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[WIP][DEV] KGEx (08 Mar 2020)


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KerGuise Experimental engineering (KGEx)

Brings you the Assortment Pack


Continuation of random parts by various (named) authors, now continued by zer0Kerbal with community support.

On the docket:

  • B9StockPatches
  • ProbiTronics
  • SIL
  • SIL patches
  • ScrapYard 1.9.1
  • OyScrap 1.9.1
  • MobileFrameSystem (someday)
  • KaizenKensai
  • DrKermnassusPartsEmporium
  • HotBeveragesIrradiated
  • Komplexity Komplex



This is where work on KGEx will be.

This thread is a WIP,


More Hitchhikers

  • 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732eKSP versionCKAN listedNonSoftwareLicense-CC--4.0--BY--SA-light
  • by zed'K
  • Module Manager patch to add fourteen (14) hitchhiker sizes.
  • Spacedock
  • CC BY-SA 4.0





for now here is a lovely screenshot(s):

tentative dance card (so far):

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flying lander --- using Nuke VTOL

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Source Code: Github repo.


Edited by zer0Kerbal
DaMichel's parts
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  On 9/15/2019 at 6:57 PM, Jesusthebird said:

Dark side and facing sun screenshots are really bad...jus sayin. I cant really tell what im looking at. Glad to see these mods supported again tho :kiss:


generally I agree - however, they do add a sense of mystery and foreshadowing. :)

DM's is almost ready to go, mostly it is just taking the time to get the threads and releases ready.

I plan on releasing these as a TWYLALTR packs - which takes allot more time to set up.

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  On 9/15/2019 at 8:02 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

generally I agree - however, they do add a sense of mystery and foreshadowing. :)

DM's is almost ready to go, mostly it is just taking the time to get the threads and releases ready.

I plan on releasing these as a TWYLALTR packs - which takes allot more time to set up.


Lol. So thats why you put in (named) authors. Carry on :D

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tentative list (so far):

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spend considerable time today polishing and prepping.

DaMichael's parts are ready to go, will probably be the first released. Permission has been given.

Duopods are now finally working, one though needs a depreciated part, so took a page out of @linuxgurugamer and provided a very familiar windows batch file to copy the needed stuff.



Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  • Basic Shielded PicoPort (+PART) RTG/Licence and permissions in order ( CC-BY-SA 4.0)
  • Docking Port Descriptions  by zed'K - Module Manager patch to add docking port sizes to parts descriptions. (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
  • Radial Heat Shields by OrionSpaceIndustries - "Tired of blowing up? Use RHS!" (CC-BY-SA 4.0) - needs a little polish, and some new textures, and the shieldedProbe is being operated on.
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Edited by zer0Kerbal
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New Parts (working on today)

Reized Hitchhiker's Passenger Cans. Is just a smaller hitchhikers (think I can do two sizes) - won't have an IVA (well, will leave the existing one).

Only issue is Restock.

Why not TweakScale? TweakScale does not scale Crew Capacity.

Proposed specification:? (PPD-10 is the HHSC) Maybe PPD-05 and PPD-01?

PPD-10 (Existing Stock Part):

  • crew: 4
  • 2.5m
  • TechRequired: spaceExploration
  • entryCost - 12400
  • cost = 4000
  • category = Utility
  • mass: 2.5


  • crew: 8
  • 5m
  • TechRequired:
  • entryCost -
  • cost =
  • category = Payload
  • mass: 5


  • crew: 6
  • 3.75m
  • TechRequired:
  • entryCost -
  • cost =
  • category = Payload
  • mass: 3.75


  • crew: 3
  • 1.875m
  • TechRequired:
  • entryCost - 9300
  • cost = 3000?
  • category = Payload
  • mass: 1.875


  • crew: 2
  • 1.25m
  • TechRequired:
  • entryCost - 4200
  • cost = 500?
  • category = Payload
  • mass: 0.625


  • crew: 1
  • 0.625m
  • TechRequired:
  • entryCost -
  • cost =
  • category = Payload
  • mass: 0.3125
Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  On 10/1/2019 at 7:30 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

Only issue is Restock.


ReStock should be able to be handled pretty easily with a blacklist/whitelist patch. That team did and excellent job of initially taking into consideration how to allow and not break other mods that need stock models/textures. ;)

They even did a full wiki page with excellent documentation on how to do the listing. Its even easier than an MM patch. ;)

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  On 10/1/2019 at 7:30 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

Why not TweakScale? TweakScale does not scale Crew Capacity.


That's the thing: TweakScale does scales Crew Capacity! :)

However, there's a mishbehaviour on the KSP U.I. (see Issue #44) that prevents TweakScale to scale up the Crew Capacity.

The code works (see this post), but only when scaling down! (i,e., you have a 4 seats part, when you scale it down to 50% you get 2 seats, and to 25% you get one sit), it's the scaling up that make KSP blows. I think that the U.I. code is hardcoded to the part's prefab data, not the living part. So scaling it "live" borks the U.I.

Edited by Lisias
Hit "save" too soon.
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  On 10/2/2019 at 12:57 AM, Lisias said:

That's the thing: TweakScale does scales Crew Capacity! :)

However, there's a mishbehaviour on the KSP U.I. (see Issue #44) that prevents TweakScale to scale up the Crew Capacity.

The code works (see this post), but only when scaling down! (i,e., you have a 4 seats part, when you scale it down to 50% you get 2 seats, and to 25% you get one sit), it's the scaling up that make KSP blows. I think that the U.I. code is hardcoded to the part's prefab data, not the living part. So scaling it "live" borks the U.I.


oops. excellent point. maybe 1.8/newer Unity/.NET will fix that. *knocking on wood*

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  On 10/1/2019 at 10:28 PM, Stone Blue said:

ReStock should be able to be handled pretty easily with a blacklist/whitelist patch. That team did and excellent job of initially taking into consideration how to allow and not break other mods that need stock models/textures. ;)

They even did a full wiki page with excellent documentation on how to do the listing. Its even easier than an MM patch. ;)


thought as much, just less experienced with editing ReStock. However, if I use :AFTER and :FIRST then should be easy peasy since default ReStock settings will carry through.

First set nearly done. That is a Mk1 pod on top and stock Hitchhikers model is lit. Now for the tall models.


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  On 10/2/2019 at 1:26 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

However, if I use :AFTER and :FIRST then should be easy peasy since default ReStock settings will carry through.


Well thats the thing, IIRC Restock has its own plugin, that uses its own file extensions for white/black lists, so it has nothing to do with MM patching, hence the order of MM patches doesnt matter. What could cause issues if there are other mods patching stock files.

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 10/2/2019 at 2:02 AM, Stone Blue said:

Well thats the thing, IIRC Restock has its own plugin, that uses its own file extensions for white/black lists, so it has nothing to do with MM patching, hence the order of MM patches doesnt matter. What could cause issues if there are other mods patching stock files.


good to know that - since ReStock is next (just have to do the CLS patches)

Okay all versions/models are now representing correctly and all nodes are in their places.

Here is the full stack, unless you want some pancakes? :P

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KerbGuise Experimental engineering (KGEx)

Brings you:

More Hitchhikers by zer0Kerbal

v1.0.0.0 for KSP v1.7.x

MoreHitchhikers version KSP version CKAN listed NonSoftware License CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA

More Hitchhikers (MHH)

Adds nine (9) stock parts to Kerbal Space Program

More Hitchhikers



  • 1.25m [PPD-01 ] x1 kerbal HSC
  • 1.25m [PPD-02 ] x2 kerbals
  • 1.875m [PPD-05 ] x3 kerbal HSC
  • 1.875m [PPD-05t] x4 kerbal HSC (tall)
  • 2.5m [PPD-10t] x5 kerbal HSC (tall)
  • 3.75m [PPD-15 ] x6 kerbal HSC
  • 3.75m [PPD-15t] x7 kerbal HSC (tall)
  • 5m [PPD-20] x8 kerbal HSC
  • 5m [PPD-20t ] x10 kerbal HSC (tall)
  • patch to move all Hitchhiker's Storage Containers into Payload from Utility.


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Changelog Summary

See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes

UPDATE: have attempted to include an USI-LS patch. Updated .zip on github with it. YMMV and probably needs some fine tuning.


  • Kerbal Space Program v1.7.x, may work on earlier versions
  • ModuleManager


  • On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled
  • KGEx (coming soon)
  • KGEx DuoPods (coming soon)
  • Hot Beverages Irradiated (coming soon)

    Kerbal Change Log


  • Connected Living Space
  • Kerbalism

Known issues:

 * Restock lighting has gone nuclear.
 * Only uses stock IVA - no additional IVA's are supplied.


CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

You may modify for personal use. You may redistribute content with attribution to original author zer0Kerbal, plus any other attribution where required. You must redistribute under identical license, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/


Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

v1.0.0.0 original: 01 Oct 2019 zed'K | updated: 01 Oct 2019 zed'K


Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  On 10/2/2019 at 11:10 AM, Dante80 said:

Trying to test them. I do get the switch of the stock hitchhiker to the payload category, but none of the other parts show up in the editor.

MM, KSP logs + gamedata folder here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/u1a0q74bzdulczb/logs-Dante80.zip/file


my only guess is ReStock.

try adding this patch to the KGEx/MoreHitchhikers/MM-Patch directory:

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I am planning on working on the ReStock issue later today so that this mod uses ReStock textures etc when ReStock is installed.

@Dante80 PS - all other patches and stuff looks like it is being handled correctly by your system. Just can't find the model/textures because ReStock has deleted them.

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Yep, that fixed it for me. They look great. Will fiddle with the habitat numbers for balance purposes (these are essentially tuna cans with Kerbals inside). Having those with restock textures (and the four subtypes they provide for part ends) would be terrific!

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  On 10/2/2019 at 1:10 PM, Dante80 said:

Yep, that fixed it for me. They look great. Will fiddle with the habitat numbers for balance purposes (these are essentially tuna cans with Kerbals inside). Having those with restock textures (and the four subtypes they provide for part ends) would be terrific!


Thought as much (ReStock). Thank you.

kindly tell me any balance/other changes so I can incorporate them. Would love to see some variations in the flavor text (Bob was eating his canned beans and thought why not scale it up and stick a kerbal in it. Maybe that explains why the PPD-01 smells of baked beans.)

Will have an update up later today (v1.0.0.3) that includes a replacement for ReStock whitelisting - and instead has a ReStock patch for each of the parts (s.i.c.). This means you can delete the patch I gave you once you have the new patches (which are up on GitHub \MM-Patches\ReStock\).

four subtypes? I thought @Nertea only did that with SSPX?

I did think about doing a 'short' version as well - what do you think? would only be for the 1.875m, 2.5m, 3.75m, and 5m sizes (about half the height of the normal in that size)


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I will play with the USI habitat stats and post them here. I would want this to be balanced against other parts when used for supporting kerbals.

With regards to subtypes, here is how the stock Hitchhiker looks to me ingame.


Maybe its Restock+ (I have also that installed). I don't really care for the subtypes, just a suggestion. Having the Restock default texture in would be enough for me.

Half length sounds good, but you would be getting too many parts to unlock and use at that point imo (personally, I'll only ever use the two 1.25 parts).


Again, many thanks for the work!

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maybe three tuna cans... :P:o will decide later. *chuckle* I did go a little above what you had asked for. *chuckle*

Hmmm... will look into the subtypes and see if can include. shouldn't be ... well, will decide how hard it will be after it is done. :P


has all the latest.

Any other stats (cost, weight, etc et al) please do post. I will update the spreadsheet and repost a image clip of it.

you are most certainly welcome. I learned some and had some fun.

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  On 10/2/2019 at 2:03 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

Hmmm... will look into the subtypes and see if can include. shouldn't be ... well, will decide how hard it will be after it is done. :P


It isn't ReStock or ReStock+ that is allowing you to change your endcaps - it is SSPXr. Will see if can put together a patch for MHH that does the same.

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