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[1.12.5] Ж-20 "Moroz" Spaceplane


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  On 7/28/2020 at 4:55 AM, Angel-125 said:

Some images from my more recent missions:







I've flown six missions to the Mun and Minmus and numerous missions to Kerbin orbit. The X-20 is retiring soon in my game...






How did you get such a beautiful Kerbin, and also a complex KSC?

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  On 7/30/2020 at 1:49 PM, RandomKerbal said:

How did you get such a beautiful Kerbin, and also a complex KSC?


JNSQ for Kerbin

KSC revisions are my own, but I used: Tundra's Space Center, Omega' Stock-Allike Structures, and Kerbinside Remastered, all of which require Kerbal Konstructs to setup and run.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Complete K-20 flight log:


KS ALT-1: Pathfinder – Jeb (PLT), maiden flight of Pathfinder

KS-1: Pathfinder – Unkermanned sub-orbital test flight, water landing

KS-2: Pathfinder – Unkermanned abort test that turned real very quickly

KS-3: Pathfinder – Valentina (PLT), sub-orbital test, water landing

KS-4: Pioneer – Jebediah (PLT), maiden flight of Pioneer, orbital test flight, first orbital rendezvous (unplanned), first KSC landing

KS-5: Pioneer – Valentina (PLT), first polar orbit, first satellite deployment from K-20 (SCANSat), water landing

KS-6: Pioneer – Jebediah (PLT), first docking, landed away from KSC

KS-7: Pioneer – Valentina (PLT), second orbital docking, KSC landing

KS-8: Mariner – Jebediah (PLT), maiden flight of Mariner, first communication satellite deployment, vehicle destroyed during reentry, first bailout from a K-20

KS-9: Pathfinder – Valentina (PLT), CommSat 2 deployed, KSC landing

KS-10: Pathfinder – Jebediah (PLT), CommSat 3 deployed, KSC landing

KS-11: Ranger – Jebediah (PLT), Bob (SCI), maiden flight of Ranger, fist Block 2 K-20, first Mark One Laboratory Extension mission, first EVA, first refueling from formation-flying tanker, MunShot 1 rendezvous, KSC landing

KS-12: Ranger – Jebediah (PLT), Bill (ENG), Bob (SCI), first 3-kerbal crew, MOLE 2, first K-20 resupply, record 18-day mission, KSC landing

KS-13: Ranger – Valentina (PLT), Jebman (ENG), Ferwin (SCI), MOLE-3, first nighttime landing at KSC

KS-14: Ranger – Tesen (PLT), Gerrim (ENG), Santrey (SCI), first docking to separately launched MOLE station prototype, KSC landing

KS-15: Pathfinder – Unkermanned flight to munar altitude, Pathfinder stuck in orbit until rescued, first unkermanned deorbit with landing at Welcome Back Island, first K-20 retired to The Boneyard

KS-16: Viking – Valentina (CDR), Jebediah (PLT), Ferwin (SCI), maiden flight of Viking, maiden flight of Duna launch vehicle, first Munar Excursion Module orbital test, first time 3 K-20s were in orbit at the same time (Viking, Ranger, Pathfinder), KSC landing

Munflight 1: Viking/Finch – Mun, Val (PLT), Gerrim (ENG), Santrey (SCI)

Munflight 2: Sojourner/Sparrow – Minmus, Bill (ENG), Bob (SCI), Jeb (PLT)

Munflight 3: Ranger/Parrot – Mun, Dudmon (PLT), Jebman (ENG), Ferwin, (SCI)

Munflight 4: Pioneer/Songbird – Minmus, Tesen (PLT), Jofrey (ENG), Malus (SCI)

Munflight 5: Viking/Owl – Mun, Bill (ENG), Bob (SCI), Jeb (PLT)

Munflight 6: Sojourner – Minmus, Val (PLT), Gerrim (ENG), Santrey (SCI), Munflight Drakken Test Project, final flight

Skybase 1: Pioneer - Tesen (PLT), Jofrey (ENG), Malus (SCI), 30 days, final flight, retired

Skybase 2: Ranger - Val (PLT), Gerrim (ENG), Santrey (SCI), 60 days, final flight, retired

Skybase 3: Viking - Gene (PLT), Jebman (ENG), Ferwin, (SCI), 180 days, final flight, retired

Skybase 4: Sojourner - cancelled, retired after SLS-3


In my career game, I flew the K-20 a total of 24 times! With the third and final space shuttle test flight concluded, Sojourner is retired:





... But I'm not done with the X-20 Moroz in my save. It's successor, the Kerbal Return Vehicle, my space station's lifeboat, will be flying in the near future...


Edited by Angel-125
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am using MechJeb 2 to guide me in. I am a crappy pilot! I need some suggestions for the settings to guide in the Dynasoar. I would assume I need a steep angle of attack in order to maintain speed and controllability. What is the stall speed and do you have a recommended landing speed?



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  • 1 month later...
  On 11/27/2020 at 7:40 PM, squeaker0704 said:

i had to land after a failed launch and the skids exploded   


Depend on the speed you landed it, but still keep in mind that those skid don't use the KSP wheels system, ( maybe a little hard to understand if you are not modder) but so... they are just animated part, with a collider with hight resistance to impact... and so... you really need a flat surface to land it, even the runway have some collider on the ground that make it jump in the sky or explode.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I just realised that this could be a nifty little addition to RO/RP-1, given the history of the real thing. Maybe I could find someone to do that job, or try to learn the dark magic of RO/RP-1 configurations and do it myself.

If anyone happens to have done that already, please share!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/23/2022 at 5:54 PM, YouvebeenhitbyRUD said:

Hey, can someone give me installation instructions and what version of KSP this is for? I installed it unzipped and everything and it won't show up. I am using 1.12


You need to unzip and then copy the content of GameData (folder X-20-Moroz) into your GameData, like every other mod. The folder structure is predetermined in the download. GameData\Mod.
Note: Some Mods have dependencies you need to install. ModuleManager is needed for nearly all mods.
The KSP version can be found in the title of this thread (1.12.0) but it works in 1.12.3 too.



Edited by Cheesecake
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  On 1/23/2022 at 6:49 PM, Cheesecake said:

You need to unzip and then copy the content of GameData (folder X-20-Moroz) into your GameData, like every other mod. The folder structure is predetermined in the download. GameData\Mod.
Note: Some Mods have dependencies you need to install. ModuleManager is needed for nearly all mods.
The KSP version can be found in the title of this thread (1.12.0) but it works in 1.12.3 too.




Downloaded the mod and started loading the game, it seems to be loading when I look at the loading bar when it says what it is currently loading. Went into my game and there is nothing.  Any ideas? Currently have the game data of X-20 mod (Not the overall download from github) but the gamedata inside of the mod, then replaced that into my KSP gamedata folder.

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  On 1/23/2022 at 9:38 PM, YouvebeenhitbyRUD said:

Downloaded the mod and started loading the game, it seems to be loading when I look at the loading bar when it says what it is currently loading. Went into my game and there is nothing.  Any ideas? Currently have the game data of X-20 mod (Not the overall download from github) but the gamedata inside of the mod, then replaced that into my KSP gamedata folder.


Fixed it, it was still installed wrong

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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  On 5/13/2023 at 8:02 AM, BravoAlpha101st said:

Craft file doesn't load.


It does for me, I checked just now. 

If you want actual help, you'll need to provide more info. What does KSP show in the VAB when you try to open the craft file? An uncropped image of your screen in the VAB when you've tried to open the craft file would be helpful. Or your ksp.log. Or even just explain why you think it doesn't load? You've literally given zero information.


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  On 5/13/2023 at 11:52 AM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

It does for me, I checked just now. 

If you want actual help, you'll need to provide more info. What does KSP show in the VAB when you try to open the craft file? An uncropped image of your screen in the VAB when you've tried to open the craft file would be helpful. Or your ksp.log. Or even just explain why you think it doesn't load? You've literally given zero information.



Well, I just click on the 'Load' button and it does nothing. It happens for other crafts too, and I have no idea why it happens. I'm about to head to bed so I'll send a log tommorow

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  On 5/13/2023 at 2:18 PM, BravoAlpha101st said:

It happens for other crafts too, and I have no idea why it happens.


ah ok, interesting. are you able to grab the parts individually from the parts tray? if that causes problems too, I would guess you're missing a dependency or something is out of date. but yeah if you get a chance to post a link to your log like on google drive or something, someone should be able to spot if there's anything obvious going on.  hopefully we can help get you fixed up bc this is a super cool mod

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