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Thread to complain bout stuff


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1 hour ago, The Minmus Derp said:

So am I!!! Join the team! also wanna join my chat thread?

Is it an actual thread or a PM conversation?

Anyway, sure, I like chatting about random stuff.

21 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Just speak Kerbal backwards, they should understand.

I would actually love to learn Kerbal!! That would be awesome!!!

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Just arrived home and booted up my computer to find it was in an infinite reboot loop after a windows update.

Long story short after an hour and a half of trying everything google could dredge up... Still nothing.

So having gotten hungry I left to get a snack, when I got back the computer was no longer on a blue screen of death and was displaying my usual log in screen. This is after it failed a system restore and was still showing that error.

In conclusion, if your windows OS ever kills itself during an update, go eat an apple wait a few seconds, then walk back into the room. 


Screw you windows 10

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5 hours ago, Geonovast said:

Have you thought about getting away from Windows?

Nah. I don't want to trust apple with my pc. Also have a strong dislike for iOS, whatever the current name is. At least with windows you have some ability to muck around and fix things. Plus 90% of my games dont run on it, so thats a big no.


Also I dont have the time to muck around with linux and even fewer of my games will run on that. Kinda the Bing of OSs. 


I ditched Windows 5 years ago. I was a happy Mac user until the end of the last year, when Apple royally screwed up on an update and BRICKED my Mac on the same week it reached EoL and the Apple Shops started to refuse repairing.

I managed to recover the thing by manually installing the latests OS from the recovery boot (it was impossible to do it by any other means).

So, yeah. i'm going back to Win7. (sigh)

Case in point.

I feel ya man. 

Edited by Mark Kerbin
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5 hours ago, Geonovast said:

Have you thought about getting away from Windows?

I ditched Windows 5 years ago. I was a happy Mac user until the end of the last year, when Apple royally screwed up on an update and BRICKED my Mac on the same week it reached EoL and the Apple Shops started to refuse repairing.

I managed to recover the thing by manually installing the latests OS from the recovery boot (it was impossible to do it by any other means).

So, yeah. i'm going back to Win7. (sigh)

2 minutes ago, Mark Kerbin said:

Nah. I don't want to trust apple with my pc. 

Wise decision, as it appears. The Old'n'faithful Apple we used to know died with Jobs.

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My world history teacher didn't even show up to proctor his own exam, and he won't be/hasn't been here this whole finals week. Second, not even the principal knows where or why he's gone! To top it all off, there was probably an entire chapter's worth of material on the test he certainly did not teach... 

The silver lining is that the exam was quite a breeze—a large part of this being that he wasn't here to pass out his section of the test (there was also the school district standard test, which I did take).

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50 minutes ago, SaturnianBlue said:

world history 

How does that work ? Does it, like, a skim of stories from parts of the world ?

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15 minutes ago, YNM said:

How does that work ? Does it, like, a skim of stories from parts of the world ?

It’s kinda like an over view of x country’s history. In the US we do the 2 civil wars and various imperial/manifest destiny shenanigans. WW1-2 are a separate class.

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11 minutes ago, Mark Kerbin said:

It’s kinda like an over view of x country’s history.

Interesting... Is it, like, every single one or just a select few ? What was selected, is it to represent a continent/region perhaps ? Is it mandatory ?

Our history lesson just covers our own history. But as we were the trade centers of the world, we'd have slices of everyone else's history being here as well.

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8 hours ago, YNM said:

How does that work ? Does it, like, a skim of stories from parts of the world ?

Basically - the book covers information on movements/civilizations/wars/etc and starts from the Neolithic revolution all the way to the modern day (which, given my own textbook, is when I was born). There's at least a little on most continents, though I'd imagine some end up with more priority and focus than others.

I guess one way to look at each chapter of the book is as a single, rather long Wikipedia article that fits together with the other chapters.

Where I live we have a separate year for US history.

Edited by SaturnianBlue
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9 hours ago, Mark Kerbin said:

Nah. I don't want to trust apple with my pc.


9 hours ago, Lisias said:

So, yeah. i'm going back to Win7. (sigh)


Who said anything about Apple?



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1 minute ago, Geonovast said:

Who said anything about Apple?

Do you really expect me to use Linux to play games? :D 

Really, even KSP offers a worst user's experience on Linux. Not Linux's fault, rest assured that I'm aware of that. But it's cumbersome to use Linux to play the most modern games.

Granted, you can install WINE and waste some time setting up a ton of different configurations. And it will work for some games. But you can also install Win7 and get the same results with less efforts. And my time is always on a budget.

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1 hour ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Well, you see...

And for a dose of daily complaints :

They freakin' blocked Vimeo here. And reddit. And (used to be) imgur.

Post plain URL perhaps ?

1 hour ago, SaturnianBlue said:

the book covers information on movements/civilizations/wars/etc and starts from the Neolithic revolution all the way to the modern day (which, given my own textbook, is when I was born). There's at least a little on most continents, though I'd imagine some end up with more priority and focus than others.

We kind of do the same but entirely to the history of the place our country is in.

I'd love to own a printed Wikipedia... too much hassle probably XD (hopefully a historic version won't need too much revision !)

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2 minutes ago, YNM said:

As long as they don't cost me a fortune or is cumbersome.

I'm not sure: isn't wikipedia GPL or something, can't it be copied for personal use?
I mean, aren't wiki dumps + say, aardvark reader legal?

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16 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

can't it be copied for personal use?

GNU GPL makes that you are allowed to copy everything as long as the resulting product is either for private use or of for commercial use, it's also GPL compatible.

Printing one for personal use is definitely allowed.

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2 hours ago, YNM said:

And for a dose of daily complaints :

They freakin' blocked Vimeo here. And reddit. And (used to be) imgur.

Post plain URL perhaps ?

Hmm.... plain URL wouldn’t help as it’s a link to Vimeo. It’s they’ll version of The Big Bang Theory theme, with lyrics. The lyrics are:


Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started, wait
The earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool
Neanderthals developed tools
We built a wall (we built the pyramids)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries
That all started with the big bang! Hey!
Since the dawn of man is really not that long
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song
A fraction of a second and the elements were made
The bipeds stood up straight, the dinosaurs all met their fate
They tried to leap but they were late
And they all died (they froze their asses off)
The oceans and Pangea, see ya wouldn't wanna be ya
Set in motion by the same big bang!
It all started with the big bang!
It's expanding ever outward but one day
It will cause the stars to go the other way
Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it won't be hurt
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!
Australopithecus would really have been sick of us
Debating how we're here, they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)
Religion or astronomy (Descartes or Deuteronomy)
It all started with the big bang!
Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology
It all started with the big bang!
It all started with the big bang!
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8 hours ago, haanuman said:

Fortnite has no updates on Cross-Play and my friend with an XBOX is regretting his purchase, either we three sell our PS's or he sells his XBOX. No one wants to move an inch unfortunately.

Sony is the stubborn mule, in this situation... SOMEHOW, they've managed to lock out a THIRD PARTY account from accessing their competition, and there's actually a STORM of angry users telling Sony off on social media right now... Sony is an awful company. They are unethical, shady, and I'm done with them! They have put rootkits on their music CDs, sold consoles with features and then taken said features completely away (and a court decided Sony needs to pay some lawyers, me and a bunch of other PS3 owners some cash over it), they've always tried to lock people into proprietary formats, just as bad as some of the worst companies do (At least Apple didn't come up with Memorystick), they've always treated your game console as hardware, without regard for your user data (try to get a console repaired by Sony... Even if the hard drive is 100% fine... Formatted from the factory on any repair. No recovery or transfer service, and they lock the hard drive down to the console, at least on PS3).

Sony played the pro-consumer card at E3 2013, after the PS3 had such a hard time catching up to the Xbox 360...

They have completely forgotten about the consumer now that they have the sales again. I've decided I will not buy future playstation systems. I don't need them. Walk away from that abusive relationship! Sony doesn't love you... they only love your money, and they ain't afraid to take any action to get it, including figuring out how to lock down a THIRD PARTY account! I still have no idea how they got that to work. They have it locked out on Switch as well. Even after days of complaints, they refused to even address the problem, and just "announced" that "there's plenty of PSN users out there to play against..."

Sony... I don't even play Fortnite, and your behavior over this is cementing the fact that I will NOT buy a PS5... Let Sony fall from their pedestal!

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