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Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion Grand Discussion thread.


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We know everybody likes to start a new thread with his/her own excited opinion on announcements like this. :D But when each person starts his/her own feedback thread, forum traffic gets hectic and there tends to be a great deal of discussion repeated and scattered among mutliple threads. So for the next few days we will be merging most opinions, discussions, and questions about this subject into this master thread. 

Thank you for your understanding and patience. 

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I think we're making history alright: after 23 hours, not a single thread has been merged yet into the grand discussion thread. Why is no one talking? :mad: The debates, where are the debates?

(either that, or the moderators are taking an extra nap in preparation of the weekend chaos... :D)

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So far, I'm actually quite impressed with the responses. More people than I would have expected seem to welcome the announcement, and I personally think that it is a good step to take. Their new content looks awesome!

Sucks that I bought the game two months AFTER when they said all DLC would be free for ;.;

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  On 3/18/2017 at 1:12 AM, swjr-swis said:

I think we're making history alright: after 23 hours, not a single thread has been merged yet into the grand discussion thread. Why is no one talking? :mad: The debates, where are the debates?


After seeing this thread earlier today, I came on to post just that...  One locked thread, and no thread merges.  Gotta be some kinda record...  Not the kind you want to set actually though.

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I guess firstly, congrats on the hard work and the impending expansion.   <Insert fellow IT warrior quips about long days/nights here>.  Blah blah blah, rabid fanboy ranting, blah blah blah, and more barely contained rabid KSP fanboy excitement. 

Had a quick question about gifting the expansion.  I'm guessing that since the main site offers the ability to buy a gift code for KSP something similar will be in place for the expansion?  Just wanting to be sure I can make it rain expansion goodness on those I couldn't gift the game to from Steam. 

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I have to say i'm not against Squad making expansion packs as long as they are well done and not something that was going to be in the original game. The company is a business and needs money to keep going as it isn't volunteer work.


KSP has given me more value for money than any other game and i've never found anything that can compete before or since so i don't feel cheated.

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I have thought Squad releasing a paid-for DLC was an excellent idea for a long time.

My only current slight reservation is with craft-sharing in the community. It will become a two-tier affair: Craft made for the base game and those that will only work if you have the DLC. 

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  On 3/18/2017 at 9:58 AM, Foxster said:

I have thought Squad releasing a paid-for DLC was an excellent idea for a long time.

My only current slight reservation is with craft-sharing in the community. It will become a two-tier affair: Craft made for the base game and those that will only work if you have the DLC. 


I haven't really done craft sharing but I wonder if the new parts will work the same way tiered career progression works. At the moment if you build a rocket using a part that is then moved in the tech tree to a later tier in an update, you can load the rocket in VAB but the part appears as if it isn't attached and you can't launch until removing it. All you need to do is remove that part and then all is good. I've not tried loading a rocket using parts from a mod that aren't in the game though.

It makes me think Squad might consider adding the new parts to the base game in a disabled state so sharing is still possible.

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  On 3/18/2017 at 9:58 AM, Foxster said:

I have thought Squad releasing a paid-for DLC was an excellent idea for a long time.

My only current slight reservation is with craft-sharing in the community. It will become a two-tier affair: Craft made for the base game and those that will only work if you have the DLC. 


We will do want we have always done on the forums when new content is released that doesn't fit in the current sub forums (like for discussing the 1.2 prelease)

Make a new sub forum just for that one purpose, and then watch as the moderators run around moving threads to their correct spot every time a new member joins and doesn't understand :D:D:D:D:D:D.

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While the community will obviously be going over each new announcement with a fine-toothed comb over the next few weeks, what caught my eye was individual chutes for Kerbals. I assume they'll be one use only, or maybe that will be a difficulty setting so you can make your Kerbals go full Rico Rodriguez and pop thirty parachutes in a row if you want.

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  On 3/18/2017 at 2:22 PM, MrLake said:

what caught my eye was individual chutes for Kerbals. I assume they'll be one use only, or maybe that will be a difficulty setting so you can make your Kerbals go full Rico Rodriguez and pop thirty parachutes in a row if you want.


Maybe pilots will be able to repack their chute! Jeb should be a bailout pro by now.

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The majority of complaints that I have see is that most of what they are offering as DLC is already available in mods.  While that may be true, what ISN'T available as a mod?

I have made a 450 ton, 28 wheeled, nuclear missile launching, naval cruiser, that carries extra snacks.  If I added some MOAR BOOSTERS, it would have been able to go interstellar.  


It would take a major brain storming session for @SQUAD to come up with something that wasn't already doable in a mod.  So they have to get this right.  If they don't nail this DLC perfectly on release day, then they'll have no hope of any future DLC's being received well.    I'm hoping they do an insterstellar DLC someday, and even though it's already available in mods, I'd like to see that type of thing native to the game. 

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  On 3/18/2017 at 9:58 AM, Foxster said:

My only current slight reservation is with craft-sharing in the community. It will become a two-tier affair: Craft made for the base game and those that will only work if you have the DLC. 


It's nothing new.

Just look at (the still alive) forums (and share sites) for games like Civ and SimCity.

They've dealt with X number of versions for years. It's a bit more hassle, but not that much of a deal.

I can see that a modder releasing a kit that requires expansion X might get a bit of whines but that's life.

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  On 3/18/2017 at 5:09 PM, gargamel said:



Personally, I seem to be one of those who dislikes the DLC. I understand why DLC is sometimes necessary, but it can hurt games too. Generally, I think:

#1: Regardless of mission packs / visual packs etc.,  Parts, max part count, max size etc. should not be behind a paywall. Everyone should have the ability to use all the bits.

#2: Before developing DLC some other game features should be added. Mainly, a non-laggy multiplayer.

#3: DLC should always expand on, add to, or improve existing mods etc. The whole point of DLC is to add content premium enough to warrant a price.

BTW- I did purchase the game before the deadline so this response is unbias in that aspect.

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I look forward to seeing the new parts squad has for us, but as foxster says, it will devide the craft sharing community. Any large, complex builds I post will always only use stock parts and as the DLC isn't 100% stock I won't make anything complex from the parts. It's funny, I've had the game for so long and my building skills have progressed so much that I have already recreated the American and Russian early space programs. I don't have any desire to fly those missions with stuff I didn't make from the ground up. 

 I don't doubt that the new parts will give a lot of pleasure to a lot of people though. :-)

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  On 3/18/2017 at 6:07 PM, JTpopcorn said:

#2: Before developing DLC some other game features should be added. Mainly, a non-laggy multiplayer.


That's typical of why paid DLCs actually works.

I personally wouldn't pay a dime for multiplayer and would rage as mad if dev time on core KSP was wasted on such useless crud.

'The problem with common sense is that it's not very common' ...


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What if multiplayer came as a DLC? Back in 2013, they said:


So this is what we mean when we say Expansion Packs for KSP. We’re not talking about small content bundles, we’re talking about major game-changing sets of features, like Multiplayer, or Colonization. Things that add not just content, but new gameplay possibilities. Things that might not fit the initial concept very well, but we think are too cool to just cut off forever.


Since those things would represent a very large amount of development time and cost, I don't see a problem with that. Those who aren't interested in the features they are producing don't have to pay for it, so it seems fair enough to everyone.


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@RoverDude Question about the new Apollo ascent module (which looks brilliant, by the way). EDIT: EDIT2: never mind

I get that the RCS kind of has to be integral the way it's built, but why does it need that integral fuel tank? It looks like it's basically identical to a standard Round-8, why not just have a size-0 (or size-1) node at the bottom of the module so we could put anything we want there? I'm thinking, for instance, of an ion-powered spacecraft where I might want a xenon tank instead of an LFO one, and don't want to be carrying around the extra mass of a drained LFO tank.

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 With Squad's announcement of the 'Making History' expansion. They did a great job oh hyping the community. In my opinion, the expansion would be a great way to share missions, giving players both inexperienced and experienced some challenge. Share your thoughts about this expansion which they haven't released much details on!



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