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[1.12] Astrogator v1.0.1


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On 2/4/2017 at 12:56 PM, HebaruSan said:

Astrogator     CKAN-Indexed-green.svg


A space-navigational aide for Kerbal Space Program.

See all the transfers that you could choose from your current location at a glance, including the time till the burn and delta V, and turn them into maneuvers with one click.

Automatic maneuver node creation

When you're piloting a vessel, maneuver node icons will appear next to the delta V numbers. Click to create maneuver nodes for that transfer:

Maneuver creation

These typically give immediate encounters for transfers to the Mun from low Kerbin orbit, and sometimes Minmus, Duna, and Jool, but some adjustment is usually needed for other destinations.

Time warping


Click a warp icon to warp to 5 minutes before the corresponding transfer. If it's already within 5 minutes, you'll be auto-warped to the exact time of the transfer.

More transfers, fewer clicks

  • Shows transfers for all main reachable spheres of influence, including from parent spheres of influence, not just bodies with the same parent
  • Supports transfers to vessel's target, regardless of what it is
  • Handles "nested" ejection burns, such as when you need to burn at the right time to escape Laythe at the right time to escape Jool at the right time to reach Kerbin
  • Supports burns to bodies within the current sphere of influence, such as the moons of Kerbin from low Kerbin orbit
  • Uses the active vessel's location and orbital parameters to fill in as many of the input parameters as it can
  • Shows you the results in zero clicks
  • Integrates with the game to streamline use of the data
  • Moves the map view focus automatically
  • Sets the vessel's target
  • Automatically opens maneuver nodes for editing



Where to report bugshttps://github.com/HebaruSan/Astrogator/issues

Source and documentationhttps://github.com/HebaruSan/Astrogator

License: GPL v3, some icons and parts of code are MIT

Acknowledgements: Borrowed icons from Kerbal Alarm Clock, some code from Kerbal Alarm Clock, Transfer Window Planner, and MechJeb2

Language Translators
Spanish Iván (hashashin), @Deltathiago98
Chinese @QAQdong
Russian Niev
French @valens


Nice. Sounds pretty much like what Transfer window planner used to do. Does Astrogator Integrate with kerbal alarm clock?

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43 minutes ago, Cloakedwand72 said:

Nice. Sounds pretty much like what Transfer window planner used to do.

It does a lot of things that TWP doesn't. Such as the long list of bullet points from the OP that you quoted. ;)
And vice versa, of course; e.g., Astrogator doesn't display porkchop plots.

43 minutes ago, Cloakedwand72 said:

Does Astrogator Integrate with kerbal alarm clock?

No, but KAC makes it pretty easy to add an alarm for a maneuver node (created by Astrogator or not), if you want to do that. And KAC already has its own transfer window features.

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54 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

It does a lot of things that TWP doesn't. Such as the long list of bullet points from the OP that you quoted. ;)
And vice versa, of course; e.g., Astrogator doesn't display porkchop plots.

No, but KAC makes it pretty easy to add an alarm for a maneuver node (created by Astrogator or not), if you want to do that. And KAC already has its own transfer window features.

Cool. Thanks. Is the Delta V accurate? Do I need to plan it after i send a space ship in low orbit? Or can i pre plan my flight in the map window at the KSC?

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52 minutes ago, Cloakedwand72 said:

Cool. Thanks. Is the Delta V accurate? Do I need to plan it after i send a space ship in low orbit? Or can i pre plan my flight in the map window at the KSC?

You could do it either way. Or even in the Tracking Station if you want to plan multiple steps.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

@HebaruSan  I'm having a strange issue with Astrogator after I updated it to v0.9.1. When I click it's toolbar icon to open a window for it, there is no "X" to close the window and the settings symbol is missing too. If I uninstall it and install the previous v0.9.0, I have no problems like this with it.

I have installed it via CKAN, but have manually installed with the same results. Any help if I am missing some step would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, another thing, I'm opening it at the space center screen. I'm not sure if that is why it's occurring, where as if I opened it while controlling a spaceship in space it might not happen. With the previous version it did not matter for me.

Edited by GJNelson
Updated info in post.
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On 5/26/2019 at 9:33 AM, GJNelson said:

@HebaruSan  I'm having a strange issue with Astrogator after I updated it to v0.9.1. When I click it's toolbar icon to open a window for it, there is no "X" to close the window and the settings symbol is missing too. If I uninstall it and install the previous v0.9.0, I have no problems like this with it.

Is anyone else having this problem?

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8 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Is anyone else having this problem?

Seems to work fine for me... I just installed it to see...

KSP AVC reporting Click Thru Blocker, Toolbar Controller and Toolbar are all up to date for me, too ... vOv

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15 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

Seems to work fine for me... I just installed it to see...

KSP AVC reporting Click Thru Blocker, Toolbar Controller and Toolbar are all up to date for me, too ... vOv

I use all 3 of those and their up to date. For now, Astrogator v0.9.0 is working fine for me.

Update: I'm wrong, both Click-through-Blocker and Toolbar have a more up-to-date version. I use CKAN, but I guess it's database needs updating. I'll manually update both and see if this helps.

Thanks @Stone Blue and @HebaruSan for your assistance. I'll let y'all know if this fixes it for me!

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Updated Toolbar and Click-Through-Blocker to latest versions, and tried the Astrogatorversion I received from KebaruSan. No luck, I've got to get offline for a few hours, but will check everything again when I get back and let you know.

Thanks everyone!

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Im having a really strange issue.  Astrogator *appears* to be working as intended initially...I use it to plot a route from kerbin to the mun, it creates the maneuver just fine.

I also use precise maneuver, but that interface no longer appears when Astrogator creates the maneuver.  If i create a manual maneuver precise maneuver's interface appears as normal.

I have to go out of map and back into flight then back into map and sometimes precise maneuver will appear to allow me to tweak the node astrogator created.

The strangest part though, is when I start the burn (i use KAC as a reminder), as soon as it starts to use delta V the node astrogator created totally vanishes.  it happens every time.

if i create a node myself, KAC and precise maneuver work fine and nothing vanishes during the burn.

If i use astrogator its own nodes self delete.  Ive had to stop using it as it seems not to play well with precise maneuver which i use all the time.


Any ideas?  My install is very fresh having taken a break and I install everything manually following instructions as I like to understand what is going into my gamedata folder.



Spelling failure
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3 hours ago, GJNelson said:

Updated Toolbar and Click-Through-Blocker to latest versions, and tried the Astrogatorversion I received from KebaruSan. No luck, I've got to get offline for a few hours, but will check everything again when I get back and let you know.

Thanks everyone!

Post a log file so you can be helped

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1 hour ago, III-METHOD-III said:

I also use precise maneuver, but that interface no longer appears when Astrogator creates the maneuver.  If i create a manual maneuver precise maneuver's interface appears as normal.

I have to go out of map and back into flight then back into map and sometimes precise maneuver will appear to allow me to tweak the node astrogator created.

The strangest part though, is when I start the burn (i use KAC as a reminder), as soon as it starts to use delta V the node astrogator created totally vanishes.  it happens every time.

if i create a node myself, KAC and precise maneuver work fine and nothing vanishes during the burn.

If i use astrogator its own nodes self delete.  Ive had to stop using it as it seems not to play well with precise maneuver which i use all the time.

That's very odd; as far as I know Astrogator creates maneuver nodes correctly, since it does what MechJeb2 does:



Do you have this problem with MechJeb2?

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I never use mechjeb at all Im afraid.  

It is creating the maneuver nodes correctly though - they calculate correctly, they appear on the orbits, I can open them manually, they look like they are doing the right thing (ie an intercept) and have the roughly right delta v and expected orbital mechanics.

its just the fact that the node vanishes as soon as you begin the burn with it, leaving you with a rocket just burning and no idea when to stop - the delta v indicator on the navball goes, the target icon goes and the node on the orbit goes.

If there is anything you would like me to do - in any specific order Im happy to do so.  Im in game now and dont mind removing mods to troubleshoot this

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10 minutes ago, III-METHOD-III said:

It is creating the maneuver nodes correctly though

Well my thought is that manual creation is triggering some event that automatic creation isn't, thus the different reactions by other mods. Unfortunately that sort of thing tends to be (totally) undocumented, so referring to other mods that create maneuver nodes automatically is the best way to identify such errors.

10 minutes ago, III-METHOD-III said:

If there is anything you would like me to do - in any specific order Im happy to do so.  Im in game now and dont mind removing mods to troubleshoot this

What about installing MechJeb2? ;)

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Sure, I can install Mechjeb 2.  Never used it before, but Im guessing you want me to use mechjeb to create a maneuver node and then see if the same issues occur with burn and precise node UI not appearing

Ill come back to you, might be in the morning as my wife looks like she is about to give me the look of get-off-the-pc-and-spend-time-with-me.  

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I experienced a node going *poof* on me earlier today too. It happened at about the same time Astrogator said I had to do a planechange burn (LKO>minmus) so I figured I either did something wrong (burn late?) or that this was intended behavior. The first burn disappeared when I still had 200m/s to go for it.

Also running Precise Maneuver and noticed quite a few NullRefs from it that I mentioned in its thread.

So: Node disappearing, +1 occurence. Is it Astrogator? No idea.. The amount of Nullrefs with mods at the moment is [insert meme here]/quite high.

Edit: Precise Maneuver did show up normally as far as I can recall. Mostly I recall the insane amount of nullrefs and the game feeling noticeably less smooth..

Logfile if you want to compete for "most nullrefs in one session": https://www.dropbox.com/s/r61lgadiw8qalzm/output_log.zip?dl=0

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3 hours ago, III-METHOD-III said:

I also use precise maneuver, but that interface no longer appears when Astrogator creates the maneuver.

The strangest part though, is when I start the burn (i use KAC as a reminder), as soon as it starts to use delta V the node astrogator created totally vanishes.  it happens every time.

If i use astrogator its own nodes self delete.

1 hour ago, Jognt said:

I experienced a node going *poof* on me earlier today too.

OK, I've tried installing Astrogator and PreciseManeuver, and I'm not seeing any of that. PM's window appears when Astrogator creates a node, and auto created nodes don't disappear during burns. I'll need steps to reproduce this to have any chance of investigating it.

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Astrogator v0.9.2 is released! @GJNelson's problem with missing UI elements is fixed.

It turned out to be a conflict with Kerbol Origins, specifically this planet:



  • Harvest is formed of the remains of the body that crashed into Kerbin when Kerbin was just a proto-planet. It now remains trailing in Kerbin's L-4 spot

"Kerbin's L-4 spot" means the Lagrange point 60 degrees behind Kerbin, in the same orbit. Astrogator searches for Hohmann transfers, which can only be performed between different orbits. When two bodies are in the same orbit, Astrogator won't find transfers between them, which was confusing some of the newer garbage optimization code from v0.9.1. Now it's updated to not throw exceptions in this case.


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Thanks very much, @HebaruSan ! I've downloaded the new version.

KSP Breaking Ground just released, which I got for free as I'm an early KSP supporter who purchased KSP during the time when all future updates/expansions would be free forever. Now though starts the wait for Kopernicus to release an update, LoL.

That's ok though, I'm looking forward to the changes in Breaking Ground and the things the modding community will expand on these changes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried this once, but I was having issues with planets that had any sort of inclination.

It would make an ejection maneuver node, and then a ridiculously high DV maneuver somewhere in the solar orbit as well.

For example going to Moho was taking something like 6000 DV.

Was I doing something wrong? Is it supposed to create solar orbit maneuver nodes like that?

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