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[1.8.x] DE_IVAExtension - For All the Stock Pod IVAs!


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This mod has been adopted by @JonnyOThan, see the new thread for the new version of this mod



v1.0.2, created by DemonEin July 25 2019 (last updated August 20 2019)


Have you seen some of the amazing IVAs built by the community and wished that all the stock cockpits were that functional and good looking? DE_IVAExtension is a mod I put together to add advanced IVAs to every stock pod in the game.


-All stock command pods have an advanced interactive IVA

-All IVAs have a similar layout and (almost) identical features for ease of use

-if using the mod ProbeControlRoom, there is a new mission control room in the same style as the other IVAs


ASET Props Pack v1.5.0

ModuleManager v4.0.2

ToolbarController v1.8.2

ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.7.2

For KSP 1.8.+: [1.8.x] - RasterPropMonitor (adopted)

For KSP 1.7.3 and older: RasterPropMonitor v0.30.6

Supported Mods

ProbeControlRoom v1.2.2.12

Special Thanks

Thanks to @alexustas, creator of the amazing ASET Props Pack which this mod is based on, and of course his beautiful ALCOR capsule, from which much of the prop layout was shamelessly taken:D

Thanks to @MOARdV, creator of RasterPropMonitor, which makes the IVAs interactive in the first place.

A Word on RPM and MAS

I am aware that RPM development has stopped and that MAS is the up to date method for interactive IVA. The goal of these cockpits is to be simple to use, which can be accomplished just fine with RPM. If there would be value in changing the IVAs to use MAS rather than RPM, let me know, and I will consider making the change. Additionally, if there are any problems with RPM itself when using this mod, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.


GitHub: https://github.com/DemonEin/DE_IVAExtension/releases

SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2193/DE_IVAExtension


Also available on CKAN (thanks to@HebaruSan)



This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/


This is the first mod I have made for KSP. Let me know what you think, and of any feedback you might have. There are some improvements that could be made, so if you have ideas for further development, definitely let me know!

Edited by DemonEin
added download links and CKAN
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I'm not going to call this nuts, but I will call it terrific! Thank you for building/sharing! :D

Some of my favorite IVAs are for just a couple/few stock cockpits, and mod ones, leaving many with just a generic IVA. I can't wait to see what you've come up with!

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  On 7/26/2019 at 7:23 AM, stali79 said:

I just have to ask, you list the mod as for 1.7.3 yet certain dependancies don't exist for 1.7.3 as far as I know, how can this be made to work?


In most cases many mods will work on later versions of the game than the version which they were compiled against. Only certain updates (I believe KSP 1.3 was one of then) will break a lot of mods. It all depends on what a KSP update does under the hood on if it will break mod compatibility or not. That isnt to say that every mod will work on every update either, but many will retain most if not all functionality on most updates.

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Oh. My. God. This is so incredible I can’t put it into words. Thank you for be amazing. I do wish one day someone will be willing do something similar to this with a retro-style IVA for some of the traditional cockpits; such as the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and LEM analogs. But what you’ve done is simply amazing. Thank you thank you thank you. 

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  On 7/26/2019 at 8:45 AM, Agustin said:

question: If I have isntalled through CKAN alexustas' IVAs for the MK1 cockpit,  MK1 LanderCan and MK1-2... would it collide with this mod? or only one interior would be loaded?


Only one interior would be loaded, there shouldn't™ be any conflicts. If you want to be sure that alexustas' IVAs are loaded, you can go to GameData\DE_IVAExtension\Parts and delete the .cfg file for each pod you don't want my IVAs for (I recommend saving the files somewhere else so you can easily put them back). If the IVAs you prefer load automatically, there is nothing wrong with leaving things as they are.

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Hi DemonEin. 

Thanks so much for this mod.  It's one of those situations where I was wishing a mod existed, refreshed Spacedock and there it was.

I'd been using the good old BDMk22 cockpit for everything because I'm such a fan of the ASET props.  I'd very recently been tweaking other mod IVA's with my own custom additions but what I really wanted was a full set of stock ASET IVA's and voila!  You're the man.  Thanks again.

I did notice one problem, which I think I've also fixed.  From my experiences tweaking other ASET IVA's I've noticed that the actual audio announcements are attached to callback animators in the "gpws10" prop.  If that prop is not somewhere in the cockpit, there's no audio announcements even if you switch the corresponding switches on.

I believe that's why there are no announcements to be heard inside your cockpits.

I'm currently using this quick'n'dirty module manager hack to get the announcements working:

        @name = gpws10

As you can see, I've swapped the label on the GPWS/AVAS panel for the gpws10 prop.  It also illuminates whenever there's an announcement.   Please feel free to use this information as you see fit.  Given how tidy everything else looks, I'm sure you'll find a much more elegant place to put the prop. ;)

I've been lurking since very early KSP days, and spent a great deal of time here and in the game.  I finally broke silence to thank you for your first post, which was way better than mine was ever going to be.  

Anyway, thanks again for the all the work that went into this mod. 




P.S.  I'd also been playing around with both RPM and MAS and, although it's great to see it progressing, at this stage I definitely think you made the right call to stick purely to RPM for this release.


Edited by KFR
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  On 7/27/2019 at 8:04 PM, KFR said:

I did notice one problem, which I think I've also fixed.  From my experiences tweaking other ASET IVA's I've noticed that the actual audio announcements are attached to callback animators in the "gpws10" prop.  If that prop is not somewhere in the cockpit, there's no audio announcements even if you switch the corresponding switches on.



Thanks! I never realized there were supposed to be more sounds. Personally, I don't think the visual of the prop adds to the IVA, so I'm making it present but invisible:

        @name = gpws10

(it just gets created inside an arbitrary black box in the IVA)

I like your solution to adding props to all the IVAs at once, and it might come in handy in the future. I put up a new release on github.


Thanks again, and I'm glad you like the mod!

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Hey! I'm loving this mod so far. So much so that the first thing I did was build an IVA only mun mission ;) But I noticed one issue.

The Issue

In the Mk2 Lander Can, a majority of the top rows of buttons on the console monitors won't function. For the leftmost screen, only the Altitude, Target/DPAI, Nav 1/2, and MechJeb/Astrogator buttons will work. But for the MJ/AG button, I need to click on the lower half of the button, the whole one won't function. Outside of those 4, no other top row buttons will function. On the right side, not even those 4 will work. However, all of the bottom row buttons work, for both monitors.

I haven't found this issue on any of the other stock command pods this changes, all of those work perfect. Even the Mk1 lander.


The Troubleshooting I Tried

At first I thought it might be a mod interaction, so I set up a KSP 1.7.3 instance on it's own with just DE_IVA, and the required mods. That unfortunately didn't fix anything, the buttons are still not working.

After that, I noticed that double clicking the non-functioning buttons would activate the window camera zoom. So I went into the Spaces folder, edited the config for the Mk2 lander, and completely removed all of the window camera modules. This also unfortunately didn't fix it. Which is a shame, I thought this would definitely be the temporary fix lol


System Info

-Windows 10 Pro

-Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3


I really appreciate all the work you've put into this mod. These IVAs are truly beautiful!

(If there's any more info you need to know about my build/KSP, just let me know! I'm not very good at bug reports, and I'm sure I'm missing one or two details)

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  On 8/3/2019 at 12:59 AM, Enceos said:

Wow, I was just about to take on this endeavor. Great Job! 

MAS doesn't have docking UI yet. RPM is the way to go currently.


But certainly those beautiful MAS retro switches, levers, dials, and gauges are something the behold. Are those available with RPM via Asset props? I would love command pod IVA’s from the golden age of space flight 

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  On 8/2/2019 at 8:59 PM, boofzilla said:

In the Mk2 Lander Can, a majority of the top rows of buttons on the console monitors won't function. For the leftmost screen, only the Altitude, Target/DPAI, Nav 1/2, and MechJeb/Astrogator buttons will work. But for the MJ/AG button, I need to click on the lower half of the button, the whole one won't function. Outside of those 4, no other top row buttons will function. On the right side, not even those 4 will work. However, all of the bottom row buttons work, for both monitors.



  On 8/2/2019 at 8:59 PM, boofzilla said:

After that, I noticed that double clicking the non-functioning buttons would activate the window camera zoom. So I went into the Spaces folder, edited the config for the Mk2 lander, and completely removed all of the window camera modules. This also unfortunately didn't fix it. Which is a shame, I thought this would definitely be the temporary fix lol


Thanks for the report, I appreciate it. After the weekend I'll be able to take a look at it and make a fix. If you're curious, he is what's going on (almost certainly):

Every (stock) IVA has a number of colliders that, when double clicked, move the camera to another angle. Those buttons don't work because there is camera trigger collider on top of the button collider, which means when you click you will activate the camera trigger instead of the button (of course, the camera will only change if you double click). As you can imagine, this can be a real issue when making IVAs. Removing the window camera modules is exactly what I tried to do to fix this, but it seems that the colliders are still there even after removing the trigger modules (you should find that the camera angle won't switch anymore, though). Currently I have no idea where the collider information is stored in the game files, so I've simply been working around it. For each IVA I tried to check if I would have collider issues, but I guess I missed this one. To fix the Mk2 Lander Can, I will have to move things around so that there is nothing interactive under the camera trigger colliders. I think™ it can be done reasonably cleanly.


Also, for anyone hoping for Making History IVAs, I'll do those too :D. I'm thinking I might try basing the IVAs off their historical counterparts instead of my previous style, really I won't know what will work best until I get down to it. If you have any thoughts let me know!

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  On 8/3/2019 at 5:48 AM, DemonEin said:

Also, for anyone hoping for Making History IVAs, I'll do those too :D. I'm thinking I might try basing the IVAs off their historical counterparts instead of my previous style, really I won't know what will work best until I get down to it. If you have any thoughts let me know!


I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited for a more perfect and useful mod!


A friendly suggestion: from reading RPM  and now the newer MAS forums, it seems some people know of a way to switch IVA’s, allowing a single command pod to have more than one IVA. This would be great as you can keep your current work, and your retro ideas. It would also allow for players to have a sense of progression through technology and time in their program 

Edited by dylsh
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