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Understood who caused the zombocalypse in The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead.
It's Morgan (the man with a killing stick).

All those zombies are actually people who tried to listen the endless Morgan's sermons and help him with his countless psychological problems.
Psychoenergetically vampired, devastated, and zombified.

After having completely dried the former series, this messenger of decline has passed into the latter and killed any action with his endless vampiric whining.

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*like* the quadroshooting video.

And when you have to locate a source of sound, then
close your eyes, 
turn the the head to the left, match if the sound is to the left or to the right
then slowly turn the head to the right, matching the moment when the direction is unclear,
then keep turning left-right, decreasing the angle, until you are looking directly at the source.

Professionals use gadgets.

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Edited by kerbiloid
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  On 9/19/2019 at 4:02 PM, kerbiloid said:

*like* the quadroshooting video.

And when you have to locate a source of sound, then
close your eyes, 
turn the the head to the left, match if the sound is to the left or to the right
then slowly turn the head to the right, matching the moment when the direction is unclear,
then keep turning left-right, decreasing the angle, until you are looking directly at the source.

Professionals use gadgets.

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Those look so... so... Dr. Seuss!


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The Walking Dead, and Fear them.
s05e16. Happy end! Morgan is dead!

Besides Morgan himself, one of the most annoying jar-jars of series together with Negan,
their practice of leaving gift boxes with goods here and there "to help anyone who needs it" was the peak of strategical moronism.

Having a storehouse full of accumulated food and goods, they didn't use it as a base to establish a food-producing settlement, but were just wasting it to supply random walkers who didn't produce anything.
If they took this jerk out several seasons ago, right when he started his sermons, both series would be much better.

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There's likely at least one account in the forums whose owner has actually passed away (and never to see KSP2, or HL3)

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  On 10/16/2019 at 9:52 AM, 5thHorseman said:

What if the title was just punctuated incorrectly and it's actually:

  • Where in the world is Carmen?
  • San Diego.

Actually, San Diego is where Mr Fox was found last week.... (CFOX radio contest to win a trip to where  Mr Fox was hiding if you guess where exactly)

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