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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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25 minutes ago, jospanner said:

So if you got caught out by the update you're sort of screwed? :/

It's been years since I ran KSP and I forgot all about this version mess.

You can roll back your install within steam, but if you refuse to do that and want to use 1.6.1, then yes, you are screwed and must wait for the update.

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3 hours ago, jospanner said:

It is not possible to roll back to 1.6.

It most certainly is.  Well, I haven't set eyes on that version myself, however almost every other version of KSP and other Steam games can be found on their database so far.  It takes some time to search through it, but there is even a step-by-step guide for doing this.  Google it (or Bing if you're a masochist) and it will be in the top 10 results.  I'd put a link or explain it here, but I don't want to break any rules if there are any against it and I have a thing against doing legwork for other people.

Also, run the game in offline mode in addition to disabling KSP to autoupdate in the future if you depend so much on this mod.  It's just easier than acting expectant of someone else to change their behavior; especially people you want something from. 

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3 hours ago, Black Francis said:
7 hours ago, jospanner said:

It is not possible to roll back to 1.6.

It most certainly is.  Well, I haven't set eyes on that version myself, however almost every other version of KSP and other Steam games can be found on their database so far.  It takes some time to search through it, but there is even a step-by-step guide for doing this.  Google it (or Bing if you're a masochist) and it will be in the top 10 results.  I'd put a link or explain it here, but I don't want to break any rules if there are any against it and I have a thing against doing legwork for other people.

Also, run the game in offline mode in addition to disabling KSP to autoupdate in the future if you depend so much on this mod.  It's just easier than acting expectant of someone else to change their behavior; especially people you want something from. 

You should really fact check before stating something "most certainly is". 

  1. 1.6 isn't up on the Steam Betas list.
  2. You can't turn off autoupdate on Steam. You can only control when it updates with the bare minimum being "only update when I launch it" - so, you launch KSP and it updates. 

So you might want to google your answers (or bing them if you're a masochist) next time  :) 

Edited by Tyko
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2 minutes ago, Tyko said:

1.6 isn't up on the Steam Betas list. 

To be fair, @Black Francis didn't say you have to use the Betas list but

3 hours ago, Black Francis said:

KSP and other Steam games can be found on their database

which is true. There are several tutorials online how to get old game versions via the steam console and steamdb, like this one: https://imgur.com/gallery/gBLJO
or this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=889624474

So, it is possible to downgrade to 1.6.0 but it is a bit more complicated ;)

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12 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

To be fair, @Black Francis didn't say you have to use the Betas list but

which is true. There are several tutorials online how to get old game versions via the steam console and steamdb, like this one: https://imgur.com/gallery/gBLJO
or this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=889624474

So, it is possible to downgrade to 1.6.0 but it is a bit more complicated ;)

I stand corrected...Thanks for taking the time to post the links  :) 

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On 1/10/2019 at 10:01 AM, Thomas P. said:

Generally this is true and for most mods it works just fine. However, since the Kopernicus community is not as monolithic as other community, and scattered across various planet packs threads etc. it can happen that different planet authors judge differently on how well Kopernicus works on new KSP versions (see the link I posted above). Combine that with how much hacks I had to put into Kopernicus to get certain features working, and how much a failing Kopernicus can impact your savegame (vessels vanishing from the orbits of unloaded planets). The version lock makes sure that the question to "Does it work on the new KSP version?" is clear: No, it doesn't. There is less room for speculation, experiments and misinformation.

Basically, I rather take the flak for locking Kopernicus (and therefor definitly giving everyone a reason to not touch their saves) than being responsible for breaking savegames because of not reacting fast enough to KSP updates.


Not to mention that KSP helpfully destroys all your vessels if the planets can't load for some reason. Version locking and the GIANT FLAMING BANNER isn't just an acceptable means of dealing with it - it's probably the best option and the most effective one. Well, other than the fact that every single update, people post about the version lock without reading or searching the last few pages of the thread to see that it's been discussed several times before.

It would also be nice if Steam would allow opting out of game updates per game, but that's an entirely separate issue.

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5 hours ago, Black Francis said:

It most certainly is.  Well, I haven't set eyes on that version myself, however almost every other version of KSP and other Steam games can be found on their database so far.  It takes some time to search through it, but there is even a step-by-step guide for doing this.  Google it (or Bing if you're a masochist) and it will be in the top 10 results.  I'd put a link or explain it here, but I don't want to break any rules if there are any against it and I have a thing against doing legwork for other people.

Also, run the game in offline mode in addition to disabling KSP to autoupdate in the future if you depend so much on this mod.  It's just easier than acting expectant of someone else to change their behavior; especially people you want something from. 

Did I... do something to you?

Edited by jospanner
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5 hours ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

To be fair, @Black Francis didn't say you have to use the Betas list but

which is true. There are several tutorials online how to get old game versions via the steam console and steamdb, like this one: https://imgur.com/gallery/gBLJO
or this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=889624474

So, it is possible to downgrade to 1.6.0 but it is a bit more complicated ;)


For those who wish to do this, here's the string of IDs I just used. Win64, version 1.6

220200 220204 587974949136075932


Edited by Atlessa
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9 hours ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

To be fair, @Black Francis didn't say you have to use the Betas list but

which is true. There are several tutorials online how to get old game versions via the steam console and steamdb, like this one: https://imgur.com/gallery/gBLJO
or this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=889624474

So, it is possible to downgrade to 1.6.0 but it is a bit more complicated ;)

If this is a thing, it then means that steam kept version 1.60 somewhere, so WHY THE EFF do they make it so hard, instead using the in-browser drop down list. Man Steam goes out of its way all the time to show you how sucky it is.

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1 hour ago, Shizen said:

If this is a thing, it then means that steam kept version 1.60 somewhere, so WHY THE EFF do they make it so hard, instead using the in-browser drop down list. Man Steam goes out of its way all the time to show you how sucky it is.

In this case it's likely Squad not telling steam what versions to enable rolling back to, and not including 1.6.0 in that list.

Steam has basically all the versions to everything.... but this is drifting way off-topic.

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1 hour ago, Shizen said:

If this is a thing, it then means that steam kept version 1.60 somewhere, so WHY THE EFF do they make it so hard, instead using the in-browser drop down list. Man Steam goes out of its way all the time to show you how sucky it is.

Well actually I think you should blame either @SQUAD or Take Two.  As I understand things, they could have chosen to make 1.6.0 available, but they choose not to for some reason.  If I recall correctly, they did the same thing with 1.5.0 when 1.5.1 released.  The only possible reasons I can think of for them not making 1.6.0 available in the betas tab, are:

  1. Squad hopes that by making updates without providing a way to rollback to the previous version that maintainers of mods that are version locked, those maintainers will relax or remove the version locks, rather than deal with the barrage of support/update requests. 
  2. Squad hopes that by making updates without providing a way to rollback to the previous version that maintainers of mods that are version locked, those maintainers, those maintainers will give up their mods, and someone else will take over and relax or remove the version locks. 
  3. Squad wants more players to move their install out of Steam before installing mods, and so to encourage people to do that, they are willing to push updates that mean that people who don't do that can't load their saves until after any version locked mods are updated.
  4. They don't understand that this is a problem.  (I'm sorry but that just doesn't make sense to me.  Whilst it is possible that some Squad employees might not follow the forums enough to understand the issue, at least @TriggerAu and @JPLRepo do follow the forums enough that they should know that pushing updates without providing a way to rollback to the previous minor versions is a problem, at least for people using version locked mods in an install under steam's control, and that all this does is to put more pressure on modders).
  5. Squad feels that it isn't worth their time to make 1.6.0 available on the beta's tab.  (Also known as Squad couldn't be bothered making 1.6.0 available).
  6. Squad doesn't care that players using version locked mods in an install under steams control can't load their saves until after any version locked mods are updated.
  7. Take Two decided to do it this way.  (Alternatively, it is possible that Take Two might be the people who actually make new versions available publically, and they might be the people who need to make 1.6.0 available in the betas tab.  I honestly don't know which company does the deployment of new versions.  But if TT decided not to provide a way to rollback to 1.6.0 , then you can substitute TT for Squad in practically everything I said above).  
None of this is Steam's fault.  THere are good reasons why some online only games genuinely do not want or need older versions in the betas tab, so Steam shouldn't make all version of every game available.
Edited by AVaughan
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6 hours ago, AVaughan said:

None of this is Steam's fault.  THere are good reasons why some online only games genuinely do not want or need older versions in the betas tab, so Steam shouldn't make all version of every game available.

This is why I wasn't about to post every single detail on here about how to do it.  There is some reasoning behind Steam not making them all available directly from their service.  All sorts of people using different and multiple versions of a game is less than ideal.  Plus, I don't know how the person updating this mod feels about that and don't really care to get into it.  He probably doesn't either.

Somebody was told what they could do, claimed it couldn't be done, and I thought I'd reiterate the possibilities.

15 hours ago, jospanner said:

Did I... do something to you?

No.  But it's a crime against humanity to have so many reasources at a one's disposal and not use them.

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What was released:

- Kopernicus 1.6.1-1
- Kopernicus 1.5.1-3
- Kopernicus 1.4.5-8
- Kopernicus 1.3.1-17
- KittopiaTech 1.6.1-1


- Fix buggy sunflares from 1.6.0-1
- Collect all required logs and zip them up when the game closes. If people ask for logs, ask for that .zip file and you get all of them.
- Update to KSP 1.6.1

==== Kittopia =====
- Fix some of the value editors like the color editor
- Add an editor / selector for enum values
- Remove the task manager window, since you can now close windows directly
- Improve the number editors


The links are in the OP

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1 hour ago, Thomas P. said:

What was released:

- Kopernicus 1.6.1-1
- Kopernicus 1.5.1-3
- Kopernicus 1.4.5-8
- Kopernicus 1.3.1-17
- KittopiaTech 1.6.1-1


- Fix buggy sunflares from 1.6.0-1
- Collect all required logs and zip them up when the game closes. If people ask for logs, ask for that .zip file and you get all of them.
- Update to KSP 1.6.1

==== Kittopia =====
- Fix some of the value editors like the color editor
- Add an editor / selector for enum values
- Remove the task manager window, since you can now close windows directly
- Improve the number editors


The links are in the OP

Thanks again for your hard work!


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I'm seeing this in the default Kopernicus configuration since 1.6.0-1:

    name = Kerbol System
        name = Sun
        identifier = Squad/Sun

What does the identifier value do? And is it now required?

Part of why I'm asking, is templating Eve for home is causing a major frame rate drop for me. By comparison if I template Kerbin for home and use removeAllPQSMods = True, then build Eve from 'scratch,' the frame rate improves considerably.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Why am I asking?
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22 hours ago, AVaughan said:

Well actually I think you should blame either @SQUAD or Take Two.  As I understand things, they could have chosen to make 1.6.0 available, but they choose not to for some reason.  If I recall correctly, they did the same thing with 1.5.0 when 1.5.1 released.  The only possible reasons I can think of for them not making 1.6.0 available in the betas tab, are:

  1. Squad hopes that by making updates without providing a way to rollback to the previous version that maintainers of mods that are version locked, those maintainers will relax or remove the version locks, rather than deal with the barrage of support/update requests. 
  2. @TriggerAuSquad hopes that by making updates without providing a way to rollback to the previous version that maintainers of mods that are version locked, those maintainers, those maintainers will give up their mods, and someone else will take over and relax or remove the version locks. @JPLRepo
  • --snippety snoo, 7 reasons for you--


None of this is Steam's fault.  THere are good reasons why some online only games genuinely do not want or need older versions in the betas tab, so Steam shouldn't make all version of every game available.

There is one other possible reason why 1.5.0 and 1.6.0 aren't available for rollback.

Remember, or you gon learn today! ...

  • 1.5.0 had broken aero (...again). Lift was produced in the same vector as drag, therefore drag was exponentially higher, making the game borderline unplayable. The only reason for 1.5.1 was the fix to that.
  • 1.6.0 had a new and horrid PartDatabase.cfg problem which made KSP literally unplayable (causing at least PAW element spam and NRE spam on stock parts, and breaking features in some mod parts) if you were lucky enough to be plagued by it. The symptoms of this problem are aggravated by ModuleManager, the plugin that nearly every mod relies on.

Do you really want to be able to revert to that? I don't think so. I don't think Squad thinks so.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
snippety snoo
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