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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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For near future spacecraft, how i would i keep the stock command pod  as well as the modded ones? (stock ones are better for me with bdarmory)

thanks in advance :)

Edited by lorange7
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9 hours ago, lorange7 said:

For near future spacecraft, how i would i keep the stock command pod  as well as the modded ones? (stock ones are better for me with bdarmory)

thanks in advance :)

NF Spacecraft does only deliver additions command modules. It does not replace any, like the Restock mod does.

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14 hours ago, Rakete said:

NF Spacecraft does only deliver additions command modules. It does not replace any, like the Restock mod does.

it changes how some stock command modules look, unless im getting mixed up with near future aeronautics?

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58 minutes ago, lorange7 said:

it changes how some stock command modules look, unless im getting mixed up with near future aeronautics?

No, it doesn't. It introduces new pods and that's it. I suppose you have Restock installed. It has the same overall aesthetic and changes lots of stock parts, including command pods.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've created a config for NearFuture Exploration that adds every SCANsat scan type (Altimetry lo, hi, biome, Visual lo, hi, Resource lo, hi, and Anomoly) to each of the NFExpl. probe cores. They Also all have an ideal scanning altitude of 150km. Yeah yeah but whats the fun in that you say??  Because its much faster lol. If you would like to try to i will post the link below.


NearFuture Exploration SCANsat Config

☑ Adds each type of SCANsat scanner to every NF Exploration probe core

☑  Adds each type of SCANexperiment to every NF Exploration probe core

☑ Allows ideal scanning for every scan to be made at only 150km

☑  Best way, IMO, to use it if you want is to set an action group # to start each scan-all scans on one single #- that way as soon as you're in the right orbit just hit the # you assigned it to and all the scans will start.


Download here:

NearFuture Exploration SCANsat Config



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FIXED: DLL was missing - reinstall fixed it.


Anyone else having a problem with using Caps with Kerbalism? There are no controls to activate the CAP. I can upload log and all, but wanted to check first if anyone has seen similar?

UPDATE: ok looks like the Capacitor interface window just never pops up.  There is no way to charge or dischare cap.


Edited by Atlas Gaming
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On 10/4/2023 at 7:34, Astra Infinitum said:

Creé una configuración para NearFuture Exploration que agrega cada tipo de escaneo de SCANsat (Altimetría baja, alta, bioma, Visual baja, alta, Recurso bajo, alta y Anomalía) a cada uno de los NFExpl. núcleos de sonda. También todos tienen una altitud de exploración ideal de 150 km. Sí, sí, pero ¿cuál es la diversión en eso que dices? Porque es mucho más rápido lol. Si desea intentarlo, publicaré el siguiente enlace.


NearFuture Exploration SCANsat Config

☑ Agrega cada tipo de escáner SCANsat a cada núcleo de sonda de NF Exploration

☑ Agrega cada tipo de SCANexperiment a cada núcleo de sonda de NF Exploration

☑ Permite realizar un escaneo ideal para cada escaneo a solo 150 km

☑ La mejor manera, en mi opinión, de usarlo si lo desea es establecer un número de grupo de acción para iniciar cada escaneo, todos los escaneos en un solo número, de esa manera, tan pronto como esté en la órbita correcta, simplemente presione el número que le asignó. y se iniciarán todos los escaneos.


Descarga aquí:

NearFuture Exploration SCANsat Config



Where should i put this config file? Thx in advance  :wink:

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3 hours ago, Ariel Kerman said:

Where should i put this config file? Thx in advance  :wink:

Anywhere in the GameData folder would suffice but I suggest you create a folder there for all of your personal config files.  There you can keep better oversight of unique configs you're running and control when they get replaced or deleted.  If you put your custom configs within a mod folder, you risk losing them when the mod updates.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heads up, I cobbled together a patch to Near Future Electrical's Decaying RTGs extra which adds compatibility with the Bumblebee mod's RTG part to it, in case anyone happens to want to use that extra with that mod. You can find the .cfg file on GitHub HERE or paste the following code in yourself:


// Bumblebee
    @cost *= 0.5
    !MODULE[ModuleGenerator] {}
        name = ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator
        BasePower = 0.6
        HalfLife = 8.35
        EasyMode = true

Edited by SpudNutimus
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, Brainpop14 said:

Wish these could all get updated to 1.12.5 I think they might be breaking my game

what would be the problem? I'm using all Near Future Technologies mods and none of them are having problems

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  • 2 weeks later...

20230626:  My Octo-Girder Octagonal Docking Connector docking ports will not dock.  I see a very similar report from 2019, linked below.  Is this the same issue?  Is there a workaround?

20230627:  I have partially solved this, using initial orientations of Prograde / Retrograde or Radial In / Radial Out, but it still doesn't work for initial orientation of Normal / Anti-Normal.  See "Another Update" below for details, screenshots, and new logs.

Two screenshots from me.  "screws facing out" on both the upper and lower connectors, which I'm pretty sure is correct.

2019 report, which looks very much the same issue as this.  I tried going very slowly 0.1m/s approach speed, with docking attraction force set to 5%, as suggested in this post.  I also tried approaching with the orange orientation arrow of the docking alignment indicator pointing each of the 4 directions (12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock).  No luck.


I tried a much smaller test rig.  I still can't get it to work in space, but got it to work on the runway.


KSP:  https://1drv.ms/u/s!AijA8HUkaaOEmFKYUecyZLrqTZxQ?e=AJ9oeL

Player:  https://1drv.ms/u/s!AijA8HUkaaOEmFPCx2tUbKyn1GXP?e=m09QO1

Another update (20230627):

I got the test rig above to work, as follows:

  • SAS to Prograde
  • SAS to Stability Assist
  • Undock
  • Use RCS to back one pod away from the other
  • Use RCS to approach
  • Keep approach speed to 0.4ms

This worked for initial orientations of Prograde/Retrograde and Radial In/Radial Out.  I tried again with Normal/Anti-Normal, using the same approach as described, but still no luck.  Approaches faster than 0.4ms may work for the successful orientations, but I didn't try any other speeds.

Screenshots using the Radial In / Radial Out initial orientation:


Today's Logs:

KSP:  https://1drv.ms/u/s!AijA8HUkaaOEmFb7tVhblAAYWhXS?e=WeTK3P

Player:  https://1drv.ms/u/s!AijA8HUkaaOEmFUGDlQKgV1_m8yL?e=PpNJhZ

Edited by Poppa Wheelie
Updated info and screenshots. Added logs.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Friendly reminder to those who want to try out the dev version of NF Electrical to also download SystemHeat (which is not listed in the dependencies for the previous versions). Else the reactors won't be able to produce any electricity...

On 6/30/2023 at 7:42 AM, zw_45 said:

Found an issue with NFLV TR107 waterfall patch. The “EFFECTS {}” syntax was missing after removing original effects. The engine is soundless.

A pending pull request on github already exists, and it includes the fix.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I think I have spotted an issue with the NF Exploration Reflectors. ALT-Copying a feed antenna part is pointed at an reflector leads to the copied part having an  altered transmission power rating. It seems like the power rating of the reflector is added to the power of the antenna,  The copied part then still gets the bonus from pointing to the reflector a second time, so total vessel rating is affected. This doesnt happen when you take a new antenna from the VAB parts list and point it at the reflector, it appears to happen only when copying.

Left side: Feed Antenna used from the VAB Menu. Right side: Copy of first Antenna.



Mods used:

Module Manager 4.2.3




B9 Part Switch 2.20.0


Log files: https://we.tl/t-3vzFYQodzA?utm_campaign=TRN_TDL_05&utm_source=sendgrid&utm_medium=email&trk=TRN_TDL_05


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Is there a guide somewhere that would tell me what the advanced reactor controls do? The "advance controls" UI element and the gear icon next to the on/off button both show a bunch of controls...that are inscrutable icons with no tooltops, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what any of them do.

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3 hours ago, Tokamak said:

Is there a guide somewhere that would tell me what the advanced reactor controls do? The "advance controls" UI element and the gear icon next to the on/off button both show a bunch of controls...that are inscrutable icons with no tooltops, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what any of them do.

The gear icon opens a little pop-up window to allow you to change the displayed name and icon of the current reactor - useful for large bases/stations/ships with multiple reactors to help keep track of which one you're currently looking at or what it's designated purpose is.


The two options in the advanced section let you set the automatic "temperature shutoff" and "warp shutoff" thresholds.

There's a little more info on the GitHub wiki, but it's incomplete (missing images) and rather terse.

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4 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

The gear icon opens a little pop-up window to allow you to change the displayed name and icon of the current reactor - useful for large bases/stations/ships with multiple reactors to help keep track of which one you're currently looking at or what it's designated purpose is.


The two options in the advanced section let you set the automatic "temperature shutoff" and "warp shutoff" thresholds.

There's a little more info on the GitHub wiki, but it's incomplete (missing images) and rather terse.

Oh! I get it. I thought the gear brought up a panel with 9 different buttons that did unknown things. I didn't realize it was just selecting an icon for the reactor. >.<

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I've been spending some time making little patches to integrate mods with other mods that I use, and last night I decided to make some omni converter templates for use with @Angel-125's various Wild Blue Industries mods (Buffalo, DSEV, etc.) to add direct support for LH2, LCH4, and Lithium.  These templates, like the other omni converter templates, match the output of the Convert-O-Tron 250 but have a slightly higher efficiency.  I make no claim to have balanced WBI mods with any of @Nertea's mods.  I just implemented templates that match the CryoTanks and NFP  ISRU patches for the Convert-O-Tron 250 while maintaining the WBI omni converter efficiency bonus.  But anyway, find in the spoilers templates for LH2, LH2+Ox, LCH4, LCH4+Ox, and Lithium.

And now I'm editing this post to add NearFutureElectrical support items to some WBI mods.  First, you will find a patch to convert the WildBlueTools S.A.F.E.R. fission reactor to output the more standardized DepletedFuel rather than DepletedUranium (making it match the NFE reactors) as well as adding NFE's RadioactiveStorageContainer module to it.  Also, I've modified the appropriate omni converter templates for nuclear to utilize DepletedFuel rather than DepletedUranium.  No attempt was made to change anything related to balance issues, just a change to DepletedFuel.  I've also replaced the Uraninite Refiner omni converter template with one that processes Ore into EnrichedUranium at the same resource ratios as NFE's Whirlijig Nuclear Reprocessor.  You will also find a patch for the DSEV D2LAB template for the Nuclear Processing Lab that makes similar changes as the above omni converter template changes that also adds NFE's RadioactiveStorageContainer module.  Lastly, there is a patch for DSEV's DMB0 "Trinity" Tri-Modal Engine that makes the DepletedUranium-to-DepletedFuel swap and adds the RadioactiveStorageContainer module to it as well.  It was absolutely killing me that WBI uses DepletedUranium rather than DepletedFuel, making interoperability between WBI nuclear systems and most other mods more complex, though I will say the generic DepletedFuel makes less sense than DepletedUranium.

WildBlueTools Omni Converter Templates for CryoTanks (LH2, LH2+Ox, LCH4, LCH4+Ox)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wild Blue Industries Omni Converter Templates for CryoTanks
//    Omni Converter templates are balanced the same as the stock "Convert-O-Tron 250" with the exception of
//    a larger efficiency bonus.  This template follows suit by matching CryoTanks' ISRU patch but adding
//    the standard WBI efficiency bonus.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	TechRequired = advScienceTech
	ConverterName = Ore -> LH2 & Oxidizer
	description = Convert Ore into LH2 and Oxidizer
	StartActionName = Start LH2+Ox
	StopActionName = Stop LH2+Ox	 
	AutoShutdown = false
	UseSpecialistBonus = true
	SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
	SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
	ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
	EfficiencyBonus = 1.2
		ResourceName = Ore
		Ratio = 0.5
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = ElectricCharge
		Ratio = 30
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = LqdHydrogen
		Ratio = 12.37062375
		DumpExcess = false
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = Oxidizer
		Ratio = 0.82470825
		DumpExcess = true
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

	TechRequired = advScienceTech
	ConverterName = Ore -> LH2
	description = Convert Ore into LH2
	StartActionName = Start LH2
	StopActionName = Stop LH2
	AutoShutdown = false
	UseSpecialistBonus = true
	SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
	SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
	ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
	EfficiencyBonus = 1.2
		ResourceName = Ore
		Ratio = 0.5
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = ElectricCharge
		Ratio = 30
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = LqdHydrogen
		Ratio = 63.45
		DumpExcess = false
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

	TechRequired = advScienceTech
	ConverterName = Ore -> LCH4 & Oxidizer
	description = Convert Ore into LCH4 and Oxidizer
	StartActionName = Start LCH4+Ox
	StopActionName = Stop LCH4+Ox
	AutoShutdown = false
	UseSpecialistBonus = true
	SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
	SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
	ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
	EfficiencyBonus = 1.2
		ResourceName = Ore
		Ratio = 0.5
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = ElectricCharge
		Ratio = 30
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = LqdMethane
		Ratio = 2.385
		DumpExcess = false
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = Oxidizer
		Ratio = 0.795
		DumpExcess = true
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

	TechRequired = advScienceTech
	ConverterName = Ore -> LCH4
	description = Convert Ore into LCH4
	StartActionName = Start LCH4
	StopActionName = Stop LCH4
	AutoShutdown = false
	UseSpecialistBonus = true
	SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
	SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
	ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
	EfficiencyBonus = 1.2
		ResourceName = Ore
		Ratio = 0.5
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = ElectricCharge
		Ratio = 30
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = LqdMethane
		Ratio = 10.575
		DumpExcess = false
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

WildBlueTools Omni Converter Template for NFP (Lithium)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wild Blue Industries Omni Converter Template for Near Future Propulsion Lithium
//    Omni Converter templates are balanced the same as the stock "Convert-O-Tron 250" with the exception
//    of a larger efficiency bonus.  This template follows suit by matching NFP's ISRU patch but adding the
//    standard WBI efficiency bonus.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	TechRequired = advScienceTech
	ConverterName = Ore -> Lithium
	description = Convert Ore into Lithium
	StartActionName = Start Lithium
	StopActionName = Stop Lithium	 
	AutoShutdown = false
	UseSpecialistBonus = true
	SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
	SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
	ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
	EfficiencyBonus = 1.2
		ResourceName = Ore
		Ratio = 0.5
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = ElectricCharge
		Ratio = 30
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = Lithium
		Ratio = 18.7
		DumpExcess = false
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

WildBlueTools S.A.F.E.R. Patch for NearFutureElectrical

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Change the S.A.F.E.R. fission reactor to output DepletedFuel rather than DepletedUranium
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


			@ResourceName = DepletedFuel

            @name = DepletedFuel

		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		MaxTempForTransfer = 450
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5

WildBlueTools Omni Converter Templates Patch for NearFutureElectrical

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WildBlueTools Omni Converter Template Compatibility Patch for NearFutureElectrical
// Designed for use with a WBIPlayMode set to CRP
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			@ResourceName = DepletedFuel

		@ConverterName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumProcessor_name
		@description = Recycle DepletedFuel back into EnrichedUranium
		@StartActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumProcessor_StartAction
		@StopActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumProcessor_StopAction

			@ResourceName = DepletedFuel

		@ConverterName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumExtractor_name
		@description = Refine EnrichedUranium from Ore
		@StartActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumExtractor_StartAction
		@StopActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumExtractor_StopAction

			@ResourceName = Ore
			@Ratio = 1.0

			@Ratio = 200.0

WBI DSEV D2LAB Nuclear Processing Lab Template Patch for NearFutureElectrical

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WBI DSEV D2LAB Template Compatibility Patch for NearFutureElectrical
// Designed for use with a WBIPlayMode set to CRP
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

		@ConverterName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumExtractor_name
		@StartActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumExtractor_StartAction
		@StopActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumExtractor_StopAction

			@ResourceName = Ore
			@Ratio = 1.0

			@Ratio = 200.0

		-OUTPUT_RESOURCE:HAS[#ResourceName[Oxygen]] {}

		@ConverterName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumProcessor_name
		@StartActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumProcessor_StartAction
		@StopActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_nuclear-recycler-25_UraniumProcessor_StopAction
			@ResourceName = DepletedFuel

			@ResourceName = DepletedFuel

		@name = DepletedFuel

		@name = Ore

		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		MaxTempForTransfer = 450
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5

WBI DSEV DMB0 "Trinity" Tri-Modal Engine Patch for NearFutureElectrical

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Change the DMB0 "Trinity" Tri-Modal Engine to output DepletedFuel rather than DepletedUranium
// Designed for use with a WBIPlayMode set to CRP
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			@ResourceName = DepletedFuel

            @name = DepletedFuel

		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		MaxTempForTransfer = 450
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5


Edited by aviin
Added NFE patches
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  • 1 month later...

I'm having trouble transferring uranium between parts, or rather I can't transfer it at all. Help?

I wanted to drain the unused fuel from a used interplanetary stage's nuclear engines to a container, but I didn't get a prompt for any sort of transfer. I had a lvl 3 engineer on board, brought up a lvl 4, then cheated in a lvl 5 but still no prompt for any transfer in or out of EVA. Neither from a full container to an empty. All parts are cold enough.

Works fine in my sandbox save on a test rig though? I'm stumped, tried everything I can think of.

NFE version 1.2.3 on KSP version 1.12.5.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question... I plan to use the reactor on a satellite, but there will be no kerbals on board obviously... So how do I transfer fuel without a kerbal?

I put extra fuel on board thinking the reactor and reprocessor could draw from them and put waste in them but it doesn't use the fuel from them it only uses the fuel inside the reactor and puts the DU inside the reactor...

How do I get it to draw from the other fuel storages and put the depleted fuel back in them?

I guess I don't understand the limitation of having a kerbal on board to transfer fuel... How would you do this with satellites which only has a probe core?

Edit: Can't a robot move the fuel between the reactor and the storage/reprocessor? I hardly doubt kerbals should be handling this material by hand... Maybe a MM patch would be possible to change this. I just don't know how to do it.

Edited by kspkat
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5 hours ago, kspkat said:

I have a question... I plan to use the reactor on a satellite, but there will be no kerbals on board obviously... So how do I transfer fuel without a kerbal?

In the current setup, you'll have to send a resupply mission with a Kerbal engineer, do the EVA and switch the fuel manually, or ditch (deorbit or terminate) the satellite when it runs out of fuel.

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