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Kerbal Space Program 1.7: “Room to Maneuver” Grand Discussion Thread


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1 hour ago, Azimech said:

frankly ... once you've seen one Saturn V or Space Shuttle replica ... you've seen all of them

You must be visiting the KSP reddit.  Its full of baby's first toppled over lander with bonus eclipse screenies. 


Changing the subject, I am really really enjoying the new skybox.  I would actually love whomever made it to talk about how they did it.

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Hey guys. As much as I'm happy about the update, I have a problem. I was playing 1.6.1 career mode and had an active contract for testing the Ant engine. After the update any save I load just automatically fails that contract. I suppose it has something to do with the revamping of this part. Can't find anything on the forum related to version 1.7. What should I do?

Editing the savefile seems to help. As in deleting the contract :/

Any way I could keep the contract?


Edited by Olegolas
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I just want the game to improve.If its possible to please the more in depth players thats awesome as well.

My point is i hope the developers never get affected too much by the playerbase that want to overclock their game.

Yes that playerbase is promoting the game(twitch etc) but i always fear that it will cost me more as a personal playstyle if they get too distracted from that part.

Thats all, and again thats a very personal opinion and i am obviously not inspired or interested in kraken tech just to make it clear.

*I edited heavily cause i really dont want to spark a forum war here, just to state my opinion.

Edited by Boyster
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1 hour ago, Olegolas said:

Hey guys. As much as I'm happy about the update, I have a problem. I was playing 1.6.1 career mode and had an active contract for testing the Ant engine. After the update any save I load just automatically fails that contract. I suppose it has something to do with the revamping of this part. Can't find anything on the forum related to version 1.7. What should I do?

Editing the savefile seems to help. As in deleting the contract :/

Any way I could keep the contract?

Hmmm.... do you happen to still have the gamesave? Can you send me a copy?
I can't make any promises, but I'd like to take a look at it

Edited by Just Jim
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13 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Hmmm.... do you happen to still have the gamesave? 

Yep. Saved an unchanged copy.

Here's the text from it about the contract.


                guid = ced6e272-6162-47f6-8d87-8372b1319b2d
                type = PartTest
                prestige = 2
                seed = 1614313869
                state = Active
                viewed = Read
                agent = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
                agentName = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co
                deadlineType = Floating
                expiryType = Floating
                values = 18305.0851821899,15595932.5752258,58790.3230011463,169022.175124119,139724.997103214,12,28.80788,30.18868,31410.1469718467,24889.9407507676,15620822.5159766,0
                part = microEngine
                haul = False
                dest = 2
                sit = LANDED
                exp = True
                    name = PartTest
                    state = Incomplete
                    values = 0,0,0,0,0
                    part = microEngine
                    body = Mun
                    situation = LANDED
                    uniqueID = 0.7459244452165088
                    haul = False
                    repeatability = ONCEPERPART
                    notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met.
                        name = ReachDestination
                        state = Incomplete
                        disableOnStateChange = False
                        values = 0,0,0,0,0
                        dest = 2
                        title = 
                        name = ReachSituation
                        state = Incomplete
                        disableOnStateChange = False
                        values = 0,0,0,0,0
                        sit = LANDED
                        title = 

And ye, where to send the file? Didn't see you asked me to send it to you. I am not allowed by forum system to send you messages.

Edited by Olegolas
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Very glad to see the continued development and focus on fixing/tuning/polishing the game to be what 1.0 should have been.

Tuning/balancing a game after launch is always difficult once players get used to doing things a certain way (which is why I'm so hard on games that launch/leave early access with blatant balance issues) and I'm glad to see the new devs aren't afraid to touch the placeholder part values that weren't fixed before 1.0. Would like it if they were a little more aggressive though, especially with the OP spark and would consider engine upgradeability as part of the pass (and rework the useless Flea SRB into something like a vacuum kick booster instead of it continuing to be something you use for your first flight and then never again).

I say this after every update, but what I personally would like to see in a "complete" version of KSP (not the FINAL version with no further expansions/development, just a version that doesn't leave me feeling like parts of the game are still missing/underdeveloped) is Life Support (for realism and to balance probe restrictions with comm networks and power), a totally revamped tech tree that actually makes sense instead of feeling like someone threw parts in there randomly and doesn't start off with Kerbals right off the bat for your first flight, full part/art/audio/systems balance/polish pass (including new parts as needed to fill holes), more interesting surface science on planets, and an overhauled career that plays like other tycoon games with open-ended scenarios and some real management decisions (including time-based systems like the RCT mod provides) AND a story-driven campaign (like some of the early ideas from NovaSilisko) instead of just being an upgrade all buildings, fill-out-the-tech-tree and maybe put flags on all bodies simulator.

Still, very glad to see that after each successive update my list of "essential" mods grows shorter and shorter as the devs continue to address issues with the game.

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Hmm, this seems new to me with 1.7...

I am able to move the camera inside Kerbin and view things, even make maneuver nodes with the camera at the planet's center looking outward.  I don't believe that was a thing before, right?




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39 minutes ago, klesh said:

Hmm, this seems new to me with 1.7...

I am able to move the camera inside Kerbin and view things, even make maneuver nodes with the camera at the planet's center looking outward.  I don't believe that was a thing before, right?

  Reveal hidden contents



That might be useful.  If it's a bug, maybe it should become a feature?

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@UomoCapra & @Maxsimal

Regarding the Mun base question (since you asked):

It is an interesting idea but please careful how it is implemented. I think it would make sense as mid-late game goal. Have a mission to deliver/mine x tons of ore at a certain site, then the base becomes available.

Because an off world start changes the game progression so drastically, I think that this content would be more appropriate for a mini-DLC pack ($1-$2). Perhaps the pack could also contain some new anomalies around the moon as well.


thanks for the new release and for keeping the game lively!

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24 minutes ago, Nightside said:

@UomoCapra & @Maxsimal

Regarding the Mun base question (since you asked):

It is an interesting idea but please careful how it is implemented. I think it would make sense as mid-late game goal. Have a mission to deliver/mine x tons of ore at a certain site, then the base becomes available.

Because an off world start changes the game progression so drastically, I think that this content would be more appropriate for a mini-DLC pack ($1-$2). Perhaps the pack could also contain some new anomalies around the moon as well.


thanks for the new release and for keeping the game lively!

It would essentially make career mode worthless. As soon as you have a Mun base you could get anywhere in the solar system with 1.25m parts easily. 

You only need about 900dV to escape Kerbin SOI when launching from the Mun instead of around 44000dV when launching from Kerbin  

A savings of 3500dV is a MASSIVE difference when looking at the rocket equation. 

Edited by MechBFP
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1 hour ago, MechBFP said:

It would essentially make career mode worthless. As soon as you have a Mun base you could get anywhere in the solar system with 1.25m parts easily. 

You only need about 900dV to escape Kerbin SOI when launching from the Mun instead of around 44000dV when launching from Kerbin  

A savings of 3500dV is a MASSIVE difference when looking at the rocket equation. 

What I would propose is that you can pick either Mun or Kerbin as your main base of operation, but not both.

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On 4/9/2019 at 8:32 PM, UomoCapra said:

* Add EmissiveBumpedSpecularMapped part shader.

This looks interesting. I presume this means we'll be seeing an update to the Unity PartTools library for modders relatively soon?

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On 4/10/2019 at 3:31 PM, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

YAYAYAYAYAY best week of the year! Black hole photo, Falcon Heavy launch, and THIS! YES!

Just need for Robtop to release Geometry Dash 2.2 and we have amazingness.

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15 hours ago, DMagic said:

I know the button you are talking about, and it works that way when in map mode, but in the flight view it is always greyed out.

You're right, of course.  Somehow I read (and quoted) where you said "in flight view" but it did not sink into my head.

Previously, map view was the only way we could see the effects of maneuver-node adjustment.  Even the maneuver-node mods (including yours) made sense only in map view.  But now, with the orbit information visible in flight mode and cockpit (IVA) mode, we could make good use of maneuver node adjuster in flight/IVA view, if it was available.

I see that the maneuver selection (maneuver 1, maneuver 2, etc.) is synchronized to the corresponding node being expanded in map-view.  Maybe the activation of the panel currently depends on some state associated with the map view.  But if that can be re-arranged, so that the new panel can select a maneuver node without map view being open, that would be useful and less surprising for new players.

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14 hours ago, DMagic said:

If making a few tiny parts a little bit less crash tolerance means they no longer work for this kind of hinge, or bearing type of design, then maybe they should just remain unchanged.

Or, alternatively, have those niche uses ship with a set of ModuleManager scripts and ModuleManager to tweak the parts to legacy values. Very simple and doesn't stop the game from moving forward as a whole.

This appears to be appropriate:


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Sorry @prototype, earlier I guessed wrongly about Squad's intention here.

13 hours ago, TriggerAu said:

If you do want them specifically then copying/moving the files back into gamedata will restore them and the save/craft pre upgrade is stored with a .original extension when the upgradepipeline handles it

However, if I move GameData/Squad/zDeprecated/Parts to  GameData/Squad/Parts, leaving the filestructure under Parts intact, and then start KSP1.7 the part-replacement operation still happens on first load of a craft-file from KSP1.6.

Moving the directory does make the old parts available in the VAB advanced search,
and puts them where PartDatabase.cfg says they are, which might be important.

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17 hours ago, Olegolas said:

Yep. Saved an unchanged copy.

Here's the text from it about the contract.

  Reveal hidden contents

And ye, where to send the file? Didn't see you asked me to send it to you. I am not allowed by forum system to send you messages.

Can't send me???

Oh, I see what happened. You're brand new, and they restrict some stuff for the first week or so for new members until they're sure you're not a spam-bot or something... that happens to everyone when they first join (including me)

Welcome to the forum!

Anyway, as to the contract issue, yes, I loaded it up and I'm see the same thing! Nice catch. I can take it from here and fill out a bug report for it and pass it onto the appropriate people. I can't guarantee what happens from there, it's out of my hands, but it sounds like you already did the quick fix by deleting the contract from your psersistant file. That should fix it for now and if I'm right, you shouldn't see that problem any more from this point on. 

I hope that helps... and again, thank you.  



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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

Can't send me???

Oh, I see what happened. You're brand new, and they restrict some stuff for the first week or so for new members until they're sure you're not a spam-bot or something... that happens to everyone when they first join (including me)

Welcome to the forum!

Anyway, as to the contract issue, yes, I loaded it up and I'm see the same thing! Nice catch. I can take it from here and fill out a bug report for it and pass it onto the appropriate people. I can't guarantee what happens from there, it's out of my hands, but it sounds like you already did the quick fix by deleting the contract from your psersistant file. That should fix it for now and if I'm right, you shouldn't see that problem any more from this point on. 

I hope that helps... and again, thank you.  



Thank you :) Hope you guys can fix it for the future. Keep up the good work! Awesome game,

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On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 10:54 AM, DMagic said:

It might be true that balancing and part adjustments are generally considered "improvements" but I've never heard anyone complain about the crash tolerance of the RCS balls, and given those parts' importance to this kind of wacky designs I think it would be prudent to consider that when changing their properties. If making a few tiny parts a little bit less crash tolerance means they no longer work for this kind of hinge, or bearing type of design, then maybe they should just remain unchanged. A lot of the attention KSP gets outside of its own community comes from these kinds of designs, and that is worth considering.

This is a perfect example of where more community input could really help. The game's designers aren't generally going to be the people most familiar with things like part balance and their nitch uses.

@Azimech, good to see you.  Like you pointed out, DMagic's post hit the bullseye.

 I understand the change though.  They're gently pushing folks to use proper landing gear instead of random parts.  We had a hard time back when the aerodynamics were changed, but over time, and with group effort, we summited that hill.  We'll get through this one too.

 I don't think 50-15 RCS tolerance is gonna be a total dealbreaker, but I cannot test anything yet.  Too many relatives have come to visit this week.  Also, I don't wanna switch versions in the middle of a project.  I'll test out some stuff soon.


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