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Sheriff of Nottingham was a jerk.
But close and familiar.

So, Robin and his company were calling him just "Sherry", or "Sher", and his Nottingham forest - "Sher's Wood", or just Sherwood.

In turn, the Sheriff and his company were laughing at the forest rapper wearing a strange hoodie, and calling him "Hoodie", or more officially, "Robin Hood".

So the legend about Robin Hood and the Sherwood Forest begins...

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De Forum Babylorum.

Slimy. Green. Sometimes brown, depends on mud.
Usually thick, but sometimes thin. Rarely, as doesn't care.
Lives under captain bridge.   
Trolls others with puzzle speech and enjoys that. 
Once was banned.  His suspended account was stolen. Restored and kicked the thief out.
Got a crush on a redhead gal's account, trolled her, but also trained and gave +99 level up.
Rides a bucket with tentacles.
Likes other users because likes to troll them.



Belongs to a whole race of trolls which use the same nickname ("Kosh"  - from "cash" and "gosh") for all accounts (to troll others, obviously).

Bull users, provoke conflicts, and enjoy that.
Look spiky (intentionally) and disgusting (for no reason).
Once started a flame resulting in a holy war and almost destroyed the forum.



Some of them wear a human look. Don't be fooled.

Global Moderator.
The first sapient being in the Universe. Wears an unique cutie mark on profile picture to show that.
Lurks in a dungeon (literally). Very rarely appears between the humans.
Stopped the holywar by kicking both trolls and bullies out of the forums. To another forum where they can now enjoy trolling and bulling each other.



Several (noone knows exactly, but probably eight) absolutely same looking beings(?) creatures(?) persons(?) units.
Nobody knows them personally. Rarely they appear between the users, and usually just to confuse them with strange sounds of strange words in their originally human speech.
Even more rarely they shave because anyway nobody looks at.

All of them use the same default administrator secret account (Zathras). Because aren't aware of how to change it properly, and the instruction was lost years ago.
Though, they believe that their account name sounds different when used by every of them. (Za-thras, Zath-ras, etc.)
Just take it easy, just a part of their inevitable professional deformation.

They are servicing the forum engine which they call just Great Machine, because nobody remembers which forum engine it's based on, if any.
Also it's so full of patches and quick-and-dirty bugfixes, that its exact genealogy doesn't play a role anymore.



Old forum.
Legends say, it existed, but disappeared in an accident nobody wants to speak about.
The current version of the forum is 5th. That one was 4th.
There were three more forum versions before, but they were destroyed immediately after setting due to the  admin team inexperience various dramatic accidents caused by  admin team inexperience  users stupidity  extraterrestrial invasion and cosmic catastrophes.




Some are a year older than others which lets them feel experienced and important and look down on others.



(The sitting guy is elected to the moderator team, that's why he's looking so serious.
Every second of the standing ones is a roleplaying cosplayer, that's why these suits.
Also, the forum is full of furry fans of various colors and preferences. On the photo only the most presentable users are present.)

Btw the bald gal with comb is the next local mod's chick.
She even grew back the hair for that.

The guy below is the king of her friend zone. Clever, but and butand submissive, that's why.
(Do you see his fingers gesture? If he wasn't screwing around this trash, he could have a chance. But no, it was much more interesting to learn figures from fingers...)
Until they got him and made furious. Expectedly, it would be better to not do that.

Old user accounts.

Nobody knows, whom they belong to, but sometimes they return.




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10 hours ago, cubinator said:

Why do we still use 'therefore' but not 'wherefore'?

It is the nature of human populations to shorten words to the smallest form they can get away with. This language is then spoken in homes and passed down the generations. So wherefore became just where. There are hundreds of examples of this if you look up the etomology of words.

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The amount of wasted unopened ketchup must be a staggering amount. 

On 4/30/2022 at 10:29 AM, cubinator said:

Why do we still use 'therefore' but not 'wherefore'?

Interesting, wherefore is the question (why?) and therefore is the answer (because).   

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There has to be a way to differentiate between a pencil and crayon in French, even though the word for both is crayon, right? Or maybe not? I just imagine one French guy asking another person for a Crayon, pointing in the direction of a pencil and crayon right next to each other, and saying "No not the crayon, the crayonNon, not that one, the other one! Just get me the crayon!" I know there are lots of homonyms like that in English (Crane, for example), but a bird and a machine are very different from each other. Is there anyone here who speaks French that can help me out with this?

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1 hour ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

There has to be a way to differentiate between a pencil and crayon in French, even though the word for both is crayon, right?

I do not speak French, but I was able to locate this bit of information:


In English, pencils and crayons are completely different. The words refer to different categories with no overlap; there is no case where you can refer to something as either a crayon or a pencil.

What we call a crayon in English would be referred to in French as une craie de cire, which literally means “wax pencil”. The tricky thing is that in French a craie de cire is thought of as a sub-category of crayon. So the French crayon refers to a broader category than English “pencil” - a category that is inclusive of what we call crayons in English.

But if you want to refer specifically to a crayon, and not lead a French speaker to immediately picture something that we would call a pencil in English, refer to une craie de cire.

Source: https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-say-crayon-in-French

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Can't help but think of the song "Land of Confusion" by Genesis, about how long ago it came out and how no generation seems to be able to get it right.

We have managed to overcome a lot of predjudices but we still have Powerful people destroying the lives of countless others just because they want to.

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 The experienced fungophagi tell that if skin the classic toxic fly amanita (red mukhomor) and boil it three times for several hours, every time replacing the water, they get totally edible.



This leads to the conclusion, that actually it's the only edible forest mushroom at all.

Because it's hard to confuse it with anything else, it for sure is toxic, and the recipe makes it edible.

While gathering other, presumably edible mushrooms, you never can be sure if the tasty leccinum scabrum (aka "underbirch mushroom"), which you just have picked up, is not actually a tylopilus felleus (aka "fake underbirch mushroom").




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If we had engines that had 2 fuel tanks, Hydrogen and Oxygen, and that was the combustion source, then could we drink the exhaust?

And I realise that creates an implosion rather than an explosion so you are pulling rather than pushing pistons.

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57 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

If we had engines that had 2 fuel tanks, Hydrogen and Oxygen, and that was the combustion source, then could we drink the exhaust?

We could. If we were moving back enough fast to catch it.

I.e. if we were just staying on ground and drinking water instead of showing off with the rocket.

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