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Forum unusable on Chrome, Edge, maybe others.

Ultimate Steve

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So I woke up today and the forum had changed a bit for me. For some strange reason, all of the text boxes to submit a post were unclickable. Here is a screenshot of the strange events:



This is the message screen. The top two boxes were clickable but not the third. The same thing happened while replying, crating a new topic, posting a status update, or even in reporting a post. The only things I could edit were my user title and location which I tried to use to ask for help (but nobody noticed). I met someone else with this problem who suggested I try firefox. After installation I'm finding it works fine but TBH I'm not the biggest fan of it (but I'll do it to use the forum).

Any reason why this might be happening?


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I’m having trouble with this too, in a hit and miss fashion. It wasn’t working on mobile (safari), then it was, then it wasn’t , and now it is. Same on my laptop, not working on chrome or edge ( don’t have Firefox). 

Not working on safari but it is on chrome on my iPhone 

Edited by StrandedonEarth
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Yeah, it's hit or miss. It works on my iPhone, 100% of the time, but I've tried 4 browsers on 3 different computers, and when it's down on one, it's mostly down on the rest (for a while it worked for me only in Chrome).

I'm happy to send them some console data if it happens again.

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Yeah, this is quite annoying. I only noticed this previously on incognito mode (well, why not), but now I'm experiencing this on "normal" mode on Chrome on Android. The scripts seems to be really hard to refresh or something, which means unclickable buttons, disappearing buttons, etc.


I don't know what happened, but previously the forum shows some weird chinese characters before loading the icon images. Now this behavior are gone. I'm not sure what changed, but that used to work, any chance to keep stuffs that worked time after time ? Or were there some major security flaws ?


And for those who are stuck behind, try clearing the data saved by the browser.


Additionally, can we bring back the list of likers to be visible even when logged out ?

Edited by YNM
I can't even post or view notification the normal way now ! Does SQUAD needs a better hosting ? Also I can't post, which is sad :(
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Okay good, so it isn't just me having weird issues on my phone!
I was going to post this reply on my iPhone, but guess what? Lol.....

Hopefully this fix this soon.


I found clearing the cache in my browser, waiting a bit, and then loading the forum again sometimes works, but it is pretty hit and miss and likely depends on what server end resource responds.

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I've been seeing the same thing for the last day or so. Sometimes I can post; most of the time I can't do anything except Like and Unlike posts. I'm not even logged in on my phone, except I am when I like posts, except I'm not when I try to do other things. Ist über-borked.

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I wanted to report same issue yesterday, but I was not able to post any message. Using firefox on win10.
Posting this to see for how long it will going to work.

Some conspiracy theory builders might use it to tell that is intended, to lower amount of demands for mod updates or hate reports if some feature X does not work as expected :) .

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This happened to me as well. I normally use Chrome but I'm currently posting using Edge as it seems to work here.

Is there a way to report a problem with the forums to moderators/SQUAD staff?

EDIT: @Jas0n I tried that, didn't work :( 

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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