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Bad science in fiction Hall of Shame


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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:
1 hour ago, Bej Kerman said:

Cooper asked TARS to take the stick if he blacks out. So they kinda do :)

We don't know if TARS can do it better.

Probably, Dr. Mann had reasons to doubt.

It doesn't matter anyway. The movie literally says this...


So yeah, another complaint to add to the bucket of problems that weren't there to begin with :D

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2 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Don't you find it strange that a service robot can remotely disable your ship systems when there is a crew onboard?

I personally don't find it strange that one of the crew can disable a rogue ship's systems when there is other crew onboard. There's all sorts of reasons that could be.

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2 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

I personally don't find it strange that one of the crew can disable a rogue ship's systems when there is other crew onboard.

Who decides, who is rogue?

Why Dr. Mann can't give a command: "Depressurize the rogue ship"?

As he can give commands to the Endurance crafts, he is obviously authorized as a crew member.


Another, even more bright silliness: the craft with active docking port doesn't need cooperation of the passive counterpart, it just hooks it in all known docking systems.
That's exactly how they docked the frozen Salyut.

It's a pure mechanics. The passive side is just a set of holes with latches.

The only example of the opposite, was Gemini, as the passive side (Agena) had active port, while the active side (Gemini) had a passive adaptor.

But even there, the reaction of the active adaptor on the passive side was pure mechanical, just the mechanics was perverted. (To make the expendable Gemini part as cheap as possible)

So, the whole idea that Cooper could interfere the docking process is a pure nonsense. There is absolutely no reason to make the passive docking port lockable, except the space pirates.

And as we can clearly see, the Ranger/Endurance docking ports were just a usual hooking system.

Edited by kerbiloid
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The perception of whether a film is good or bad is very subjective. The situation with books and any other letter is the same. I had a situation with a newspaper editor when his assistant rejected my story on human trafficking. I published it in the public domain among the free human trafficking essay examples and got a good offer from a rival publication. When the editor read my text, he was delighted, but the vision of his assistant now helps students in their research, and I got a better job. Everyone has their own opinion and that's great.

Edited by VickTC
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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

It's the only movie with this actor which I can identify, so all of them are Interstellars.

(So, that's why it was looking strange for me that he is smoking in a spaceship...)

What?!   You haven’t seen Contact?  

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Not entirely fiction, and this was an actual shower thought, but after that wretched Rose hoarded that entire frikkin huge door all to her selfish self, just to watch poor old dear Jack freeze to death, Jack should not have sunk. His lungs were not flooded.

Besided, she should have taken off her floatation vest, shoved it under the door, perhaps add a few more from the surrounding donators (such as that poor propeller guy) and it would have made a nice raft, but noooo.... she was too busy clutching that awful, gaudy neckless Mr. Sleazy gave her. She didn't even like him, or so she says.

Also, don't lie in freezing water, you'll catch a cold. Stand up to minimize contact with cold water.

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1 hour ago, Shpaget said:

Also, don't lie in freezing water, you'll catch a cold. Stand up to minimize contact with cold water.

Well, that depends on how fast the surface wind is. Also, if you can keep the water around you from circulating, it won’t steal as much heat. Groups of people in frigid water should huddle together to minimize heat loss

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  • 2 weeks later...

The nuclear-powered submarine tanker from Malakhit strikes again (this time not as a Typhoon derivative)

Recently getting rehyped again as a blockade runner, but the project is back from 2019. 


As pointed out in rather unprintable language by Dmitry Kononykhin, who claims to have participated in the original 1994-'95 studies, underwater transportation of a bulk cargo that is 2.5 times less dense than water is a remarkably impractical idea in principle.

Edited by DDE
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1 hour ago, DDE said:

As pointed out in rather unprintable language by Dmitry Kononykhin, who claims to have participated in the original 1994-'95 studies, underwater transportation of a bulk cargo that is 2.5 times less dense than water is a remarkably impractical idea in principle.

Is this epic gentleman aware of air density?
As wiki says, 40% of 941 Akula aka Typhoon water displacement was water ballast.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Works of fiction need to strike a balance between dramatic license and accuracy. While some creative liberties can be taken, it's also important to ensure that the narrative is still grounded in some semblance of scientific fact to maintain believability and prevent distracting errors. Small oversights can be forgivable, but larger discrepancies like the one you mentioned can be jarring and takea the audience out of the story.

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  • 3 months later...

Haven't seen the movie, but the trailer is chock-full of bad stuff.

"I've got a shadow moving across the front of the Moon, and it's not Earth." Too bad it was not Earth, it would have saved the studio some embarrassment., but speaking of shadows, that looks like a terminator, not a shadow of another object.

"This object is roughly the size of a city." Yet the shadow easily covers entire Moon

That shuttle like vehicle takes off without the main engines firing. but keeps all four boosters and the external tank all the way up to the "meteor".

They are hit by a giant rock, but deploying a repair bot will fix it, I suppose.

Shooting guns at asteroids?

If Armageddon and Deep Impact had a baby, and then abused it, neglected it and beat t with a stupid stick.

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7 minutes ago, Shpaget said:

"This object is roughly the size of a city."

At least much smaller than Texas.

But in the other hand, they don't have Bruce Willis this time.

And Liv Tyler is busy in the alternative reality with orbital baboon.


00:41 Boosters from Energy? Wait, it's a scaled Energy-2 but with four boosters and small Buran?

00:52 The nozzle has 5 rings. As I can see, RS-25 has 6, RD-0120 has 5. What engine is it?

00:54 The orbiter engines are off, like it should be for Buran, but shouldn't be for Shuttle.

00:55 Nosecones are Energy-like, not Shuttle.

Where are spacesuits and helmets?
Why are the humans behind the midgirl (bossgirl ?) sitting in sideways acceleration position, perpendicularly to the orbiter axis?
Why are the chairs short? Where is 4 g?
Where is the surnames on the chest? It temporarily disappeared.
Will the starboard or the port brigade loose their earphones from acceleration?
What are they clicking at?

Bingo! Seven idiots have teh remains of their brains shaken out. That's why they should sit with face forward, and us the belts.

Where the robot lands, they save money on the panel pixel texture.
The blondegirl is checking a vacuum parachute?

00:59 A typical pressurized door.

01:01 Small stones fly faster in vacuum. It's in their nature.

01:03 Gecco palms?! Thin fingers?!

01:05 Why spend money on the smoke trail particles?

01:09 A nice belt. Very strong.

01:13 Burning from vacuum friction?

01:15 Meteors in vacuum?

01:16 Normal gravity. No dust. Thin suits. FIlmed in a studio again.

The rover. It rides in Australia, why shouldn't on the Moon?
The rockets. Streamlined to pass through the vacuum.

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Wow that Doomsday Meteor looks bad.

Today I watched the first half of the first episode of Another Life. I'll keep watching it but not because of any of the below.

  • We have a space ship that can travel faster than light, have FTL communications, and can control gravity. But everything else seems to be exactly like now. There is no indiction that we've ever actually left our solar system - or space near our planet - before this episode. Maybe they just didn't want to infodump. Maybe.
  • The ship is going the wrong way because we thought the star was one place, but actually it was gravationally lensed by a dark matter cloud. To fly through the cloud at FTL would be bad because - I kid you not - they could run into a planet.
  • So instead they're going to go around the dark matter cloud, by means of a gravity assist from Sirius A.
  • ...so they go into orbit.
  • They need to make 3 orbits for some reason, then they'll have enough gravity or something to ... do the thing I guess.
  • Orbiting a Type-A star at roughly LEO-like altitude is bad, apparently. I know this because it made the ship shake a bunch. So much that the captain ordered them to break orbit after only 2 orbits.
  • I do not know what they are going to do now that they didn't get enough... assistive gravity I guess... to make their entire maneuver. Because that's where I stopped watching for now.
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A general notice.

Despite the fact that most of American houses is made of plywood and office glue, they have several titanium plates, hidden in secret places of the wall.

Standing behind them is safe, even when the wall is turned into a strainer with barrage of fire.

Don't be lazy, find these plates in advance.

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3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

A general notice.

Despite the fact that most of American houses is made of plywood and office glue, they have several titanium plates, hidden in secret places of the wall.

Standing behind them is safe, even when the wall is turned into a strainer with barrage of fire.

Don't be lazy, find these plates in advance.

Is this actually true?

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21 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

They need to make 3 orbits for some reason, then they'll have enough gravity or something to ... do the thing I guess.

Ah, the Oberth³ Effect.  Ya get nine times the gravity power!  Too bad they had to back off to the mere quadratic version.  All is lost now

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6 hours ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

Is this actually true?

Idk, but watch yourself.



(Also notice the timespace warp mine.
It explodes with a several second delay after he opens the box, and the explosion GZ is under the car, not where the book has fallen.)

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