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[1.12.x][TR] Human Colored Heads Recolored v0.5


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Human Coloured Heads originally by forum user @GregroxMun re-packaged for the  *new* TR and re-uploaded here with their permission.




Texture Replacer

Known Issues: 
Some icons here and there such as the astronaut complex still show green skin. This mod only looks to affect kerbals that are 3d rendered. If anyone knows how to change ui icons of kerbals, please let me know!



v0.5 Renamed all files to kerbalHead.png so that TR can use more than just the skins from the default folder for hired kerbals.

v0.4 Reverted to TextureReplacer file structure and remaining blanc kerbals fixed!

v0.3 Folder and locations updated with TRR_ prefix

v0.2 Gus Kerman is no longer blanc

v0.1 initial release

Edited by Errol
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  On 1/3/2018 at 3:25 AM, Errol said:

Thanks for the heads up. Never heard of sigma replacements. What are the differences between it and texture replacer? Can they run side by side?


Sigma Replacements is a more modular, easier approach to replacing stock textures. I will never go back to TR or TRR; too convoluted to simply replace textures. They can, but I wouldn’t run them side by side. 

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@Galileo Honestly, Sigma Replacements seems a little complicated to me, right now. I did not make these textures, and am not an artist/modder. All I did was re-name them and put them into folders for TRR. Also, it doesn't look like Sigma Replacements has any reflections going on. As I play with windowshine and visor reflections (even though my poor laptop can barely handle them with EVE and scatterer....I just crank down the resolution...), so I don't see myself making the switch any time soon. 

That thread isn't that long yet, I may give it an actual read some time in the coming weeks to try to figure out if I can learn to make a pack for it, but no promises. 

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  • 1 month later...

Doesn't this apply to this mod?


It is now recommended that you use a different folder than TRR for your custom textures

WITH A PREFIX CALLED   "TRR"   like "TRR_MyTextureMod"

(or at least one that goes alphabetically after "Squad" and "TextureReplacerReplaced")

You can find an empty premade here

You just have to make 3 steps to make it ready for you :

Change the name "TRR_MyTextureMod" by the one you want,

  • Of the folder that goes in GameData/
  • Of the file TRR_MyTextureMod.cfg
  • Inside the .cfg
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  On 2/18/2018 at 6:19 AM, Smart Parts Wanter said:

Doesn't this apply to this mod?


It is now recommended that you use a different folder than TRR for your custom textures

WITH A PREFIX CALLED   "TRR"   like "TRR_MyTextureMod"

(or at least one that goes alphabetically after "Squad" and "TextureReplacerReplaced")

You can find an empty premade here

You just have to make 3 steps to make it ready for you :

Change the name "TRR_MyTextureMod" by the one you want,

  • Of the folder that goes in GameData/
  • Of the file TRR_MyTextureMod.cfg
  • Inside the .cfg

Thank you; fixed.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 3/29/2018 at 3:52 PM, Lo Var Lachland said:

Touche, sir. 



Also......grumpy veteran note: Don't call me sir (officers (READ: desk jockies) get the title 'sir'); I was a Corporal. 

"Hey you in the green" works just fine, ironically enough..

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  • 10 months later...

I have just tested this in KSP 1.6.1 and it is partially working. It still works for most of the KSP staff, save for the few kerbals in the VAB suffering from albinism, it also works on the veteran Kerbals in the main, but it does not work with kerbals in the flight scene (nor the icon kerbals in the astronaught complex, but they were always a bug). I 'm pretty sure it has to do with the new kerbals models that, from I understand only are used on the kerbals in the flight scene. As I do not know anything about modelling, or even anything about making textures (I originally just did  a little mm-fu to get this working again with a newer TR at the time), the only way I can see to get this working would be to revert the kerbal models in game to the old models. Does anyone know if it would be more complicated than simply copying the files over from an older install, or if doing so would break any rules? Pretty sure I can't re-distrobute squad's old assets, but I could leave instructions on how to get it working, and then if the users are lucky enough to still have a pre 1.6 copy of KSP they can do it. Not an ideal solution, and that's assuming it works, without any game breaking bugs. I will post back here if I make any more progress.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 3/1/2019 at 3:49 AM, Errol said:

I have just tested this in KSP 1.6.1 and it is partially working. It still works for most of the KSP staff, save for the few kerbals in the VAB suffering from albinism, it also works on the veteran Kerbals in the main, but it does not work with kerbals in the flight scene (nor the icon kerbals in the astronaught complex, but they were always a bug). I 'm pretty sure it has to do with the new kerbals models that, from I understand only are used on the kerbals in the flight scene. As I do not know anything about modelling, or even anything about making textures (I originally just did  a little mm-fu to get this working again with a newer TR at the time), the only way I can see to get this working would be to revert the kerbal models in game to the old models. Does anyone know if it would be more complicated than simply copying the files over from an older install, or if doing so would break any rules? Pretty sure I can't re-distrobute squad's old assets, but I could leave instructions on how to get it working, and then if the users are lucky enough to still have a pre 1.6 copy of KSP they can do it. Not an ideal solution, and that's assuming it works, without any game breaking bugs. I will post back here if I make any more progress.


I think it not working because of new texturereplacer version(s), that has a many changes

u can read bout them here: https://github.com/ducakar/TextureReplacer/releases/tag/v3.0

I also tested that w/ TRR (RangeMachine's release) on 1.6.1 it dont work

We're just need a man who can edit mod 4 new versions of TR/KSP

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  • 1 year later...


I have attempted many many times.

"pop up" gene is perfect.

Mission control gene still albino in my attempts

I found an abandoned mod from like 2014, in my backups, with arms, clothing, hats and a clipboard, etc (but all were 512x512 in size and a weird jpeg2000 format) I tried to remake them all in paint.net as dxt1... here is the result:

Note I can effect EVERYONE else's head (staff/ground crew), even their arms/hands, outfits and hats. Heck I can make working headset for gene and glasses for werner. the intern's stuff, the mechanic's... just not gene or scientist/signal person heads (I can again effect their outfits, ect) 

Ground crew, some pigs, both arm types are "a human skin tone", I even added burns and tiny scars.. but look at scientist and "flag people" all abino...so its link to Gene Kermin issue 100%

  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents
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Pig face, human skin tone arms in  admin

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but I can change the clothes or glasses etc

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ok lets think... any texture applied to this model becomes "white"...it has to be a "map or mesh" like the normal or w/e.. the color is "under his base layer" maybe

so gene "3D-model" wrapped in a "2D-Texture" (and models sharing his stuff) must have a special normal or mesh, but making one from scratch..like whats the file name even, its "shape" etc?

When we attempt to apply the "default folder" head it uses the "wrong normal map" OR "TR doesnt map the texture corectly, resulting in a so called blank testure"?


@shaw might not have it mapped after squad did some minor update to gene??

I will solve this by Halloween night!

Edited by Guest
jpeg2000, not 200 lol
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@Errol not sure if your aware.

I'm crediting you (and the list back in time) for these, that I have AGAIN updated in my mod here:

I got everything with "super googling" (searx engine in german, russian, japanese and chinese), "waybacking" "begging" and just "dirty long trial and error".

I get the staff heads, aems/hands, everything...everything, even @Chris P. Bacon's old work on the "real ksc" (should be modifiable to TR to ditch KK requirement...one day)

A month ago I was a long time player used to tweaking cgf's...now I can release texture packs and make DLL's in VS19 (sorta)...its exciting

example: mechanics new human arm: greasey, bruised, old burn marks healed

Who would think THATS hands/arms? without the older mod I couldnt have found that (I would have tried a suit or something)


PS: 1 have 16K masters, webp/pdn,kra of EVERYTHING...even in EXR UHD HDR format...want to share?

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you want maddness @Errol:

I'll spoil this one:

  Reveal hidden contents

Maybe a bit more "red":

  Reveal hidden contents

I even have "God Emperor Trump" on the monolith some weirdo made

^-- I'm remorking this to "Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite"


Getting the texture name to what they are is easy, TR has that function, but seeing that texture to remake it requires someone else to have "done the big brain work" to make an original.

back in 2012 to 2016...that wasnt hard a bunch of super modders filled the forum and youtube/twitch with info.

Now after 2016 to 2020 ALMOST everyone "turned into mist and blew away". Some of the hard-core modders are awesome...but no more teaching happens(bye bye @Chris P. Bacon@CaptainKipard, @Tiberion, @RoverDude & @cybutek namely)

I am teaching myself with deadlinks, wayback, google translate, using skyrim as an (poor) example, being nosey in github repos, heck I am "remaking" peoples .cs files to try to learn visual studio 2019...plus the resources left "uneaten by internet monsters" from the users I named, but ksp v1.5 say major changes (its after the date of the tutorials) plus KSP v1.8 changed unity version (so even some texture packs that did still work now use dxt formats no longer supported)

I'm 40 and I fix servers, laptops, desktops, phones...you name it. with instructions I could remake nearly anything...but being "original" or the "one that really gets it" isnt my thing... nor is "coding", "digital art" or "3d modeling" I didnt think it would get soo...deep?

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@Aazard Yeah, I've seen your mod, and really like the idea. I'm glad you are picking up the modding mantle. Personally though, I don't think I would use your mod in my game. I really like the old stock and veteran orange suits, and also really enjoy mods like Earn Your Stripes that chooses which of those two suit types each kerbal gets to wear, based on accumulated merit rather than just being jeb or val etc. As such, I would like to keep my simple, singlularly focused humanColouredHeads pack available as an up to date stand alone. I less than zero competency for most of what you talking about in your last two posts though, so I would be willing to credit you with solving this problem in the change log for this heads pack.


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  On 9/30/2020 at 9:34 PM, Errol said:

@Aazard Yeah, I've seen your mod, and really like the idea. I'm glad you are picking up the modding mantle. Personally though, I don't think I would use your mod in my game. I really like the old stock and veteran orange suits, and also really enjoy mods like Earn Your Stripes that chooses which of those two suit types each kerbal gets to wear, based on accumulated merit rather than just being jeb or val etc. As such, I would like to keep my simple, singlularly focused humanColouredHeads pack available as an up to date stand alone. I less than zero competency for most of what you talking about in your last two posts though, so I would be willing to credit you with solving this problem in the change log for this heads pack.



I'm working on the 8K "stock-alike" suits today. I got over 10 messages about it after the ...v1.0.5 release (the one with an error in it :() about that exact issue.. ppl asking remake stock this "better plz"... can you do "pigman"..ok wow now how about "pig-girl"

The mod was very focused on getting "humans" right. Now the easy template workshop is starting, along with texture "additions".

So I have #bada55 heads in male/female as 16K masters, with all 4 "generic" skin tons of humanity.

The stock suits wasnt on my list..but ppl want..ppl get

Dependency wise we are the same > TR thats it (TR is DIRTY powerful, with the keys, set logs to "true"). My DLL is self contained (my mod is its dependency)

but seeing the different goals we are focused on:

  • I would be happy to supply you with anything I find or make, that would be of use to you. I assume you want arms/hands and their clothes/props. I looked for a long time to find them in chinese (I dont know chinese)
  • the stars? for ranks? Oh I have them, they were in old TRR...they work in TR with correct name. I have portrait stat icons to wa-zoo also
  • @linuxgurugamer has an achievement mod
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