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Hopes and Wishes for KSP 2


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You know what. In ksp1 the planet move super slowly at max time warp. but what if time warp was faster and we had like time warp to duna transfer window or jool transfer window. it would be more convenient. That is a feature I wish KSp2 will have.

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32 minutes ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

You know what. In ksp1 the planet move super slowly at max time warp. but what if time warp was faster

Have you not been listening to the news, or...? One of the most obvious things about KSP 2 is its faster and better timewarp.

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I wish KSP2 will have more parts like Apollo rocket part, Russian parts, old parts, smaller probe cores, larger heat shells, and way bigger fuel tanks.

And better engines like the vector engines but doubled.

Also I wish that KSP2 wil be lass laggy when coming to encounters like Ksp1

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On 9/4/2020 at 8:13 AM, DStaal said:

I remember Calc II from college - or as I liked to call it 'problem solving for engineers': Here's this formula, memorize it, when the numbers look like *this* plug them in *here*.  Here's the next formula...

I'd liked math until then.

(I don't think that is the only - or best - way to teach Calc II.  It was just the only way it was taught at the college I was at.)

Personally iv'e actually rather enjoyed it, because while yes at the end of the day you're still going to take a set of values and put them in a box expecting a single answer at the end....that's one of the core reasons this stuff has any utility.

And unlike Algebra or Trigonometry I'm finally seeing some of the reasons why "insert name of function works the way it does", also derivatives and integration have been pretty fun for me. It's just the time commitment that's really been the drag, but that's life. And I'd say there's a lot you could teach differently from primary school all the way to the bachelor's level, but that's a very different discussion.

On 9/15/2020 at 5:53 AM, Maj Solo said:

NO MORE weak joints.

IRL they would calculate what is necessary for the whole thing to stay together.

Seldome does the ship break aprt just like that for nothing IRL. I do not want KSP 2 to be a giggle factory.

So I wish that they just make the joints strong as strong as they have to be.


I used the welding mod a lot to avoid this .... that also helped with refueling cause the entire weld is one huge tank.

Unfortunately the welding mod is poorly supported-


I wish that KSP 2 team take hints from the mods developed for KSP 1 as in hints what need to be in KSP 2 without mods-

They do, but only for the expected mission profile. I don't think anyone designing the Proton expected someone to literally hammer in gyroscopes backwards, making the rocket think it was boring thru the earth instead of ascending mid-flight. That's a good example of what KSP's "Floppy Joints" are supposed to be there for, but i get what you mean. 

They definitely need to improve how the Joints decide when to flex, because it is pretty much a guesstimate even with mods at this point.

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Better refuel options! If I have an orbital refueler, I want it to fill ALL of the tanks of my attached craft, instead of having to pin each tank and refuel each one through its pinned window. For example, I want an option attached to docking ports that allows me to push fuel in a particular direction until all of the tanks are full, or the refill tanks are emptied on one side of the docking port. Also, I’m on the console version, so don’t tell me about mods that can do this... this should be stock, since many crafts have multiple tanks, and refueling a dozen tanks is tedious (only 4 windows can be pinned in the console version, so that means 3 tanks can be simultaneously refilled with 1 source tank)

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I wish in KSP2 engineers could take part parts and make new parts. Like if I want to get rid of my engine of fuel tanks to make something more useful of efficient in the situation that would be great. Or maybe a place where engineers can biuld stuff almost like a mini van that portable.

And to make stuff you need scrapes or ore.

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1 hour ago, RyanRising said:

Give us fuel hoses! Like, flight-usable fuel hoses that EVA Kerbals can drag from one craft to another. That’s been something people here have been clamouring for for ages, and I really hope they can finally get some validation. 

so helpful instead ov making janky fuel transfer rovers or wierd docking ports

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9 hours ago, RyanRising said:

Give us fuel hoses! Like, flight-usable fuel hoses that EVA Kerbals can drag from one craft to another. That’s been something people here have been clamouring for for ages, and I really hope they can finally get some validation. 

I think there was some talking about that during one of the Pax Interviews with Nate Simpson.

Giving that resource collection will be a big part of the game as will be surface construction I would say that resource transfer between non-docked crafts is either something they already considered or the first problem arising from the first playtest.

15 hours ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

I wish in KSP2 engineers could take part parts and make new parts. Like if I want to get rid of my engine of fuel tanks to make something more useful of efficient in the situation that would be great. Or maybe a place where engineers can biuld stuff almost like a mini van that portable.

And to make stuff you need scrapes or ore.

We've seen that parts cost resources, we've seen that you can build a VAB everywhere, we know about the BAE (Building Assembly Editor) that's basically an istant "VAB scene" usable everywhere to build and modify bases and stations.

I wouldn't put some limited part switching/craft modifying ability during EVA that far outside the scope of what we've already seen, especially since they already have implemented the "VAB/BAE limited by resources/inventory" framework (they confirmed in some interview that the BAE will be inventory limited untill you can build your own modules and then become resource limited).

If not that I expect the ability to recover crafts at colonies to recycle the parts and/or directly modifying them, like adding a payload and a launch system to your Laythe reverse Shuttle (Orbit-surface-orbit instead of surface-orbit-surface).

It would be fantastic to have some correction/confirmation on this speculation of is not too spoilery @Nate Simpson .

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In KSP2 I heard there moving the NAV ball and other things. Maybe they could add in settings to set it to the original placing from KSP1. That would make players for, KSP1 to get used to KSP2 and make it easier for them to play.

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1 hour ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

In KSP2 I heard there moving the NAV ball and other things. Maybe they could add in settings to set it to the original placing from KSP1. That would make players for, KSP1 to get used to KSP2 and make it easier for them to play.

They already confirmed you'll be able to move the naval back in the middle of the screen.

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Little tip, y’all-

Nate Simpson and the team made a very good choice with the navball. I tried moving the navball over to the left side...and it is incredibly helpful! It makes landing easier, and you can see more of you craft. It takes a little bit to get used to the placement, but in the end it pays off. Try it out sometime!

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