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What's behind your username?


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Mine is an interesting story.  Back when I was in college, the computer center (mainrfames) assigned usernames based on first initial, and last name.  Mine was already taken.  Then tried reversing it, going first name, initial of last name.  Also taken.  So they asked me what I wanted.  I was playing Dungeons and Dragons a lot at the time, so  I went with my Mage/Assassin names Alanon Zander.  AZander.  Been using it ever since. 


When google required, for a short time, proper First and Last names for G+, I had them check mine.  I had been using it so long that they thought, and still do, it was a real person's name.



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After seeing other forums of all types deteriorate into name-calling, bullying, threatening, trolling, hating for fun, and so on, I decided to keep myself in check by using my real name as my user name. At all times, in all forums, where possible. No hiding behind a fake name for any reason.


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  On 8/31/2017 at 4:59 PM, qzgy said:

Its made of the letters q,z,g, and y.

Nothing special, just 4 characters.


I thought is was something along syzygy.


Mine ? Well, it's a shortening from Yoursnotmine, or as I'd explain the shortening back when I was interested in coding, yoursNotMine. I was thinking to stay behind anonimity when I started to become an active member of online forums (hence "yours, not mine") ; but as time progresses, and seeing where life has taken me and where it'll probably take me further, I'm starting to question it. Though I'll stay under YNM, it's probably going to have no more meaning and being more connected to IRL. We'll see...

Edited by YNM
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So a while ago (probably 5 or 6 years), I got some Lego set, and for the bit where they said "log on to our website" and so on, one of the "example" usernames was spacebrick3. I chose it just kind of randomly, and now I use it pretty much everywhere since no one else has taken it.

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Got mine during the heyday of AdjectiveNounNumber usernames.  Those things always drove me crazy, but I couldn't really think of anything that wasn't topic specific.  So naturally I downloaded a random word generator and spammed refresh until something popped out at me.  Been using this for like... 14 years?

As far as hiding behind a username online... honestly you'd probably find out more about me googling Geonovast than my real name.

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Its my usual IGN for multiplayer. Came about mostly as a reaction to all the frankly rather sad XXX_killabeast_1985_XXX stuff. Oh and Danger really is my middle name. Honest.

Also have a couple of alt accounts on the floaty battle boats game- Havenaklu and Dontshootimharmless.

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This again?

My username is what I was working on (at my job) the day when I registered on the forums. No, I am not an expert on the syntax nor do I particularly care to be.

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Back in the day, I downloaded a game called air warrior....


I figured I'd fly like a potato, so I called myself "Spud."

That was my name until I switched to WarBirds later, and Spud was taken. AW guys would say, "later, tater" when I logged off, so I used "tater" from then on. Same name in early testing of WW2OL (alpha, beta, then play for 10 years). Also in IL-2.

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