.

Admittedly I play mod-heavy, so it could be a mod interaction. But I am more thinking it is a consequence of the plugin and KSP physics itself.  The tracks seem to be physically modelled slightly differently from wheels--and one has to take into account they can be tweakscaled larger or smaller. And docking to something else creates a new craft out of the two docked craft, and the track has to account for the new and total weight--even if, for example, the docked-to craft is a base with its own legs. This isn't to say it isn't possible--I have a tracked rover on the Mun using KF long tracks that docks to a base without observable jitter. Thing is, the base in question is like about 10-20 times the weight of the rover, so maybe the base's own inherent weight is suppressing the behavior, and I use the Dmagic flexible docking ports so that I have no issues aligning docking ports and wheels/base surface or legs.  And then there's also the Parking Brake mod active on the base. And I don't leave the scene or physics range  while rovers (KF wheels or stock wheels) are docked to anything anyway to avoid potential issues when everything gets reloaded on return. 

Edited by B-STRK
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, thought I'd check in and see what's new. Had a play with the lastest version and had some ideas for a few bits I'd like to re-impliment, but I don't seem to be able to access the source for the project. The "source" zip link from GitHub just gives the the compiled mod again, Is there another location I can get the source from? I can't find it in GitHub generally (though admittedly I'm a little rusty with dev stuff).


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WHOA!... lo-fi showing up out of nowhere?? Hiya!! :wave:

And even better, stating they have "some ideas"?... and want to poke the source code???

But to answer, and I hope I'm right... I thin Shadowmage replced the KF code, with KSP Wheels... (which is a standalone plugin, IIRC?)

Which might mean why its in its *own* repo:


If I'm wrong, hopefully someone will correct me lickety-split :P

Nice to see you around again, Lo-fi ;)

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  On 4/28/2021 at 3:05 PM, lo-fi said:

Hello, thought I'd check in and see what's new. Had a play with the lastest version and had some ideas for a few bits I'd like to re-impliment, but I don't seem to be able to access the source for the project. The "source" zip link from GitHub just gives the the compiled mod again, Is there another location I can get the source from? I can't find it in GitHub generally (though admittedly I'm a little rusty with dev stuff).



Nice to see you around :)

Indeed, Stone Blue posted the link to the GitHub repo above.  If you need anything opened up, or have any questions, feel free to reach out.  Work has been keeping me too busy to do any actual modding work recently, but I do try and at least keep up on correspondence.


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  • 1 month later...
  On 4/3/2021 at 1:28 PM, alf said:

Never mind!   It works!   I took it out of the Game Data folder and put it in the main Kerbal Space Program folder and it works great!


Could you better explain what you did?  I'm only getting the KF auxiliary power unit and no other parts. I'm pulling my hair out trying to fix it but I cant figure it out.

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  On 6/10/2021 at 6:28 PM, ronin95 said:

Could you better explain what you did?  I'm only getting the KF auxiliary power unit and no other parts. I'm pulling my hair out trying to fix it but I cant figure it out.


Most likely you have some mistake on install process. This thread may help you to better understand how mods work in KSP and how to avoid install errors, regardless if you are using CKAN or manual install:

If that does not help you then upload your KSP.log file on some cloud service and give a link for it. Then it will be easier to help you further, to narrow down issue.

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I doubt it since its not my first time modding kerbal and ive had this mod working in the past but ill give it a read. Its in gamedata and the build tab appears for the mod and nothing is in it except the one part.

Log is here


Edited by ronin95
adding link to a ksp.log so to better help diagnose my problem.
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