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Hopes and Wishes for KSP 2


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it would be great to compete in the kerbal space program 2 for dominance in space, as the USSR and the United States did during the lunar program. just imagine that you and your friend are trying to launch a satellite faster or get to another planet.this would be a cool feature in kerbal space program 2

Edited by milky_way
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Merged into Hopes and wishes. 

9 minutes ago, milky_way said:

it would be great to compete in the space program "Karbala-2" for dominance in space, as the USSR and the United States did during the lunar program. just imagine that you and your friend are trying to launch a satellite faster or get to another planet.this would be a cool feature in The Kerbala 2 space program.


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1 hour ago, milky_way said:

it would be great to compete in the kerbal space program 2 for dominance in space, as the USSR and the United States did during the lunar program. just imagine that you and your friend are trying to launch a satellite faster or get to another planet.this would be a cool feature in kerbal space program 2

IMO this would be rather confusing, because you're gonna have to timewarp to get to places so is it first in game time or first IRL? Still would be cool though

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3 hours ago, έķ νίĻĻάίή said:

IMO this would be rather confusing, because you're gonna have to timewarp to get to places so is it first in game time or first IRL? Still would be cool though

Although by the sound of it Multi-player is about shared activity, shared knowledge but should hopefully be ripe for mods to extend to other styles.

To me would have to be game time but why not both (as mods)?

Then every time the other player does something in the future you could receive a spy file saying they are getting ready to do .... launching on .... landing by ..... with a high factor of probable success.  Or mission control sends you updates to their progress as timelines align.


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I hope that concept of Career Mode won't be abandoned, just because original game never had enough good ways to get money. I made a separate topic, where i've discussed it more deeply.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to see diverse propellant types. Hybrid rockets, tripropellant motors (Such as a Hydrogen-Flourine-Lithium system), antimatter-matter annihilation drives, hypergolic motors, and/or a variety of traditional bipropellant systems (With fuels like Kerosene, Methane, and Liquid Hydrogen). These different kinds of chemical propulsion could be augmented by different resources and resource gathering technologies for every interplanetary destination. Separate systems must be used to extract Methane from Duna’s atmosphere as are needed to electrolyze water (Hydrogen and Oxygen) on Laythe, for example. If cost factors into decisions made during any sort of “career mode,” a hypergolic rocket may be used for simplicity’s sake rather than a more efficient bipropellant rocket. Or if efficiency is to be maximized, the all liquid Fluorine/Hydrogen/Lithium system (with it’s tested specific impulse of 542 seconds!) may be the best choice. 

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I just picked up SimpleRockets 2 and I have to say it's changing my mind on a few things.

Specifically, it turns out I like the different fuel types and the engine tuning, supported by the realistic plumes so you can get a visual feel for how well your engines are working. It would be nice to see something similar in KSP2. It would have to be as intuitive though, f.ex. with fuel tanks automatically switching to the fuel type of the stage to which they're connected by default (although of course you can override it). 

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one word: launch rails, wait that's two words, nvm.

Anyways, I was just trying to make a tiny drone but couldn't find a way to make it not explode on runway, so I built a launch vehicle that accelerates, then the drone detaches and the launch vehicle goes boom (even after I tried making it stop right after the drone detaches), If there was a platform that accelerates and then detaches whatever vehicle is on it... that would make my life a lot easier (Something like the zipline delivery drones launcher).

Please don't say I'm gonna have to do it myself.


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On 8/19/2019 at 9:03 PM, Lo var Lachland said:

Atmospheric effects and landscape detail. (Clouds, auroras, rain, snow, cities, forests, etc.) I want all the planets to feel like they have more depth and life. Can you imagine a sudden dust-storm on Duna while you desperately try to find your way back to your spacecraft while on EVA?

Or better yet, a snowstorm on Val? I can't begin to imagine the possibilities that we're talking about here. Just the trailer was enough to make me tear up. I can't wait for more information. 

I can imagine how awesome that would be I would like to see cities on kerbin that would be pretty cool. There should be sandstorms on Duna or dust devils and blizzards or snowstorms on Vall or Minmus. That would be my dreams come true but I don’t want to get my hopes up just in case 

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I hope KSP2 focuses on colonization, and establishing supply routes, as a central mechanic to differentiate it from KSP1. What I mean by supply route is if you design a rocket or spaceplane to reach a certain destination and deliver a certain payload then a station/colony at that location will then have access to those resources according to a cost/time or rate performance of your delivery. If your ship is inefficient and only delivers a small payload of fuel/resource then the colony only has a small rate of that fuel/resource available for building/launching from that colony. The player doesn't have to repeat or autopilot another ship to repeat the delivery - the route has been established. Supply routes might require a round-trip or benefit from demonstrating a round-trip journey.

Colonies I expect will require deliveries of at least (1) fuel(s); (2) building/construction materials; (3) passengers; (4) life support --- at least until the colony is self-sustaining and can generate these resources on their own. Creating self-sustaining colonies on other planetary bodies should be a key goal of gameplay and involve different design challenges for navigating the different environments.

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12 minutes ago, Barrackar said:

I hope KSP2 focuses on colonization, and establishing supply routes, as a central mechanic to differentiate it from KSP1. What I mean by supply route is if you design a rocket or spaceplane to reach a certain destination and deliver a certain payload then a station/colony at that location will then have access to those resources according to a cost/time or rate performance of your delivery. If your ship is inefficient and only delivers a small payload of fuel/resource then the colony only has a small rate of that fuel/resource available for building/launching from that colony. The player doesn't have to repeat or autopilot another ship to repeat the delivery - the route has been established. Supply routes might require a round-trip or benefit from demonstrating a round-trip journey.

Colonies I expect will require deliveries of at least (1) fuel(s); (2) building/construction materials; (3) passengers; (4) life support --- at least until the colony is self-sustaining and can generate these resources on their own. Creating self-sustaining colonies on other planetary bodies should be a key goal of gameplay and involve different design challenges for navigating the different environments.

Well you're in luck, ShadowZone made a video on the article PCgamer published a few weeks ago, and at 4:47 he discusses permanent supply lines as mentioned in the article



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i hope it has better tutorials and in-game references.

really. i had to join this forum to learn some basic aspects of the game. and i don't mean "learn this pro trick"; i am into rocket science and i already read a lot on the topic and was quite knowledgeable before starting the game. no, i mean "i want to do this easy thing, but i cannot figure out the commands". like, for example, the first time i tried to install a docking port, it didn't work because i installed it backwards. how would i know? they don't look so different, and the most similar parts (decouplers) work correctly on both faces.

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I have high hopes but one thing is a must the part count and its related bug should be removed from the game. I mean if your computer lets it players should be able to go beyond 400 or even 2000 part ships, stations colonies etc for me this is the most important thing I except from KSP 2.

Also if they can make docking little bit easier (not rendezvous thats kinda easy) will be great. I dont know you guys but I am having trouble in that area luckly we have mechjeb.

Edited by fizy45
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