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[1.9.1+] OPT Legacy 3.1.2 | Reconfig 3.4 [Apr 20, 2021]


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I am a great Fan of OPT mods and I have been using it for a long time. I use my OPT planes on RSS, because it's quite challenging and engines are fitted for this challenge!

I have just a request for RSS, KSP 1.11 and KSP 1.12: There's a bug when you set Action group numbers to Toggle OPT engines

-In the SPH you have choice between Activate Engine, Shutdown Engine and Toggle Engine: this last one uses only one action group...

-If you set for example Action group 1 for Toggle Engines and launch your plane, it doesn't work because once launched, your only choice is Activate Engines which turns on Shutdown Engines once engines are started

You can see on my pic that there is no Toggle engines choice which seems to be due to RSS mods, I do not know which one. There's no problem when not playing RSS

So I join a link to download my log, maybe you can see from where it comes...Thank you

I am just trying to make a VTOL Shuttle to Mars that will be stratolaunched!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/nzyf4cb5xcxq6v6/KSP log OPT RSS.rtf?dl=0


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Ok I just solved the bug: There's 2 buttons Toggle engine that appear when selecting action group: I was selecting both because I was working with pair of engines, you just have to select the first one on the top in order to have it working.

If you select both in SPH, nothing happens when using action group on the runway!!



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@gilflo "Toggle Engine" is not a button (by that name) that appears in flight. It's basically the "Activate/Shutdown Engine" button. Multiple "Toggle Engine" buttons is a weird thing that happens on some engines for some reason because of them being multi-mode and the effect of something I did to give them more functionality. What the condition for that is, I don't know. It helps to activate all your engines at least once via staging as not doing so can lead to a rough spot when using action groups to toggle them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

with WBI series installed, OPT tank uses omni storage, which doesn't handle dry mass like cryo tank switch. In this case, most OPT tanks have horrible dry mass ratio when using cryogenic fuels (50% ish).

even methlox, as I experienced, with a typical design, a J series plane with one main fuselage can only goes to 1500ish Vacuum DeltaV, if not adding more other stock or mod tanks on radial (which have normal ratio and better than OPT).

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@cinemagic I'm aware of OPT's dry mass problems when using cryofuels (or just, dry mass problems in general) but every little new piece of knowledge like this is very welcome. WBI brings its own cryofuel tank balancing problem as it's designed around industrial tycoon ISRU and not propellant storage. I cannot alter this balance without affecting every other thing that's using OmniStorage. I can't do like in B9PS and create a separate tank type that can hold more LH2 per unit of tank volume.

If you know how to mess with configs you can save and build upon this sample config. I'm curious to what the ideal fraction is and in what other situations (such as RO) to use this and make it the default:

	@mass *= 1

I chose not to make the parts lighter as that could upset many people's designs for VTOL and however asymmetric planes, but I would personally use it myself.

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Been away from the game for a long, long time, thought I'd reassemble one of my old favorite OPT planes... and the engine I was using is missing. What happened to the big podded engine (the big schrammjet with the integral intake)? Which mod do I need in order to get it back (because *someone* has to have made one...)?  

For ref, this is the one I'm talking about:


Edit: I am dumb, I forgot to install OPT Legacy. Fixing that now.. :)

Edit2: Now how do I feed this thing enough electrical charge, because it dies just after takeoff due to running out of electrical power....

Edit3: Yeah no, these engines are completely unusable as they drain 200 electrical charge per second, each. What files do I need to edit to get rid of that, because engines *generate* electricity, unless they're ion drives or electric motors.  The Scramjets were supposed to be able to take you to orbit, and they've been rendered entirely useless for that since there are no high enough capacity batteries or generators to even use them in air breathing mode.

Gimme back my OP Technology engines...

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I had a similar problem when I used the OPT-E WarpJet MARGE.  They drain almost 190 ec/sec.  I used the OPT-E VS01-250 Power Core to generate electricity - 600 ec/sec.  But I had 4 of the MARGE. 

So I had to have a large battery to tide me over peak usage.  I used the ConfigurableContainers mod to partition the OPT Pylons so that aside from fuel, they also have room for batteries (lower fuel capacity for the part but lower part count on the plus side).

Don't forget to use Thermal Control Systems instead of Radiators to manage the temps generated by the Power Core.  Using TCS gives you "central cooling" - flexible placement of the TCS.

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  On 6/22/2022 at 2:19 AM, bcqJC said:

I had a similar problem when I used the OPT-E WarpJet MARGE.  They drain almost 190 ec/sec.  I used the OPT-E VS01-250 Power Core to generate electricity - 600 ec/sec.  But I had 4 of the MARGE. 

So I had to have a large battery to tide me over peak usage.  I used the ConfigurableContainers mod to partition the OPT Pylons so that aside from fuel, they also have room for batteries (lower fuel capacity for the part but lower part count on the plus side).

Don't forget to use Thermal Control Systems instead of Radiators to manage the temps generated by the Power Core.  Using TCS gives you "central cooling" - flexible placement of the TCS.


OK, so I managed to get the plane airborne... but I'm not going to space, because MechJeb doesn't fly right anymore. 

Argh. I used to be able to build a plane, put some fuel and oxidizer in it, slap some solar panels, radiators and a mechjeb module on, turn the autopilot on and let Mechjeb take it to orbit.. Why are my planes not flying right anymore... :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, 


I just discovered this Mod and am interested in it. Just a short question: Is this mod compatible with the following?:

  • Nerteas NF and FF Mods (including e.g. CryoEngines, Kerbal Atomics, SystemHeat. HeatControl etc.), 
  • Community resource pack (does it use those ressources, for which i already have tanks etc from other mods?)
  • Blueshift
  • Waterfall

Does it change/reconfigure stock modules or stock game mechanics?

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  On 6/30/2022 at 9:21 PM, Rakete said:

Hi there, 


Hi there. About compatibility I have to say:

  • Partially yes. Cryofuels definitely but no System Heat and Far Future.
  • CRP: Yes. There are a few resource options for the tanks (when using B9PS) but several of them depend on installing other mods. Apart from B9PS, OPT's tanks will instead use the tank switch from RealFuels, WBI or Configurable Containers if they are found.
  • Bluesihft: No.
  • Waterfall: No.

OPT doesn't mess with anything outside of itself except for patching the Mk2 drone core's drag cubes.

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Do I have to have ASET RPM installed for the IVAs or do I get more stock-alike IVA if I miss out on those additional mods?

Edit: My question targets the newest branch of OPT, maybe I am in the wrong thread. But anyway... :D



What is changed about the mk2s drone core? I have used it quitr often - does ist become more prone to drag or less?

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@Rakete Try with/without and find out, but OPT's IVAs work fine with RPM or ASET. There's a listing for IVA mods in the opening post of this thread. As far as the "newest/latest" goes, OPT is directly supported by JonnyOThan's fork of RPM:

About the Mk2 drone core. Its drag profile was originally mismatched to the Mk2 profile itself since it has hollow regions unlike any other stock Mk2 parts. The effect is the same as using a random undersized fuselage piece and not knowing it, and you know that aerodynamically that makes no darn sense. I think Squad finally fixed it but for players on older versions of KSP, the patch remains.

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  On 5/27/2022 at 8:17 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@gilflo "Toggle Engine" is not a button (by that name) that appears in flight. It's basically the "Activate/Shutdown Engine" button. Multiple "Toggle Engine" buttons is a weird thing that happens on some engines for some reason because of them being multi-mode and the effect of something I did to give them more functionality. What the condition for that is, I don't know. It helps to activate all your engines at least once via staging as not doing so can lead to a rough spot when using action groups to toggle them.


Found out the the multiple instance of the "Toggle Engine" in the editor is caused by setting the engine to "Manual Switching" instead of "Automatic Switching".  Reverting back to "Automatic Switching" makes the extra "Toggle Engine" action entry go away.

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  On 6/22/2022 at 2:44 AM, Winchester said:

OK, so I managed to get the plane airborne... but I'm not going to space, because MechJeb doesn't fly right anymore. 

Argh. I used to be able to build a plane, put some fuel and oxidizer in it, slap some solar panels, radiators and a mechjeb module on, turn the autopilot on and let Mechjeb take it to orbit.. Why are my planes not flying right anymore... :(


I use MJ Aircraft Autopilot to fly my OPT SSTO to orbit - Heading=90, Vertical Speed Hold=300m/s.  It works ok.  But then, I just got back to playing KSP after a bit of a pause.  So I started fresh and mods I use were installed from scratch.  Also, I use the Epstein Drives from the MEVFusionTek mod.  Once in space - those things have insane ISP.  I use a quad of OPT Valkyries to get me to altitudes where the Epstein Drive will work.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I'm just starting building with this mod and LOVE the designs... But my control surfaces do not have any settings or movement.  In SPH I right click and there is no setting to select for Pitch, Yaw, or Roll. 

Also I'm not finding the elevons for the Winglet D's or C's.

As for Mods.... I'm running 261 installed and that's not counting the ones that have to be downloaded and manually put in gamedata.

Any thoughts or ideas as to why it's not working would be helpful.  If there is a specific mod you think I need let me know and I'll check my list.


Thanks in advance.

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@Xtra Howdy. Malfunctioning elevons is usually the effect of one of these:

  1. You have an empty FerramAerospaceResearch/ folder left behind when you uninstall it from CKAN. The folder existing is enough for FAR patches to run, but without the FAR plugin you still get the stock aero modules replaced.............. with nothing.
  2. Some other mod has patches that contain the string :FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] which forcefully suggests that FAR is installed. Using :FOR on a mod you do not own is bad practice, especially when the inferred mod is massively impacting like FAR. You must find these configs, disable them, report them to their owners.

Missing mod parts? Perhaps CKAN choked while downloading mods (it can choke from trying to fetch too many mods at once or a bad internet moment). Perhaps download and reinstall OPT Legacy manually, or clear your CKAN download cache and select the OPT mods again. Go in CKAN's UI to: Settings -> CKAN Settings -> Download Cache (section) -> Purge -> Purge all.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, so I think i've run into an issue with the Cryo reconfig


Despite the config being in the OPT-Reconfig folder, along with the 0 handwavium patch, every engine still uses only Propellium, not LF, LH2, or LCH4, and the tanks can only be edited via configurable containers, any solutions?

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@dangaffa can you link to your ModuleManager.ConfigCache file?... Should be at the bottom of /GameData somewhere
And its *ONLY* the Stail aerospike?... if so, that should help narrow it down quite a bit, as there several other parts targeted by the same patch, from what I can tell

EDIT: oh, wait!... uhh... you do realise, you have a different part selected in the PAW, right?

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@Stone BlueThe pics were only for illustration, every engine uses some sort of propellium, not just the Stall, and the second picture was to show what a normal tank looks like, without the cryo fuels B9 switcher or anything.  As for the ModuleManager.configcache file...it doesn't exist. I'm not sure why, but all of my mods load just fine by themselves, besides the issues I'm having with OPT. 


Here's the KSP.log if that helps, though

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  On 11/10/2022 at 2:37 PM, dangaffa said:

@Stone BlueThe pics were only for illustration, every engine uses some sort of propellium, not just the Stall, and the second picture was to show what a normal tank looks like, without the cryo fuels B9 switcher or anything.  As for the ModuleManager.configcache file...it doesn't exist. I'm not sure why, but all of my mods load just fine by themselves, besides the issues I'm having with OPT. 


Here's the KSP.log if that helps, though


The cache file doesn't get created if there's an error during MM patching.  It's worth fixing that, because it can make your load times much longer if MM isn't using the cache.

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yeah.. what Jonny said... looking at your log, right off, near the beginning, you have a ton of empty cfg files being reported, and some seem to be related to MM patching... If something is expecting some patches or there are errs in patches, *or* the patches are not present, due to empty cfg files... MM wont create the cache file, and if stuff/patches are missing, *that* could be a problem...

I would suggest going thru your install, and verifying everything is installed correctly, including any mod dependencies

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  On 11/10/2022 at 3:04 PM, JonnyOThan said:

Empty cfg files are not unusual...there will be more explicit messages about what failed in patching.


yeah.. that got fixed awhile back... i only mentioned them, because a couple seem to be MM patch files themselves, by the naming....

The log is quite long, and there seem to be a bunch of other issues, so i didnt poke very deep :P

@dangaffa you could look & see if you have in you main KSP folder, a /Logs/ModuleManager/MMPatch.log file, and try posting that... that might give an idea of what bad patch is causing issues... vOv

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Looking through the config file myself, it seems I found the "issue," that being that there's no way to use LH2 with classic stock resources installed, so I edited the config file to only use LH2, regardless of CSR being installed. 


Here's the link to that config if anyone's interested. Make sure to remove the OPT_Reconfig_CryoEngines first

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