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[1.12.x] Tundra Exploration - v7.1.1 (Dec 26th, 2024) - (Re)Stockalike SpaceX Falcon 9, (Crew) Dragon (XL) & Haven-1!


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In the beta the Gojira Flaps have much more authority, is this intended because I sure like it.

Edit: The Raptors no longer have a spool up and I don't have mechjeb installed, any ideas?

Edited by RhodeWithBrim
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6 hours ago, RhodeWithBrim said:

In the beta the Gojira Flaps have much more authority, is this intended because I sure like it.

Yes, but still has its issues. Although I rather ask people to join my discord since most of these beta tests are done there. Github stuff are usually half broken until a day before release :D 

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Hey Damonvv. I'm having a weird issue where when I place a dragon down (crew, cargo 2 or cargo 1) its fine. However, when I try to move it at all (any direction, any magnitude) it will completely disappear, however the game still recognizes it as being there and wont let me place another "primary object." I'm taking it directly out of the part selector and am not using the craft files. Any ideas?


I'd also like to add that i dont have any plumes for the raptor yet i have waterfall installed and its working for other engines from other mods.


Thanks for any help

Edited by JacobPF9
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So I'm having a bit of a problem in that after I freshly install the dependencies and load up the game, the tech trees for Tundra is in the VAB but no new capsules and parts in in the command section. I haven't seen this issue talked about anywhere else, but I don't understand why this is happening. I can see other things, like gridfins, but most of the stuff like the Dragon V2 is just not there. All that's there is like the MK3 command pod, but nothing new. I do have the dragon heatshield and fuel tanks, but that's about it. What's going on here? I have no errors display when KSP boots up either.

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9 minutes ago, Hatattack said:

Wow! How did you make a legless superheavy? And did you actually manage to catch the booster? Cause if so that's insane!

Thanks! I actually decided to model it in blender to make a leg less version. Also, the tower, launch pad, and catching mechanism are all custom made KK statics. 


Edited by IsaQuest
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30 minutes ago, adriangm44 said:

We need some explanation to this! It's BRILLIANT!!!

Will you share the model and the tower? :heart_eyes:

Thank You! I might release it soon, but i'll have to get permission from damon. I still have to do a few modifications to everything too. 
If you want to learn how to make these things, KerboNerd has a great tutorial! KerboNerd’s Blender only tutorial


UPDATE: Damon has asked me to not release it, sorry.

Edited by IsaQuest
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Hello, I have been using your Tundra Exploration Mod for quite some time (Along with Tundra Technologies). I just have one question though, is there any chance that you, Damon, will be considering about remodeling the flaps on Gojira Mk4 (i.e starship) to look more like the now heavily changed real life counterpart?
This is just a question and am not pushing you to do it in the near future. I am just curious.
Love your mod by the way, personal favourite.


Edit: I just noticed it is on the roadmap. Sorry for bothering you.

Edited by Sputnik Planitia
Question already answered.
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Yes... its possible... :)

The SHIP was re-scaled:

TO KSP: 119.735794 x 9.08776093

I hope you like it!

I need to work now on the Booster Catch! :)

Edited by pmborg
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On 6/5/2021 at 9:54 PM, Sputnik Planitia said:

Hello, I have been using your Tundra Exploration Mod for quite some time (Along with Tundra Technologies). I just have one question though, is there any chance that you, Damon, will be considering about remodeling the flaps on Gojira Mk4 (i.e starship) to look more like the now heavily changed real life counterpart?
This is just a question and am not pushing you to do it in the near future. I am just curious.
Love your mod by the way, personal favourite.


Edit: I just noticed it is on the roadmap. Sorry for bothering you.

I was just about to tell you about the roadmap because i didnt notice the edit lol

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On 6/8/2021 at 7:37 AM, Ciko said:

So..after 4 years of this mod - no up to date RO patch?:mellow:

Sadly yes, I guess. The guy who produced them, I hardly seem him online anymore. :( And too few people find it in them to learn to make configs.

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2 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Sadly yes, I guess. The guy who produced them, I hardly seem him online anymore. :( And too few people find it in them to learn to make configs.

To extend to this, keeping RO patches up to date is a hard task. That's why everyone from the RP-1/RO team mostly (as far as I know) discourage spreading of RO configs outside of the RO repo, it's much harder to keep them up to date (or even keep track of them). 

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