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[WIP] Fenrir L(a)uncher Pack


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Fenrir L(a)uncher Pack

This Pack is in Work, actually, this file is use so as to find some probleme, tell what you think about this new mod :)


The goal of this mod, is to be able to go in orbit arround kerbin at 150 km in 1 stage and try to rescorver this stage (Without SRB), like the 2 stages, 3 stages, n stage is arround kerbin whithout ignition and with this, you can go far away.


Actually, you have the complet first stage (just need of help for a radial decoupler).



Version :


Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1

Released on 2018-02-18

-Add spanish translation

-modify of thrust


Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1

Released on 2018-02-17

-Add a chinese translation

-Adds news fuels tanks (Geri & Freki(test), ...)

-Add new engine ( Ivarr Engine )

-Add a test decoupler for Sigyn EAP

-Compatibility with the mod TextureUnlimated (not on all part)

-Add a compatibility with the mod Engine Ignitor Reignited

-The spanish translation is not finish


Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1

Released on 2017-12-23

-Add a new fuel Tank for the Ivarr launcher (tell what you think about this 3D model) (Lot of parts are in work)(Use texture replacer)


Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1

Released on 2017-11-07

-Add cfg file for RealPlume

-New model and convex for ValkyrjaDecoupler

-New thrust for valkyrjaEngine and Hvorung boost

-Add texture replacer

-Move all part in the Techtree and in the CommunityTechTree


Version 1.2.1_Beta for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1

Released on 2017-11-01

Add Valkyrja engine (for Valkyrja Tank)(A bug can be arrive when you use this in a second stage).

Change HephaistosTank => Valkyrja Tank

Add a new translation in en-es

Add a decoupler (don't really work, please, help me for this)

Change the thrust of the litlle booster (1200 => 853.0).


Version 1.01 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1

Released on 2017-10-24

No changelog provided





Space Dock





Scorpius Space is enjoy to show you those parts.


Fuel Tanks :

Fenrir Down :

This is the Down of the Lucnh Fenrir.



Fenrir Upper :

This is the Upper of the Luncher Fenrir.






Fenrir Monopropelan :





IvarrDownTank :


Geri&Freki :




Engine :

Loki V2 (Liquid fuel engine):

Loki is the god of discord in Nordic mythology. A legend on this engine say what all of the rage of loki is use so as to powered this.


Sigyn EAP (SRB):

Sigyn is the wife of Loki. She helps him (to) control and overcome his turnmoil.



Hvedrung (SRB):

Hvedrungr is the scecond name of the god of northern mythology, Loki.


Valyrja Engine :




Decoupler :

Valkyrja Decoupler


Test for Sigyn EAP


Command :

Fenrir SAS :

This is the command of the first stage so as to try to riscorver the fisrt stage.




How is it works ?

Your rocket need to be like this :



After create a rocket like this (you need to add parachut and AirBreak for the reentry), you need to create a stage (the first (picture = 11 stage)) with only the Loki V2 Engine because this engine need of 7 sec to be a the max Thrust.

Lift of !!!!!!

At 38 km or 41 km, cut of Sigyn EAP, and you have like speed 1500 m/s (you have a litle burn on your rocket, all is normal), your speed continue to be faster but slowly (normal). You need to wait so as to have a apoapsis

at 150 km.

Always with the same stage, circularizeyour orbit arround kerbin. Now decouple and use your RCS so as to be in retrograde.

Warning !!!!!! For rescover this big stage, you need to fall in the see (this is a big stage, it is heavy).

Active a reentry burn.

When you fall, you need to be at 900 m/s before cut your thrust, at 10 km activate your parachute and activate your thrust at 20%.

At 6km active your burn at 100% of thrust and fall in the see a 100m/s (engine destroyed yes) or 50m/s or 0m/s (engine destroyed no).

recover your stage.

if you find a misspelling, please tell me.


Translation : [English] : @Ourshinigami

                       [Spanish] : @Ourshinigami, @fitiales

                       [French] : @Ourshinigami  vous trouvez le fichier et les instructions ici

                       [Chinese] : @wx6523610521




Thanks to : @Superpenguin160 for is help in my work

                     @silentvelcro for is help my work (but a big thanks)

                     @Kartoffelkuchen for is help in my work


The help and idea are welcome in this work in texture or in cfg. file or in 3Dmodel.


Licence : Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Edited by Ourshinigami
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Is suppose to be a launcher like you say, but i dicided to delete the "a" for a friend Who don't really like the english,  like this, for him, it is better. 


Don t try to understand. And i am the creator i can what i want ; ) 

Edited by Ourshinigami
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@Mecripp, Yeah I see this patch, I will use this in the future update (the version is just an update so as to know what you think about the new part of Ivarr), but for the moment, I don't know how this mod work (I just need of one week so as to understand, because actually, during, 2 week, I can work sometime on those 3D moddel, but not really, on KSP directly).

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