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[1.12] Speed Unit Annex — enhanced navball panel, contextually! (2024-08-05)


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The main xx.x m/s line is still there, the mod adds (annexes) some new speed units and helpful values to the top line, depending from navball mode and the vesselType.
Configurable in the settings page (difficulty section).


  • Surface mode
    • Rover — km/h or mph
    • Boat/Submarine — knots 
    • Airplane — Mach number or knots or km/h or mph 
    • Airplane — IAS (Indicated AirSpeed — disabled by default)
    • Kerbal (EVA) — trait and name or EVA Plopellant
    • All, except Rovers and Boat — Above Ground Level
    • While descending the color of the main speed become red (disabled by default)
    • Split speed to horizontal and vertical components (only descending landers by default)
  • Orbit mode
    • Kerbal (EVA) — trait and name or EVA Plopellant
    • Ap and Pe (a little transparent for < R_atm or > R_soi )
    • Time to the next Ap/Pe (А-4.5d — four and a half days until Apoapsis — disabled by default)
  • Target mode
    • A distance to a target
    • A target vessel/celestial body name
    • A target docking port Roll
    • A target docking port Yaw, Pitch and Roll (disabled by default)
    • Two decimal digit for low target speed
    • While retrograde to target, the color of speed become red (disabled by default)
    • Split speed into 2 components: prograde/retrograde to target, and leftover (disabled by default)

Disabled by default:  
                  IAS                          |    Time to next Ap/Pe   |   Target docking port angles: 

Sometimes KSP doesn't recognize vessel type correctly, so select it manually in the VAB/SPH or the Flight Scene.

Also the mod supports the HUDReplacer's ztheme.

Inspired by SpeedUnitChanger and SpeedUnitDisplay


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KottabosGames video (v0.9.7):

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Releases page: https://github.com/yalov/SpeedUnitAnnex/releases

Languages: English, Русский, Deutsch, Español, Italiano, Français, 中文
If anyone is interested to translate into Japanese or Portuguese-Brazilian — github.

Donation: Patreon

Link-Spacedock-blue.svg  Link-ChangeLog-blue.svg

CKAN-Indexed-green.svg  SpeedUnitAnnex.svg?label=Version&colorB=  speedunitannex.svg?maxAge=3600&label=Lic

Edited by flart
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Its a great idea.... but the mach speed needs to be in relativity to the ground... 872.1m/s is not mach 3.0... its mach 2.54 in relativity to the ground.... mach 3 is 1029m/s... if you add in kerboins rotation speed to the planes current speed its roughly 1047m/s which is very slightly above mach 3.0


I think it just needs some polishing up, great job though!

sincerely, solarise helm.

Safe sciencing!

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Welcome aboard, @solarise helm

  On 1/16/2018 at 1:37 AM, solarise helm said:

 872.1m/s is not mach 3.0... its mach 2.54 in relativity to the ground.... mach 3 is 1029m/s...


Mach 3.0 is indeed ~1000m/s at the ground level.

The Mach number at which an aircraft is flying can be calculated by

\mathrm {M} ={\frac {u}{c}}

M is the Mach number
u is velocity of the moving aircraft and
c is the speed of sound at the given altitude

So speed for same Mach number is decreasing with increasing altitude and for altitude 16530m for Kerbin Mach 3.0 is ~870m/s.
Also, without atm the speed of sound and therefore the Mach number have no meaning.


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Mod has been Kottabosed!



New version 0.9.8

  • add knots for airplanes (settings)
    Worldwide, the knot is used in meteorology, and in maritime and air navigation
  • fix bugs
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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 0.9.9


  • Kerbal Names replaced Ap&Pe for Kerbal (EVA) in Orbit mode (can be changed back to Ap&Pe in the settings)



Version 0.9.10

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  • 4 weeks later...

Version 1.0.0

  • Recompile for KSP 1.4.0

* on github for now (SpaceDock don't have 1.4.0 tag)




notable [not]rounding:

you would not mislead by rounding, when it could be important



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  On 3/8/2018 at 12:59 PM, flart said:

Version 1.0.0

  • Recompile for KSP 1.4.0

* on github for now (SpaceDock don't have 1.4.0 tag)


Thanx for holding off on the SpaceDock update...
Besides, 1.4.1 is supposed to drop in less than a week, anyway...
Holding off on SD to add new 1.4.0/1.4.1 tags not only heads off confusion for users.... But i would think it would save *you* unecessary suppport reports, if someone grabs the 1.4.0 update, when listed as 1.3.1 on SD, and actually tries to use it on KSP 1.3.1...
So THANX for holding off till SD can update the tags :wink:

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Version 1.1.3 / 1.1.4 (KSP 1.3.1 / KSP 1.4.1)

  • Ap/Pe become a little transparent if they are negative or larger than SOI-radius
  • Time to the next Ap/Pe (disabled by default) 
  • Speed in the target mode has 2 digit after decimal point for < 0.2 m/s


SpeedUnitAnnex 1.1.3 (KSP 1.3.1)

SpeedUnitAnnex 1.1.4 (KSP 1.4.1)

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Version 1.1.5 (KSP 1.4.1)

  • Italian localization (thanks to @Simog)
  • surface EVA AGL fix
  • hide "Orb" for Orbit-EVA with enabled "Time to the next Ap/Pe



Version 1.1.6

  •     Localization update (de, en, es, it, ru)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello, Great mod.

I would be interested in making a Chinese translation. How can I submit to you?

By the way, is it possible to calculate airspeed (IAS, not TAS) for planes? I suspect if wind exists in KSP but perhaps it is possible to make a model for airspeed on different altitude. That would be critical to operate an airplane. If you could do that, it would become a killer feature of your mod.

Edited by Yanchen
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Welcome aboard,  @Yanchen

  On 6/15/2018 at 8:22 AM, Yanchen said:

I would be interested in making a Chinese translation. How can I submit to you?


you can fork repo on github, add translation, and pull-request changes back or just place translation there:

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Also you can test your translation in game by putting your zh-cn.cfg into GameData\SpeedUnitAnnex\localization folder. (testing mostly about fit inside navball panel)       

  On 6/15/2018 at 8:22 AM, Yanchen said:

By the way, is it possible to calculate airspeed (IAS, not TAS) for planes?


Calculate IAS is possible,  @ThirdOfSeven's SpeedUnitDisplay mod is exactly about it.

Do you want to see it in the SpeedUnitAnnex as mach or knots or IAS or you want to see mach or knots and IAS ? There is not much space...


  On 6/15/2018 at 8:22 AM, Yanchen said:

... That would be critical to operate an airplane


Can you guys explain why IAS is so helpful in the KSP ?

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  On 6/16/2018 at 10:02 AM, flart said:

Check settings, maybe you disabled AGL....


ofc I enabled it at first after installing

I have the clue that this mod could be incompatible to Orbital Decay.


Needs further testing.

Also the readout of the maneuver dV bar right of the KSP navball never decreases on maneuver burn after I installed Speed Unit Annex - but the maneuvers finish without issues besides that.

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  On 6/16/2018 at 10:12 AM, Gordon Dry said:

could be incompatible to Orbital Decay.


WhiteCat's Orbital Decay for max KSP 1.1.3? What KSP version do you have? Orbital Decay is not working in the KSP 1.4.3

Looks like Orbital Decay doesn't change text on navball panel, so it is unlikely incompatible with Speed Unit Annex.

Also I don't think Speed Unit Annex can interfere with other navball elements, like maneuver dV bar.
It just change navball panel text at LateUpdate() time.

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  On 6/15/2018 at 1:24 PM, flart said:

Welcome aboard,  @Yanchen

you can fork repo on github, add translation, and pull-request changes back or just place translation there:

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Also you can test your translation in game by putting your zh-cn.cfg into GameData\SpeedUnitAnnex\localization folder. (testing mostly about fit inside navball panel)       

Calculate IAS is possible,  @ThirdOfSeven's SpeedUnitDisplay mod is exactly about it.

Do you want to see it in the SpeedUnitAnnex as mach or knots or IAS or you want to see mach or knots and IAS ? There is not much space...


Can you guys explain why IAS is so helpful in the KSP ?


Translation submitted!!

Regarding IAS, if there are people like me (I think there are), who want to design aircraft with thinking about efficiency, performance, safety, and making graceful and soft landings. It is important to have those numbers found out such as what speed will the aircraft stall, what the ideal speed is for touch down. They are about how fast the air flows through the wings not how fast the airplane is moving against ground. Perhaps it is not so important to everybody; I have several years of flight simulator experience so I am very sensitive to speed, attitude, landing rate, cockpit instruments, etc. IAS is great and I very appreciate that you offer it. It would be even more exciting if it can be displayed somewhere inside of the cockpit, perhaps on the RPM screen in the future.

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Version 1.2.0

  • Surface: Indicated AirSpeed (IAS) for airplanes (disabled by default)
  • Orbit: Ap/Pe become a little transparent if they are unstable or negative: smaller than atmosphere height or larger than SOI-radius
  • Chinese localization (thanks to @Yanchen)    
  • localization updates


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