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I got 2 mails now (SRCS being compatible with 1.7.1 and Engine Lighting Relit from LGG being updated), so both notifications work again.

However, for the RSS which I tried, the date provided for the items in the updated.rss is the date of first publication on Spacedock, rather than the date of last update. I don't know if it would be possible to change to "last update" date.

In any case, thank you for the fix!

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  On 6/6/2019 at 6:11 PM, DStaal said:

It was not in my spam folder.  (You should be able to see that my Spamassassin install scored it a 1.9, and it has to be over 5 to be considered spam.)  It doesn't look like my upstream considered it spam either, though they don't leave headers.

And I just got another, and it does look like the leakage was fixed.


It's very unlikely to end up in a modern spam-assassin filter based on a spamminess score.  It's far more likely something is (edit, was) wrong in spf, dkim, dmarc, etc or it inadvertently got added to an RBL list.  The pre-filtering done by your ISP is very likely just RBL filtering from known bad IPs.  I do the same for clients on "unfiltered" MX.  Cuts out about 70+% of mail volume and you know it's all gonna be garbage.  And if everyone does it, anyone who gets false positived knows about it very quickly and poodlees at the RBL sources.

Considering what Vitas has mentioned, I'm guessing something in dkim was a bit out and it's going to be good until the next time.  :D  There's always a next time.

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I could disable dmarc and dkim for that domain but i prefer to fix it.

The dkim problem still exists and i dont know why.
DKIM is done by assp v2 (spam proxy). Mails froms pacedock are send directly to it. ("Normal" mails go trough postfix).

Else everything (Including Nameserver settings) are similar (same sessitngs and options but different dkim keys for each domain both in assp and dns).

I will leave it be for now and come back to it once i or another person has a good idea what else to try.

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  On 6/7/2019 at 4:35 AM, TiktaalikDreaming said:

It's very unlikely to end up in a modern spam-assassin filter based on a spamminess score.  It's far more likely something is (edit, was) wrong in spf, dkim, dmarc, etc or it inadvertently got added to an RBL list.  The pre-filtering done by your ISP is very likely just RBL filtering from known bad IPs.  I do the same for clients on "unfiltered" MX.  Cuts out about 70+% of mail volume and you know it's all gonna be garbage.  And if everyone does it, anyone who gets false positived knows about it very quickly and poodlees at the RBL sources. 


I said my upstream, not my ISP - for a variety of reasons, my public address is forwarded to a private email address.  The public address has it's own spam filtering which I could use, but specifically don't.  While they probably do filter from known bad IPs, that's not all they do, and I do my own independent spam filtering.  When they do think something is spam, they mark the mail as such and send it on.

So I had two answers for Vitas on the 'was this marked as spam' question.  Both were no.  ;)

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What?! on it!

BTW @linuxgurugamer now has acc to SpaceDocks stuff so he can do stuff too :)

And im willing to give the following people the possibility to add new versions to the site:
@Stone Blue



Tell me if you want it.



New Version live. :)

Who will be the first to update?

Edited by VITAS
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uhm shouldnt be missing. maybe adblocker?

there are ongoing problems with redirects after changing mod settings (changes are saved). but im not aware of missing checkboxes (but there was a problem with the follow button and adblockers in the past).

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  On 6/13/2019 at 5:02 PM, VITAS said:

And im willing to give the following people the possibility to add new versions to the site:

Tell me if you want it.


Well, if its s aimple matter of just logging in, and adding stuff in text boxes or dropdowns, sure, I'd be up for it.

If it requires any type of coding... I would have to be shown or learn how to do it... vOv

i usually check SD on a daily basis, and I'm usually pretty on top of when KSP updates will/do drop...

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  On 6/13/2019 at 5:55 PM, VITAS said:

uhm shouldnt be missing. maybe adblocker?


I don't see how my adblocker would just up and remove a single input element, but I did disable it just to be sure.

It disappeared shortly after I reported that it wasn't working.  I just assumed you'd removed it until it was working correctly, but it's still gone.

I checked the source, and the only input checkbox I could see was "remember-me"

It's supposed to be in there somewhere, right?  If the mod is added to Ckan, does the box disappear?


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Yes might be that you cant "unCKAN" a mod. That would be another short comming of the code. :/

I know its there when you add  a mod and i know reporting to CKAN is working.


Is there anything youre trying to do i can help you with?


Edited by VITAS
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  On 6/13/2019 at 7:11 PM, VITAS said:

Is there anything youre trying to do i can help you with? 


I was just trying to add my mod to Ckan by using the built-in checkbox in SD.  But if the checkbox has disappeared, then it may have worked.  I'll track down a Ckan user and see if it's in there.

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  On 6/13/2019 at 7:19 PM, Geonovast said:

I was just trying to add my mod to Ckan by using the built-in checkbox in SD.  But if the checkbox has disappeared, then it may have worked.  I'll track down a Ckan user and see if it's in there.


If it's this one, it "worked"*; the CKAN tag shows up on the mod page:

https://spacedock.info/mod/2064/Superfluous Nodes


* However, the mechanism that's supposed to create a pull request automatically is broken (see my previous comment), so we have to search for these manually. I'll take care of this one now...

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