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If you (family friendly definition: stop moving and going to sleep forever) what ya'll will do after (not moving and going to sleep forever)?


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Literally, the title says everything, go read it [snip].

If you (family friendly definition: stop moving and going to sleep for ever) what ya'll will do after (not moving and going to sleep forever)?

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i figure its kind of like what happens to a computer when you unplug it and bury in in the ground long enough to stop being a computer. all non-volatile memory has been allowed to degrade, thus if you ever did get the cpu/ram to work you wouldn't be able to boot strap (even the bios code is gone).

i figure the human mind is similar. you got your wetware that runs on the neural net of your brain tissues. of course the lines between hardware and software are somewhat blurred in this case, but what is certain is the time to complete degradation from functioning to not functioning would be significantly shorter. as much as id like to say it would be a simple fade to black. i figure it would be a lot like that scene in 2001 when hal gets deactivated, slipping away one component at a time.

religion has its own ideas about this, but to date scientists have yet to find any backup system in the brain that would allow for immortality, reincarnation, etc. i prefer to think of humans as an iterative process. scientists have found that this is completely possible, hell humans had that figured out long before there were scientists (and likely theologians as well), you wouldnt be here otherwise. our ability to carry knowledge from generation to generation rather uncanny, everything else is just state machine variables. ultimately you are just a step along the way. if humans continue to progress at the current rate, they will have that backup problem solved eventually in lieu of divine intervention. its probably better to put your faith in humans rather than some flying spaghetti monster, at least humans can produce results.

also when was death ever considered non family friendly. ever seen the lion king? not to mention all the times we killed jeb. i dont like this trend of talking down to children, shielding them from things they will have to deal with sooner or later. fred rogers would be disappointed. 

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  On 4/8/2019 at 2:26 PM, Nuke said:

ever seen the lion king?


another semi relevant thing.



As to the point of the thread - who knows? Dead people I guess, but they tend not to be talkative.

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I find it endlessly amusing that very learned, knowledgeable people will honestly entertain the idea that we are all living in a massive computer simulation created by incredibly advanced beings beyond our comprehension. But these same people will categorically reject the idea of a higher power or an afterlife. I guess it makes me wonder what it really is that they are so adamantly rejecting.

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  On 4/8/2019 at 11:24 PM, TheSaint said:

I find it endlessly amusing that very learned, knowledgeable people will honestly entertain the idea that we are all living in a massive computer simulation created by incredibly advanced beings beyond our comprehension. But these same people will categorically reject the idea of a higher power or an afterlife. I guess it makes me wonder what it really is that they are so adamantly rejecting.


Or maybe there are people who considered both and don't think either is particularly likely.

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  On 4/7/2019 at 3:48 AM, Shpaget said:

I  expect to cease to exist and be completely not aware of my new state.

I can only hope the transition is no too unpleasant.



  On 4/7/2019 at 7:33 PM, 5thHorseman said:

I expect I'll decay a bit, then go on ice for a while until I'm incinerated.

But I'll be dead so I won't really know. Or care.


Beyond agreeing with these, I'm not sure what I can add to the discussion that's not going to (further) push this thread against/past the 2.2b line, which often leads to 2.2d being invoked.


I will add, however, that I have discussed with my children and friends what I expect, and I hope that they will carry it out, no matter how hard it is to install an ice cream truck sound system into a hearse.

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near death experiences, while often being misconstrued as a religious experience is probably what happens in the early stages of when your brain starts shutting down from lack of oxygen. or maybe that's just what happens when the defibrillator comes out. pumping all that voltage into your body likely plays havoc with your nervous system and brain. or simply your body dumping a lot of dopamine and adrenaline in a last ditch attempt at survival. the body has many rather interesting survival mechanisms. 

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This is one of the few things that literally nobody knows.

And weirdly, one of the most common things that people pretend to know.


As far as I know, the properties of conciousness and "the self" is not even grazed by the totality of human knowledge, therefore literally anything could happen, no predictions can be made because we have no data. Nothing is ruled out, or ruled in.


Could be a mystical soul-journey through the universe.

Could be a permenant state of a 2001-style psychadelic acid trip.

Could be permanent oblivion.

You could wake up immediately in the body of a newborn, with total amnesia.

The plot of "The OA" could be spot-on.

Could be anything.


My money is on oblivion, and not only does that not bother me, it baffles me that anyone would be bothered by it.



I read a short story once that had a very nice explanation.

Humanity (collective)  is a juvenile god (singular).

When you die, you are reincarnated as another person, at any time in history.

Ever person that has ever lived, or will ever live, is the same person, reincarnated.

A god must live countelss lives, acrue billions of "man-years" of experience, of all aspects of life and humanity, in order to mature.


I think it started something along the lines of:

<man dies, reaches heaven, meets god>

"God, what is the meaning of life?"

<GODSIGH> "You ask me this every time, you never remember...fine, you are a god, one day....etc."

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If you


First of all, define the "you" after neither your verbal callsign (aka "name"), nor face, nor family relations, nor professionalism, nor anything else make sense anymore.
(Say, your mind and memory initially stay sapient)

As an illustration: Babylon-5 s02e21 "Comes The Inquisitor".

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Folks, this is a "what do you think happens in the afterlife" thread.  Cute circumlocutions in the thread title don't change what the thread's about.

And it's not really possible to have an "afterlife" discussion without dragging religion into it, and I'm sure we all already know that religion's an off-limits topic here in the forums, right?  (Forum rule 2.2.b.)

So, gotta lock this one, sorry 'bout that.  Thank you for your understanding.

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