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[1.11.x] Jimbodiah's Patch Laboratory


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JimboFlag.png             Jimbodiah's Patch Laboratory

I have a lot of patches in my own game-play to make every day chores a bit easier and to streamline rocket design in some cases. Below is a brief description of what is included in my patch directory, I've tried to keep it to a minimum of new parts and tweaks that everyone can use.  I recommend using these patches when using my Career craft files. However if you do not like one of the patches I use, simply delete the corresponding .cfg file.

Some patches I found on the KSP forum and have tried to credit the original authors as much as possible.

Almost all these patches are related to SSTU or stock parts and are meant to increase "Quality of Life".


The parts contained in these patches refer to models and plugins from the following awesome people:
- @Shadowmage - SSTU
- @Nertea - Near Future Propulsion, Far Future Technologies
- @Angel-125 - WildBlue DSEV
- @RoverDude - ART, MKS, LS
- @CobaltWolf - Bluedog Design Bureau
- @linuxgurugamer - FTL Continued 
- @Bonus Eventus - KerbodynePlus
- If I missed you, please let me know...

The required models and plugins have not been redistributed or copied, but are required as dependencies for the respective parts to show up in the game. New parts cloned from existing models are listed under JPL as manufacturer for sorting purposes, but all credit goes to their original creators.

I am grateful that these awesome modders produce their parts packs so we can enjoy this game to it's fullest extent and beyond.



Jimbodiah's Patch Laboratory [1.11.x]

download from SpaceDock
latest version: v1.11-001  (11-04-2021)

I'm in the process of revamping this pack as it originally dates to KSP 1.3.1, so some errors in the description need to be ironed out.

Fly Safe!


To install:  Unzip the archive and move the contents in the /GameData folder to your ../KSP/GameData directory.

Requires ModuleManager, get the latest release here


All containers on my newly patched parts support resources from the following mods:
- Stock (Ore, MonoPropellant, LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, ElectricCharge, XenonGas)
- SSTU (Aerozine50, NTO, LqdHydrogen, RocketParts)
- Near Future Propulsion (Lithium, ArgonGas, XenonGas)
- Near Future Electrical (EnrichedUranium, DepletedFuel)
- Far Future Technologies (LqdHE3, LqdDeuterium, FissionPellets, FusionPellets, MetallicHydrogen, NuclearSalt)
- TAC Life-Support (Food, Oxygen, Water, Waste, WasteWater, CarbonDioxide)
- DeepFreeze (Glykerol)
- WildBlue DSEV (FusionPellets, Coolant)
- USI ART (Rock)
- USI MKS (27 resources; yeah, I'm lazy)
- USI LifeSupport (Supplies, Mulch, Fertilizer)
- USI Karbonite (Karbonite)
- USI Karbonite+ (Karborundum)
- Extraplanetary Launchpads (MetalOre, Metal, RocketParts)
- TheGoldStandard (GoldOre, Gold)




- Launchclamp generates LqdHydrogen, Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, USI-LS Supplies and some other resources
- Airbrake: Can now survive re-entry 
- Chutes: Lower the altitudes at which chutes open on SSTU and Stock parts (because impatient).
- Heatshield: Allow stock inflatable heat shield to deflate again.
- Hibernate: Set all probe cores to hibernate during time warp to save a lot of energy.
- Mechjeb: Add Mechjeb to all probe cores and command modules.
- Science: Take 100% science samples on the first time you sample, instead of requiring multiple samples.
- Science: Integrated science boxes into the mk1 and mk1-2 pods

- Sample Return module: Added SAS, Command, very light reaction wheel and Ec to make it an autonomous unit
- Removed snap angle from docking ports
- Added recolor option to the JPL Radial Science Bays
- Increased max temperature on MFT-A to survive re-entry
- Engines: Minor balancing tweak to RL10 engine variants to match wiki ratings.
- Engines: Added 1 Ec/s alternators to SSTU engines.
- Engines: Increase thrust of the Soyuz and Orion service module engines, I am just too impatient.
- Pods: Changed Soyuz DM pod to hold 3 crew instead of 2.
- Tanks: Set SSTU tanks to the Lightweight variant by default, handy if you do not use the boil-off system.
- General: Add small reaction wheels to various SSTU parts, such as the Probe Core and HUS tank.
- Science: Integrated science boxes into the command pods
- Science: Balance science returns from SSTU Labs to 2x instead of the stock 5x.

- [FFT] Added FarFutureTechnologies fuels to all JPL containers
- [KerbalReusability] Increased max temperature on gridfins to survive re-entry
- [KerbalReusability] Added a small amount of fuel to the SuperDracos to allow them to do a final braking burn upon landing.
- [KerbalReusability] Lowered max thrust to bring it in line with SSTU Draco engines and be less OP.
- [BDB] Integrated sciences boxes into the Gemini, Mercury, Apollo and LEM pods, plus the Aardvark cargo section
- [BDB] added SAS level 3 to Apollo, LEM and Gemini pods
- [BDB] Added TAC-LS supplies to the Apollo service module





- Added clones of the SSTU rcs blocks and configured them to use NF Propulsion fuels (stock rcs effects)
- Added a 1.25m and 3.75m version of the COS ATV/Probe core
- Added an MFT-A clone with probe core functionality (JPL-ATV-MFT)
- Added a 2.5m and 3.75m COS storage module that can switch lengths between XS/S/M/L in the VAB (JPL-COS-STORAGE-25 and JPL-COS-STORAGE-375)
- Added clone of COS storage that has probe core functionality (JPL-ATV-COS-xxx in 0.625m(new), 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
- Added a thermal isolation ring with scalabe diameter
- RS-83 engine: An uprated RS-68 (uses RS-25 model).
- RS-100 engine: A large version of the RS-68 intended for the Jupiter III.
- Added RealPlume configs for all the added engines (RL60, RL10C1, LR87-LH2, RS-83, RS-100).
- Added a COS station module with ISRU for Monoprop, Lithium, RocketParts, FusionPellets, Aerozine50/NTO
- LR87-LH2 engine: An LHO engine variant about 1/2 thrust of a J2 (uses rescaled J2 model).
- RL-60 engine: An LHO vacuum bell engine about 2x thrust of the RL10-B2 (uses rescaled RL10-B2 model).
- RL10-C1 engine: Upgraded version of the RL10-A3 (uses the RL10-A3 model)
- Radial Science Bay: A radially attached box that holds all the currently available (stock) experiments. A new upgraded part will unlock together with each new experiments in the TechTree. No more ugly parts cluttering up your streamlined ships; everything in a single, clean part.
- Tourist cans: Three sizes of stripped COS station modules to hold kerbals for tourist contracts. No luxury was spared included. Includes SAS/ProbeCore/ReactionWheels.
- Patches to add resources to any part containing the SSTUVolumeContainer for USI-LS, TAC-LS, Snacks, DeepFreeze, NearFuture Propulsion.
- Science Box jr: A smaller version of the Science Box (same weight and cost) so that it does not look like a refrigerator stuck to the side.
- Hydrolox Vernier: A copy of the Vernier Engine that runs on Hydrolox (LH/O), for use with SSTU or CryoEngines.

- [NFP] Cloned all SSTU rcs blocks into variants using Lithium
- [FFT] Added a clone of the small reactor that converts Ore to fuels (Lithium, MonoProp, Hypergolics)
- [Procedural Fairings] Four new Procedural Fairings shapes.
- [BDB] Added a copy of the Aardvark cargo section with the SSTUVolumeContainer functionality.
- [StageRecovery] A module with probe core and large parachute in a single unit (model copied from the stock radial drogue chute).








RSS and SSRSS Patches

Check out my other thread for a simple patch to allow you to play RSS with stock parts (no Realism Overhaul or Smurff) and also a SSRSS patch to make flying stock parts more difficult in the stock -szies real solar system.



TU/SSTU Color Presets



Edited by Jimbodiah
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These look fun, probably add them to my own. Downloaded! 

Just a suggestion, but not including the Module Manager is probably best - this way you don't inadvertently screw up someone's install by superseding what they have installed. I.e. someone installs your patches on a 1.2.2 install, but the MM is for 1.3.0 - or vice versa. Like other mods - simply state that "Module Manager is required, get it here " (<-link-to-MM-thread)

Also, you need to add a copyright notice (CC by NC SA is what a lot of folks use).  And adding a ".version " for AVC allows a lot of things to automate distribution of your mod -= if you have the .version and your ZIP file is properly formatted, and you put this on Spacedock, it will automatically up[date - and even put it on CKAN in their automated system (saving you from having to keep it on your domain)


Edited by Murdabenne
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Good point(s)!

© notice... I've just added a small license I found on another mod. Will look into this further, as I don't have any original artwork here, just some lines of MM patching.

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You have some of the same tweaks that I've been running! :D Things like 100% science the first time, moving solar panels earlier in the tree...

I'm very very interested in " - [Procedural Fairings] Four new Procedural Fairings shapes" and would like to know what shapes we're talking about. I'll download and try it out, but some screenshots would probably be a good idea.

Edited by White Owl
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3 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

Jimbodiah's Patch Laboratory


SSRSS Patch [1.2.x] [1.3.x]

Download file [v1.1]   * still fine-tuning this

A simple patch for SSRSS to balance thrust/ISP so that you will need to build larger, more realistic, ships to do the things you would normally do. This will get rid of the short, chubby, gumby-looking ships in stock game play and require you to use larger tanks and thus get more realistic looking rockets. Best used in combination with SSTU.  Can be modified to run with stock system as well by removing the NEEDS[SSRSS] part.



I've been wondering about this, and had no idea where to start!  Thanks for being on a similar wavelength!


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28 minutes ago, White Owl said:

I'm very very interested in " - [Procedural Fairings] Four new Procedural Fairings shapes" and would like to know what shapes we're talking about. I'll download and try it out, but some screenshots would probably be a good idea.

It has a longer more pointy version of the egg and conic versions, as well as a different shape somewhere in between the egg and the conical. I no longer have a workinf PF installed, waiting on the 1.3 version to release.

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15 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

Jimbodiah's Patch Laboratory

SSRSS Patch [1.2.x] [1.3.x]

Download file [v1.1]   * still fine-tuning this

A simple patch for SSRSS to balance thrust/ISP so that you will need to build larger, more realistic, ships to do the things you would normally do. This will get rid of the short, chubby, gumby-looking ships in stock game play and require you to use larger tanks and thus get more realistic looking rockets. Best used in combination with SSTU.  Can be modified to run with stock system as well by removing the NEEDS[SSRSS] part.

Okay, so finally downloaded and had a go...

I removed the RealSolarSystem&SSRSS from the 

KER is now reading with a simple rocket - with a Mk1 Command Pod, an FL-T800 tank and one swivel engine as massively excessive delta vee and thrust.  Confirmed that I was in orbit with fuel to spare.  This appears to be the opposite of your stated intention!

Is the CFG file supposed to be *1.8 across the board or /1.8?

EDIT - just looked at the RSS config you have above, and yup - its the same, so stock and SSRSS is quite overpowered :)

Edited by theJesuit
just checking
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Euhm, are you sure? Ssrss should be lower than 1. i'll have a look, might have zipped up the wrong directory.

New version for SSRSS uploaded, apparently I had an old copy of the SSRSS file that I zipped up.

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Great patches man! Really enjoying the game play. 

Last career I went through the trouble of rescaling the whole solar system (HSRSS + sigma dimensions to shrink it to ~78%) so historical craft built with SSTU had reasonable performance. I like your solution of just increasing the thrust more, much simpler. How did you arrive at 1.8x thrust?

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On 6/12/2017 at 10:59 AM, Jimbodiah said:

- [SSTU] Added RL60, an LHO vacuum bell engine about 2x thrust of the RL10-B2 (uses rescaled RL10-B2 model).

FYI, planned performance numbers for the RL-60 can be found here: http://www.rocket-propulsion.info/resources/articles/RL_60.pdf (see table on page 4).  Key points:

  • 266.9 kN thrust vacuum
  • 465s Isp vac
  • 499 kg engine mass
  • Nozzle is the exact same size as the RL-10B-2 (thrust growth is achieved only through chamber pressure increase)

Scaling all this to SSTU, I think you would get 109.3 kN thrust and 1 ton mass (0.642 thrust multiplier, 5x worse TWR)

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I have it at 92.3kN and 0.81t (1.25x scaling), don't remember where I found the data though at the time.

edit: I can change the thrust and size, but for weight (1.64x) I get 0.818t. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Jimbodiah just out of curiosity, how hard would it be to scale up the sizes of the rockets to better correspond to real world rocket sizes?  After playing RO for so long it feels weird launching shorter rockets with better dV/ISP.  I ask this as a nearly total novice in terms of what goes in to such things, so "it's really effing complicated and beyond the scope of what I want to do" is a perfectly acceptable answer, haha. 

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With this patch you will need longer, realistically looking rockets; stock ships with short tanks will not make orbit. In the SSTU craft repository there are a bunch of replicas of real world rockets; these will achieve their intended goal and not be massively overpowered like in the stock system.

If you want to rescale 5m parts to actually be 5m diameter in RSS and make orbit with the original engines, you will need to rescale all the parts and change their masses; which means RO or Smurff.

My RSS patch will allow you to build a realistic looking/scaled Saturn with stock SSTU parts and fly it in RSS as it would have without needing rescaling or mass overhauls. It may be blasphemy to the RO croed, but it works :wink:

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take  A look at patch manager, a mod I released a few days ago. 

I will be adding a new feature in the next few days to have patches active At install instead of having to be activated. This will make it much easier for people to use the set of patches it will only take a little bit of your time to set things up to work with Patch manager.

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@linuxgurugamer  Is there anything you don't have a hand in? :wink: Are you secretly a Squad dev?    I will take a look at it, thanks!

[edit]  Just had a look and made a config for my RSS patch; after I test it I can uplaod a new version. For my Patch pack though it will be a heck of a lot of work as I have 35 individual patch files.

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1 hour ago, Jimbodiah said:

@linuxgurugamer  Is there anything you don't have a hand in? :wink: Are you secretly a Squad dev?    I will take a look at it, thanks!

[edit]  Just had a look and made a config for my RSS patch; after I test it I can uplaod a new version. For my Patch pack though it will be a heck of a lot of work as I have 35 individual patch files.

Yes, there is.  I don't do 3D modeling, need to depend on others.

Keep in mind that the current release (which has a bug with spaces in the pathname) only works for patches which are not initially active.  I'll be releasing a new version by the end of tomorrow which will work with patches which ARE initially active, and which fixes the bug also.

35 files should take you about 10 minutes or so.  I would assume that it would essentially be copying the PM config file for each and editing 3 lines.

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2 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

With this patch you will need longer, realistically looking rockets; stock ships with short tanks will not make orbit. In the SSTU craft repository there are a bunch of replicas of real world rockets; these will achieve their intended goal and not be massively overpowered like in the stock system.

If you want to rescale 5m parts to actually be 5m diameter in RSS and make orbit with the original engines, you will need to rescale all the parts and change their masses; which means RO or Smurff.

My RSS patch will allow you to build a realistic looking/scaled Saturn with stock SSTU parts and fly it in RSS as it would have without needing rescaling or mass overhauls. It may be blasphemy to the RO croed, but it works :wink:

Just so I am understanding properly...the RSS patch takes the max thrust and multiplies by a factor of 1.8 and the ISP by a factor of 1.8, and the SSRSS takes the max thrust and multiplies by a factor of 1.2, and the ISP by a factor of 0.7.  Am I reading the patch code correctly?  Wouldn't more thrust + higher ISP make for less fuel needed/higher thrust rockets?  Or am I missing something entirely? 

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You are correct. Higher thrust means more fuel used, so I need to raise ISP to compensate for this and allow for longer burns or you would never make orbit with ships that are proportioned to real-world rockets. i.e. with this patch a Delta IV heavy would make LEO with an Orion CSM and HUS, while in stock it would reach Duna with ease. If I would only increase the thrust, the fuel would run out half way to orbit, despite the tanks being proportioned to the real-life versions.

I found 1.8 for both thrust and isp to give results matching real life missions; Delta IV heavy to (barely) reach LEO and Saturn V to do a moon mission with little dV to spare.  Play with the numbers and see what happens; you can always tune to your own liking.


NB: I use the ships in the SSTU Craft Repository as a baseline and use SSTU extensively for parts (I deleted all the stock parts basically). Each rocket needs to do it's real-life thing in either RSS or SSRSS, while not needing to alter anything on the craft files (i.e. tank sizes or engines). So I tune thrust/ISP on the respective patch files until the ship will do what it needs to.

The SSRSS version I am still playing with, so I am not sure this is balanced out completely yet. Input is always appreciated.

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Just now, Jimbodiah said:

You are correct. Higher thrust means more fuel used, so I need to raise ISP to compensate for this and allow for longer burns or you would never make orbit with ships that are proportioned to real-world rockets. i.e. with this patch a Delta IV heavy would make LEO with an Orion CSM and HUS, while in stock it would reach Duna with ease. If I would only increase the thrust, the fuel would run out half way to orbit, despite the tanks being proportioned to the real-life versions.

I found 1.8 for both thrust and isp to give results matching real life missions; Delta IV heavy to (barely) reach LEO and Saturn V to do a moon mission with little dV to spare.  Play with the numbers and see what happens; you can always tune to your own liking.


NB: I use the ships in the SSTU Craft Repository as a baseline and use SSTU extensively for parts (I deleted all the stock parts basically). Each rocket needs to do it's real-life thing in either RSS or SSRSS, while not needing to alter anything on the craft files (i.e. tank sizes or engines). So I tune thrust/ISP on the respective patch files until the ship will do what it needs to.

The SSRSS version I am still playing with, so I am not sure this is balanced out completely yet. Input is always appreciated.

Thank you for the explanation!  I used to always play with SMURFF/RSS when not playing RO, but I like your patch set better, I think it just has a different feel I have to get used to.  

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Yeah, it's not a realism thing in the slightest. I just wanted to play RSS with realistic looking ships and not need comprehensive mod packs that add things I am not interested in. I made this patch because I am lazy and just wanted to see what RSS was like. The patch makes everything work like I wanted and works with all parts from all mods without further tinkering. RO guys will roll their eyes at me for sure :)   

As you know, RO radjusts the scales of parts, makes them bigger to match real dimensions in RSS and also adjusts part masses to reflect real specs. KSP has higher part masses as part of their balancing mechanic so to speak. My patch just leaves the sizes and masses as they are and just cheat by altering thrust/isp to allow stock parts to be used, albeit with larger tanks, in an RSS install.

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Jimbodiah's Patches v1.2 just uploaded


- [ProcParts] Added xenon tank option for NF fuels
- [ProcParts] Removed size limitations due to other step sizes than SSTU
- [kerbodynePlus] Added four smaller sizes of the XL Landing Legs
- [stock] Fixed the Airbrake still blowing up on re-entry
- [SSTU] Added a COS hab copy as tourist module that holds 12 kerbals.
- [SSTU] Added probe core, reaction wheel and Ec storage to all three Tourist containers



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