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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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These ReStock+ parts should not appear to be used if Making History is installed, they should just replace the Making History parts, however, they still appear in search results unfortunately.

You should not be seeing duplicate parts from both MH and RS+.

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2 hours ago, Poodmund said:

These ReStock+ parts should not appear to be used if Making History is installed, they should just replace the Making History parts, however, they still appear in search results unfortunately.

You should not be seeing duplicate parts from both MH and RS+.

The point is that only the MH parts are being shown, but I want some of the Restock+ versions instead- like the Saturn V adapter tank with the variable engine pods and the command pods with different paint schemes  (SP-1/2/3 and Acorn). Are these available with MH installed or if not are there any plans to add these to the stock parts with Restock+?

EDIT- just bumped up to the most recent version of Restock/+ (which is marked as 1.10.x only, but is working fine in 1.9.1) and the pods have those variants I was after, but the Saturn V adapter tank doesn't. I might go digging in some configs to try and make that happen.

Edited by jimmymcgoochie
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5 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Question- Restock+ adds some stuff that overlaps with Making History, but some of those things seem to be better than the stock versions (alternative paint schemes for the crew capsules, the Saturn V engine mount can be adjusted to hold more engines, etc.) so are there any plans to apply these options to the stock parts they’re based on, or does anyone have a patch or config to add them?

Nertea is taking a hiatus from KSP right now because of life, so any suggestions or requests are pointless for the time being

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Or they would be, had Nertea been the only modeler working on ReStock. That said, he is doing most of the heavy lifting here, but the engine plates, for instance, aren't his work.

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3 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

The point is that only the MH parts are being shown, but I want some of the Restock+ versions instead- like the Saturn V adapter tank with the variable engine pods and the command pods with different paint schemes  (SP-1/2/3 and Acorn). Are these available with MH installed or if not are there any plans to add these to the stock parts with Restock+?

EDIT- just bumped up to the most recent version of Restock/+ (which is marked as 1.10.x only, but is working fine in 1.9.1) and the pods have those variants I was after, but the Saturn V adapter tank doesn't. I might go digging in some configs to try and make that happen.

The MH replacement parts should operate exactly the same as the RS+ (non-MH) parts aside from maybe some balance changes. If they do not, then please raise an issue on GitHub with full logs, screenshots and reproduction steps.

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1 hour ago, captinjoehenry said:

How does the white list work?  As I'm trying to whitelist Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/TinyCone but putting that or Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/ into a white list file doesn't do anything.  So how do I actually white list stuff?

Whitelisting a part tells Restock to not prevent KSP from loading the stock model and texture. However, that doesn't change the fact that Restock changes the parts configuration file to reference Restock's version of the model and texture instead of the stock version.

If you want to replace the Restock version of a part with the stock version, you need to whitelist that part and create a MM patch that makes the cfg file reference the stock art.

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I've found the cause for the apparent discrepancy in some MH parts- the new appearances were added with a newer version of Restock/+ (1.2.x) than I was using (1.1.2 in KSP 1.9.1), bumping to the latest versions added the new paint jobs for the MH pods as expected. I haven't got far enough in this career game to see if the MH version of the Saturn V engine adapter can change the number of engine pods yet, so I'll fire up a sandbox game and see.

I did have to replace the config for the mini-klaw from Restock+ 1.2.1 with the version from 1.1.2 to make it usable as the former has been deprecated by the stock version.

EDIT: I checked both the MH and Restock+ versions of the Saturn V engine adapter, but no sign of any options to change the number of engine pods. I have B9 part switch installed, is there something else I'm missing? The description says it should have variants with different engine pod setups but I don't see them anywhere.

Edited by jimmymcgoochie
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10 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

I checked both the MH and Restock+ versions of the Saturn V engine adapter, but no sign of any options to change the number of engine pods. I have B9 part switch installed, is there something else I'm missing? The description says it should have variants with different engine pod setups but I don't see them anywhere.

There's a little button up top titled engine nodes (or something like that) and if you click it it will change the number of nodes. Not very obvious but easy to find once you know it's there.

Edited by KeaKaka
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Hear ye, hear ye dear modders.

I have a humble enhancement request. Would it be possible that a pure white variant be added for the all adapter parts, including structural ones? I have in mind:

  • FL-A10 (tiny-small)
  • FL-A5 (tiny-small)
  • Rockomax Brand Adapter (small-large)
  • Rockomax Brand Adapter 2 (small-large)

Under the Kraken eye!

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Note that we are not talking of something brand new such as a purple variant, but giving a variant which is already done for other parts, especially for other adapter parts (FL-XA15, FL-WA-30, bi-tri-quadri-couplers, many fuel tanks).

Edited by OnlyLightMatters
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49 minutes ago, OnlyLightMatters said:

Note that we are not talking of something brand new such as a purple variant, but giving a variant which is already done for other parts, especially for other adapter parts (FL-XA15, FL-WA-30, bi-tri-quadri-couplers, many fuel tanks).

Arguing with a content creator trying to convince them to create more content is a sure fire way to make them not want to create more content.

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I have been having a glitch with restock where when I place two Clamp-O-Tron standard docking ports together in the editor the game will freeze and crash. (This does not happen when docking in a flight state) I would post a screenshot, but, as i said, the game crashes. I have isolated ReStock as the cause of this problem, and this is something that i feel really needs to be fixed. Has anyone else been experiencing this problem? I now need to choose between uninstalling ReStock (Which i am not going to do) and assembling all docking ports in orbit and/or on the launchpad. I would really like this issue to be fixed, and hope you see this problem. Thank you.

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38 minutes ago, Drew Kerman said:

yea but you shouldn't expect everyone else to either

Even if I am a bit of a creator myself and even if good feebacks & the opportunity to do better is a good incentive to me, I don't. I would have liked a bit of an explaination, if it is a time or ressource problem, a lead-design relative decision... I am willing to give a hand if possible, even if I have to learn many things on the subject before I can produce a thing.

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In my experience, it's not worth offering help around here. You either do it all by yourself, if you're able, or wait for someone to have the same idea, if you're not. "Go learn modeling and then you can contribute to my mod" is the only advice you'll ever get in here. ReStock is a community project, so you can give it a shot, but for any other, you're better off starting your own mod. 

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1 hour ago, OnlyLightMatters said:

Even if I am a bit of a creator myself and even if good feebacks & the opportunity to do better is a good incentive to me, I don't. I would have liked a bit of an explaination, if it is a time or ressource problem, a lead-design relative decision... I am willing to give a hand if possible, even if I have to learn many things on the subject before I can produce a thing.

If you do things very well for long enough you start to realize that you have to draw a line and say “Not doing that.”

Because people will keep trying to get you to do more work for less money. Especially when modding in your free time. 

At some point “It should be an opportunity to do better!” starts sounding like “We’ll pay you in exposure!”

It’s in the FAQ for a reason. 

Edited by Jognt
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Modders work on their own time, for no pay outside of donations.  They are not beholden to anybody but themselves to work on their mods.   If they have explicitly stated that feature X will not be implemented, then it will not be implemented until they change their minds, and arguing against such is just wasting electrons. 

So let's move on past discussion of modding styles, and get back to the discussion at hand, this mod in particular. 

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