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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.8.0: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [24 December 2024]


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No, he ment the SRB-holes under the SRBs.
The water isn`t for cooling, it`s for sound supressing. Without the water the sound waves were refelcted by the MLP and destroy the shuttles engines himself. The same system is under the SRBs.

Here is a video, starting the sound suppression system (at 0:44, the system under the SRBs is dificult to see).


Edited by Cheesecake
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Going forward, after the finishing touches to the Shuttle pad, the next thing to do is revise the Saturn mobile launcher base again. I've had a lot of time to think about it, and I want to eliminate the current flame hole inserts, and integrate the various switching options into the base itself (with one exception). While the inserts were a good idea, and helped make the base multi-configurable, I was never fully happy with the rectangular insert, and both inserts are rather complex, plus they're an extra part to remember to put in.

So instead of trying to accomodate almost every conceivable rocket design, I'm going to reduce the configuration options to a smaller set of Kerbalized standard real-life rocket types and some generic non-real generic options.  The focus will be on the central core size; tri-core rocket configurations will be set up for same-diameter side boosters. 

The exception I had mentioned will be an optional insert (the attach node for it will be off by default) that adds two side booster hold-downs, switchable among various tank/stage sizes, and using a deploy limit slider to adjust them for side boosters smaller than the core stage.

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  On 9/28/2018 at 10:23 PM, AlphaMensae said:

Going forward, after the finishing touches to the Shuttle pad, the next thing to do is revise the Saturn mobile launcher base again. I've had a lot of time to think about it, and I want to eliminate the current flame hole inserts, and integrate the various switching options into the base itself (with one exception). While the inserts were a good idea, and helped make the base multi-configurable, I was never fully happy with the rectangular insert, and both inserts are rather complex, plus they're an extra part to remember to put in.

So instead of trying to accomodate almost every conceivable rocket design, I'm going to reduce the configuration options to a smaller set of Kerbalized standard real-life rocket types and some generic non-real generic options.  The focus will be on the central core size; tri-core rocket configurations will be set up for same-diameter side boosters. 

The exception I had mentioned will be an optional insert (the attach node for it will be off by default) that adds two side booster hold-downs, switchable among various tank/stage sizes, and using a deploy limit slider to adjust them for side boosters smaller than the core stage.


just wondering how the configs for the RN rockets are going. would love to see the R7 launch from a pad and not... yknow... the floor

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  On 9/30/2018 at 7:28 PM, AlphaMensae said:

@x170, I'm sorry about that, I had taken a look at the RN rockets , but then I started the shuttle pad and it kept me busy for quite a while.


its alright. tbh I've not been on ksp in a while (p3dv4 finally started working again). i'm back now though, so long as its still on the to-do list i'm happy :D

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  On 10/3/2018 at 5:55 PM, smotheredrun said:

@AlphaMensae  I grabbed the dev build off of Git.  Which KSP version(s) is it compatible with, and where should I put all of these folders?


Hold off getting it from the Git yet, it's still being developed.  Mainly, none of the actual 3D assets are there yet.... :D

I'll finish putting it together now


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Ok, everything should be there now, except for the 1.4.5 craft file, which will be up real soon

It's good for both 1.3.1 and 1.4.5, just need the appropriate Animated Decouplers and B9 Part Switch (which are in the latest release version, as always, if you don't have them already).

If you haven't realized it yet, the v2 dev build is in the AlphaDev branch, not the master.

The AlphaDev folder goes into Gamedata, not Modular Launch Pads.  It's a standalone dev version (and has a bunch of older and non-v2 stuff in it right now).

The craft files go where other craft files go. :)

Edited by AlphaMensae
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  On 10/3/2018 at 7:08 PM, AlphaMensae said:


Ok, everything should be there now, except for the 1.4.5 craft file, which will be up real soon

It's good for both 1.3.1 and 1.4.5, just need the appropriate Animated Decouplers and B9 Part Switch (which are in the latest release version, as always, if you don't have them already).

If you haven't realized it yet, the v2 dev build is in the AlphaDev branch, not the master.

The AlphaDev folder goes into Gamedata, not Modular Launch Pads.  It's a standalone dev version (and has a bunch of older and non-v2 stuff in it right now).

The craft files go where other craft files go. :)


Ok cool.  Downloading it now.  Good thing that it goes in another folder, I could see that causing gremlins if I placed it into the MLP folder.  Thanks!

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@AlphaMensae  Just tried to open up the shuttle pad from the v2 dev in 1.3.1.  It shows " *** Incompatible with this version of KSP *** " in the VAB Load craft menu.  When trying to load it via the subassemblies menu, I get the following in a pop up:  

Loading Failed


OK (button)


It appears that all (?) of the parts are loading within the part menus, just not the fully assembled unit

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  On 10/4/2018 at 3:35 AM, smotheredrun said:

@AlphaMensae  Just tried to open up the shuttle pad from the v2 dev in 1.3.1.  It shows " *** Incompatible with this version of KSP *** " in the VAB Load craft menu.  When trying to load it via the subassemblies menu, I get the following in a pop up:  

Loading Failed


OK (button)


It appears that all (?) of the parts are loading within the part menus, just not the fully assembled unit


The 1.4.x CA shuttle craft file doesn't load right in 1.3.1 for some reason, even by changing the version line.

I'll put up a 1.3.1craft file in a bit, once I get back to my computer.

Oh, about the separate folder for the dev build: the v2 parts don't actually replace or overwrite the current ones and can coexist with them, it's that the paths for the models and textures are different. Don't want to screw up the current release folder for MLP, so I use an "AlphaDev" folder instead :)

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Ok, 1.3.1 shuttle pad craft file is now on the Git, and both versions have been renamed. :)

Also, the v2 Saturn mobile launcher base is being revised as I had mentioned earlier.  I went through various plans for it, and in the end decided not to limit its configurability after all.  Instead, I came up with a unified design style for it and the two new general pads.  They will all use a common set of flame hole configurations, only being limited in which ones they use.  The small general pad will be just for smaller diameter rockets, the Saturn base for bigger ones, and the large general pad being in the middle, with a bit of overlap on each end of the range.

A very early WIP gif of the new new Saturn base:


Most of the stuff is still missing, but it shows what the idea is. :)


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Well, my plan to eliminate the Saturn launcher base inserts got derailed when I was re-reminded that having a non-centered flame hole screws up the stack symmetry for the hold down arms.  That was why I went with the inserts in the first place...and forgot why. :D  And only one B9PS Module per part can handle stack symmetry...oof.

So now there will be just one insert for both square and rectangular holes. I have a plan to deal with differering stack symmetries too.

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