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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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Hi @Nertea I have problems with moving and inflatable parts, they are not inflating kkkk. I installed some mods but I don't remember the order I made and I believe that's the problem, but it's just a guess ...

I'm new here on the forum and I'm still getting used to the rules, in the link below I'm making KSO.log available (I hope it's the right file kkkk)



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Just so it's clear:

Use 1.9.x mod in 1.10.x, no support. 

On 7/5/2020 at 8:58 PM, CalixK said:

This is by far my favorite mod. Whenever I load any parts from this mod in, I get this construction sound before the game is playable again. Is this intended?

... construction sound?

2 hours ago, KallangoVerde said:

Google translator

Hi @Nertea I have problems with moving and inflatable parts, they are not inflating kkkk. I installed some mods but I don't remember the order I made and I believe that's the problem, but it's just a guess ...

I'm new here on the forum and I'm still getting used to the rules, in the link below I'm making KSO.log available (I hope it's the right file kkkk)



Your log seems to indicate that TweakScale is throwing a fit of some kind - no idea why.

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On 7/7/2020 at 1:32 AM, Nertea said:

Your log seems to indicate that TweakScale is throwing a fit of some kind - no idea why.

Because I'm an idiot that forgets to remove event handlers when a part is killed, filling the KSP.log with Exceptions because the module tries to access a ghost part that was already garbage collected:

[ERR 04:25:06.486] Exception handling event onEditorShipModified in class TweakScale:System.NullReferenceException
  at TweakScale.TweakScale.OnEditorShipModified (ShipConstruct ship) [0x00000] in <c3d11dd12519438cafd8dbec2a0a0668>:0
	TweakScale.TweakScale.OnEditorShipModified (ShipConstruct ship) (at <c3d11dd12519438cafd8dbec2a0a0668>:0)

It's fixed on the latest TweakScale, currently

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Hi Nertea.

EDIT - I've resolved it.  I needed to put a ! in front of an !MKS.  That was the issue.

I'm all happy now - sorry to bother you.   Does this noeed fixing in the SSPX B9 patches though?

I'm having some issues (never got it quite right) to integrate Simplex Resources into the SSPX containers with their decals.

Simplex Resources is supposed to be installed without the Community Resources.

In the Spoiler is the code which could be copied to a CFG which shows what I am trying to do.  Basically, I can't MM patch the transforms, so I remove and reapply them.  I then attempt to assign a decal to the new tank types, but this doesn't give me the right decals - Water for the Saturate never shows up, instead I am currently getting the reddish circles one?  Actually, with some iteration I managed to get water, but the RareOre became the reddish circle one.


//	Resources - Saturate, HydrateOre, NaturalOre, RareOre
//	B9 Tank Types
//	Container Transforms
//	Container Part Switches

		{	name = Saturate
			title = Saturate
			abbreviation = Saturate
			density = 0.010
			unitCost = 0.05
			flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			transfer = PUMP
			hsp = 1000
			isTweakable = true
			isVisible = true
			volume = 5
		{	name = HydrateOre
			title = HydrateOre
			abbreviation = HydrateOre
			density = 0.015
			unitCost = 0.02
			flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			transfer = PUMP
			hsp = 1000
			isTweakable = true
			isVisible = true
			volume = 5
		{	name = NaturalOre
			title = NaturalOre
			abbreviation = NaturalOre
			density = 0.035
			unitCost = 1.056
			flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			transfer = PUMP
			hsp = 814
			isTweakable = true
			isVisible = true
			volume = 5
		{	name = RareOre
			title = RareOre
			abbreviation = RareOre
			density = 0.035
			unitCost = 5.000
			flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
			transfer = PUMP
			hsp = 814
			isTweakable = true
			isVisible = true
			volume = 5

!B9_TANK_TYPE[Ore]	{}

	{	name = SRHydOre
		tankMass = 0.00133333333
		tankCost = 0.83333333333
		{	name = HydrateOre
			unitsPerVolume = 1
	{	name = SRNatOre
		tankMass = 0.00133333333
		tankCost = 0.83333333333
		{	name = NaturalOre
			unitsPerVolume = 1
	{	name = SRRarOre
		tankMass = 0.00133333333
		tankCost = 0.83333333333
		{	name = RareOre
			unitsPerVolume = 1
	{	name = SRSaturate
		tankMass = 0.00133333333
		tankCost = 0.83333333333
		{	name = Saturate
			unitsPerVolume = 1

	{	!MODULE[ModuleB9DisableTransform]	{}
		 	{	name = ModuleB9DisableTransform
				//!transform,* = any
				//transform = OreDecal
				//transform:NEEDS[!UmbraSpaceIndustries,!ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] = MetallicOreDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] = UraniniteDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] = SubstrateDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] = MineralsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = CommoditiesDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = ExoticMineralsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[MKS] = RareMetalsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] = MaterialKitsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS,!ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] = MetalsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = PolymersDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS,!USILifeSupport] = SuppliesDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS|GroundConstruction] = MachineryDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = RecyclablesDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS|GroundConstruction] = SpecializedPartsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] = FertilizerDecal
				//transform:NEEDS[!MKS,!TacLifeSupport] = HydratesDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = GypsumDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = DirtDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = SilicatesDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = SiliconDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = RefinedExoticsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS] = ColonySuppliesDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!MKS|!KerbalismSimplex] = OrganicsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] = RockDecal
				//transform:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] = WaterDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] = LeadDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!Snacks,!TacLifeSupport] = SnacksDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!Snacks] = SoilDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] = RocketPartsDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] = ScrapMetalDecal
				transform:NEEDS[!TacLifeSupport|!KerbalismSimplex] = LifeSupportDecal

	{	@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[cargoSwitch]]
			{	@SUBTYPE[Ore]
					{	@name = RareOre
						@tankType = SRRarOre
						@title = RareOre
					{	@name = NaturalOre
						@tankType = SRNatOre
						@title = NaturalOre
						@transform = MetallicOreDecal
					{	@name = HydrateOre
						@tankType = SRHydOre
						@title = HydrateOre
						@transform = HydratesDecal
					{	@name = Saturate
						@tankType = SRSaturate
						@title = Saturate
						@transform = WaterDecal


Part of me wonders if it is at all worth the trouble and whether it would be easier to PR the SSPX file for direct support.  I think I want to do this for KerbalismSimplex anyway.  Would you be up for that?



Edited by theJesuit
Resolved my issue
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Can anyone tell me how change the parts from the discontinued "Stockalike Station Parts Expansion" to this "Station Parts Expansion Redux" directly with file editing?

I do not wish to launch and built the whole space station again.

Edited by RandomKerbal
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It was a long time ago that SSPXR was released.  I seem to remember that the big move from Expansion to redux was save breaking, file names and node positions too I'm guessing.  

If you don't want the challenge of relaunching again may I suggest Hyperedit or the stock alt-F12 menu to place a revised station into orbit.


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6 hours ago, RandomKerbal said:

Can anyone tell me how change the parts from the discontinued "Stockalike Station Parts Expansion" to this "Station Parts Expansion Redux" directly with file editing?

I do not wish to launch and built the whole space station again.

This is nontrivial because many parts changed shape.

However if you want to try, you really just need to go into your save file and change part names. Not hard, but tedious.

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6 hours ago, theJesuit said:

It was a long time ago that SSPXR was released.  I seem to remember that the big move from Expansion to redux was save breaking, file names and node positions too I'm guessing.  

If you don't want the challenge of relaunching again may I suggest Hyperedit or the stock alt-F12 menu to place a revised station into orbit.


That's the reason why I kept using the discontinued SSPX until now.

6 hours ago, Nertea said:

This is nontrivial because many parts changed shape.

However if you want to try, you really just need to go into your save file and change part names. Not hard, but tedious.

By the way, all your mods looks cool and gorgeous, you must have put in a lot of effort. The only reason that I feel unsatisfied is that you kept changing some of the part's name, causing my ships to disappear or glitched.

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On 6/20/2020 at 9:35 PM, Dep_Opt said:

They look absolutely awesome, but the lack of life support integration is putting me off for now. Guess I'll just have to make do with the Lynx, Karibou, Malamute and Akita. Yeah, I like rovers...

Which integration is missing?

I was curious to see if they still function, and all the bells and whistles still seem to work fine with Kerbalism, etc. The compass / navball issue is the same as all other RPM-based things at the moment.



[now I just need to rebind the screenshot key away from the forces overlay key ... ;) ]

Ooops, maybe I spoke too soon -- and I can't get out to see if I can fix the flat... 






Edited by Beetlecat
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Has anyone ever written even a partial patch to incorporate Indicator Lights for this mod they would be willing to share?  Lack of a patch is the primary reason I don't use this. I like having the indicators on crewed parts to easily tell where Kerbals are hiding on my bases and stations. 

Edited by Tonka Crash
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Hi @Nertea, Not sure if this has been asked before but I've been wondering if you ever considered adding docking Nodes? 

For example the Unity and Harmony Module has it's docking ports on the side of the module but it has it protruding inward. Also love this mod btw.harmonyback.jpg7C912D61-BAAE-48E8-94C3-5

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4 hours ago, Quack said:

Hi @Nertea, Not sure if this has been asked before but I've been wondering if you ever considered adding docking Nodes? 

For example the Unity and Harmony Module has it's docking ports on the side of the module but it has it protruding inward. Also love this mod btw.harmonyback.jpg7C912D61-BAAE-48E8-94C3-5

The Clamp-O-Tron can be mounted radially, if you want to be able to dock to the sides of station pieces. Or, if you are like me and prefer to only connect modules in a way that makes sense for crew passage, that's what the hub parts are for.

I very much doubt Nertea wants to go through the work to remodel these parts just to add dedicated side docking nodes. That's a lot of work for a payoff that many would consider marginal.

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7 hours ago, Quack said:

Hi @Nertea, Not sure if this has been asked before but I've been wondering if you ever considered adding docking Nodes? 

For example the Unity and Harmony Module has it's docking ports on the side of the module but it has it protruding inward. Also love this mod btw.

Maybe you can try to do something like this, if you want the radial docking ports in an 'inwards' fashion:


Feel free to use this https://kerbalx.com/myrddin/Harmony

3 hours ago, TBenz said:

The Clamp-O-Tron can be mounted radially, if you want to be able to dock to the sides of station pieces. Or, if you are like me and prefer to only connect modules in a way that makes sense for crew passage, that's what the hub parts are for.

I did my Harmony-alike exactly like that :D but adding the elevons between the docking ports to 'make it prettier' :P 

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On 7/18/2020 at 7:55 PM, Titi said:

Hello! Has someone tested it for KSP 1.10? I really want to have this mod but I don't wanna get my save file corrupted (or whatever could happen if it's not compatible)

I have not tested it, but of course it is compatible(I think so). It only adds in new parts. 

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I'm not even working on updates until 1.10.1.

On 7/17/2020 at 8:34 AM, Quack said:

Hi @Nertea, Not sure if this has been asked before but I've been wondering if you ever considered adding docking Nodes? 

For example the Unity and Harmony Module has it's docking ports on the side of the module but it has it protruding inward. Also love this mod btw.

Retrofitting to existing modules would be tough, and building dedicated ones, well.... that's just kinda pointless parts to me. ISS replicas go to HabTech2 thread, better options there!



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12 hours ago, Nertea said:

I'm not even working on updates until 1.10.1.

Retrofitting to existing modules would be tough, and building dedicated ones, well.... that's just kinda pointless parts to me. ISS replicas go to HabTech2 thread, better options there!



Yes, I agree with you, KSP is not RSS. Those who like RSS should play Orbiter.

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