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[1.12.x] Crew Light Relit


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Forum user @li0n is moving on, and asked that I take this over.  Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154901-*

The goal of this mod is to automatize, as much as possible, the lights of your vessels (and of kerbal's helmet).

Every part that currently hold crew gets its lights turning on



Lights react to the sunshine




And to depth

GIF incoming...


When approaching a distant vessel its lights will blink, sending you a welcoming message in Morse code


Kerbal on EVA can toggle lights



Lights can have a motion detector set up




Youtube review by @Kottabos :


How does it works ?

Vessel's lights are divided into 3 groups :

  • Lights of crew-able part :
    • They will remain off until a kerbal gets on-board
  • Lights NOT in the light action group : (and kerbal's helmet light)
    • They'll go on when the sun's fall, off when it rises
  • Other Lights :
    • They will work as usual, toggling by the light action group

This mod rely on the light action group to determine which light belongs to which group, in stock KSP you can change action group only in the editor, so no lights on all crafts already launched will react to the sun rising/falling. To change action group in flight you will need the mod Action Groups Extended, by @Diazo.

And an enhanced support of the mod Aviation Lights by @BigNose, maintained by @MOARdV :

  • By default its navigation and strobe light will get turned on at night using the custom blinking light provided by AviationLights, flash, double flash, interval. This is configurable, per light, in the setting file.
  • The beacon light will stay off until you push the throttle, acting as a real warning light

And it now support Kerbal Electric (a set of tweak-able and very cool lights) :

How to modify how it works ?

Most of the function can be disabled, or tweaked, directly from the in-game settings screen :
There's also some extra option for the Morse Code message.
Due to limitation of the stock settings menu (or limitation to my modding skill :p ) it's a bit tricky to access it : in the settings screen enable the "More Morse Settings", hit accept, twice, and you got it.

Here you can change the morse message send by distant vessel as you approach them. And the timing for the different symbol (they are sync to the dit duration unless you check manual timing).


What is needed ?

ModuleManager is the only dependency, all credits go to @ialdabaoth and @sarbian


Know issues :

Lights on kerbal's helmet don't turn on/off as the sun rises/falls. Lights will be turned on if the kerbal disembark in the dark but status of the sunlight won't be checked after that.

The range sphere of the Motion Detector is offset from the light position only for the stock light, for others the sphere center is at the light position.


What to do if it doesn't work ?

Report it to Github or on this thread.




Edited by linuxgurugamer
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When @Li0n announced their retirement from modding and that this mod was up for adoption, I immediately thought about whether you would take this over. I never would think of asking you, because you already have so many mods in your stable, that it isn't fair to even suggest that you grab another. But I am very glad you did. This is a great QoL mod that works so well with so many other mods, like indicator lights. Thank you, @linuxgurugamer, for once again saving another mod from the bin.

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, eightiesboi said:

It's already on CKAN. It's under Crew Light. It's been listed as compatible with 1.7.3 since at least the 18th of September.

Oh, cool, my apologies, the mod description there links to the old thread and also the name there does not include the "relit" so I assumed it was the old version. Many thanks

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3 hours ago, avalancha said:

Oh, cool, my apologies, the mod description there links to the old thread and also the name there does not include the "relit" so I assumed it was the old version. Many thanks

No worries... I had used the original in the past and saw that it updated under the same name or I probably would have been wondering the same thing. :)

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hi , first sorry for my stupid question and for my very bad english

automatic lighting pod seem don't work for me ( only the "Mk1-3 Command Pod" seem work well , i try test all part crew-able but i can miss some part)


Making History 1.7.1

Breaking Ground 1.2.0

Language : French

mod used for this test

Mod DLLs found:
Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0
ModuleManager v4.0.3.0
MiniAVC v1.2.0.6
ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.7.2 / v1.0.0.0
MiniAVC v1.2.0.6
CrewLight v1.19.1.0
KspPlayers v0.23.0.0
MiniAVC v1.2.0.6
Stock assembly: KSPSteamCtrlr v0.0.1.35

i have not found ERR in KSP.log file (except for a problem with the steam api)

I'm the only one with this problem ?, is there any way I can be fixed on my side (if so, don't hesitate to give a detailed explanation, i am not a mod maker and my english is bad .... but you have see with this post ;) ) ?

Thanks you in advance.

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5 hours ago, Erazil said:

have not found ERR in KSP.log file (except for a problem with the steam api)

I'm the only one with this problem ?, is there any way I can be fixed on my side (if so, don't hesitate to give a detailed explanation, i am not a mod maker and my english is bad .... but you have see with this post ;) ) ?

Please provide a link to the log file (output_file.log is preferable). 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, Dr. TarB said:

Hmmm, it's strange 'cause for me it looks like this:

  Reveal hidden contents


And it's still so after some refreshes...

I see, you are still on  KSP 1.6.1? The data shown there is the one of the latest compatible version, which is v1.19 for KSP 1.6.1.
Version v1.19 was still released by Li0n.

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8 minutes ago, Dr. TarB said:

No, I'm on 1.7.3 and I enabled 1.8 in compatible versions.

You have 1.6 selected as compatible KSP version too, right?

The version ordering was wrong in the metadata, because during the transition to @linuxgurugamer as maintainer, the 'v' prefix has been lost.
So CKAN thought v1.19 was the newest compatible version, despite it isn't.
I fixed the version ordering, if you refresh once again now, it should display the right links.

Edited by DasSkelett
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  • 1 month later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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