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Favorite/Must-have mods

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What are some your favorite or must have mods?

I have a big love for DarkSideTechnology's 2.5 meter centrifugal habitat mod. Im also a huge fan of KAS and KIS. I've spent a lot of time building bases and orbital stations part by part and I enjoy the new difficulty it affords me. And I've yet had a modded game without all of the future tech mods.

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KW Rocketry Redux makes KSP look great and adds larger 5 meter parts. Munar Industries adds neat small side mounted tanks that accept additional engines. Chatterer adds so much to the ambience and experience of the game like breathing sounds during EVAs. Of course, there is MechJeb which adds all kinds of DV and other data and autopilot aids. SpaceY Heavy Lifting is great for all kinds of additional great looking parts.

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First thing that go into my folder are QoL mods: BetterBurnTime, Basic Orbit, Portrait Stats, Chatterer, Contract Configurator, ForScience, Precise Maneuver Editor, Alternate Resource Panel, PlanetShine, TWP, KAC, etc. I would still consider these to be "stock" as they enhance the game without being OP. Next I spice up various KSP folders with different combinations of gameplay/parts packs.

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I have no game without:

  • OPT Spaceplane
  • Mk2 Stockalike Expansion
  • Tweakscale
  • KER
  • NF Electric
  • Galileo's Planet Pack
  • Community Resource Pack
  • Interstellar Fuel Switch
  • USI (Core, LS, Karbonite)
  • SCANsat

Anything else, their absence wouldn't be terribly bothersome to me. This includes visual mods. My KSP activity is typically rolling in the Sandbox and designing low part count/highly modded sci-fi craft, or inventing new things to do with resources.

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KER (mostly for dV readout), KAC, KCT, KRASH (simulator, because KCT), OPM, Transfer planner, Strategia, an LS Mod (currently on USI, but also tried Kerbalism)

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I consider MechJeb essential for information displays, maneuver node editing, and other quality-of-life improvements. Perhaps I could replace it with a bunch of other mods, but I have never bothered to try.

Docking Port Alignment Indicator does only one thing but does it well. Without it, docking with multiple docking ports or in cramped spaces would be too tedious.

Everything else is optional these days.

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Won't play anymore without Ven's revamp. Much of the parts covered were just too ugly to use before.

Scatterer, EVE, and Texture Replacer too.

Like Kronal too but it's not essential.

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The only really "essential" mod for me is Editor Extensions Redux, and until squad finally introduces some bigger landing legs I am using the Kerbal Reusability Expansion for the Falcon9 style legs.

I have no problem to play a bone stock KSP either, really. Do it for a few weeks after every new patch. Mainly for the reason that i dont want to mod my installs when there will be hotfix patches again. Rather wait for a while, give the mods time to update and KSP time to hotfix.

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KER is my only MUST HAVE mod. (I can play without it, but I'm constantly and painfully aware of it's absence).

Well, that and AVC.

Unless I'm trying to do something specifically "stock-only" I install the following:



All the USI stuff (I celebrate @RoverDude's entire catalogue!)

Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Indicator Lights

Deep Freeze (if I'm using USI-LS)

B9 (honestly, this is mostly just for the lights!)

Hmm...I'm currently rocking like three dozen mods on my game (which is dubbed "Joe Napalm's Stock Sandbox" (you can see how well I stuck to that)) all of which I consider just awesome...I should check AVC when I get a chance so I don't miss any.



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Cant live without Kerbal Engineer. But thats really it.

But here is my list of stuff i do not really need but still have everytime




-Hyper Edit

-Kerbal Engineer

-Kerbal Alarm Clock

So not really gameplay changing.

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Airline Cousine


USI Constelation



.... to many to be honest...

Other must haves where named way to often:wink:

Funny Kabooms 


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SCANSat.  DMagics Orbital Science, Comm.TechTree, Automated Science Sampler, RCS Build Aid,  Stage Recovery, Tweakscale, Docking Port Alignment Indicator.

The whole RSS/RO/RP-0 suite with a few things removed that I've played too much (RT, CLS, SatRW, TestFlight, PersRot, FilterExt&CCK, Vens SPP, KCT) to keep the weight low for more part packs like SXT/FASA/SSTU.

@Spartwo Did you get Kronal working in 1.2.2? all i get is blackness.

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  On 6/1/2017 at 7:00 PM, JoeNapalm said:


Oh, and I'd say Infernal Robotics, if it weren't tragically abandoned.

I miss my variable geometry VTOLs.




If you are able to mod a little like skins or formats try USI Konstruktion as base for mechaniks and try to build something? 

Would be a interesting work/new mode maybe?

Funny Kabooms 


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  On 6/1/2017 at 7:03 PM, Urses said:

If you are able to mod a little like skins or formats try USI Konstruktion as base for mechaniks and try to build sonething may be? 

Would be a interesting work/new mode maybe?



I do, indeed, have USI Konstruktion...I need to delve into it, to see what I can do.

It may well have everything I need, I just haven't tackled it, yet.



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KIS/KAS are a must for me, as are:


-KER, for inclination and d/V readouts.

-GPP increases the fun exponentially. So many planets! And moons! MUST LAND ON ALL OF THEM!


-USI mods, mostly for parts like escape pods...or the little radial chutes I use to liquefy Kerbals from time to time.

-Chatterer, for background noise.

-Janitor´s closet.

-Kerbal Joint Reinforcement...just in case.

-Final Frontier

-Unmanned before Manned

-And Hyperedit! For disposing of debris by hurling them into Jool/Nero/Ciro/Kerbol/Grannus.


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Scatterer, MJ, all Near Future mods except Propulsion, BetterBurnTime, Hyperedit, SpaceY, Procedural Fairings, Tweakscale, Janitor's Closet. Also SVE if my Surface Pro 3 doesn't go all

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in my face.

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I have a few that I don't know how I played without them before I knew how to install mods.

Scatterer (No EVE, my computer dies from the clouds) 

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems

Outer Planets Mod

SpaceY Heavy Lifters




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