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[1.9.x] DoubleTapBrakes - Engage Parking Brakes from the keyboard (19/02/2020)


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Way back in the mists of time, you used to be able to lock the brakes of a craft on by double tapping the "brake" key. At some point that ability seems to have been lost, and it's finally annoyed me enough to do something about it.

What does it do?

Quite simple - double tap your "brake" key and the brakes will lock on, as if you'd clicked the button.

No pics/no clicks? - don't care, there is nothing to show you.

Download: Github

Source (literally two lines of code, so I will just paste it here):

using UnityEngine;

namespace DoubleTapBrakes
    [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)]
    public class DoubleTapBrakes : MonoBehaviour
        KeyBinding brakeKey;

        private void Start()
            brakeKey = GameSettings.BRAKES;

        private void Update()
            if (brakeKey.GetDoubleTapUp(false)) FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true);

License: MIT

Donate to my coffee fund



Edited by severedsolo
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  • 7 months later...


14 hours ago, UomoCapra said:

We are excited for the 1.4 release and look forward to the launch of the Making History Expansion next week. For our mod creators, please note an additional update 1.4.1 will come alongside that release and will need to be integrated as well.

None of my mods will be updated for 1.4, I will wait for the 1.4.1 release next week. At this point of time I don't know if any of them work and no support will be offered to users running 1.4.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/7/2018 at 2:51 AM, severedsolo said:


None of my mods will be updated for 1.4, I will wait for the 1.4.1 release next week. At this point of time I don't know if any of them work and no support will be offered to users running 1.4.

Works with 1.4.2, just irritating to have the mini AVP bugging me all the time

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heads up - updates and support are going to be slow for the forseeable future:

A moment of silence please. My venerable old desktop has finally died. The indications are that it's a critical hardware failure (I'm suspecting motherboard, but it might be the CPU too - it's definitely something critical anyway). Sadly this machine is a second generation i5 so the chances of getting a replacement component are next to zero. Which means I need to build a new PC, but don't have the money right now (and likely won't until September). RIP old friend, you've been a very faithful companion.

For users of my mods: this means that updates are going to be a bit sparse going forward until I can scrape the money together to replace it.

I have a machine I can use as a backup, but it's my wifes main computer, which means I probably won't be able to get on it that much (she's a writer). My other alternative is a very slow netbook that definitely won't play KSP.

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9 hours ago, severedsolo said:

Heads up - updates and support are going to be slow for the forseeable future:

A moment of silence please. My venerable old desktop has finally died. The indications are that it's a critical hardware failure (I'm suspecting motherboard, but it might be the CPU too - it's definitely something critical anyway). Sadly this machine is a second generation i5 so the chances of getting a replacement component are next to zero. Which means I need to build a new PC, but don't have the money right now (and likely won't until September). RIP old friend, you've been a very faithful companion.

For users of my mods: this means that updates are going to be a bit sparse going forward until I can scrape the money together to replace it.

I have a machine I can use as a backup, but it's my wifes main computer, which means I probably won't be able to get on it that much (she's a writer). My other alternative is a very slow netbook that definitely won't play KSP.

Do you have a patreon/paypal? I would like to help.

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11 hours ago, severedsolo said:

Heads up - updates and support are going to be slow for the forseeable future:

A moment of silence please. My venerable old desktop has finally died. The indications are that it's a critical hardware failure (I'm suspecting motherboard, but it might be the CPU too - it's definitely something critical anyway). Sadly this machine is a second generation i5 so the chances of getting a replacement component are next to zero. Which means I need to build a new PC, but don't have the money right now (and likely won't until September). RIP old friend, you've been a very faithful companion.

For users of my mods: this means that updates are going to be a bit sparse going forward until I can scrape the money together to replace it.

I have a machine I can use as a backup, but it's my wifes main computer, which means I probably won't be able to get on it that much (she's a writer). My other alternative is a very slow netbook that definitely won't play KSP.

"Liking" your post for visibility and empathy. So sorry to hear about this! I may have some somewhat decent spare parts -- or if you have a patreon, I'd love to chip in a little.

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20 minutes ago, Beetlecat said:

"Liking" your post for visibility and empathy. So sorry to hear about this! I may have some somewhat decent spare parts -- or if you have a patreon, I'd love to chip in a little.


2 hours ago, Errol said:

Do you have a patreon/paypal? I would like to help.

Apparently half my mods have the link on and half don't. Doesn't help does it :D I've also set up a Patreon too, all links in the OP

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12 hours ago, severedsolo said:

Heads up - updates and support are going to be slow for the forseeable future:

A moment of silence please. My venerable old desktop has finally died. The indications are that it's a critical hardware failure (I'm suspecting motherboard, but it might be the CPU too - it's definitely something critical anyway). Sadly this machine is a second generation i5 so the chances of getting a replacement component are next to zero. Which means I need to build a new PC, but don't have the money right now (and likely won't until September). RIP old friend, you've been a very faithful companion.

For users of my mods: this means that updates are going to be a bit sparse going forward until I can scrape the money together to replace it.

I have a machine I can use as a backup, but it's my wifes main computer, which means I probably won't be able to get on it that much (she's a writer). My other alternative is a very slow netbook that definitely won't play KSP.


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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, severedsolo said:

DoubleTapBrakes Released

  • 1.5 Compatibility Update


FYI the GitHub link points to the 1.0.0 release directly rather than just the Releases folder; savvy downloaders should be able to find their way but it may be better to tweak the link.

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12 hours ago, Jesusthebird said:

for whatever reason...chrome flagged the zip file as "not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous" Ive never had this happen with a github download before. Anyone else have this happen too? I guess itll go away in due time?


It probably is not commonly downloaded lol. Bearing in mind this was released in 2017 and then disappeared from the radar (I've never even updated it until now).

Went through the link you provided, it looks like Google will sort it for themselves.

"If Google Safe Browsing hasn't seen a particular binary before, Chrome may warn that it is uncommonly downloaded and could be dangerous. In these cases the warnings are lifted automatically if Google Safe Browsing verifies that it is benign."

Looks like they have a review system, but it's mostly focused on websites. Also, it would involve me installing Google Chrome, which frankly I regard as malware myself the amount they collect on you.

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  • 6 months later...

This is probably one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make, but it’s time to face the truth.

Regular followers will probably have noticed that I’ve been a bit less communicative recently, and when I do reply, the replies can be a bit curt.

I mod for myself, and the truth is that I really haven’t played KSP since 1.4.x came out (even then it was becoming less and less). This means that I just don’t have the motivation to bring stuff up to date, or address issues, and quite frankly it’s showing.

Every time I load up the forums, or get an email on one of my threads with a bug, I groan to myself. This is not a reflection on you guys, you are all almost exclusively a very nice bunch of people who are very helpful in helping me track down issues, and the rare one or two who haven’t been have usually been put off by my generally grumpy attitude to those kind of requests, so don’t tend to stick around. The problem is with me, I just don’t want to do this any more, and that’s not fair on you guys, who need someone who will actually dedicate themselves to it.

With that, it’s time for me to announce my retirement from modding. I don’t plan to just disappear, I’ll still be around, and I plan to get all the mods to a point where someone else could take them over easily (at the very least they will be getting a 1.7 update), and I’ll try and resolve any outstanding issues on Github before I call it a day. I still want to be a part of the community, I just don’t want to mod.

I believe everything is licensed MIT, but for anything that isn’t, it will be changed over to make any handover as smooth as possible. If anyone is interested in adopting any of my mods, please let me know.

I’d like to thank every one of you for your support and encouragement over the years, I’d like to thank the amazing modding community for all their help, especially the guys on Discord (you know who you are) and just generally everyone on this forum for being awesome.

The fact that somebody like me, who started with literally zero programming experience can become one of the big names in modding (well, I like to think I am anyway) simply by teaching myself and following other modders examples, is testament to how helpful this entire community can be.

If your just interested in my retirement, you can stop reading here. If you’d like to know what I’ll be doing next, check the spoiler (it's in no way KSP related just FYI).


I’ve mentioned several times that I have an autistic daughter. One of the things that REALLY bugs me, is that there are very few apps that allow you to use PECS* in a helpful way, especially when children are first learning it. To start with, children don’t understand symbols, you use photographs instead, but the apps almost exclusively have symbols and nothing else.


So, what I want to do, is use the programming skills that I have learnt here, to develop an app that will allow parents of autistic children to take pictures of objects, record their parents voice saying what that object is, and then when the child pushes the photo on the app, it will say the word.


*For those who don’t know, PECS stands for “Picture Exchange Communication System” - basically for non-verbal autistic people it gives them a voice, they can communicate what they want / how they are feeling by handing you a picture/symbol of that thing/emotion etc.

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  • 1 month later...

@severedsolo Thank you, thank you so much for this mod. In all the time I've played KSP I did not know this existed.

I hope you and your daughter are doing well. Having a brother with autism (and being on the spectrum myself) I know it can be ... difficult. I wish you the best :)

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  • 3 months later...

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