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[1.8-1.12] Ferram Aerospace Research Continued: v0.16.0.5 "Mader" 03/04/22


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The CoL indicator doesn't work and Ferram profiling shows nothing. I get all 0's for any stats shown and lift profiles etc don't exist. I'm in 1.12 using a manual install in the same manner I installed all other mods.

I should add it appears to be working as fuselages and boosters do generate lift on their own in atmosphere however the profiling tools for lift and aerodynamics don't exist in the VAB or SPH. Well the tools exist but they are non functional more or less.

Edited by ThatHomelessGuy
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Good evening, lads.

I'm experiencing some difficulty with a control surface part I've made with reference to FAR, so I wanted to inquire as to how FAR wants surfaces rigged up.  What is happening?  The aileron mesh is not being rotated to the full-scale deflection specified in the PAW while running FAR.  If I remove the FAR module, everything functions as expected.  I have attempted using both the ctrlSrf gameobject and the aileron as the transform with no change to my result.  Understanding the heretical nature of my inquiry, I came bearing receipts.

I'm also experiencing another anomaly whereby if I write-in the node_attach in the parts' configuration files, their centers of pressure move.  Can someone educate me on how node_attach interacts with rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig?

Thanks guys, SW


Edited by SilverWolf
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  • 3 weeks later...

So it's been a while since I've used FAR (a while meaning since 2019 at least). A issue I always had with the add-on was none of the parts were adjusted for propulsion and drag changes so you'd end up easily making craft that could hit hypersonic speeds in the lower atmosphere. Has any of that been fixed? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/21/2022 at 9:50 PM, SilverWolf said:

Good evening, lads.

I'm experiencing some difficulty with a control surface part I've made with reference to FAR, so I wanted to inquire as to how FAR wants surfaces rigged up.  What is happening?  The aileron mesh is not being rotated to the full-scale deflection specified in the PAW while running FAR.  If I remove the FAR module, everything functions as expected.  I have attempted using both the ctrlSrf gameobject and the aileron as the transform with no change to my result.  Understanding the heretical nature of my inquiry, I came bearing receipts.

I'm also experiencing another anomaly whereby if I write-in the node_attach in the parts' configuration files, their centers of pressure move.  Can someone educate me on how node_attach interacts with rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig?

Thanks guys, SW


I'm sorry, friends.  I know everyone is on the hype train for KSP2, but I'm still awaiting a solution for this problem.
I've gone as far as to:

  1. Empty GameObject containing the R_Wing_204 model,
  2. R_Wing_204 model has it's pivot aligned with the aileron,
  3. Renamed Aileron to ControlSurface,
  4. R_Wing_204 and ControlSurface's pivot points are +X outboard along intended axis of rotation, +Y forward, and again their pivots are co-linear along the +X axis of rotation,
  5. Remove the collider from R_Wing_204
  6. Verify on every test case that ModuleManager.configcache has the module "FARControllableSurface", and the key:  transformName = ControlSurface, spelled correctly.

As I said, my part works perfectly if I unload FAR.  Can someone please educate me what additional requirements FAR has that I am not fulfilling?

Thanks, SW

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/3/2023 at 9:50 AM, Neros7 said:

Airbrakes don't work for me anymore, I have too many mods installed to blame it on FAR, but maybe somebody can help me? Just tell me what you need to know


I'd first suggest making sure the airbrakes aren't working for certain since it's possible they are working and just ineffective due to what they are being used to slow down, aside from that I dont know what could be causing your problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/17/2022 at 5:15 PM, 610yesnolovely said:

I had exactly the same issue occuring, and as described, with FAR installed (and perhaps requiring Kopernicus) any asteroid spawning while in IVA causes the FPS to drop to single digits. As the OP said, if you quickly switch out of IVA, the problem immediately clears, but will return when the next asteroid spawns while in IVA. Does not happen if in any other view.

The logs only show what the OP says, it only happens as soon as Kopernicus spawns an asteroid. I also tried an MM patch on Kopernicus_config to set Kopernicus' UseKopernicusAsteroidSystem=Stock - same thing happens when stock spawns a comet or asteroid. The work around is to quickly switch out and back, but asteroid spawning happens frequently enough that this is a bit annoying.

It might be that voxelization of any new vessel, even unloaded, (as it seems asteroids/comets get a FARAeroVessel and are considered vessels) while in IVA causes some issue - I wonder if the IVA view uses something that conflicts with FAR? Shaders? Threads? I have no idea. It might be that having an option to ignore asteroids/comets for voxelization would be a "hack" fix.

Not expecting a solution, this is more "FYI" just in case anyone else gets stuck on this, or if any FAR mod authors have a moment of inspiration given this info.


Funny, I'm having a different issue when Kopernicus spawns an asteroid. It closes my FAR UI window, with no fps impact afaik. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with IVA for me.


My log does this when it happens:

[LOG 06:48:32.579] [Kopernicus] New object found near Kerbin: Ast. FBA-905!
[LOG 06:48:32.591] [FAR v0.16.1.1]: FARVesselAero on Ast. FBA-905 (unloaded) reporting startup
[LOG 06:48:32.607] [PR] Generating data for Ast. FBA-905

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Hi, I'm getting this error:

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Hi, I have been searching for a while for a tutorial on FARc, because I have several reoccurring issues I would like to know how to solve. However, the only tutorial I can find is one from several years ago. Has the mod changed in any significant way that would make this tutorial not helpful? If so, is anyone able to point me in the right direction? Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having a slight issue with far, mabey i am doing something wrong but i built a plane, said plane wouldnt take off. Finally got it to take off, engine power problem...... So with that solved people ive seen with the mod on youtube have air requirements met, and it tells them a number. On mine it says infinity is this normal or a bug if you think its a bug i can post my log. Just to clarify the craft can get off the ground now. air requirements still says infinity, useing realism overhaul rss. Also a little tip would be helpfull, In the stock game you can toggle deploy extended, this is helpfull as i can see what direction the flaps are gonna move before leaving the editor, i cant seem to find out how to do this with far

Edited by falcon470
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I'm using the FAR's flap function as a trim. I put flaps on my aircraft main wing, then I set the elevators as reversed flaps, so that when I increase flap deflection, the pitch-down moment of the flaps on the main wing is balanced by the elevator pitch-up moment.

Quantitatively speaking, how can I know how much trim (that is to say reversed flap deflection) I should apply to my elevators to properly balance the pitch-down moment of the main wing flaps? I guess the stability derivatives window has the answer somewhere but I don't know what number exactly I should look at neither what criterium I should apply.

Thanks for your help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone have a good control scheme for a custom Starship-like reentry with airbrakes?

Ideally, I'd use normal procedural wing flaps as airbrakes, but I don't know how to get them to respond that way to control input or SAS, rather than as normal control surfaces, even if I have the control point facing the right way. And breaking ground robotics work badly with FAR.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this even being maintained anymore? the previous two versions (mach and mader) have had crippling issues with water for two years without a single word on it. I'm not trying to sound rude but some response would be nice.

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  On 5/3/2023 at 3:27 AM, Derpistheword said:

Is this even being maintained anymore? the previous two versions (mach and mader) have had crippling issues with water for two years without a single word on it. I'm not trying to sound rude but some response would be nice.


Did it ever play nicely with water? I don't think there's been development on it for years, people just take it as is.

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When in the flight scene, with the FAR flight data windows open, upon staging events and while in the atmosphere, all opened FAR windows simply close themselves, which is pretty annoying during launches, since I have to reopen FAR from the toolbar at each staging event...

Is this a known issue ?

Can attach logs if needed 

thanks for your help :)


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  On 3/17/2023 at 3:07 AM, Jefftheguyperson said:

Hi, I have been searching for a while for a tutorial on FARc, because I have several reoccurring issues I would like to know how to solve. However, the only tutorial I can find is one from several years ago. Has the mod changed in any significant way that would make this tutorial not helpful? If so, is anyone able to point me in the right direction? Thanks.



No the core aspects of this mod didn't change much, so you should be good : )

On what aspect would you need guidance ? Rockets, planes, editor analytics tools ?

Anyway, for planes, here's a nice summary tips for planes design by NathanKell himself, very clear and concise :

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There's also this KSP forum post which takes on giving general design concepts for planes. It's meant for stock KSP aero model, but completly applicable to FAR designs as well. And it's an easy very well made picturesque read.

And finally the FAR wiki, while old, most of it remains true and gives all the details you would need, especially with the editor analytic tools :

Home · ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research Wiki (github.com)

Tell me if you need help on a specific subject,

Edited by kurgut
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Hi !

Do you know if it would be possible to make fairing in general "produce" less lift, in stock KSP ? it brings to CoL up by quite a bit.

Since, in RSS/RO for instance, you can have long rockets with large fairings, but no need for large control surface to compensate, as you need in stock...

example with fairing :

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without :

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I'm also wondering if this isn't due to the stock tank/propellant mass ratios... so that the culprit wouldn't be the CoL, but rather CoM, so then it's not a FAR issue.

But if it is related to FAR, could you provide some guidance in order to accomplish that, via a simple MM config for instance, that would be great !

Thanks for your help :)



Edited by kurgut
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have this weird extremely high-drag bug on the f-14 I made. The high drag only comes from the front glove of the craft, and on take-off roll, it explodes almost immediately after a few degrees of aoa (i also set the %mass to max and it doesn't help). I turned off aero failures and this causes me to stall out immediately, even without putting any control inputs. the wing glove is made out of the b9 pWings.


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