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Breaking Ground Suits: WHY?!?!?!?!?

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So, we got new suits in the BG DLC.  And they're pretty good.  EXCEPT for 1 thing...

Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val now have white suits, and all the scrubs now have orange.  WHY?!?!?!?!?!?  It's been the other way around since KSP began and so much KSP lore has gone into distinguishing the orange-suited original 3 er 4 from the scrubs.  Furthermore, all the in-game Kerbal icons, such as in the astronaut complex, still show Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Vall in orange suits and the rest in scrubs.  But when you actually see them in-game, it's bass-ackwards.

I cannot express how much I Hate this.  One of my major pet peeves is when a phone or Windows update CHANGES THE FRIGGIN' ICONs, especially their color, so all my habits go by the boards and I click the wrong app.

Is there a way to reverse this nonsense, so Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val exclusively have orange suits and the scrubs whatever?

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On 6/1/2019 at 8:23 PM, klgraham1013 said:

Squad doesn't always think the obvious things through. 

It's not Squad. It's the whole industry.

I just was xkcd'ed due complaining about a break that happened on a code that was working fine for 5 years and got broken due an (apparently) unnecessary change on the class' signature.

Edited by Lisias
kinda of typo...
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16 minutes ago, Klapaucius said:

Kind of like Star Trek: The Next Generation putting Picard in a red shirt and the chief engineer in a yellow shirt.

Exact same thing, only worse because nobody cares about TNG :/

1 hour ago, klgraham1013 said:

Squad doesn't always think the obvious things through. 

It's not Squad anymore, it's Privation Destination or some such.

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5 minutes ago, Klapaucius said:

Them's fightin' words...

No, putting Jeb in a white EVA suit and some no-name scrub in an orange EVA suit, them right there be fightin' words ;)

Remember who the real enemy is here.  We'll settle our differences later, after a jar of moonshine :D


Edited by Geschosskopf
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Back on topic, I found there's a way to change the color of the Breaking Ground suits.  Here's a video by Inter's Odyssey explaining the process.

As it happens, you can make the male and females different colors if you want, but there's no distinction between vets and scrubs.  But at least you can keep the scrubs from wearing orange ;)



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I've suggested this elsewhere but I'd love to see them give suit colors by class--blue for pilots, red for engineers, green for scientists, and orange for the original 4. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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1 hour ago, Pthigrivi said:

I've suggested this elsewhere but I'd love to see them give suit colors by class--blue for pilots, red for engineers, green for scientists, and orange for the original 4. 

As a long-time user of IVA Icons before we had that as stock, and then of Ceteras' Suits, I prefer red for pilots, yellow for engineers, and blue for scientists.  And, of course, orange both IVA and EVA for the Big 3 er 4.  So I say just make suit color editable to whatever you want based on class and also Big 4 status.

Edited by Geschosskopf
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10 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

Back on topic, I found there's a way to change the color of the Breaking Ground suits.  Here's a video by Inter's Odyssey explaining the process.

As it happens, you can make the male and females different colors if you want, but there's no distinction between vets and scrubs.  But at least you can keep the scrubs from wearing orange ;)

A MM patch would work too, no?

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On 6/4/2019 at 1:58 AM, Geschosskopf said:

As a long-time user of IVA Icons before we had that as stock, and then of Ceteras' Suits, I prefer red for pilots, yellow for engineers, and blue for scientists.  And, of course, orange both IVA and EVA for the Big 3 er 4.  So I say just make suit color editable to whatever you want based on class and also Big 4 status.

As an even longer user of Final Frontier, before there even were IVA icons, I prefer red for pilots, green for scientists, and blue for engineers. It's all about standards – to each their own...

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Just to push real hard on an argument whose outcome doesn't actually matter to me:



Green=plants and stuff=scientists

I am a TNG fan though so...

Edited by Pthigrivi
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On 6/1/2019 at 10:20 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val now have white suits, and all the scrubs now have orange.  WHY?!?!?!?!?

I was thinking the same thing when reading @Just Jim's "A Princess of Duna" and saw the screenshot of Flash & Val (who has the original suit) sitting in the rover.   It's just wrong

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20 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

Just to push real hard on an argument whose outcome doesn't actually matter to me:



Green=plants and stuff=scientists

I am a TNG fan though so...

By the same associative logic,

- red = fire/rocket exhaust; also Shuttle LES/ACES suits (orange, granted…) = pilots/redshirts

- blue = dungarees = engineers/technicians

- green = plants, chlorine, radioluminescence = biologists/chemists/physicists

As I said, standards… ; )

Edited by Corax
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Okay.  Fine.  I'll try and justify my color scheme as well.

Pilots - Red - Red makes rockets go faster?

Engineers - Yellow - Danger yellow??  Construction warnings??

Scientists - Blue - Water's a chemical right?

I think those justifications are sound.  All other opinions are invalid.

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On 6/1/2019 at 6:26 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Exact same thing, only worse because nobody cares about TNG :/

It's not Squad anymore, it's Privation Destination or some such.

Private division

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