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How long did it take for you to learn to land on mün?


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I landed on the moon in my first attempt, playing on Demo.

The first time I landed there, with parts "existing enough" so I can do something with them, however, took me some more time.

I will know how much when it happens  :sticktongue:

Edited by Lisias
Uh.. Something didn't worked out in that sentence... Again
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Maybe 1-2 hours after starting the (terrible) tutorial, which was a couple weeks after I got the game.

I didn't watch any KSP videos on YouTube.  Still haven't, really.  All the Scott Manley videos I've watched have been the real-life ones, I don't just watch people playing video games on YouTube.  The only KSP playing I've seen on YouTube was for a point, like something someone on here shared, or someone using KSP to demonstrate some factor of orbital lauches.

I never played the demo.

I bought the game because of Randall Munroe.



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12 Days from when I bought the game, assuming that it's manned we're talking about, or 11 if unmanned counts.

I did it roughly Apollo style though, in that I sent a CSM without a lander into Mun orbit 1st. After that I did a Kerbin orbit test of the manoeuvering and docking of my CSM and lander, before finally doing the full trip to the Mun surface.

Didn't watch any vids though, just worked up to it and crashed stuff.

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It took me a few hours to figure out how to get to Mun, and 4 days of constant crashes to figure out how to land there. The breakthrough came when it finally dawned on me that while 15m/s seems really slow compared to the roughly 3000m/s transit speed, it's actually pretty hard to be smacking into a solid object. 

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Still learning.  First crewed landing I did on Mun cracked the LF engine off the craft.  And I've never gotten around to it again.

But I have done a lot of uncrewed Mun and Minmus landings.  So I think I'll be able to tackle it when I find the time in a KSP game sometime soon.

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Define "land", first of all...



It took me a couple months to get to that point.  I didn't want to just watch videos and copy what they were doing so I had to figure out a lot of it on my own, and there weren't quite as many tools available back then.

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About a week-ish in the demo. I was definitely following the ‘moar boosters’ school of design so most of that time was just getting that darned behemoth into orbit without it just wobbling itself into pieces. Once I got to orbit though I landed on my first try, but tipped over when I got there. I did a successful return on my second try.

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I can't honestly recall.

Landing on anywhere wasn't much of a goal of mine, so much as just flying rockets.

I spent a lot of time building rockets to silly things like lift a whole orange fuel tank to orbit, the even more time learning to dock with it. 

After science was added I went to the moon a lot more often. But I didn't really learn to do it well for a couple of years.    

Most of the time my landers were big bulky "all up" designs. I didn't yet understand the value of orbital rendezvous.

A lot of my landers used a LV-N, poodle or LV-909. So they were too tall, too heavy, and too tall.  And it was all hand flying in those days too. 

It took me a while to learn how to build good landers, now my landers rarely include anything bigger than a 48-7S. 

So the short answer is not long after I first decided to go, However it took me a long time to learn to do it right.


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I played the demo for a long time. I guess it took me a few weeks of sporadic playing to get how spaceflight actually works. I had to figure out some of the terminology (like periapsis), techniques (like Hohmann transfer), overcome game bugs (like launch clamps sticking to the ship), how to build a non-wiggling, non-flipping ship, and so on. For someone who loves space and space travel, I was surprisingly ignorant of basic space travel mechanics. But I figured it out, largely thanks to Scott Manley. So when I finally landed on the Mun, it was truly an accomplishment.

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About four or five days after I first got the game in June 2016, if we’re talking just landing successfully. That in itself took me three attempts, and I didn’t even make it back anyways as my engine was destroyed after a hard landing after I pressed shift and took a screenshot, which was the same button as throttle up.. 

  The next day or so I did it just fine though, after I began to realize that MOAR BOOSTERS is not always the answer. 

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I landed on the Mun on PC cheatily (infinite fuel, unbreakable struts, etc) so it wasn't my official landing. Only when I landed on it in my Enhanced Edition career mode did I make my actual first landing, so about umm, 3 years?

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