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Kerbal Express Airlines - Regional Jet Challenge (Reboot Continued)

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JLEW1qV.pngname: sparrow class small airliner

Cost :67,392,000

Range : 1672m

cruising speed : 235m/s

seats 40

cruising altitude: 4000m

instructions: go full throttle on the runway then pull up at 65m/s be careful! it can climb really steep. at 4000m level out then once you reach 235m/s press 1to activate cruis e mode. to land press two to activate landing mode don't throttle all the way down, because 2 reverses the engines.


add to your airliner collection with this debut from lapis industries. originally created for maximum lift it has been adapted for airliner use

Edited by lapis999
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  On 12/6/2018 at 1:40 PM, TheFlyingKerman said:

There are some planes in the old thread still not being reviewed...


They either have issues in design or have been claimed but not posted, and there's only 3 of them I think?

Is one of yours in that queue? Or maybe you can help alleviate the problem :) 

Edited by NightshineRecorralis
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  On 12/8/2018 at 1:01 AM, TheFlyingKerman said:

Yes my Kerbus K-380-400 (update of the K-380) is one of them.


That's somewhere on my machine, I've flown it a while ago, but my new job is eating enough energy still to not get to write at night unfortunately.

It's getting easier though, so I might start writing again soon

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  On 12/8/2018 at 7:56 AM, hoioh said:

That's somewhere on my machine, I've flown it a while ago, but my new job is eating enough energy still to not get to write at night unfortunately.

It's getting easier though, so I might start writing again soon


Thanks. Note that I have recently done some minor updates to the plane, mainly trying to make the flight smoother. Looking forward for your review :)

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  On 12/8/2018 at 9:21 AM, TheFlyingKerman said:

Thanks. Note that I have recently done some minor updates to the plane, mainly trying to make the flight smoother. Looking forward for your review :)


Would you be so kind as to PM the new link to me and which version of KSP it's currently up to date for? I'll see if I can spend some time on it tonight

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  On 12/8/2018 at 1:19 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

If you want to help, you can become a judge and help review the planes for this challenge. If you want to do so, @neistridlar can send you the PM that he/she sends to all potential judges.


I am considering that and I am trying to write up a test review. Not sure if my keyboard piloting skills is up to the task.

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Test Pilot Review @TheFlyingKerman's Kerbus K-380-400

After quite the hyatus to get Jeb clean and calm, make Gene and Mortimer stop worrying about crashing planes for a moment and let Bill, Bob and Valentina relax for a bit, Skaled Komposites is currently in the process of gently easing back into reviewing some more planes for KEA. While digging through the SPH logs trying to get a handle on the backlog of reviews Bill and Bob uncovered an uncompleted review of the Kerbus K-380-400 and decided that something should be done with it. at the same time Jeb discovered that Kerbus had actualy sent an updated copy of the aircraft to the Skaled Komposites hangar for review. The boys put their heads together and decided to publish the incomplete review with an addendum for the mk2 version of the aircraft.

Bill's notes of the original testflights:



Figures as Tested:

Reviewer HoioH  
Price (wet) 42,742,000
Fuel load (Kallons) 2000
Cruising speed 609 m/s
Cruising altitude 12500 m
Fuel burn rate 0.187 K/s
Passenger count 168  
Part count 73  
Engine count 4  
Range 6,513 Km


Review Notes: (not complete at this time)

Afterburners are loud

Safety procedures adequate. In water some parts, but no lives, are lost, on land it works perfectly without loss of parts. It is a backup system for cases of wing failure when gliding is not an option, because the plane glides nicely without engine power and can just land normally on reasonably rough terrain or water without issue or loss of parts, parachutes are only needed for very rough terrain, such as mountain ranges

can fly on 2 engines, so long as they are on either side, cannot fly with engines on one side only due to stability issues

Flight characteristics are good, landing is easy, though draining speed is hard, maybe an airbrake or 2 would improve landing performance instead of the chutes, or the chute can be used as an additional brake?
Pitch is a bit weak, do not activate AG3 for the ailerons because you will lose pitch control to the point of disaster, only use these for parachute emergency landing!
Roll control is just adequate at low speed, the plane feels a bit sluggish though
Yaw authority is inadequate for flying with engines on one side only, but enough for everything else

Range as advertised, though not as specified



The Kerbus K380-400 is a great plane both as a Supersonic AND as a jumbo jet it scores highest percentile on all tested efficiency specifications! KPPM, LIP10 and Purchase price per seat are top tier! Very economically effective! Also it flies pretty well, if a bit sluggish, but it's a 150+ passenger plane, so some sluggishness is to be expected. Its safe to fly, can handle symmetrical engines failure, or single engine failure. Can be safely ditched in water and rough terrain. Plus it has safety features on board for emergency procedures over mountainous areas or in case of wing failure if required and is thus really safe to fly.

We recommend KEA purchases 10 of these for long distance oceanic routes with options for 10 more should traffic on these lines allow for their use.


Addendum for mk2 version:

Other than the flight handling, which has further improved over the original version of the plane, nothing else has really changed. This is still an exceedingly good jumbo jet. Jeb can do loops and barrel rolls with it, it can reach dry land on just 2 engines, so long as they're not on the same side of the craft. It can fly a limited distance on just 1 engine. It has a parachute ditching system to further improve passenger safety. It can land at lower speed than the original, thereby reducing the landing distance, which was an issue with the first edition and it's just a pleasure to fly around in!

Skaled Komposites recommends to just straight up buy 20 of these and forget the mk1 existed to begin with, this ones better!

Edited by hoioh
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Frontinco Aerospace Corporation, A Subsidiary of Frontinco Group Of Companies

!Important Announcement to Judges!

Nice to meet all of you guys back. We're currently recompiling and revamping the design of our airliner behemoth, Frontinco Fr-30 Liner5 for compatibility for versions 1.3 until 1.5.1 and better flight characteristics. Judges are advised to abandon the previous version for a while, while we'll be sending the 3rd Generation to replace the previous 2nd Gen.

Notable Features We Could Leak

  • New wingtip design, for now serves for aesthetics since the game didn't simulate wake turbulence.
  • Better engine placement; engines are placed at suitable areas of the wing to improve wing-bending relief, which takes into account of why did the wings snap in a hard pitch input.
  • Re-positioned landing gears, main landing gears positioned closer to CoM, to reduce VR speed.
  • Recompiled for 1.5.1.
  • New name styling.


Judges are advised to use 1.5.x install in case 1.3.x - 1.4.x aren't compatible.








Mentioned the judges in case you guys didn't notice the latest notice.

Edited by FahmiRBLXian
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Newest Brochure Update

This is the post of our entry, in which this post marks the major update of both the brochure and aircraft. Continue reading below :


Frontinco Aerospace Corporation, A Subsidiary of Frontinco Group Of Companies

First Contract Entry for New Fleet Addition / Replacement Aircraft for Kerbal Express Airlines

Hello, I'm @FahmiRBLXian, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Frontinco Aerospace Corporation, the division of  Frontinco Group. Presenting one of our aircraft from our passenger line, the Liner-5, with the manufacturer's designation, Fr-30C-100. Refer our plane using the manufacturer's designation.





More Fancy Photos

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More Photos (This might be the gallery of not-so-fancy photos)

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We'll be selling at


*Recommended Retail Price

They say it's the Bristol Brabazon of the 21st Century.

This is currently our longest wingspan aircraft we've ever made here, in Frontinco. Having long wings, risk of wing snapping is present. Refer our manual for more information.

Shockingly, we've tried to park in one of the Island Airfield hangars, the plane couldn't fit into. We've also tested with one of our other aircraft with the equivalent wingspan as the Antonov An-225 Mriya, and it fits through.

Rats Out Of Many, One

Through testing with three prototype; first prototype (12K-30A) has been scrapped, second prototype (12K-30B) has been converted into the third prototype, which then became what's now the Fr-30C-100 (12K-30C). With the seating expanded slightly from the second prototype, this should, in other words, take the cake.


User Manual

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Get your airline a unit today!

Craft on KerbalX


*Disclaimer :

  • Contents in this brochure are subject to change without prior notice. Yes, I'm talking the truth. I didn't put this for aesthetics, things really could change without you guys knowing earlier before.
  • Aircraft received might differ from as stated and shown in brochure.  This is mostly due to version differentiation.
  • 12K-30A (One-Two Kilo Three Zero Alpha), 12K-30B (One-Two Kilo Three Zero Bravo) & 12K-30C (One-Two Kilo Three Zero Charlie) is the aircraft (Fictional however) registration number (Aka Tail Number). Anyone agrees with the prefix "12K-" as the 'official' Tail Number Prefix for the whole Kerbin?
Edited by FahmiRBLXian
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@FahmiRBLXian The plane looks nice, but I can not see that you have specified a cruising speed and altitude, as required for a submission:

  On 3/19/2018 at 11:24 PM, CrazyJebGuy said:

The recommended cruising speed and altitude for your aircraft. This is the speed and altitude you've fine-tuned your designs for, ensuring the best balance of speed, range, and fuel efficiency. It's also what the test pilots will be testing your aircraft at for judging.


Please specify a single specific altitude/speed combination where you think the craft will perform the best, as it makes testing the plane much easier.

Also, you have a lot of images, it would be nice if you put most of them in a spoiler so that it is easier to scroll past them, or pick only the best ones, and leave the rest out.

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  On 12/13/2018 at 1:29 PM, neistridlar said:

Please specify a single specific altitude/speed combination where you think the craft will perform the best, as it makes testing the plane much easier.

Also, you have a lot of images, it would be nice if you put most of them in a spoiler so that it is easier to scroll past them, or pick only the best ones, and leave the rest out.


Alright, the brochure is now refined. Thanks for your feedback.

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@CrazyJebGuy, may I add some more to the challenge rules, which is to add aircraft navigation lights? I know we mustn't suggest mods, but IIRC that's from the previous reboots, don't they?


This is what I meant.

Refer Wikipedia for light placement diagram.

Edited by FahmiRBLXian
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  On 12/15/2018 at 9:47 AM, FahmiRBLXian said:

@CrazyJebGuy, may I add some more to the challenge rules, which is to add aircraft navigation lights? I know we mustn't suggest mods, but IIRC that's from the previous reboots, don't they?

This is what I meant.

Refer Wikipedia for light placement diagram.


Mods are all fun and games, but they stress judges systems. You might need 1 particular mod, but judges need all of them. This puts us in the position where we need heavy systems to be able to judge.

The current mods have been selected to not overstress judges systems, while allowing for a wide variety of aircraft.

That's why there is a limit and a specific set of allowed mods

I like the mod you suggest, I run it on certain installs because my I7 handles KSP like a dream, but then, not everyone can afford such an expensive machine and we need more judges all the time. Excluding them due to system specs does not appear to be a luxury we can afford.

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  On 12/19/2018 at 6:44 PM, kingstevenrules said:

Wow. Didn't realize how long it had been since I last looked at this. Alright, I'll see what I can do. fumbles around for judging stuff...

Gimme a few and the team will be ready.

Also, side note did anyone review my aircraft? the P-4-120? Just curious.


You would have gotten a metion and the bell at the top wpuld have shown a 1 next to it

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… I had a really good review set up for a plane, tried to copypasta it from notes to here, and... it's gone. The heck? Is the Kraken at work here? 

In either case, the plane keeps crashing on landing, so I'm gonna try a different plane. Wish me luck!

also would someone help me out with all the calculations? like lip10, kppm, range... please? :/

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