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Make all DLC's availible for console players.

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Pretty much what the title says, many console players are forced to play an outdated, old version of kerbal... With little to no DLC's, mods or updates.  

I know this may be hard to do but can you make all editions of kerbal the same?

I can understand no mods, but up to date updates and DLC's would be nice.


:targetpro: (gotta be on target)





Edited by Kerbal Madness
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@Kerbal Madness

I assume SQUAD will bring the new DLC to console in time. The thing is, they don’t actually make the console game. They contract it out to another company instead, which  adds quite a bit to the time it takes to get a new release or DLC to console players.

They also need to iron out any bugs in the initial PC release, and there’s a lengthy certification process that needs to happen with every release for consoles - for a good reason, Microsoft and Sony don’t want a game updating and bricking machines.

So, TL;DR: New stuff on PC will almost certainly come to console, but there’s several factors that affect how fast it happens :)

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5 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

@Kerbal Madness

I assume SQUAD will bring the new DLC to console in time. The thing is, they don’t actually make the console game. They contract it out to another company instead, which  adds quite a bit to the time it takes to get a new release or DLC to console players.

They also need to iron out any bugs in the initial PC release, and there’s a lengthy certification process that needs to happen with every release for consoles - for a good reason, Microsoft and Sony don’t want a game updating and bricking machines.

So, TL;DR: New stuff on PC will almost certainly come to console, but there’s several factors that affect how fast it happens :)

Welp, now I wait


Btw thanks for the info about the contracting 

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8 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

Wasn’t Making History already released on the console?


It lacked, I believe, the mission builder (that no one really seemed to care about, anyway).

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2 minutes ago, razark said:


It lacked, I believe, the mission builder (that no one really seemed to care about, anyway).

Yea, it was the history and parts pack which only got us like a demo version of the making history pack....


but it for the full $10 of course

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1 hour ago, Kerbal Madness said:

I can understand no mods, but up to date updates and DLC's would be nice.

Trust me (or better not :sticktongue:) . This will happen. Not too soon, but I expect some good news after PlayStation 5 is launched. 

The current Consoles are not powerful enough without some serious changes on KSP guts,  and that's the reason DLCs are not going into consoles I think.

From inside the machinery, engine and control rooms where I'm spending most of my free time :D i'm seeing some changes that I I think are to improve gaming and performance since 1.4.3 (at least). And with some critical bugs at least somewhat being diagnosed, there're less and less blockers to a reasonable console gaming.

Consoles appears to be where the money is - so IMHO what you want is kinda unavoidable, and should be more or less work in progress already. 

19 minutes ago, razark said:

It lacked, I believe, the mission builder (that no one really seemed to care about, anyway).

I think that the real problem is something technical. If there's a place where Mission Builder makes sense is exactly Consoles, where you are locked inside a Walled Garden and cannot download and use arbitrary things. 

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I rather they properly fixed the game first and gave us necessary features, such as Delta-V in game calculation, instead of wasting time on eye candy and non essential features.

But obviously, that doesn't bring as many $ as charging for unoptimized half complete DLCs that the average player will just gladly pay for with a smile on his face. Not to say that pretty much everyone who would have bought KSP probably has done so already, and I don't expect many more will do after the fiasco with the console launch and the accurate bad reviews. So why waste time on fixing it anyway... 

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13 hours ago, Lisias said:

The current Consoles are not powerful enough without some serious changes on KSP guts,  and that's the reason DLCs are not going into consoles I think.

Naw it's just that the consoles are a few updates behind. They won't be able to just plop the DLC down on day 1 because the infrastructure to support it is 3 versions away from where they are.

I'd not be any bit surprised if the next big console update was to 1.7.1 or 1.8 (whatever we get on the 30th) and came hand-in-hand with the DLC.

I'd also not be surprised if it came out in 2020.

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1 hour ago, 5thHorseman said:

Naw it's just that the consoles are a few updates behind. They won't be able to just plop the DLC down on day 1 because the infrastructure to support it is 3 versions away from where they are.

The game's memory footprint is changing, as well as the CPU usage pattern. Since I use KSP on a underpowered machine with tons of memory, i can see diferences where the bottleneck happens. The game is slightly faster on situations that previously it slugged a bit on a clean install - but I taking some pain as I use memory with add'ons - even if only parts with textures where things used to he smoother before.

Parallelism definitevely is being more explored. 

I don't know exactly what's happening, of course, but the changes are there. And it appears to promote weaker CPUs with better memory bandwidth as long you don't use too much memory (I think the GC was trimmed). GPU is the weakest link on my rig, but it was more supportable on 1.4.  Not sure exactly, but I think the GPU is more demanded nowadays, as my framerate dropped a bit besides the simulation being 'smoother' under heavy loads (almost all the time on my rig). Some new glitches due gpu bugs on the Mac also hints me on this. 


1 hour ago, 5thHorseman said:

I'd not be any bit surprised if the next big console update was to 1.7.1 or 1.8 (whatever we get on the 30th) and came hand-in-hand with the DLC.

I'd also not be surprised if it came out in 2020.

Yes. More or less when PlayStation 5 is supposed to be launched. 

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11 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

I'd also not be surprised if it came out in 2020.

Quite frankly, I wouldn't doubt it if it came when NASA goes to Mars. Or maybe some 30 years after said mission. SQAUD has always sat on themselves for console. PC gets better stuff. Ok, we have a Mun launch site. They have actual rover parts. Not the Rovemate but the cabin set. It is time that SQAUD fix this, and add an in game trajectory, delta v, and burn calculator and make the game versions at the same level. I am thinking about buying a PC, and rebuying KSP and the DLCs all over again. I love KSP but if I need to buy a computer to get all of the DLCs, it is just not worth it anymore. That is why they need to fix it and bring EE up to date with the computer version.

The reason we are far behind is that SQAUD has always targeted PC, partly becaise of how Microsoft and Sony run Xbox and PS respectively. SQAUD has created a new "plane", and if the "plane" got no orders, it could sink the company, I am using Boeing's 747 story as it is similar. KSP was meant to be modded, so that left us console players out. And it was successful until SQAUD contracted a company to make a console version to get more revenue. It left use many updates behind, and pretty much dooms that part of the market. Because if we cannot have the latest updates, there is no point of the game left. That drives player to other, more console focused games, which in turn makes SQAUD lose revenue. SQAUD has to be disliking that fact, but they have refused to deal with Microsoft and Sony.

Edited by Mikenike
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1 hour ago, Mikenike said:

but they have refused to deal with Microsoft and Sony.

Unless you have some documentation of that, I'd be careful of making such comments.  Not about this in particular, but in life in general.  Unfounded rumors don't lead anywhere.  But feel free to prove me wrong.

The fact is, a separate game studio is the one who is doing the console versions of KSP.  While Squad might be at the head of it, Blitworks does the console work.   The PC version is developed first, and then it's handed over to Blitworks.   They then have to convert that code base to one that works on console.  And that creates a bunch of bugs, and the whole process takes time.  So just be patient, and hopefully the console version will get the same, or at least, similar content. 

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20 hours ago, Mikenike said:

Yes Gargamel, you're right I spent my breath on unfounded rumors, but still, I'll be an old man by the time that the Breaking ground DLC comes out for console. 

That probably depends on how old you are now.:cool:

My thoughts are that Squad would ideally like to bring as much of the PC version to consoles as soon as possible.  Let's face it they want to sell more, so the more they can do to encourage new players the better.

The problem, as I see it, is not the desire to do it, but the process itself.  Partly due to the code needing to be 'tweaked', if not rewritten, for the consoles.  That job is in the hands of Blitworks who know how to do it, whereas I guess Squad don't, or at least not as efficiently.  And they can't start that until Squad give them the code, which I doubt will be much before it gets released on PC as they won't finish final tests etc very long before release.  Then, once coded for consoles, it needs to be tested etc and go through approval/certification with the console makers, which can take as long as a piece of string, and is out of Squad's control.

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