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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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On 9/18/2022 at 5:22 PM, thunder175 said:

Posting this here for general comment, suggestions, and anyone looking for something similar in the future. I'm completely enthralled with KSP again and am using JNSQ as my base. I'm getting excellent results running the current version of Parallax and even with Sigma Dimensions rescaling to 6.4x. I'm also using PSA's Toast mod for tilting the entire system to Earth-like values. Because of that I've relocated the KSC to a nice little piece of real estate at 28.58N latitude.  I upscaled the system to 6.4x using SigmaDimensions. I only went to 6.4x since I simply cannot play without BDB, and their BlueSmurff patch only is effective to 6.4x.

My KSC relocation MM patch.

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                    @absoluteOffset = 300                                       // elevation ASL of map decal
                    @angle = 0                                                  // rotation of map decal
                    @position = -0.4404504557,0.47869185795,-0.759511344196     // position vector of map decal, with X,Y,Z coordinates as follows:
                                                                    // X = cos(latitude)*cos(longitude)
                                                                    // Y = sin(latitude)
                                                                    // Z = cos(latitude)*sin(longitude)
                    @radius = 8200                                  // radius of map decal
            @latitude = 28.58                                        // latitude of KSC center
            @longitude = -120.066                                   // longitude of KSC center
            @repositionRadiusOffset = 293                           // elevation ASL of KSC
            @reorientFinalAngle = 30.11                             // rotation of KSC, should be equal to 270-longitude


My Sigma Dimensions patch to get everything scaled up to 6.4x. Resize and rescale at 2.4 is due to JNSQ already being at 2.7x stock scale. 

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    // Base Settings
    Resize = 2.4
    Rescale = 2.4
    Atmosphere = 1.2
    dayLengthMultiplier = 2
    // Advanced Settings
    landscape = 0.64
    geeASLmultiplier = 1
    resizeScatter = 1
    resizeBuildings = 0
    groundTiling = 1
    CustomSoISize = 0
    CustomRingSize = 0
    atmoASL = 1
    tempASL = 1
    atmoTopLayer = 1.3334
    atmoVisualEffect = 1.2
    lightRange = 1
    scanAltitude = 1

        @altitude *= 0.62


RealAntennas MM patch to put ground stations at various points around Kerbin. I used KK base locations as the basis, but KK is not required.

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// Insert stock ground stations into Kopernicus structure
                // DSN Tracking Stations
                    name = DSNTrackingStation
                    objectName = Kerbal Space Center
                    isKSC = True
                    lat = 28.6 // -0.037779
                    lon = -120.11 // -91.8112
                    alt = 61.5
                    enabled = True
                    name = DSNTrackingStation
                    objectName = Woomerang Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 45.292469168494982
                    lon = 136.11264416820407
                    alt = 1499
                    enabled = True
                    name = DSNTrackingStation
                    objectName = Darude Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -6.504763656266169
                    lon = -144.02834704934483
                    alt = 317
                    enabled = True
                    name = DSNTrackingStation
                    objectName = Yeager Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 6.0021000000000004
                    lon = 26.842099999999999
                    alt = 61.5
                    enabled = True
                // VHF/UHF Only Tracking Stations
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = McAuliffe Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 10.101246432181441
                    lon = -67.222886902004106
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = Tereshkova Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 9.7752999999999997
                    lon = 103.99469999999999
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = N32A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 32.753995571086115
                    lon = 30.11383875911087
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = N46A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 46.143966380212746
                    lon = -67.059062463918721
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = S37A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -37.7425
                    lon = 13.680199999999999
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = S28A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -28.010610493256991
                    lon = 134.03003179590334
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = S28A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -24.646599999999999
                    lon = -75.930199999999999
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = S00A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -0.13780027830397137
                    lon = 161.95664905795817
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                // Tracking Station Antenna Information
                    !Antenna,* {}                   // Delete and rebuild all antennas
                    %commnetStation = False
                    RACommNetStation = True
                        referenceGain = 1           // Everyone gets a weak VHF
                        TxPower = 40                // 10W
                        TechLevel = 0
                        RFBand = VHF
                        AMWTemp = 1340.8            // 7.5dB, https://archive.org/details/nasa_techdoc_19630042971/page/n21
                        ModulationBits = 1          // BPSK only
                        referenceGain = 3           // Everyone gets a weak UHF
                        TxPower = 40                // 10W
                        TechLevel = 3
                        RFBand = UHF
                        AMWTemp = 1340.8
                        ModulationBits = 1          // BPSK only
                            visibleRange = 30000
                            keepActive = False
                            model = BUILTIN/Dish
                            scale = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
                            delete = False
                        @referenceGain = 20         // DSN gets some array
                        %referenceFrequency = 150
                        @TxPower = 50
                        @referenceGain = 20         // DSN gets some array
                        %referenceFrequency = 430
                        @TxPower = 50
                        referenceGain = 49          // Original S-Band 18m, -3dBi vs 26m (module 102)
                        referenceFrequency = 2250
                        TxPower = 63                // 2KW
                        TechLevel = 4
                        RFBand = S
                        AMWTemp = 290
                        ModulationBits = 1

                            TechLevel = 5           // "Advanced Comms" 1967-1971 tech node (1967-1970)
                            referenceGain =    60.5    // 64m Antenna: +8dB?  1967
                            AMWTemp = 80            // Noise reduction 1968, block coding 1969
                            TechLevel = 6           // "Deep Space Comms" 1972-1975 tech node  (1971-1974)
                            referenceGain = 62.5    // Antenna improvements 1971-1972, Convolutional coding ~1973
                            TechLevel = 7           // "High Data Rate Comms" 1976-1980 tech node
                            AMWTemp = 40            // X-Band introduction ~1975, concatenated coding
                            ModulationBits = 2      // MW noise reduction ~1980
                            TechLevel = 8           // "Massive Scale Comms" 1986-1997 tech node
                            referenceGain = 63.6    // 70m antennas +.8dBi 1988
                            TxPower = 73            // 20KW
                            TechLevel = 9           // "Efficient Comms" 1998-2008 tech node
                            AMWTemp = 17.6          // Super-cooled maser & feed 1995, Ka-band 2004
                        referenceGain = 73.5        // X-Band 64m
                        referenceFrequency = 8450
                        TxPower = 70                // 10KW
                        TechLevel = 5
                        RFBand = X
                        AMWTemp = 40
                        ModulationBits = 2

                            TechLevel = 8
                            referenceGain = 74.3
                            TxPower = 73
                            TechLevel = 9
                            AMWTemp = 12.8
                        referenceGain = 79          // Ka-Band 34m
                        referenceFrequency = 32000
                        TxPower = 54.8
                        TechLevel = 7
                        RFBand = Ka
                        AMWTemp = 20
                        ModulationBits = 2


Thank you!!
Is it possible to do a pull request for your RealAntennas patch? It would've saved me at least half an hour of googling if this was included be default.

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On 1/11/2025 at 9:08 AM, RedAl1en1 said:

i tried installing it through ckan, it says there was an exception in the loading process

Is this Kopernicus exception? and do you have parallax installed with the JNSQ patches. If so its most likely the JNSQ parallax patch that broke

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/17/2024 at 7:48 AM, Ariel Kerman said:

If youre downloading all from CKAN, then thats the problem.
I suggest you the following steps on a clean install:
- Install JNSQ from CKAN
- Install TUFX from CKAN
Check the game works fine and then close it.
- Install EVE Volumetrics with the bundled version of Scatter
- Install Parallax 2.0.7 (latest) version
- Install JNSQ Volumetrics from here
- Install the JNSQ Parallax Scatters configs linked in the main post, or from Github
Check again the game is working fine, the volumetric clouds and Parallax should be there.
- Now install Deferred Rendering. Important: check the compatibility mod list in the Github page in order to install the correct fork for other mods, including EVE Volumetric's FIX files.

DO NOT install EVE or Scatter from CKAN


Does configs for CKAN Scatterer exists?

CKAN JNSQ + CKAN Scatterer 0.08 + CKAN EVERedux  + CKAN Parallax ? 

(no Volumetrics cloud, no TUFX)

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, SkyFall2489 said:

Just wondering, does JNSQ Kerbin have any rivers like Stock Kerbin does? I don't see any from the tracking station but they might be too small to see from there.

I don't recall any.

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On 2/7/2025 at 6:45 PM, flart said:


Does configs for CKAN Scatterer exists?

CKAN JNSQ + CKAN Scatterer 0.08 + CKAN EVERedux  + CKAN Parallax ? 

(no Volumetrics cloud, no TUFX)

There is a stand-alone JNSQ Scatterer patch, that was made by Coldrifting I believe. There's a couple of JNSQ Parallax configs but I don't think they're on CKAN.

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1 hour ago, MOPC said:

Is it even possible to make realistic rivers at the scale this big without massively increasing biome map pixel density?

Maybe it would be possible using Kerbal Konstructs to shape the terrain?
if this is feasible, could I request it as a feature? Flying down stock Kerbin's rivers at mach 2 is really fun.

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4 hours ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

There is a stand-alone JNSQ Scatterer patch, that was made by Coldrifting I believe. There's a couple of JNSQ Parallax configs but I don't think they're on CKAN.

Thanks,  so there is 


Any chance someone knows if it will work for

CKAN JNSQ + CKAN Scatterer 0.08 + CKAN EVERedux + CKAN Parallax? (No volumetric clouds, no TUFX)

I'm not sure how it should look, so it's difficult to know if everything is working as expected.

@Coldrifting Have you made JNSQ_ScattererPatch for CKAN Scatterer 0.08 or for the latest Volumetric cloud one ?


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2 hours ago, flart said:


Thanks,  so there is 


Any chance someone knows if it will work for

CKAN JNSQ + CKAN Scatterer 0.08 + CKAN EVERedux + CKAN Parallax? (No volumetric clouds, no TUFX)

I'm not sure how it should look, so it's difficult to know if everything is working as expected.

@Coldrifting Have you made JNSQ_ScattererPatch for CKAN Scatterer 0.08 or for the latest Volumetric cloud one ?


Last time I checked, that all worked fine and neither KSP or JNSQ have been updated since, so should be fine.

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I think the ColdDrifting Parallax config caused some issues with the BG surface features, so I removed it. Needed those to work for contracts. Read back a couple pages and check the issues logged for the configs.

Edited by Krazy1
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17 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

I think the ColdDrifting Parallax config caused some issues with the BG surface features, so I removed it. Needed those to work for contracts. Read back a couple pages and check the issues logged for the configs.

this is it

On 4/7/2024 at 10:30 AM, Krazy1 said:

I thought I already posted this....
There are no Ridgelines on Gilly. I landed at least 5 places and used the surface feature finder and there are none there. They work on the Mun, Minmus and Moho but not Gilly. 


I also had to remove Parallax and the config linked above because it eliminates all BG surface features, not just on Gilly. 




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9 hours ago, Spike88 said:

From my research JNSQ is a 2.7x rescale with 12 hour days and 365 days in a year. I'm using a 2.5x rescale with OPM and my days are 7.5 hours using Kronometer.  Why are JNSQ days so much longer?

JNSQ is actually intended to be 1/4 real scale.  At that scale, orbital and rotation periods are 1/2 the real life values.  For instance, in real life Earth's year is 365 24-hour days (8760 hours), but at 1/4 scale, the year is 365 12-hour days (4380 hours).  Both the year and the day are 1/2 as long.  We decided to use the 12-hour day for JNSQ just because it made more sense for that scale.

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I am playing around with boats and submarines in JNSQ amd noticed that everything gets near-black even in shallow water. Is this a known thing with JNSQ, or do I maybe have some bad setting in JNSQ or KSP?

My install includes the JNSQ 32k mod for better low orbit views. That may or many not be a factor.

I've already experimented with TUFX configs. I can get things to look different but not really better.

My guess is that I need to adjust JNSQ's Scatterer settings. I already confirmed I have the correct Scatterer v0.07 required by JNSQ. Any tips for that?

Edited by DeadJohn
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1 hour ago, DeadJohn said:

I am playing around with boats and submarines in JNSQ amd noticed that everything gets near-black even in shallow water. Is this a known thing with JNSQ, or do I maybe have some bad setting in JNSQ or KSP?

My install includes the JNSQ 32k mod for better low orbit views. That may or many not be a factor.

I've already experimented with TUFX configs. I can get things to look different but not really better.

My guess is that I need to adjust JNSQ's Scatterer settings. I already confirmed I have the correct Scatterer v0.07 required by JNSQ. Any tips for that?

I'm running a custom patch to fix that exact same issue. Don't remember where I took these values from, I think it's from the default scatterer config for stock Kerbin?
Anyway, it works fine:

        %transparencyDepth = 100
        %darknessDepth = 800
        %causticsTexturePath = StockScattererConfigs/Planets/Caustics.png
		%causticsLayer1Scale = 0.200000003,0.200000003
		%causticsLayer1Speed = 0.0612000003,-0.151199996
		%causticsLayer2Scale = 0.277099997,0.267100006
		%causticsLayer2Speed = -0.0748699978,0.174869999
		%causticsMultiply = 1
		%causticsUnderwaterLightBoost = 2
		%causticsMinBrightness = 0.5
		%causticsBlurDepth = 200
        %lightRaysStrength = 1
        %m_UnderwaterColor = 0.100000001,0.75,0.800000012

IIRC not all of these values are required to change for the desired effect but I got tired of trial and error at some point and just stopped once I got the desired result.

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