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how many salty 9 year old kids will come to ksp2 and give a one star review because it "twoo hrad"?


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I think the Internet is mature (in time, not in actual maturity level) enough to survive people giving bad reviews to things for bad reasons.

Half the bad reviews on Amazon are because the item arrived too late or was broken in shipping. As if that's the item's fault.

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30 minutes ago, razark said:

Just wondering, how many crapped on KSP's rating?

Alright there, the advertisments will make every kids below the age of 10 (unless a nerd) go like

"waaaooo... dis gwaphicz ale amaling... aned thew isw expwosion..." and then after buying the'll be

"dwis gaem isw howwithle, itw's twoo hrad, i cwant ewen lawunch a wocket to jwuul. twats not fwornight, i cwant beelwd a skyswapper in wree sewonds, i wneed two uze my bwain. I'w wather pley footknigwt sezon twen" ... maybe i just need to parody 9 year olds but not play on OM (orbital mechanics) but again, a nerd like me will indeed enjoy it (until first SSTO challenge).

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7 hours ago, JERONIMO said:

how many salty 9 year old kids will come to ksp2 and give a one star review because it "twoo hrad"? ... a lot...

I wouldn't worry. The 9 year olds are all playing Fortnite and Roblox, not a more sophisticated thinking man's game like KSP

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7 hours ago, JERONIMO said:

cannot dissagree, but how many hacker will be in game multiplayer...

Your own dedicated server (hopefully they will provide this) with friends will fix that, or play single player..

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1 hour ago, 5thHorseman said:

I think the Internet is mature (in time, not in actual maturity level) enough to survive people giving bad reviews to things for bad reasons.

In general, yes, but today might not be the best time for this claim :D

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8 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

9 year olds just aren't interested in these kinds of games, they're interested in fortnite or minecraft, not a space simulator.

Minecraft and KSP both share a large core appeal point of building complex structures and machines out of discrete parts which are individually simple.

There is still a fair jump to make between the games, but with the success of private ventures in recent years the nicheness of spacefaring is fading away, so I don't think it's inconceivable that KSP2's fanbase could balloon with an influx of children. I expect most of them would be from the older 13-17 demographic though.

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10 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

9 year olds just aren't interested in these kinds of games, they're interested in fortnite or minecraft, not a space simulator.

My nephew is 8 and he is utterly fascinated with KSP. We built a Mun mission together and his mom had to tear him away from the computer.

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When I was 9 yrs old, I already memorized all the planet's name, including their satellites (so much that I answered my teacher's question as "Saturn" as soon as he said "Titan is..." before he finished the question), know about all probes that explored planets in the solar system, and when kids around my age enjoys reading comic, I instead get my first encyclopedia, which is about spaceflight from Sputnik era to Mir construction. When I entered college, I stumbled on KSP, and I still loved it, being a huge space nerd

It's not just about being impatient, it's about the passion

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Most nine year olds wont be too interested in this game,maybe they buy but then leave it forgoten due to it being to hard

And for the small section that survived the learning curve.....I doubt they will be inmature if they had the patience to learn how to play

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18 hours ago, JERONIMO said:

how many salty 9 year old kids will come to ksp2 and give a one star review because it "twoo hrad"? ... a lot...

how many panicky forum users are freaking out about ksp2 by making unfounded assumptions and misleading generalisations? ... at least one ...

EDIT: I'm somewhat surprised by all the doom and gloom prophecies that are popping up on the forums since KSP2 was announced... Time to spend a bit more time away from the screens my fellow humans :kiss:

Edited by Yakuzi
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12 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

I think the Internet is mature (in time, not in actual maturity level) enough to survive people giving bad reviews to things for bad reasons.

Half the bad reviews on Amazon are because the item arrived too late or was broken in shipping. As if that's the item's fault.


One star review: “I can’t plug it in, it requires batteries”

Maybe not verbatim but yes, I’ve seen tons of those as well.

Looking at comparable products on Steam I find it hard to believe it will be an issue. Nowadays people will probably go to Youtube or Twitch to see if a game would be interesting. I know I do.

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12 hours ago, JERONIMO said:

Alright there, the advertisments will make every kids below the age of 10 (unless a nerd) go like

"waaaooo... dis gwaphicz ale amaling... aned thew isw expwosion..." and then after buying the'll be

"dwis gaem isw howwithle, itw's twoo hrad, i cwant ewen lawunch a wocket to jwuul. twats not fwornight, i cwant beelwd a skyswapper in wree sewonds, i wneed two uze my bwain. I'w wather pley footknigwt sezon twen" ... maybe i just need to parody 9 year olds but not play on OM (orbital mechanics) but again, a nerd like me will indeed enjoy it (until first SSTO challenge).

oh gods the furries have taken over 

in other news, why is this a thread dangit

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If the tutorials are good enough then those that are interested, of whatever age, will learn.

KSP 1 has a very steep learning curve yes, and i doubt KSP 2 will be any easier, probably harder overall because 'more stuff'.  But with better learning tools climbing the curve can be a much easier experience without making the curve itself 'less steep'

tldr;  Decent tutorials will make a huge difference as to whether or not the 'semi interested' can do enough, soon enough, to keep them playing.

Edited by pandaman
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Such a biased generalization about 9 year olds is really not productive and I didn't expect such a statement coming out of this predominantly friendly community.

When I was that age I didn't have much patience to persevere through tough games, but I did enjoy watching my dad play them. Those are memories I'll cherrish forever.
Besides, it worked out in the end because some years later I beat those same games.

So even if such a 9 year old walkes away from KSP 2, they could very well come back to it later and fully enjoy them still.
Also, like most have already pointed out here, the developers have the intention to make KSP 2 more accessible than its predecessor.

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None. It just won't peak their interest, compared to other game adds. If you actually look at most game adds now, they are so hyperactive to try and get kids interested. It reminds me of the Nostalgia Critic review of Spy Kids 3-D, "I'm 3-D, I'm 3-D,  I'm 3-D!". It's both hilarious, and saddening at the same time. Whatever happened to sitting down for a few hours to watching intriguing episodes of the land of talking trains, for example. Now everything is so bouncy and bright, I feel like I'm going to throw up.


KSP 2 is for us older folk, and that isn't going to change any time soon.

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17 hours ago, SpaceFace545 said:

oh we can't

We should just make the game as complicated as we can to prevent the 9 year olds from getting pewdiepie interested in the game

Pewdiepie played KSP once. He loved it apparently, it's in a video. But I don't see 9 year olds review bombing this.


And if pewds played KSP 2 that would be awesome, and Devs get more funding. 

Remember, he doesn't follow trends. He started the minecraft resurgence you see now. More people get interested in this stuff. 

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12 minutes ago, M_Rat13 said:

KSP 2 is for us older folk, and that isn't going to change any time soon.

It's literally designed for kids, and maaaybe folks who enjoy kid stuff with a bit more "edge." It has little green men in it. The overly serious people spend their days complaining about the correct amount of resources in a life support mod instead of playing the game. 

And it has multiplayer now. In 2010s, a game without it would have very limited appeal to most kids. Most people even. But with co-op and base-building it has a really decent chance. And yes, it's challenging, but kids don't just play easy games. 9 year old is probably the lower boundary, but do expect plenty of early teens telling you to git gud on the forums.

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1 minute ago, ModZero said:

It's literally designed for kids, and maaaybe folks who enjoy kid stuff with a bit more "edge." It has little green men in it. The overly serious people spend their days complaining about the correct amount of resources in a life support mod instead of playing the game. 

And it has multiplayer now. In 2010s, a game without it would have very limited appeal to most kids. Most people even. But with co-op and base-building it has a really decent chance. And yes, it's challenging, but kids don't just play easy games. 9 year old is probably the lower boundary, but do expect plenty of early teens telling you to git gud on the forums.

The little green men seems more like a dad joke. I'll grant you, it doesn't take itself too seriously, but that doesn't mean adults can't be silly too, in fact, we need that more than anyone else.

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Just now, M_Rat13 said:

The little green men seems more like a dad joke. I'll grant you, it doesn't take itself too seriously, but that doesn't mean adults can't be silly too, in fact, we need that more than anyone else.

Can be silly, that's why so many of us enjoy kids stuff. Problems start when we try to own it, like with the entire "She-Ra isn't sexy enough" debacle, or, well, this thread.

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