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[1.3.1 <= KSP <= 1.12.5] KAX - Kerbal Aircraft Expansion KAX — Under Lisias' Management — v2.8.1.1 [2024-0704]


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(KAX, FireSpitter, TweakScale - for 1.4.1 to 1.7.0

Kerbal Aircraft Expansion /L - Under Lisias Management, forever THE pack of selected vanilla-inspired parts for your aircrafting needs!

In a Hurry


An Add'On for Kerbal Space Program

Originally created by Keptin, then maintained by SpannerMonkey and the SM Industries team, and now under Lisias' Management, KAX is a pack of select vanilla-inspired parts for your aircrafting needs!

Included Parts:

  • Turboprop
  • Radial Engine
  • Radial Engine Long Cowl
  • Electric Propeller
  • Helicopter Main Rotor
  • Helicopter Tail Rotor
  • Heavy Landing Gear
  • Jump Jet Engine
  • 2M Aircraft Cockpit
  • 2M Fuselage (jet fuel)
  • 2M Structural Fuselage (empty)
  • 2M Tail Boom

This Add'On Requires Firespitter and Module Manager to enable all the features. 

Project Directives

This Management (Lisias) had agreed to oblige himself to the following directives for this project:

  • KAX will remain KAX
    • it will not be rolled into another Add'On
    • it can be expanded
      • expansions must be in keeping with the tone of the Add'On
      • it must be vaguely (as much as possible) stockalike.

This project aims to preserve the stock a like compatibility and versatility of these parts, and any subsequent parts will be designed with that in mind. The goal is that any new part will blend seamlessly with the current parts and add to rather than detract from the Add'Ons functionality.


Powered by Firespitter, special thanks to Snjo for his plugin.

Additional Models by @SpannerMonkey(smce).

Stockalike textures by Doctor Davinci.

Greetings to @TheKurgan for his helpful work on the SMCS's add'ons (including this one).

See LICENSE for the formal legalese. Please note the copyrights and trademarks in NOTICE.



Edited by Lisias
Release All your distribution channels are belog to us!
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/13/2018 at 9:09 AM, xD-FireStriker said:

Cant wait 

Neither do I! :)


On 12/14/2018 at 3:41 PM, Beetlecat said:

If this turns int a set of Kerbal Konstructs buildings that replicate Dutch windmill designs, I will be really happy. :D

You know, you gave me some kerbal ideas.. :D 

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This version of the KAX was convention-azed few months ago in the CommunityPartsTitles/en-us_kax.cfg , so you can merge it back if you are interested. Anyway I felt what I need to notice you there.


In the convention:

  • "plane engines" starts with J- 
  • props starts with J0- so they are before jets in the VAB 
  • electric props start with J0  so they are before other props
  • Size 2 cockpit starts with Mk-S2, that way they are behind mk1-mk3 cockpits, and, understandably, are Size2. It's the same for the fuselages.
  • Vintage Propelators are tiny → from J0-A1 to J0-A5 so they are in order and before any other non-electric props from Airplane+ or Mk2-Expansion
  • Helicopter Rotors together
  • The rest 3 props together


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I'm playing again with the sound issue, as I did before on the old thread.

And I made an interesting "discovery". If I close the intake with the engine at idle, it doesn't dies by oxidiser starvation. But if I throttle it up, it finally realizes there're no IntakeAir available and dies. And without the background noise! :D 

Shutting down the engine leaves it with the background noise. The engine became silent only by air starvation.

— — — POST — EDIT — — — 

I managed to (more or less) figure out the ModuleEnginesFX. The engines are now silent when the engines are shutdown, however the idle sound is too low, you need to throttle up a bit to make the noise be higher. Once you throttle up, full throttle down  keep the noise on the desired level.

It's a configuration issue. I'm finding my way out of this. :)


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I fixed the sounds for the Propellors using stock - and it worked fine even on KSP 1.3.1 . But I still have the feeling that I should had used FSEngineSounds, as suggested here.  I don't plan to ditch Firespitter - au contraire, I intend to use it more.


— — — POST  — POST — POST — EDIT — — — 

Everybody and the kitchen's sink are using FSengineSounds. I think this is, indeed, the way to go. I will port KAX engines to FSengienSounds and see what happens.


— — — POST — POST — POST — POST — EDIT — — — 

"Eat your own dogfood' - they say.

And they are right. I spend the few free moments of the week playing KSP again, and found some mistakes I did on KAX. I'm fixing them this weekend.


— — — POST — POST — POST — POST — POST — EDIT — — — 

Oh, joy! :sticktongue:

I just realized that using FSengienSounds didn''t really fixed the problem. Just made the sound very lower. Still better than the current situation, but that hints me that the real problem is something else. Switching to FSengineSounds is just masking the real issue. #sigh

Well… Back to the testings. I'll keep you informed.

ERRATA: That background noise is really similar to an idle piston engine, but it's happening too when no engines are present on the scenario. Whatever it is (audio artefacts from my headphone, real issue or just me in need of stronger coffee), the present configuration has the issue solved, so this is what's going to gold.

Edited by Lisias
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KAX is triggering (or being victim) of an idiosyncrasy on 1.60 on the VAB/SPH editor. I spent some time thinking I did something wrong, but in the end, it's something new on 1.6.0.

The issue is described and workarounded  here:

There's a very good chance that this idiosyncrasy will end up being fixed by the add-ons - it would make kind of sense, as it's a datum used on the Category Filter and, well, parts needs to fulfill that datum in order to be categorized.

So I decided to delay the release a bit. The current latest is working almost fine anyway, there''s no need to rush a release just to had to push a minor one a few days later. 


— — — — POST — EDIT — — — —

I ended up adding the bulkheadProfiles on the parts. :) CLOSED/FIXED

— — — — POST — POST — EDIT — — — —

1.6.1 just came out, and MM 3.1.3 had workarounded  the DragCube issue anyway. I added bulkheadProfiles to each KAX part.

So there's no show-stoppers anymore. I'm finishing this dev cycle, and I will issue a proper Release as soon as my job allows! :)

KAX is working fine on a Vanilla 1.6.0 KSP, including VAB/SPH Menu's using the Category Filters.


Edited by Lisias
post post edit.
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Inacio said:

Thanks for updating!

Any chance we can get this on CKAN?

Soon as Possible. There're still some improvements to be made, and I think it would be better for KAX that such improvements be ready before reaching CKAN.

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5 hours ago, Numberyellow said:

Any chance on a 1.3.1 version? ;)

I saw SpannerMonkey had released 2 beta builds for 1.3.1, but as i'm reading, they didn't work out so well..

Now that I know there's demand, for sure. :) 

Right now, the only thing that are KSP version specific is the code that load textures in runtime, used to add Categories on the Advanced Menu. It's Unity specific, and they changed Unity version on 1.4, so I confess I got lazy and gone for 1.4 and called it a day.

Other than that, KAX relies on Firespitter and Module Manager to do the heavy lifting, and as long you have these dependencies working for 1.3.1, KAX should follow suit. I think you can use KAX right know, if you don't mind living without the extra itens on the Advanced menu:


(by the weekend I think I will have a experimental DLL for you)

Edited by Lisias
yep. moar tyops!
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4 hours ago, Lisias said:

Now that I know there's demand, for sure. :) 

Right now, the only thing that are KSP version specific is the code that load textures in runtime, used to add Categories on the Advanced Menu. It's Unity specific, and they changed Unity version on 1.4, so I confess I got lazy and gone for 1.4 and called it a day.

Other than that, KAX relies on Firespitter and Module Manager to do the heavy lifting, and as long you have these dependencies working for 1.3.1, KAX should follow suit. I think you can use KAX right know, if you don't mind living without the extra itens on the Advanced menu:


(by the weekend I think I will have a experimental DLL for you)

Right. i guess what im not understanding, is what version will behave?

I mean, i don't mind waiting for a proper 1.3.1 release....i've been waiting a year and a half, what's a few more days? lol

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4 hours ago, Numberyellow said:

Right. i guess what im not understanding, is what version will behave?

I fired up my 1.3.1 testbed and checked it out.

The newest TweakScale borked beautifully, because on the rush to cover up that crashes, I didn't cared to try to make it run on older KSP - were such issues are not a problem. I think the previous one should work (I remember testing some things on 1.3.1 - but I don't know when), I will check this later.

The Firespitter I'm using is my own fork I did to test some ideas from KSPe. I don't know if the current official one still works on 1.5.x or 1.6, but if my own is working, there're very good chances that the official is working too.

Evidences: :)


Right now, the only glitch is that exception on KAX.BaseFilter.GenIcons, that will prevent the Filter to work on the Advanced Menu. It's completely unrelated to KAX core business, and you can delete that DLL without remorse while I try to cook something that will work on 1.3.1 and >= 1.4 at the same time (and save me some trouble while packing the thing). And yeah, the Sound is fixed on 1.3.1 too. :) 

(I should convert all the new KAX' Sample Crafts to 1.3.1, by the way - I did them on 1.4.1 for (my) convenience but I kind regret it now).

Edited by Lisias
off cuorse, tyops!
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23 minutes ago, Numberyellow said:

so your latest release will work in 1.3.1, no worries?

Other than that DLL issue, I didn't found anything wrong until the moment.

— — —  POST — EDIT — — — 

Uh… Perhaps a glitch or two…. :P 



Edited by Lisias
post edit :D
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On 1/22/2019 at 7:11 PM, Numberyellow said:

ok, i'll think about trying it out. I'd honestly rather have all mods tailored specifically for 1.3.1...but if you're telling me it's going to be a long time before that happens, i'll substitute.

That's the dark secret: a considerable amount of Add'Ons don't need to be specially tailored to be used on 1.3.1, on 1.4.x or 1.6.0. Some will work fine on everyone of them right on the spot, if one manages to carefully handle differences between the KSP versions. KAX is one of these.

Edited by Lisias
tasting my own medicine :)
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I could try the last stable build from spannermonkey....or maybe one of his wonky betas....

Yeah, that glitch is just the kind of thing i'm looking to avoid, lol.

Realistically, i'm still held up by AoA....so until i hear back from wolf, i'm stalled. once that's sorted, i'll decide what i want to do about my KAX situation.

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4 hours ago, Numberyellow said:

Yeah, that glitch is just the kind of thing i'm looking to avoid, lol.

That glitch is me ditching the Choppah, turning upside down and accelerating the rotor - the craft started to dive. I will make a rotor propelled submarine with this! :D

(it should work with previous versions of KAX too)

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